Skills, are a function that exists within the Grand Design that governs Innworld.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Skills are magic-like abilities that are intended to exceed one’s limits, such as allowing someone to transcend their hardest strike and turn it into something even stronger.[1] They were originally based on the Gods' ability to change reality.[2]
Skills are more basic with lower levels and gain power or scope with higher levels. When attempting to influence other beings with high levels and/or Skills, the effects may be lessened or canceled.[3]
Skills can improve one’s ability greatly and even give them the means to do things they would never be able to do normally, like fish, work metal, or even fight. But a Skill improves on what was already there. For example, if two [Warriors] with the same levels and Skills fought, the one who had trained longer and had more actual combat experience would inevitably prevail. Similarly, if someone had [Basic Cooking], but they had never made food, all their cooking would be just that: basic.[4]
There are many types of Skills that not only affects the user's body but also their possessions, companions and bounded creature, other living beings like people and plants, building structures, transports, one's territory and even battlefields.
Obtaining Skills[edit | edit source]
To obtain Skills, one needs to have at least the basic of knowledge of said skills, or by having fulfilled some type of requirements. When these condition are fulfilled, one will obtain the Skills when they either get a Class or level their Class, or by advancing their knowledge of said skills.
Just like Classes, most Skills are acquired often in line with the user’s desires.[5] One is guaranteed of recieving at least one good Skill for every 10 levels of one Class leveling,[6]and after level 50, very single level grants at least one Skill, as long as the reciver does not preemptivly recieves too many.[7][8] And again just like Classes, one can cancel the obtaining of Skills.[1]
In the original inception of the levelling rules, there used to be a miniscule, 0.00001% chance of obtaining a Skill of any level. This caused problems such as children obtaining very high level Skills, so level caps were introduced by the Grand Design. Now, one can only obtain Skills up to twenty levels above their highest class.[9]
Learning Skills[edit | edit source]
Less common, perhaps even a secret to the System, is that Skills can be learned and the System tells them that the Skill is "Learned" instead of "Obtained". To learn Skills, one doesn't necessarily have to raise a level but does have to learn and perform the Skill once on their own. This is often related to the creation of new Skills. To create a Skill of great power, there is a cost, and the greater the cost, the more powerful the resulting Skill.[8]
Examples of learned Skills:
- Erin - [Immortal Moment][10]
- Erin - [Power Strike][11]
- Ryoka - [Indominable Will][11] (cancelled)
- Erin - [Wondrous Fare][12]
Losing Skills[edit | edit source]
When one loses their class due to failing their Class conditions, they will also lose all Skills that were related to the Class.[13] However, should they be able to restore the Class by meeting its conditions again, then all lost Skills will be restored as well.[14] Skills may also be lost when one loses levels from Revival.
Just like classes, Skills can also be lost by obtaining and increasing Horror Ranks. While one does not lose all their Skills from the start, as the Horror Ranks keep increasing and their class(es)' levels keep degrading, they begin losing their Skills.[15] It is unknown if redeeming Horror Ranks will restore one's Skills or not.
Advancing Skills[edit | edit source]
Skills can be strengthened in a variety of ways.
One way is, as stated above, to keep improving one’s ability. When doing so one’s Skill power increases, and can even affect some of the Skill limitations like the use limit increases, or the cooldown decreases.
Another way is by leveling one's Class, as the higher the level is, the stronger the Skill becomes. For example: A Level 10 [Lady] who has [Deft Hand] can knock over something like a cup, or stop one from falling, but at higher levels, the Skill is strengthened to the point that it can divert a shower of ordinary arrows, and even change the direction of a cavalry charge.[16]
Continuing to improving one’s ability, leveling one’s Class, or fulfilling some type of requirements can also change the Skill into an advanced version of it, with greater power and lesser limitations. As an example, [Power Strike] can advance and change into [Minotaur Punch].[17]
Skills Usage[edit | edit source]
Some Skills are always active, such as [Greater Strength]. Other Skills require certain conditions to use effectively, such as the [Bard] skill [Lightning Melody], which can pull down lightning in a minute or less of playing if the air is charged with static (e.g. before or during a storm). Otherwise, they may have to play several for minutes, maybe even half an hour to call down even one measly bolt.[18] Other Skills need specific conditions to such as a [Lady's] Skills which only work if the user is sufficiently ladylike.[19] Speaking Skills is not necessary in order to use them, though most people do so anyways.
Certain outside conditions can also affect a Skill's performance and ability. For example, [Lightning Melody] uses static electricity in the air to create lightning bolts, meaning that the level of electrical charge in the area can change how long it takes the lightning bolt to be released and how powerful it will be.
Skills Limitations[edit | edit source]
While there are Skills that are always active or can be used all the time, there are others that have a cooldown period after being used a certain number of times.
Higher-level people can apply their Skills over large distances or through a scrying orb.[20]
If someone is under the effects of multiple overlapping Skills effects, they can become nauseous.[21]
Powerful users of Aura, as many high-level people are, can resist or ignore the effects of many Skills by sheer weight of ego and repudiation. Rulebreakers, or people who deliberately do not have classes or levels, are also highly resistant to Skills.
Combination Skills[edit | edit source]
Combination Skills occur when two or more people use their Skills at the same time, to combine and increase the power of their Skills. Sometimes, a Combination Skill can be re-used by any one of the people who created it, like [Meteor Guardbreaker Shot]. Sometimes, it requires all of them to work together each time, like [Bolt from the Heavens].
Combination Skills are usually learnt by accident. For instance, if four [Warriors] use [Speed Slash] in combat, they can trigger one.[22]
Temporary Skills[edit | edit source]
Some Skills can grant Temporary Skills to others. For example, the [Boon of the Princess] skill is able to grant skills like [Barkfur] and [Lesser Strength] to another person. These temporary Skills disappear once the [Boon] is rescinded.[23] Another Skill in the same area, [Army of the King], grants temporary levels and Skills as well.
Temporary Skills and classes can also be handed out in the commission of a <Quest>, when unknown conditions are met.
The notification for these Skills may say "[(Skill) assigned!]" instead of "[(Skill) obtained!].
Inheritance Skills[edit | edit source]
Skills such as the [Garden of Sanctuary], [The Courier's Last Road] and [The Labyrinth of Fithel], are once per generation Skills meaning only one person can have them at a time,[24] though the Grand Design does not count these as unique (colored). In some cases, Inheritance Skills can be stolen or recreated, seen with the Molten Stone Tribe using Level 30+ [Masons] and a blueprint to construct [The Labyrinth of Fithel] by hand.
Many, if not all Inheritance Skills are specific places or institutions created by a Skill, such as the [World's Eye Theatre] or [The Bridge of Lands, Teylas Donethil].
Inheritance Skills may also refer to Skills that pass down a parent's traits to their children, such as [Adroit Progeny], or to a special kind of Skill available to [Heiresses] or other such classes, like [Inheritance - Shadow of His Name].[25]
Legacy Skills[edit | edit source]
Examples of Legacy Skills are [Legacy - Long-ranged Shot], [Legacy - Pinpoint Arrows], and [Legacy - Wings of Escieda].
Legacy Skills are similar to Inheritance Skills. Though they can be inherited much more easily and grow stronger with each user. They can apparently be lost or destroyed entirely if everybody forgets about the Legacy in question. They may be seen in [Avengers] who carry on a mantle, or in those who descend from a significant bloodline.
Another subset of Legacy Skills are [Legacy Whispers]. These provide cryptic clues about a quest someone is on or a legacy they are trying to reclaim. Examples include [Legacy Whispers: The Heartflame Set] and [Legacy: Find the Dragon's Grave].
Vows[edit | edit source]
Vows are "declared" or "sworn", and provide special Skills outside of those obtained through leveling. [Monks] as a class swear many comprehensive vows, such as [Vow of Poverty] or [Vow of Privation], and obtain Skills like [Lesser Strength], [Lesser Speed], and so on in return; these Skills will grow to greater heights over time.
More specialized Vows also exist, such as [Vow of the Bladeless Smith], [Vow of Rivals: First Blow], or [Vow: I Will Find Her Bones, or Perish Searching].
Conditional Skills[edit | edit source]
Not much is currently known about Conditional Skills. Presumable, they have conditions for when they can be used. One example is [Conditional Skill - Lover's Lucky Charm].
Mischief Skills[edit | edit source]
Mischief Skills are available to [Prankster] classes and the like if they have a Skill such as [Mischief Bank]. By storing up the results of their antics, they can power the use of higher-level Skills like [Wings Upon Ice], [Royal Slash], or [Spell: Rampant Magic].
[edit | edit source]
Shared Skills arise when someone becomes able to use a Skill that does not belong to them. This may be because they are part of a [Unitasis Network] and can use [Unitasis Shared Skills], or the Linked Skills employed by the Antinium Queens. It may also be because of the peculiar nature of their self, as is the case for the [Manifold Emperor of Bounded Threads], who can use the Skills of each of their constituent heads when they are being worn. There are also Skills that can be used to share other Skills, such as [Delegate Skill] or [Mount and Rider: Shared Skills].
Synergy Skills[edit | edit source]
A formerly-unimplemented mechanic add by the Grand Design. Synergy Skills allow one to level in a class and be granted Skills related to another class that they possess. Some examples include [Synergy Skill - Innkeeper: Lease Lesser Room] (from [Witch] and [Innkeeper]), [Synergy Skill - Mind Shield: Eldritch Inscriptions] (from [Witch] and [Translator]), and [Synergy Skill - Undead: Duelist Instincts] (from [Necromancer] and [Duelist]).
Ward Skills[edit | edit source]
Classes such as [Wardchild] can gain Ward Skills, which draw on a person's relationship to a designated <Guardian: (Name)>, granting special Skills related to that guardian's abilities. For example, the ward of an [Alchemist] may gain [Ward Skill - Item: Potion of Growth].
