Toldos Everight

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Toldos Everight





Everight Family




House Everight

First Appearance

Chapter 7.30

Toldos Everight was the old Lord and sole heir of House Everight, before perishing in combat, thus ending the Everight bloodline with him.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

He was an old man with white hair and a trick leg advanced with a limp. He walked with a sword-cane, and while he wore magnificent clothes, they were also old as they were heirlooms with weakened enchantments as the fabric fraying despite best efforts to keep them maintained.[1]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Background[edit | edit source]

Toldos lived in House Everight which border the sea, but since his lands were on the eastern side of Izril, it wasn’t part of the Baleros-Chandrar-Terandria circuit that [Merchants] liked to get to. Hither to this point, he had relied on Invrisil for trade.[2]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

TBA From Chapter 7.30


TBA From Chapter 7.31


After the deal for delivery services with Erin's Magical Door went trough, he sent some clams from his coastal holdings to her as thanks for getting him some much-needed tools, cheap from Esthelm.[2]


TBA From Chapter 7.58

Epilogue[edit | edit source]

Around a day after his dead, Lord Alman Sanito and his wife would go to Invrisil to begin preparing his body for the funeral.

Later on, when Drassi showed up on Wistram News Network to announce the conclusion about the Wind Runner of Reizmelt delivering the cure to House Veltras, she would list the confirmed deaths from the fighting, and name Lord Toldos, the [Lord] and sole heir of House Everight, among them.[3]


After a night had passed since the run, while Erin was talking with the Brothers, she would tell them that she was going to the funeral of all those who died because she had asked them to fight, which include Lord Toldos.

Because Lord Toldos was a significant person known personally by Erin, a lifelike colorless statue of him would be present on the hill, in the [Garden of Sanctuary]. His statue would have him siting on a bench, in a moment that had never happened, but might have, with a half-relaxed look, turned to talk with a statue of Teor beside him as a statue of Redit looked ahead, perhaps watching something. Teor-statue would have his tricorne in his hands, and an earnest look on his face as he spoke to the old [Lord].

Erin would show their statues, and that of the others who died in the fighting, to the Brothers, Lord Alman and House Everight's retainers, which pleases them.[4]


TBA From Chapter 7.61


TBA From Chapter 7.62


Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Lord] Lv. ?

Trivial[edit | edit source]

  • While he appeared for the first time among the other local [Lords] in Ch 7.30, his name was revealed in Ch 7.31.
  • Despite coming from a minor noble house, he was known to Wistram.[1]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • (To Magnolia) “That is a coward’s act. So I believe, Lady Reinhart. I stand by the rose I sent myself. And I was not there that day. I would never deny the truth of your bravery. Then. Now—I question your honor.”
  • (To his peers) “She’s miscalculated. Magnolia likes tidy plans. She doesn’t know riots. She might send her golems in after us, but I think she’s lost control.”
  • (To Bethal) “She charged them under the flag of truce. Who is that young woman who saved us, Bethal?”
  • To Erin:
    • “I am Lord Toldos of House Everight. I am in your debt—Lady Solstice?”
    • “Does this come from a blue…fruit with a toxic center, Miss? I know it germinates in southern Izril. It comes so dear up north.”
    • “It was a fool’s errand, I suppose. Still—if we hadn’t angered her…the riots were our fault. She would have listened to reason if…”
    • “Miss Erin. We have debts to pay, it seems. We have erred gravely. Had our [Ladies] spoken to us—or been with us still—”
    • “—We would have known better. Age makes fools of better men than I. But I hope you will at least listen to our request. Would you…care to discuss a business offer that might solve our woes? It stands to benefit you as well.”
  • (To his retainers) “House Everight ends with me. And I will not cower or flee Invrisil twice. Advance!

References[edit | edit source]