Skill Schools[edit | edit source]
Under some circumstances, Skills are organized into cohesive Skill Schools, which share a common designation. The only confirmed examples so far are sword-schools such as [Silver Illusion] and [Countless Keys], although Skills like [World Traveller] or [The Perfect Thief] may also qualify. These may be received as a [Heritage] if unknown conditions are met.
Colored Skills[edit | edit source]
Some Skills appear in certain colors which represents specific categories.
Skill Color | Description |
Green | Newly created Classes and Skills in the System. Also known as Original Skills. (Click Here to see Original Skills Creators) |
Orange | Tied to fame and reputation. Also known as Fame or Yellat Skills. Examples include [Famous Name] and [Intimidation: Spear of a Thousand Graves]. Also used for <Titles> and [Title Skills]. |
Golden | Tied to royal or holy Skills. Golden Skills differ from Purple Skills as they are granted to you based on the faith people put into you, fueling their obtainment and creation. |
Red | Tradeoff Skills that comes with ill consequences that range from morally corrupting the User to shortening their lifespan until their death. Unlike other Skills, they cannot be refused from being obtained by the System. Also known as Blood Skills. Examples include [Berserker's Rage], [They Walk With Me], [Condition: Master's Sympathy], and [Condition: Haze of Delirium]. |
Blue | Blue represents both restoration and resolution. This includes the removal of Blood Skills and deleterious Conditions, the loss of Blood Classes, and the restoration of Lost Skills, as well as the declaration of a Vow, or (sometimes) the learning of a Skill like [Deep Breath]. Classes like [Templar] have been shown to reliably gain Blue Skills in the form of [My Noble Virtue(s)]. |
Purple | Skills which are granted to an individual by virtue of their position, not their actions.[26] In other words, they are Authority Skills.[27] Examples include [Open the Vaults] and [Order - Induction: Royal Bodyguard]. |
List of Skills - Alphabetical Order[edit | edit source]
Note: while several of these are listed alongside a class, they are not necessarily exclusive to that class. Additionally, some Skills such as [Fake Smile] and [Eagle Eye] are often listed without brackets.
#[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[120% Draw] | Chapter 9.41 (Pt. 3) | |
[140% Shot] | 10.27 GMG |
Skill Effect Navigation |
# • A • B • C • D • E • F • G • H • I • J • K • L • M • N • O • P • Q • R • S • T • U • V • W • X • Y • Z |
A[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[A Bottle A Day: Ink] |
Satar |
[A Bullet A Day: Armor Piercing Round] | Once a day, conjures a bullet capable of piercing armor. | 7.36 C |
[A Crack in Morality] | Plants doubts in the target's values and principles, so that they can be corrupted. | 8.53 FH |
[A Drop A Day] | Once a day, conjure a single drop from a Specified Liquid available to the User. The drop can be further enchanted with other Skills/Spells Effects. |
9.40 GG |
[A Fine Copy] | Recreates a target object and its functionalities. The copy lasts for 30 minutes. | 9.67 (Pt. 1) |
[A Finger's Discount] | ||
[A Fraction of My Experience] | Grants soldiers under the user's command a fraction of the user's battle-understanding and knowledge. | 8.26 FK |
[A Gradual Change of Disposition] | A city-wide effect that slowly changes people's attitude towards something. | 8.05 I |
[A Heavy Blow] | 9.41 (Pt. 2) | |
[A Kingdom’s Strength] | A King's Skill that increases their strength in proportion to the size of their kingdom | 7.10 K |
[A Knight’s Duel] | Forces someone with a [Knight] Class to accept a duel with the user. | 8.46 G |
[A Little Bit of Courage] | Bestows a little courage onto the recipient. | 7.23 LM |
[A Magical Gift] | Once a week, a gift appears with the name of someone who the User was thinking that needed help. The User does not know what is inside the gift, only that it was always a little gift, something the recipient wanted, like a cream that took away the pain, or a pair of shoes. |
9.45 GT |
[A Minute, Reborn] | Allows a Ghost to temporarily take control over the User's body for one minute, during which they can use the Skills they had in life. The User can only use it once a day for each different Ghost. Duration of possession slightly increases as the User levels up. |
Numbtongue (Pt.2) 6.38 8.17 H |
[A Missing Entry, Filled] | ||
[A Missing Passage, Revealed] | Erase any falsehoods in written passages about historical accounts that the User wrote themselves, even if they were not aware that they were false, by having the offending lines cross themselves out, then slowly faded away, leaving only the true. The User can then fill the missing line with the correct ones, but they need to know them and be specific with their writing, as the Skill will prevent them from filling them with incorrect ones. |
8.66 |
[A Necessary Discussion] | Forces a discussion with the recipient, preventing them from leaving. | 8.24 |
[A Pact of Trust] | ||
[A Polite Inquiry] | ||
[A Refreshing Repast] | 8.73 R | |
[A Scroll A Day: Parchment] | Innovation and Invention | |
[A Second of Time] | Slows whoever the User cuts. | 9.30 |
[A Sound Reasoning] | ||
[A Storm at Our Backs] | Conjures a storm behind the user. | 8.57 H |
[A Taste of Generations] | A Cooking Skill that is passed down across those who cook in the same way with the same method as their forefathers, which gives the cooked food the same quality and taste as the first generation. | 9.36 HO |
[Abler Bodied Animals (Ants)] | Hectval (Pt. 2) | |
[Above Common Law] | ||
[Absorb Blow] | ||
[Accelerated Spellsling] | ||
[Accelerated Sprint] | Increases running movement even when tired. | 8.15 |
[Accelerated Throw] | ||
[Accident Prevention] | Innovation and Invention | |
[Accident Protection: Monsters] | Adventurers (Pt. 1) | |
[Accident: Flameproof] | Prevents damage from fire, including magical flames. | 9.66 |
[Acrobat's Form] | Presumably grants the user the form of an acrobat. | 7.47 K |
[Activate Artifact: Incredible Effect] | ||
[Adamantium's Guard] | ||
[Adept Haggler] (Alchemy) |
9.54 C | |
[Adept Iceform] | Enables better construction of ice constructs | 6.67 8.36 H |
[Adrenaline Rush] | 8.39 | |
[Adroit Progeny] | Ensures certain features are inherited by children such as fighting ability or beauty. | The Titan’s Question |
[Advanced Alchemy] | 9.54 C | |
[Advanced Butchery] | ||
[Advanced Cleaning] | Swiftly cleans up messes to a magical degree, clearing areas that were untouched by the cleaning tool. Upgraded from [Basic Cleaning]. | 2.18 2.37 |
[Advanced Cooking] | Helps with cooking complex dishes faster. Also comes with an intuitive understanding of how some ingredients would work together. | 2.20 |
[Advanced Crafting] | Assists with assembling more complex items with greater ease. | 2.17 |
[Advanced Dangersense] | An upgrade of [Dangersense], which alerts to potential threats in the vicinity. | 8.42 |
[Advanced Golem Shaping] | 8.64 K | |
[Advanced Organ Transplant] | 9.22 GN | |
[Advanced Proficiency: Boxing] | The User gains the fighting techniques of a boxer. | 10.32 – Pt. 2 |
[Advanced Stitching] | ||
[Advanced Trapsense] | ||
[Advantage: The Unchained] | Boost the speed and strength of the allies against current and former [Slaves] | 8.57 H |
[Aegis of Grace] | Wards off any settlement affiliated with the user against attack from unsavory groups or monsters. | 4.44 M |
[Aegis of my Contempt] | Wards allies against remote Skills and magic within a radius of at least a thousand paces from the User. | 9.41 (Pt. 3) |
[Aegis of the Marty: The Form of Galuc] | The User gains the body of Galuc. | 10.32 – Pt. 2 |
[Aerial Boost] | The User's flying mount gains a burst of speed. | The Pilot and the Knight |
[Aerial Craft: Override Controls] | ||
[Aerial Dance: Waterfall Strikes] | Strikes multiple blows onto a large target while moving downward. User takes the appearance of a blur while the Skill is active. | 6.22 D |
[Aerial Dodge] | Allows dodging in midair. | 8.45 O |
[Aerial Foothold] | 9.35 O | |
[Aerial Viewpoint] | The User can view themselves and their surroundings. | Gravesong Book One |
[Aeriform Palm] | Perform a long-range palm strike. | 8.54 |
[Aeriform Punch] | Perform a long-range punch attack. | 8.58 PFH |
[Aeriform Shockwave] | A strong punching technique that can be used to form a projectile with the shockwave. | 6.15 K |
[Affair of Honor] | Prevents retreat under dishonorable circumstances. | 4.06 KM |
[Again, and Again, and Ever Again] | 9.41 (Pt. 3) 9.66 | |
[Agile Flier] | Facilitates better flying agility | 6.08 |
[Agreement of Stories] | ||
[Aileron Roll] | The User's flying ride performs an Aileron roll. | |
[Airburst Fist] | A blast of wind launches out from the User's punch. | 10.24 E |
[Aircraft: High Impact Rounds] | ||
[Alchemical Coating: Dullwit’s Liquor] | Coats the User's weapon in the alchemical product. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[Alchemy: Shortened Span] | Shortens the span of potion's effect. | 7.59 |
[Alcohol Brewer] | Provides general knowledge of brewing alcoholic beverages such as necessary ingredients or fermentation time. | 1.22 |
[Alcohol Immunity] | A passive Skill that renders the user immune to alcohol effects. Can be turned on and off. |
2.01 |
[All Plans Fall to Dust And Ruin] (Chess) |
9.20 | |
[All Terrain Step] | ||
[All-or-Nothing Charge] [All or Nothing Charge] |
5.62 | |
[All-Terrain Riders] | 8.78 F | |
[Allied Distress Call] | ||
[Alter Ego] [Alter Ego: (Person)] |
8.68 | |
[Alter Mechanism] | Hands materialize to operate a mechanism. | 9.65 |
[Ambient Mana Gatherer] | 7.19 | |
[Ambition Visualized] | For [Architects], manifests their vision of architecture | 7.23 LM |
[Amateur Linguist] | A passive skill that allows for better processing and understanding of languages. | 1.03 D |
[Ambient Focus: Grass] | 8.43 | |
[Ammunition: Doubled Velocity] | 8.77 B | |
[An Apple A Day] | A supply-type Skill that creates a real apple. Very rare. | 10.01 L |
[An Opening Slash] | 9.35 O | |
[An Uncourteous Act, Rebuked] | 10.14 | |
[Analysis: Origin of Injury] | 9.40 GG | |
[Analysis: Vision of Greatest Battle] | When used on a recipient, the user experiences a stimulation of a battle between the user, the recipient, and their allies. Has a cooldown period of 38 minutes. | 8.30 |
[Analyze Object] | 9.39 | |
[Anchor Balance] | Keeps the user in a suitable upright and steady form, or adjusts them so when they are off-balanced. | 8.51 D |
[Anchor Lash] | Summons anchors to lash around the target. | Strategists at Sea (Pt. 2) |
[Anchor Line] | 8.64 K | |
[Anchoring Shot] | 9.41 (Pt. 3) | |
[Anchoring Stab] | When the User stabs the Target, it makes them stay in place. For example, the Target cannot teleport away. | 8.85 |
[Angle Cut] | ||
[Animal Respect: Friend by Deed] | 9.36 HO | |
[Animals: Basic Command] | Allows limited influence over animals | 4.21 E |
[Animate Corpse] | ||
[Animate Undead] (Objects) |
[Antiseptic Jab] | The User stabs with a pointy instrument and kills microbes, preventing infection. | Vengeance and Talking |
[Antinium-Expertise Command] | Non-Antinium forces under the User's command become proficient in subterranean expertise like an actual Antinium. This enables them to do the follownig: determine if a ceiling shows danger of caving in. Disables suffering from claustrophobia, breathe easily underground, navigate the network of tunnels with ease and dig faster. | Hectval (Pt. 2) |
[Anti-Cramping Muscles] | Prevents muscle cramp. | Satar |
[Anti-Invisibility Sight] | Allows the user to see anyone who is invisible. | 8.39 |
[Antimagic Blade] | Enables blade to pierce through magic. | 7.47 K 7.58 |
[Antimagic Bolt] | Enables arrow bolts to pierce through magic. | 7.62 |
[Antimagic Iai] | ||
[Antimagic Slash] | Enables attacks through strong magic defenses. | The Antinium Wars (Pt.5) 4.49 |
[Antinium Telepathy] (Weak) |
8.29 | |
[Anvil Kick] | Strengthens a kick. | 8.65 |
[Apply Healing Gel] | Officer Skill that applies the Antinium healing gel to the targets' wounds, alleviating pain and poison, and lightly healing them. It's unknown if the gel can normally be used on non-Antinium, needs [Unit: Antinium Nature] to work, or if the Skill allows it to have effect on any species. | 9.70 (Pt. 2) |
[Appraisal] | Provides limited information about a magical item. | 7.52 |
[Appraise Foe] | Provides limited information about another person. | 1.10 |
[Appraise Wealth] | Provides limited information about another person's wealth. | 10.14 |
[Appreciating in Value] | Eligible items in the user's care will slowly increase in quality and value over a certain period of time (i.e. Wine becomes finer, iPhones are upgraded to the next model) | 8.02 8.25 KH |
[Aquatic Invisibility] | A Camouflage Skill that renders any part of the User's body that is submerged in water to become Invisible. | 8.69 T |
[Arbiter's Judgment: Every Nation’s Judge] | Calls the judgment of everyone nearby who can deliver judgment, to enforce the verdict on the Target. | 8.85 |
[Arc Arrows] | 8.33 R | |
[Arc Slash] | Perform a fast arc slash attack technique. | 8.51 D |
[Arcane Discovery] (Weekly) |
Gives a moment of insight to puzzling something out about magic and Spells so that the User could realize how something could be done, like some of the mechanics of a complex Spell. Skill is only usable on a specific time frame that varies from User to User, such as; Weekly. |
9.15 VM |
[Arcane Toughness] | A [Mage] Skill that increases the durability of their Arcane Spells, like [Arcane Barrier]. | 9.15 VM |
[Arch Leap] | The Target leaps in an arch. | 10.21 E |
[Archers: Triplicate Volley] | A Skill for an entire battalion (or just the user themselves) that enables archers to shoot three arrows simultaneously. | 8.14 N |
[Arcsinger’s Downfall: Wallbreaker Hammer] | The User strikes with a fraction of the strength of [Line-Ender Shot]. | 9.67 (Pt. 1) |
[Area of Diffusion] | 7.59 | |
[Area of Sproutlings] | Turns a 6-foot patch of freshly planted seeds into new growth. Recharges every four days. | Gravesong Book One |
[Area: Fleet of Foot] | ||
[Armaments of the Lightning Dragon] | Coats the User's armour and weapons in lightning which electrocutes the opponent on impact, while also enhances the User's speed. | 9.30 |
[Armed At All Times] | Instantly equips recipient with a weapon. | 8.46 G |
[Armform] (Duelist, Liquid, Razorkind, Telescoping Flesh) |
A Skill for Men of Metal that can transform their arms into various forms: Duelist Liquid Razorkind Telescoping Flesh |
6.67 8.19 H 8.35, 10.11 H |
[Armor of Faith] | Grants the User protection for their faith. Can deflect blows from magical relics. | 8.84 |
[Armor-piercing Low Blow] | The User's attack can go straight through the armor (or the codpiece), to hit at the opponent's groin. | 9.41 (Pt. 1) |
[Armored Advance] | 8.34 R | |
[Armored Blow] | Of Vampires and Fraerlings | |
[Armored Fur] | Renders the fur of the User as hard as armor. | 8.83 |
[Armored Leap] | 6.66 H | |
[Armorpiercing Blows] | ||
[Arms: Impact Shield] | Strengthens arms to be as strong as a steel shield for a second. | 8.13 F |
[Army: Charred Spellcasting] | Hectval (Pt. 3) | |
[Army: Combined Action — Push] | Coordinates soldiers to perform the action to push. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[Army: Duplicate Projectiles] | Double the number of projectiles launched by an army | 7.59 |
[Army: Evasive Dodge] | Enables army to dodge. | 8.26 FK |
[Army: Extended Range] | Extends army's range | 8.26 FK |
[Army: Longstriders] | Army Skill that quickens movement | 7.47 K |
[Army: No Foe Caught Us] | Army Skill that quickens movement, though it exhausts stamina | 8.48 H |
[Army: Patch Up Those Wounds (Cleansing)] | Army: Patch Up Those Wounds (Cleansing) — Put some spit on those wounds and keep fighting, soldier! In this case, not even spit will hinder your forces—your battles against noxious foes and your own personal childhood trauma with poisonous enemies means your soldiers will heal and not fear disease nor poison! Within certain limits.
This Skill will heal the approximate amount of damage equal to 1/16th of the damage each individual [Soldier] can withstand, prioritizing the least-lethal wounds first. Otherwise, you’d be incentivized to charge your forces into the worst danger and use this Skill to mitigate! Keep your lads safe! Tell Spearmaster Gaellis he’s an idiot if he tries to charge alone. - description given to General Shirka |
10.31 (Pt. 2) |
[Army: Springwood Supplies] | Makes all the wood material under the User’s authority more elastic so that the wood, even cheap wood, can be bent almost in half before it began to snap and break as easily. | Hectval (Pt. 2) |
[Army: The Alchemist's Kiss] | The user's army launches an attack of massed alchemical flasks. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[Army of the King] | Empowers an army, granting them strength in the form of additional levels, which varies depending on the recipient's original level, and temporary Skills. | 4.05 K 6.53 K |
[Aroma of Spring] | A [Florist]'s Skill | 3.17 T |
[Arrogant Charge] | ||
[Arrow Grab] [Arrow Catch] |
Allows for grabbing arrows in mid-flight. | 5.38 |
[Arrow Formation] | Army's Formation Skill | 7.47 K |
[Arrow of Greater Dispel] | Arrow is enchanted with the [Greater Dispel] spell. | 7.36 C |
[Arrow of Regret] | 9.41 (Pt. 3) | |
[Arrow of the Traveller] | 9.41 (Pt. 3) | |
[Arrow of Will] | ||
[Arrow Ward (#)] | ||
[Arrows of Steel] | ||
[Arrows: Combined Weight of Our Wrath] | An [Avenger] Skill for an [Archer] type Class, that passes on the weight of the previous [Avengers] who died seeking vengeance on the same cause, by making the arrows fired heavier by each one that died, and passing their Skills related to [Archer] type Class as Legacies to the next [Avenger] who inher this Skill, until there is no one else to continue seeking vengeance, or presumably until vengeance has been finally fulfilled. | Hectval (Pt. 3) |
[Arrows: Doubled Magnitude] | 8.80 | |
[Arrowform: Bird] | Any feather placed upon the User's bow will become a magical arrow taking on the qualities of the bird it came from. | |
[Arrowguard] | Defensive Skill that causes arrows to swerve away from recipient. | 8.52 MN |
[Arrowguard Formation] | ||
[Arrowguard Shield] | Defensive Skill that causes arrows to swerve away from recipient, by hitting their shield instead. | 9.41 (Pt. 2) |
[Art Becomes Reality] | Causes art to become temporarily real (i.e. a door, a slide, iron bars, a staircase, a hole in the ground, etc.) | 8.05 I Senior Guardsman Relc 8.34 R |
[Art Comes to Life] | Temporarily brings art of a living thing to life. | 8.39 |
[Art of the Builder] | 4.23 E | |
[Artbook: Saved Sketch] | 8.39 | |
[Artifacts: Uncover Potential] | 8.19 H | |
[Artisan Bone Construct] | ||
[Artisan’s Dissolution] | 9.39 | |
[Ascertain Value] | An intuition Skill that appraises the value of various objects. Fails if the objects are warded. |
8.52 MN |
[Ashen Mana Well] | Confers a deeper reservoir of mana to draw upon, as well as charging their mana through ambient death magic | 8.57 H |
[Aspect of Lords] | ||
[Aspect of the Champion] | Gives the user a chosen attribute at a time. So far known attributes to chose from are [Enhanced Strength], [Greater Dexterity], [Greater Endurance] and [Greater Speed] | 8.06 RT |
[Assassin’s Presence] | ||
[Assault Formation] | Strengthens fighters similarly to [Attack Formation] though assumedly stronger. May be an upgraded skill. | 2.18 |
[Assert Authority] | ||
[Assert Command] | Forces Target forces to follow orders. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[Assess Public Opinions] | ||
[Assign Title] | ||
[At His Majesty’s Side] | 8.78 F | |
[Attack Formation] | Bolsters the strength and energy of fighters while in in attack formations. | 1.01 H 2.18 |
[Attraction Shield] | Causes one or more targets to be pulled towards the user's shield. The pull can be stronger for each individual depending on certain factors. | 6.23 D |
[Audience Charge] | Energy is gained depending on the attention of their audience. | 6.63 P |
[Aura Blade] | A specialty Skill of the Order of Seasons causing their weapons to gain an aura presumably depending on their season. | Talia The Innkeeper’s Knight |
[Aura of Battle] | Of Vampires and Fraerlings | |
[Aura of Command] | 2.14 G | |
[Aura of Disarming] | Aura that constantly causes foes in its vicinity to drop the weapons they holding. Even if somehow the foes were able to keep hold of their weapons, they struggle to keep a hold on them as the weapons keep twisting in their grips to be dropped every second. |
Adventurers (Pt. 3) |
[Aura of Flame] | Generates a fiery aura that at minimum, warms the surroundings. | 7.51 7.62 |
[Aura of Giants] (Chess) |
9.20 | |
[Aura of Haste] | Aura that increases the speed of the User. | Adventurers (Pt. 3) |
[Aura of Midnight] | Physically manifests aura made of shadows. Can also shoot projectiles made from it or act as a shield. | 8.52 |
[Aura of Paralysis] | Paralyses others in the User's vicinity. | Adventurers (Pt. 2) |
[Aura of Protection] | ||
[Aura of Righteous Fire] | Generates fire so hot that it ignites the air and is capable of melting incoming arrows before they hit the user. | 6.43 E |
[Aura of Rime] | Generates a freezing aura to the point that snow falls around the user if left unchecked. Also boosts ice-based abilities, freeze things more quickly or acts as a passive area of effect. Additionally, user is unaffected by the cold. | 6.67 |
[Aura of Spring] | 8.68 | |
[Aura of the Brave] | At the base form it has an inspiring effect, like courage, and overwhelming presence in massed battles. As a Manifestoing effect it can create weapons. At it sheer manifestation at higher-levels has, when consolidated and upgraded, be able to create entire zones of anti-magic. |
8.68 |
[Aura of the Emissary] | This Aura can be used to smooth over differences between species, and create the presence of other people to draw attacks away from the user. | Vengeance and Talking |
[Aura of the Emperor] | Affects those around an emperor so that they recognize their power | 3.00 E 3.01 E |
[Aura of the Hearth] | At the base form it has a reassurance effect, and the manifestation of morale or nostalgia. As a Manifestoing effect it has a limited cornucopia abilities, like changing the taste of other food sources inside the Aura to what the User has tasted before, or change them all together to the food itself. This Aura has extreme defensive abilities in places of home or shelter, and can repel powerful individual from entering, if they are of roughly equal level. It can also increase the User defensive compered to the place itself. The most high-level effects include the creation of structures. Other effects unknown. |
8.68 |
[Aura of the King] | ||
[Aura of the Lion] | 7.13 K 7.47 K | |
[Aura of Thorns] | An aura which cuts those who get near it. | 5.23 G 6.26 |
[Aura: Battering Ram] | The User wields their aura as a battering ram to bust through obstacles. | 10.08 (Pt. 1) |
[Aura: Distant Manipulation] | Extends the effective range of the Users Aura. | 8.19 H |
[Authority of Death] (Lesser) |
A Skill that other than its standard Effect, can have varies value of power. Effect Lesser |
8.19 H |
[Auto Spell] | Let's the User cast spells without needing their participation. | 10.04 v |
[Autocasting] | ||
[Automated Hauler Lift] | ||
[Automatic Aiming] | 8.77 B | |
[Automatic Deflection] | The User automatically deflect an upcoming attack, but only if they knows how to deflect it in the first place. | 9.35 O |
[Automatic Dodge] | Enables the user to dodge anything coming at them | 7.58 |
[Automatic Parry] | 9.17 R | |
[Automatic Recitation: Literature] | 8.36 H | |
[Automatic Reload] | Automatically reloads crossbow. | 6.43 E |
[Avalanche Kick] | ||
[Avert Disaster (Verbal)] | Prevents others from saying certain dialogue that will be emotionally devastating for them. | 8.24 |
[Avert Mortal Blow] | Prevent any instant kill attack from killing the User. | 9.25 |
[Avoid Danger: Inn] | ||
[Awaken the Constructs] | Enhances the capabilities of Golems in range, making them move faster and with more certainty. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[Axe of Gigant] [Axe of the Gigant] |
Enlarges the User axe to something a quarter of a Giant size, making it as something as tall as a hill. | Strategists at Sea (Pt. 2) 7.47 K 8.80 |
[Axe Kick] | Kicking [Skill] capable of shattering skulls. | 6.52 K |
[Axebreaker Formation] | 9.12 |
Skill Effect Navigation |
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B[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Back on Your Feet] | The user immediately gets up on their feet. | 9.66 |
[Balanced Posture] | Makes it more difficult to be knocked off balance | 5.24 L |
[Ballad of Bravery] | Numbtongue (Pt.2) | |
[Ballista: Covering Fire] | 9.57 B | |
[Bane] | ||
[Bane Arrows] | ||
[Bane Blades] | ||
[Bane Weapons: (Target)] | Grants [Bane] to the weapons of the user's followers against a specific target. May need to use [Judge of Nobility] to designate the target. |
9.67 (Pt. 2) |
[Banked Counterpunch] | ||
[Banked Fury] | Store all the rage and hatred of the User so that they can unleash all of it to greatly empower them. Once unleashed the user can, with strong will, save it back, if it was not all spent. |
9.37 HO |
[Banshee’s Voice] | A scream that hurts the ears of the enemies who hear it. People who are not targeted will be unaffected, even if they hear it. | 7.59 |
[Bar Fighting] | Grants increased aptitude with weapons made from things that can be found in a bar. | 1.28 |
[Bar: Selective Admission] | Prevents anyone who is beneath the user's level from casually walking into the user's bar. Only exceptions are for higher-leveled individuals or emergencies. | 7.11 |
[Barbarian Constitution] | ||
[Barbed Charge] | ||
[Bard's Charisma] | Gives the User a more attention and an attractive air. | 10.28 N |
[Barkfur] | User's fur becomes hard as bark. | 7.23 LM |
[Barkguard] | Shield sprouts thick bark that weighs nothing | 8.06 RT |
[Barrier of Pride] | Creates a golden stationary field barrier for protection. | 7.24 |
[Barrier: Arcane Spellguard] | The user's barrier spells aren't easily dispelled or blasted. | 10.04 V |
[Barrier: Crystalline Defense] | When overloaded, the user's barrier spells will crack instead of disappearing and still offer protection until shattered. | 10.04 V |
[Bartender’s Gift] | Passes on some of the user's bartending skills to recipient. | 6.10 |
[Basic Alchemy] | ||
[Basic Brewing] | ||
[Basic Cleaning] | Enables the skillbearer to more swiftly clean up messes. | 1.01 |
[Basic Cooking] | Assists with cooking various dishes, at a faster pace and with less effort. | 1.01 |
[Basic Concentration] | ||
[Basic Crafting] | Assists with creating basic items and tools. Minor repairs become much easier. | 1.07 |
[Basic Drawing] | ||
[Basic Efficient Action] | ||
[Basic Enchantment] | ||
[Basic Footwork] | Helps to keep footing secure, especially on uneven terrain | 4.24 |
[Basic Fortification Construction] | Helps with constructing simple fortifications | 4.42 L |
[Basic Golem Shaping] | Helps with basic golem shaping. | 7.09 K |
[Basic Identification] (Alchemy) |
9.54 C | |
[Basic Leadership] | Assists the user in simple leadership qualities | 5.26 L |
[Basic Negotiator] | Assists the user with basic diplomatic negotiations. | 5.26 L |
[Basic Painting] | ||
[Basic Perfect Action] | 8.30 | |
[Basic Perfect Action: Quick Slash] | 8.83 | |
[Basic Perfect Action: Stealth Run] | ||
[Basic Proficiency: Crafting] | ||
[Basic Proficiency: Speech] | ||
[Basic Repair] | Assists basic repairs to nonmagical items or structures | 2.14 G |
[Basic Riding] | Talia | |
[Basic Spell Proficiency: Nature Magic] | ||
[Basic Synthesis] | 9.40 GG | |
[Basic Telekinesis] | ||
[Basic Weapon Proficiency: Swords] | ||
[(Name): Basic Training] | 5.24 L | |
[Battalion: Arcs of the Swallow] | 7.59 | |
[Battalion of Glory] | Amplifies the power of allies and weapons while also causing them to glow. | 6.22 D |
[Battering Charge] | ||
[Battle Roar] | Voices of allied forces becomes significantly amplified. | 4.46 |
[Battle Simulations] | ||
[Battle Stance: Vow of the Knight] | The User holds themselves like a rock, and attack with great force. | 9.30 |
[Battle Warcry] | Brewing Sariants | |
[Battlefield – The Cold Iron Mists] | Mist is conjured onto the battlefield, limiting visibility and causing lesser spells to fail. Also diminishes enemy moral and worsens maneuverability, all while allies are unaffected. | 6.22 D |
[Battlefield: Cascade Shields of Fissival] | 8.85 | |
[Battlefield: Deploy Traps] | Automatically deploys any pre-prepared traps. | 8.14 N |
[Battlefield: Dust Storm] | Creates a dust storm that engulfs the battlefield. | 8.48 H |
[Battlefield: Even Ground – No Magic, No Luck, No Skills, Only Strategy] [No Magic, No Luck, No Skills, Only Strategy] |
Temporarily negates Skills, magic, and luck of a battlefield or a specific target.
8.14 N 8.28 9.23 GGGGGGGGG |
[Battlefield: Footholds of Stei-Stone] | The air becomes filled with little floating stones, which can be used as footholds. | 8.82 (Pt.1) |
[Battlefield: Galuc’s Tunnel] | ||
[Battlefield: Hawk’s Surveillance] | Creates a mental map of the local area up to 2000 feet for six minutes. Also allows the user to see things from above. |
8.14 N 9.05 NPR |
[Battlefield: Power of Fire] | ||
[Battlefield: Skies of Chaos, Winds of War] | Weather becomes extremely hazardous, causing heavy downpours, thunderstorms, and even rain fire depending on the climate. | 8.14 N |
[Battlefield Awareness] | Confers knowledge of what is currently happening in the battlefield. | 6.22 D 8.52 MN |
[Battlefield Eye] | Creates a mental image of the battlefield from any angle based on line of sight and reports received. | 4.05 K |
[Battlefield Lure] | Lures the opponents to go and attack the User instead of their original Target. | 9.30 |
[Battlefield Sense] | Informs the User of what is happening on the battlefield. | 9.70 (Pt. 2) |
[Beacon Arrow] | ||
[Beastform] | Enables transformation into a werebeast-like creature. | 7.58 |
[Begone, Ailments] | Dispels sickness and plague, including magical variants. | 8.19 H |
[Beheading Slice] | 7.58 | |
[Belay That] | Prevents an action or Skill from taking course. | 8.49 M |
[Bellhammer’s Impact] | 7.47 K | |
[Benediction of Hope] | Calms the recipient. Can be used three times a day. | 4.42 L |
[Beneficial Tonic] | 8.60 | |
[Bet: Luck] | 8.45 O | |
[Better Potion] | Doubles the amount of potion in a container. | 10.27 GMG |
[Big Spell] | Increases the size and power of the target spell. | The Roots (Pt. 4) |
[Bike Hop] | The user's bike jumps up. | The Roots (Pt. 4) |
[Bike: Smooth Roll] (Rough Terrain) | ||
[Binding: Quickivory Bones] | ||
[Bird's Eye View] [Bird’s-Eye View] |
[Blacksky Riders] | Allows a group of chosen riders to see in the night. Effect extends to their mounts and dampens the light when they choose to. | 5.09 E |
[Blade Art: Eighteen Silverfish] | Enables a series of lancing cuts | 7.21 KQ |
[Blade Art: Execution of D-Minor] | Performs a dual blade move that came out like a falling crescendo song with two notes, which can closes two-dozen feet in a blink of an eye at the opponent, and the cuts could rent through a [Knight]’s enchanted armor without slowing. | 9.30 |
[Blade Art: Fraerling Song] | 9.67 (Pt. 2) | |
[Blade Art: The Heron Descends Upon the Waters] | Deals a flurry of cuts from above. | 8.82 (Pt.1) |
[Blade Art: Twin Curves of the Moon] | The User swings their blade in a crescent, and an exact duplicate swings the other way. | 9.17 R |
[Blade Dance] | 9.30 | |
[Blade Draw: Steeldawn Flash] | A fast blade-draw Skill that cuts straight through the opponent sword and bone and everything else. | 9.30 |
[Blade Flare] | ||
[Blade Lock] | ||
[Blade of Clay] | ||
[Blade of Glory] | User's blade glows golden yellow and increases in sharpness. | Gravesong Book One |
[Blade of the Divine] | Divinity-related Skill. | |
[Blade of Zethe] | Powerful multi-hit attack against everyone in range of the User. | Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 3) |
[Blades of Glory] | Unit's blades start glowing. | 5.44 |
[Blazing Forge] | 6.13 K | |
[Bleed Cuts] | Inflicted cuts causes excessive bleeding | 5.41 |
[Blessing of Armor] | Recipient gains armor-like skin. | 7.60 |
[Blessing of Rains] | Guarantees regular rainfall in any climate. | 6.14 K |
[Blessing of the Hearth] | Enables easier rest within boundaries | 3.12 E |
[Blessing: The Bow of Wings] | Turns arrows into bird-like projectiles | 8.19 H |
[Blind Foe] | ||
[Blinding Arrow] | Causes arrow tip to erupt a blinding flash when it lands. | 7.12 G |
[Blinding Flash] (Sword) | Causes metal equipment to flash a bright light, blinding enemies. | 7.18 M |
[Blink Shaft] | Teleports a arrow or bolt across short distances without losing momentum. | 7.59 |
[Block Charge] | Completely absorbs impact against shield. | 8.18 H |
[Blood in the Waters, Blood in the Sky] | Causes blood-red rain to fall. Other effects unknown. | 8.58 PFH |
[Blood is Growth] | Kingdom Skill that makes the fields richer from blood spilled during times of war. | 9.04 |
[Bloodform Blades] | 7.58 | |
[Bloodless Incision] | ||
[Bloodless Wounds] | Makes the Users wounds not bleed. | 9.30 |
[Bloodline Pact: Thaiyr Okost] | ||
[Bloodthirsty Engagement] | ||
[Blow Flame] | ||
[Blueprint: Skyshadow-Fighter Mk. 1] | ||
[Blur Dodge] | Accelerates dodge motion. | 5.37 G |
[Blur Leap] | Accelerates jump motion. Also can turn in midair. | 5.58 7.11 |
[Board: Tough as Steel] | ||
[Bodies of Iron] | Causes recipients' bodies become as strong as iron. | 6.52 K |
[Body: Aspect of Iron] | When active the User skin, flesh and eyes, are covered by a layer of Iron armor perfectly molded to their features, and for the duration of the Skill, the User is as heavy and tough to cut and harm as iron. Any wound their metal body takes would revert to a flesh-and-blood wound later, but you’d have to cut iron to give the User a cut that remained once the Skill ended. At Level 40 the Skill has a duration of about 15 minutes. |
9.37 HO |
[Body: Aspect of Silver] | 9.36 HO | |
[Body: Aspect of the Jinn] | ||
[Body: Firebreath] | The User breathes fire. | 10.10 (Pt. 2) |
[Body: Greater Bludgeoning Resistance] | ||
[Body: Iron Fists] | ||
[Body: Magicbreaker’s Fist] | ||
[Body: Metabolism 1000%] | ||
[Body: Ocean of Mana] (Nature) |
[Body: Rapid Regeneration] | Quickly heals the User's wounds. | 10.35 - Pt. 1 |
[Body: Redirection] | 8.65 | |
[Body: Reject Toxins] | Causes recipient' body to expels toxins. | 7.60 |
[Body: Restore Stamina] | Uses the stored energy from the food eaten to restore stamina. | 7.57 |
[Body: Skillbreaker’s Fist] | ||
[Body: Staunched Bleeding] | Staunch the User bleeding wounds. | 9.00 |
[Body: Stored Energy] | ||
[Body: Water Retention] | ||
[Body of Change: Alter Resistances] | Enables switching of current resistances in effect. | Saliss the Adventurer |
[Body of Stone] | A defensive skill that makes it so that the flesh of the User has temporarily the tensile strength equivalent to stone. | 6.22 D |
[Bodyguard’s Shield] | 9.43 L | |
[Bolt from Clear Skies] | ||
[Bolt of Radiance: Explosive Charge] | The User's fired [Arrow of Light] explodes on impact. | 10.21 E |
[Bone-rattling Headbutt] | ||
[Bone-rattling Swing] | An Attack Skill that throw off someone in the middle of a fight even if they blocked. | 9.41 (Pt. 1) |
[Bonebreaker Headbutt] | A headbutting skill particularly effective against skeletons. | 4.49 |
[Boon of the Guest] | Gives a target powers consistent with a guest that has stayed at the User's place. This can be given at range with great effort. | 9.34 Innkeeper’s Knight |
[Boon of the Princess] | Bestow recipient with Temporary Skills depending on their class. For More Info See Here. |
7.23 LM Meetings and Friendships |
[Boon of the Throne] | 8.07 L | |
[Boost Kick] | ||
[Boost Spell] | ||
[Boosted Morale (Unit)] | ||
[Boss Around Wildlife] | The User can bully and cojole wild animals to follow their directions. | 10.18 E |
[Bounce Fur] | The User's fur bounces on impact. | 10.32 – Pt. 2 |
[Bound Ship: The Wandering Ship] | ||
[Bound Skill: (Skill)] | 8.19 H | |
[Bound Spell: (Spell)] | Skill with a precast spell. | 6.62 L |
[Bound Spell: Invisibility] | Becomes invisible twice a day for free. | 8.64 K |
[Bound Wind] | Causes a burst of wind to blow into the sails. Can be cancelled by weather spells. | Strategists at Sea (Pt. 1) |
[Boundless Leap] | ||
[Brace the Deck] | Stabilizes the User's ship. | 9.70 (Pt. 1) |
[Braced Shield] | ||
[Brand of the Blasphemous Sinner] | Divinity-related Skill. | |
[Bravehearts] | 5.44 | |
[Braveheart’s Charge] | 7.61 | |
[Brawler's Footwork] | 10.32 – Pt. 2 | |
[Break a (Fake) Leg] | 9.21 | |
[Break Their Morale] | An intimidation Skill that breaks the morale of the enemies. | 8.65 |
[Briar Patch] | ||
[Bridal Price Estimate] | Provides a sum corresponding to the worth of a prospective bride. | 10.13 |
[Brigade: Castling the Pieces] [Castling the Pieces] |
The User can switch the places of any one or a whole brigade sized groups of individuals to any other ones that are under their command. Skill cooldown is proportion to the Users Level, the switched individuals overall weight, and transport distance, going from lasting approximately 30 minutes at minimum for a Level 66 User to switch a few individuals with the least overall weight for a short distance, to 4 month to switch 2 brigade sized groups in overall weight across continents. |
8.80 9.34 |
[Brilliant Insight] (Weekly) |
[Broader Shoulders] | Expands shoulder width to aid in carrying larger loads (Used by a Gnoll hunter to carry a Corusdeer corpse) | 1.11 |
[Brother, Hit That Target] | ||
[Brutal Headbutt] | ||
[Brute’s Swing] | 9.07 | |
[Buffed Up Muscles] | ||
[Bug Attracting Lantern] | ||
[Bugfriend] | ||
[Bull’s Ram] | Charge with the force of a bull. | 7.18 M |
[Bull’s Rush] | ||
[Bulwark Shield] | 7.47 K | |
[Burn Protection] | Cooking Skill that protects the food from being overcooked. | 9.03 |
[Burning Spells] | ||
[Burst of Energy] | ||
[Burst of Ideas] | ||
[Burst of Speed] | 8.24 | |
[Burst of Strength] | ||
[By Appointment Only] | ||
[By My Unquestioned Authority, Fire Support: (Walled City)] | The User activates the wall spells of a specified Walled City to fire where they wish, even on a distant battlefield. The User may also hold and assign enchantment spells fired from the walls. | 9.66 |
[By the Book: Hanging Cat Overwatch] | ||
[By the Throne] | The User can conferred the power of their kingdom’s throne to make someone listen to the will of their kingdom’s rulers. Can perhaps even cause a powerful individual to hesitate from not listening to them. The User must be authorized by kingdom’s rulers to be able to use this Skill. The Skill require that the User is talking and be heard by the individual for it to work. |
8.69 T |
Skill Effect Navigation |
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C[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Calculable Insight: Copy Skill] (Intellect) |
Intellect = Copy and use any intellect-based Skill used in the presence of the User. | 9.54 C |
[Call for Aid: Send Me the Stuff of Stories] | Creates a window similar to a Scrying spell to people that inspire the User, with a menu for them fo the aid they're requesting. | 10.27 GMG |
[Call of the Champion] | Calls and challenges any [Champions] in the opposing army. If no one answers the call, the Skill will demoralize the entire army, and any [Champion], [First Warrior], [Royal Protector], or so on will lose their class. | 7.13 K |
[Call to Single Combat] | 8.24 | |
[Calm Mind] | ||
[Calming Touch] | A low-level [Carer] skill that calms the target. | 3.22 L |
[Camouflage Armor] | Makes the User's armor less noticeable, like dimming its shine. | 10.13 |
[Campfire Chef] | 5.37 G | |
[Cancel That] | ||
[Capture Flame] | ||
[Caravan Unslowed] (Mild Terrain) |
[Cargo: Softer Landing] | ||
[Carrying Step] | ||
[Carrying Voice] | Gravesong Book One | |
[Cascade Shield] | ||
[Cast of the Fisherman] | Returns thrown spear to the user | |
[Casualty Report] | Informs the User of the casualties their force has taken. | 8.84 |
[Cat’s Evasion] | Increases evasion similar to a cat's. | 5.58 |
[Cat’s Eye Vision] | ||
[Cat’s Grace] | Confers the nimbleness of a cat. | Experiments in Golems |
[Catch Yourself] | The User stops themselves from lashing out in fury. | 9.37 HO |
[Catclaw Slash] | ||
[Cease Fire] | Nullifies Target's intent of taking hostile action. | 10.20 E |
[Challenge of the Knight] | Causes nearby enemies to target the user. | 6.16 |
[Challenge of the Wilds] | Challenges wild animals to fight the user | A Meeting of Druids |
[Challenge!] | ||
[Champion’s Gear] | Currently equipped weapons and armor fix and tailor themselves. Gear also becomes lighter, sharper, more durable, and look shinier. | 5.49 |
[Champion’s Throw] | An attack that launches a thrown weapon with greater power. | 6.16 7.58 |
[Change the Flow] | 8.16 | |
[Change Viscosity] (Oil) |
[Channel Strike] | A weapon attack that cuts through the air. If used on the ground, a rift of dirt explodes up from the ground. |
8.09 |
[Chaos Theory] (Low-Risk) |
[Charge of the Earth Dragon] | ||
[Charge of the Lion] | ||
[Charge of the Strategist] | A powerful offensive [Strategist] Skill that initiates a large scale charge. | 4.25 N |
[Chargebreaker Guard] | 4.48 | |
[Charisma of the Madman] | ||
[Charisma: Conviction of the Hunter] | ||
[Charm Beast] | ||
[Charm Smile] | 8.04 T | |
[Charming Demeanor] | Passive version of [Charm]. | 1.05 R |
[Charming Smile] | Commoner version of [Charm] activated while smiling. | 4.14 L |
[Cheat Death] | Hectval (Pt. 2) | |
[Check Market Price] | Informs the User of the current price of a Target market good. | 10.23 LMGY |
[Check Sum] | Checks equations. | Satar |
[Chessboard: Subsumed Reality, Our Board is the World] | 9.20 | |
[Child's Lock] | Interlude – Songs and Wands | |
[Chill Paws] | Cools whatever the user is touching. | 6.32 |
[Chosen Blow] | The User can chose the angle and location of were their next blow attack hits, even if it's located around 30 feet away from them. | 8.09 |
[Circle of Protection] | 6.44 E | |
[Clash of Wills] | ||
[Claws of the Obsidian Night] | A claw attack that leaves gouges a hundred feet long. | 10.35 - Pt. 3 |
[Clean Apparel] | Clothes-cleaning Skill. | 10.20 E |
[Clean Glassware] (Daily) |
9.54 C | |
[Cleansed Materials] | The Tribes of Izril | |
[Cleansing Heat] | 6.39 | |
[Clear Minds] | The User clears theirs and their allies minds from Mind compulsion Skills. Has lesser effect when faced against multiple opponents and/or high-level ones. |
8.05 I |
[Clear Position] | ||
[Clear Voice] | ||
[Cleave the Earth] | ||
[Cleave the Hills] | 9.30 | |
[Cleave the Mortal World] | A slashing attack that erases everything in front of the User. | 10.35 - Pt. 1 |
[Cleaving Attack] | ||
[Cleaving Arc] | An attack that causes the User's weapon to grow larger and gleam while gathering the power to bisect enemies. | 7.13 K |
[Cleaving Blow] | A room clearing attack that can be used by miners. | 7.33 I |
[Cleaving Scythe] | ||
[Cleaving Slash] | Gravesong Book One | |
[Climber's Hold] | The user can cling to something. | 9.49 |
[Climbing Expertise] | A terrain Skill that works as a unit-based Skill to helps the forces under the User command to climb up difficult terrain. Depending on the User Level, this Skill can effect 40 individuals at the same time. |
Hectval (Pt. 1) |
[Close Counter] | ||
[Close the Contract: Unreasonable Demands] | The User may seal a contract even if its terms are undesirable to another party. Possibly results in backlash. | 10.14 |
[Coating of Acid] | Covers the User's weapon in acid. | 10.17 |
[Coconut Splitstrike] | An attack Skill that splits the Target in half. | 10.24 E |
[Codebreaker's Insight] | ||
[Codebreaker's Tongue] | ||
[Collect Fee] | 9.38 TV (Pt. 2) | |
[Collector’s Bargain] | 9.36 HO | |
[Combat Vanish] | ||
[Combination Attack: A Thousand Fireflies] | Saliss the Adventurer | |
[Combination Attack: Lightning Tempest] | A Combination Skill that can be used by a high level alchemist, requires at least twenty lightning infused bottles and an amplifier for the magnetic pull, acting as a anchor. | Saliss the Adventurer |
[Combination Attack: Winter’s Freeze] | Saliss the Adventurer | |
[Combination Blade Art: The Lonely Swords Sing] | ||
[Combination Skill: Meteor Guardbreaker Shot] | A Combination Skill that requires three people working together to perform a combo of kicking an object with enough force to dent steel, and with the added effect of cancelling or force surpassing a Blocking Skill. It is performed by the 1st person kicking an object up in the air with great force, then the 2nd person kicking it with added force, to ricocheted it down to earth like a comet, and after the object touch down with a force like a meteor and it began to bounce up, the finally 3rd person redirected it with a smack or kick to were intended. Some of the Combo Skills Required to perform this Combination Skill are; [Pinpoint Distance Kick], [Axe Kick], and a [???] Head-butt Skill. |
8.15 |
[Combination Skill: The Web Closes] | A Combination Skill that requires two experts working together to perform, and the Skill [Create Field: The Steelthread Web]. It involves someone holding the ends of the threads and closing them inwards, slicing apart anything caught wrapped in them. The users need to be outside the web or otherwise they will be caught up in it as well |
7.42 M |
[Combined Arms] | Allows allies to attack completely in sync with each other temporarily. | 5.08 |
[Combined Skill — Onslaught Performance: Louder Than the Sea's Roar] | A Combination Skill that requires a musical performance in perfect synchronization. The participants' instruments glow, and a powerful cone of sound and force is launched. | Adventurers (Pt. 2) |
[Combined Skill: Barrier of Ego] | A Combination Skill that requires multiple nobles. Creates a barrier of air. | 9.67 (Pt. 1) |
[Combined Skill: Bolt from the Heavens] |
9.04 |
[Combined Skill: Wrath of the Righteous] | 8.35 | |
[Come to the Table] | 8.05 I | |
[Comfort Food] | Makes pleasant and comfortable food for the diner. | 6.09 6.10 |
[Comforting Petting] | ||
[Command Lesser Undead] [Command Undead: Lesser] |
Grants control over lesser wild Undead like; Zombies and lesser Ghouls. | 3.18 T 4.08 T 5.05 6.48 T |
[Commanding Presence] | 1.02 D | |
[Commanding Voice] | The User speaks in an authoritative way to their forces, so that they follow the User commands. | 8.65 |
[Company, In Attendance] | The User summons their company to their location. | 9.29 |
[Company, On Me] | The User summons a company of soldiers from their army that meet the standards they demand. | 8.84 |
[Company: Armorbane Weapons] | 7.36 C | |
[Company: Breathless Acceleration] | Increases the speed of the company under the Usr's command. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[Company: Free Dodge] | 8.80 | |
[Company: Lightning Hooves] | ||
[Company: Rallying Teleport] | 8.24 | |
[Company: Zigzag Maneuvering] | Allow the User and the riders under their command to change directions like a perfect geometric angle. | 8.69 T |
[Compartmentalized Knowledge] | 7.33 I | |
[Compartments of Holding] | Compartments become miniature pocket dimensions, holding much more then they should be able too. | 7.31 |
[Complete Onslaught] | Launches all projectiles. | 7.42 M |
[Comprehensive Value Analysis] | Calculates the relative value of an object. | 10.23 LMGY |
[Compressed Muscle] | A rare [Lady]'s skill that allows for higher strength without visible muscles. | 7.23 LM |
[Conceal Reputation] | ||
[Concealing Presence] | Conceals the self without detection. | |
[Concentrate Mana] | 7.59 | |
[Cone of Sound: Brown Note] | Sonic attack that causes those hit to defecate. | Adventurers (Pt. 2) |
[Confidential Sources] | 8.47 H | |
[Confirm Document] | 9.35 O | |
[Conjure Fast Fireball] | 7.23 LM | |
[Conjure Stool] | Temporally conjure a single plain wooden stool. The Skill has a cooldown | Adventurers (Pt. 3) |
[Conjure: Inn Supplies] | ||
[Consecutive Spear Flurry] | 8.34 R | |
[Constant Foe (Undead)] | ||
[Constitution of Half-Giants] | 9.35 O | |
[Construct Vessel: Human] | Create a blank Human body to be used as a vessel for a Selphid. | 8.80 |
[Consumption: Increase Nutrition] | 9.36 HO | |
[Contact Memory] | 1.55 R | |
[Contest of Champions] (Vigor) |
[Continuous Cut] | A high level Skill that can be used to cut down entire battalions of enemies over time. | 2.43 |
[Continuous Rolling] | Causes wagon wheels to roll longer without interference. | 3.34 |
[Continuous Spear Thrusts] | ||
[Control Mana] | 8.12 T | |
[Control Pitch] | Gives the skillbearer increased control of the pitch of their voice. | 2.17 |
[Controlled Breaths] | Regulates the User's breathing. | 9.69 (Pt. 1) |
[Controlled Release: Horizontal Spray] | ||
[Convert Object: Food] (Inefficient) |
Transmutes one edible substance into another as its being changed, such as during the process of churning, mixing, or baking. The inefficient version converts the food at a ratio of two-to-one or three-to-one. | 10.24 E |
[Convincing Lie] [Convincing Lies] |
[Cooking: No Bad Poos] | Safeguards any cooking from giving the eater diarrhea. | 9.34 |
[Copy File] | ||
[Copy Magical Seal] | ||
[Copy Message] | Copy the text from one parchment, but without specifics, and past it across one or multiple slips of parchment. | 9.31 |
[Copy Recipe] | The User can choose a single dish per day to copy and make from someone else recipes, even recipes that they shouldn’t be allowed to make, like magical cooked food. | 9.39 |
[Copy Script] | Copies what someone else writes down. | 10.28 N |
[Copy Shape] | ||
[Copy Skill: (Skill)] | Allows the User to use a Skill an ally is using. | Adventurers (Pt. 3) |
[Copy Skill: Ten Levels] | Allows the User to use another's Skill once. | 8.81 |
[Copy Spell] (Temporary) |
[Copy Weapon Art] | 7.35 C | |
[Corkscrew Stab] | The User attacks with a twisting stab. | 9.70 (Pt. 2) |
[Corpse: Remembered Activity] | Undead controlled by the User can perform actions they could in life. | 10.13 |
[Corrected Spelling] | Removes minor written mistakes. | Satar |
[Counter Backstep] | 8.34 R | |
[Counter Blow] | Allows the user to easily counter an attack | 6.56 |
[Counter Fire] [Counterfire] |
A counter Skill that the User uses to fire a projectile in respond to the fired projectile of the opponent. | 8.67 |
[Counter Melody] | Musical Skill that let the User play two melodies at once. | 9.05 NPR |
[Counter: Surprise Attack] | Allows the User's forces to react to a surprise assault. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[Countercharge] | Counter the opponents Charge Skill by neutralizing its effect and reverse it on them by uplaying it to the Allies charge that are under the User command. | 8.52 MN |
[Counterspears] | 8.52 MN | |
[Courageous Speech] | Inspires Courage in anyone who hears the User speech. | 7.13 K |
[Cover to Cover, Revision Reader] | Allow the User to read every single version of a book they've ever read. So if they had eighteen versions of a book they held, the User could read any one, and spot the truth amid many revised histories. | 8.68 |
[Covering Fire] | 4.25 N | |
[Covering Fire: Archers] | ||
[Covering Fire (Piercing arrows)] | Arrows can pierce steel armor and have approximately half the piercing effect of a Level 30 [Archer] using [Piercing Shot] | 10.32 (Pt. 2) |
[Covering Fire: Longshot Gamble] | ||
[Covert Target Mark] | Hectval (Pt. 1) | |
[Craft: Arrows of Will] | ||
[Craft: Supple Clothing] | ||
[Create Bread] | Creates bread that is based from the memory of bread eaten. | 6.62 L |
[Create Cloud: Paralysis Dust] | Unknown | |
[Create Field: The Steelthread Web] | To Activate this Skill the User need to throw Wires far into a field, and anchor them into the ground, and points in the very air (presumably with another Skill). Once done the User can Activate it to changed the world, by creating a field guarded by razor-sharp wires, ready to slice the User enemies apart, and preventing escape. The Wires are also set too be invisible to all but the User allies. |
7.42 M |
[Create Lifeglass] | ||
[Create Lifesand Golem] | Morph blood into an operational Lifesand Golem. Can also use additional blood to empower, heal/fix, and grow the Lifesand Golem. |
8.64 K Experiments in Golems |
[Create Spectral Undead] | ||
[Crescent Arc] | Swings the User's sword in the shape of a moon. | 4.16 |
[Crescent Cut] | Makes the skillbearer's blade go around an opponent's defenses. | 6.56 |
[Crew (Aspect): Devils of Slaughter] | ||
[Crew: Bloothirsty Frenzy] | ||
[Crew: My Ship is Crewed by Ghosts] | The Spitoon | |
[Crew: Second Wind] | The Spitoon | |
[Crew: They Knew No Fear] | ||
[Crimson Earth Mana] | ||
[Crimson Stinger] | A Skill for Ashfire Bee owners that increases the size of the bee's stinger and the potency of their poison. | 5.45 |
[Crimson Whirls My Blade] | ||
[Cross Cut] | ||
[Crossbow: Irregular Ammunition] (Stones) |
[Crossbows: Overwatch] | Summons a number of ready to fire, spectral crossbows in the air, atop the Users own crossbowmen.
At higher levels will summon 10 crossbows for each soldier present |
9.29 |
[Crossroads of Izril] | ||
[Crosswind's Blow] | ||
[Crossworlds Utility] (Medical Equipment) |
The User can adapt another species' technology for use by others. | 10.06 |
[Crowd Control] | Enables influence over a crowd of people. | 3.16 |
[Curved Arc] | Saliss the Adventurer | |
[Curving Shot] | ||
[Cute Smile] | ||
[Cutting Remark] |
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D[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Dagger Art] | ||
[Dagger Art: Grin of the Vortex] | Swing daggers that cuts the air itself in the shape of a smile so that a vortex in the tears in space sucks in anything in it with great force until the rifts closes. | 9.30 |
[Daggerhail] | An [Assassin] skill that causes dozens of daggers to rain from the sky. | 6.26 |
[Daily Resource: Blackpowder] | Conjure a small amount of gunpowder every single day. Can also make more out using the proper resources.. | 6.68 |
[Damage Shield] | Nullifies damage from an attack recieved. | 10.21 E |
[Damned Weights] | Weights materialize and lock themselves around the Target's ankles. | 9.70 (Pt. 3) |
[Dance of Blessings] | 10.15 | |
[Dance of the Mantis] | ||
[Dance of Wisps] | ||
[Danger Zone: Multiplied Velocity] | Creates a bubble of control within which the User and anything they throw are sped up to greater speeds. | 8.82 (Pt. 1) |
[Danger-Spotter] | Determines if a person is in danger by seeing them glow. | 8.39 |
[Dangersense] | Alerts the user when they are in immediate danger. | 1.29 |
[Dangersense (Ward)] | Warns the User when someone under their protection are in immediate danger. | 8.23 |
[Daring Charge] | 3.19 T | |
[Dark Aura] | The User manifest an Aura that turn the light around them a shade darker. Like every Aura Skills it unlocks the possibility for Aura control. |
Of Vampires and Fraerlings |
[Data Discrepancy] | 9.07 | |
[Death’s Conduit] | Allows the User to draw mana from dead animals, including fish and insects. A level 40 Skill. | 9.61 G |
[Death Defier] | Let's the User cling to life through mortal wounds, and pretend to be a corpse even if they suffered too much bloodloss. | 9.68 |
[Death Gamble] | ||
[Death Grip] | ||
[Death Magic Proficiency] | ||
[Decapitation Slice] | 7.21 KQ | |
[Decisive Blows] | Causes an ally or allies to use any attacks with maximum power for a short time. | 4.41 L |
[Deckbreaker’s Hammer] | ||
[Declare Foe: Bane] (Furniture) |
[Decoy: My Ward] | The User becomes the target for attacks meant for their ward. | 9.41 (Pt. 3) |
[Deep Breath] | ||
[Deepened Magic Crystals] / [Deepened Magical Crystals] |
[Deeper Container] | ||
[Deeper Cut] | A basic skill that makes the User next attack cut deeper. | 5.30 G |
[Defenders: Resistance to Arrows] | 8.73 R | |
[Defense Formation] | Bolsters the strength and energy of fighters under the User's command when in defensive formations. | 1.43 |
[Defensive Fighting] | ||
[Defer Damage: Skateboard] | ||
[Defiance After Death] | The user makes a destroyed golem continue to attack. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[Defiance To The Last] | ||
[Deflect Arrows] | The User intercepts arrows targeting them with their weapons. | 9.49 |
[Deflect Attention] | ||
[Deflecting Parry] | A Defensive Skill that deflect aside an incoming attack. | 9.12 |
[Deflecting Slashes] | A Defensive Skill that deflect aside the opponent slashing attacks. | 8.49 M |
[Deft Hand] | Gives the User minor telekinesis. No more than being able to knock over a cup initially, but when trained can be used to knock arrows out of the sky. | 4.48 4.49 |
[Defy My Fate] (Daily) | The User can undo an event that happens to them. | 10.34 MGF |
[Defy Solecism] (Daily) | ||
[Delay Hunger] | ||
[Delay the Deal] | ||
[Delayed Blow] | 9.35 O | |
[Delayed Cut] | The User's cutting blow does not take immediate effect. | Isles of Goblin and Minos |
[Delayed Reaction] | 9.54 C | |
[Delayed Reload] | ||
[Delayed Throw] | Saliss the Adventurer | |
[Delegate Skill] | The User entrust 1 of their Skills to another person. | Hectval (Pt. 3) |
[Deny Parry] | ||
[Deploy Parachute] | ||
[Deploy Pit Trap] [Pitfall Trap] |
Requires a hole. The User deploys a tarp out of midair and arranges it for about a minute or two until it looks like fake terrain, only slightly noticeable if one stares at the edges. The cover quickly collapses when someone steps on it. | Adventurers (Pt. 2) |
[Deploy Trap: Bear Trap] | ||
[Depth Explosion] | Causes underwater explosions. | Strategists at Sea (Pt. 1) |
[Design Sketch: Client’s Preference] | ||
[Desperation Headbutt] | ||
[Desperate Rallying] | Allows for an embattled group to quickly rush to the aid of forces under siege or attack in fractions of the time taken. At Level 60 the Skill could have the embattled group reach a city-state in hours where the march would normally take over a day at top speed. |
8.08 J |
[Destination: Fast Travel] | ||
[Detect Acid] | ||
[Detect Disloyalty] | ||
[Detect Fault] | Innovation and Invention | |
[Detect Flaw] | The User can detect flaws in objects, like gemstones. | 4.35 E |
[Detect Flaw: Extended Range] | The User can detect flaws in a greater radius. It can include flaws in objects and mistakes in cooking. | 10.02 Y |
[Detect Guilt] | The User can detect if someone has committed a crime. | 1.10 |
[Detect Improper Learning] | The User is able to detect when their ward is learning something that goes against the User teachings. | 8.68 |
[Detect Injury] | The User can detect impurites in an object. | 9.49 |
[Detect Injury] | The User can detect someones injuries. | 1.05 D |
[Detect Poison] | The User can detect if poison is in something they plan to eat or drink, by seeing something poisoned as uncleaned or dirty. | 5.24 L Brewing Sariants |
[Detect Void] | Detect if their is any empty space behind something. Detect nothing trough magical shielding. |
9.64 BH |
[Devastating Knee] | ||
[Devastating Slash] | Changes the User's weapon trajectory mid-swing toward an unguarded area. | 4.29 |
[Devastating Uppercut] | ||
[Devil’s Luck] | Makes the User insanely lucky. | 1.01 C |
[Dexterity of Thought] | ||
[Did You Understand That?] | Explains something to the recipient, which they understand in a clear and correct way, and without any misunderstanding. | 9.35 O |
[Die For Me] | If the User suffers mortal wounds, nearby [Slaves] will die in their place. | 9.70 (Pt. 3) |
[Digestible Order] | Serving Skill that makes the food served more digestible for the custommer. | 10.28 N |
[Diotrichne’s Blessing] | Divinity related Skill. Never assigned. | 9.68 |
[Diplomatic Immunity: Spycraft] | Makes it impossible to 'hack' the User's speaking stones. | 9.52 |
[Directional Sound] | Funnels sound in a specific direction. | Meetings and Friendships |
[Directionsense] | ||
[Dirty Feint] | Throws a twisting punch. | 7.11 |
[Dirty Trip] | Knocks down the target. It can fail if the target is too strong. | 9.66 |
[Disable Friendly Fire] | A capstone skill that completely disables damage from self inflicted or allied attacks. | 7.59 |
[Disadvantaged Renegotiation] | Allows for a pause in any negotiations to refocus regardless of how they are currently going. This Skill forces both parties to continue later unless the Skill can be forcefully resisted. | 7.07 |
[Disarm the Foe] | Forces the target to drop their weapon. | 9.09 P |
[Disarming Parry] | ||
[Disarming Strike] | The User fires an arrow targeting the Target's weapon hand. | 9.41 (Pt. 3) |
[Disarming Strike] | ||
[Discerning Clientele] | A [Merchant] Skill that influences the type of customers that will come to the Skill owner's shop. | 6.02 |
[Discreet Murmur] / [Discrete Murmur] |
[Disease Detector] | 7.22 D | |
[Dishes of Steel] | Makes plates as hard as steel. | 9.25 |
[Dispel Enchantments] | Dispel enchantments effect on objects and people. | 9.29 |
[Dispelling Fumes] | By using something strong smelling, cancels a mental spell effect on someone. | 9.64 BH |
[Distill Advanced Concepts] | Brewing Sariants | |
[Distill Basic Concepts] [Distill Simple Concepts] |
Brewing Sariants | |
[Distracting Cough] | The target alone will hear a loud, wet cough. | 9.16 R |
[Distracting Shot] | ||
[Divert Rage] | Redirect the User rage and fury to something else. | 9.37 HO |
[Divine Guidance] | Can be used once per month for the lesser version, once per week for regular version. Points the User the right way. | 9.68 |
[Division of Fire] | ||
[Dizzying Shieldbash] | A shield-strike that momentarily dizzy the opponent. | 8.76 B |
[Djinni’s Body] | The User's body can change into an element like a Djinni can, as well as heal itself. | 9.70 (Pt. 3) |
[Dog's Ears] | Enhances the User's hearing. | 10.11 H |
[Don’t Burn It] | Cooking Skill that prevents the food from being burn while being cooked. | 9.25 |
[Don’t Shoot the Messenger] | 9.34 | |
[Doom's Howl] | A loud howl that alertsothers in a large area, like a warning or call to arms. | 10.28 N |
[Doomshaker Blow] | Charges around the User striking attack in a pall of dark energy, and when it strike at, the air fracture and spread outwards, crushing everything the shockwave touched. | 8.54 H |
[Door: Remote Locking] | The User can remotely makes a door swung open and close, as well as locking and unlocking, by itself. | 9.42 E |
[Door of Portals] [Portal Door] (# Miles/Distance) |
9.24 Adventurers (Pt. 2) 9.28Order, Oddity |
[Double Arrow] | 5.62 | |
[Double Cut] | Enables the User to make two cuts near instantly. | 4.39 G |
[Double or Nothing] | ||
[Double Pedaling] | ||
[Double Potency] | The next potion drunk will have double the effect. | 7.58 |
[Double Shot] | Allows the User to shoot two arrows simultaneously. | 4.30 |
[Double Slash] | 7.13 K | |
[Double Step] | Literally double the User running speed, allowing them to make every step they take cover twice the distance. | 2.15 |
[Double Strike] | The Innkeeper’s Knight | |
[Double Tap] | Fires two projectiles with one shot of a ranged weapon. | 7.36 C, Goblin Days (Pt. 2) |
[Doublechant Incantation] | The User can chant two incantations at the same time. | 10.21 E |
[Doubled Acceleration] | 7.47 K | |
[Doubled Collection (Ants)] | Doubled the collection of an ant hive by making the ants collect nearly twice the amount of resources, and the queen ant produce double the amount of eggs. | Hectval (Pt. 2) |
[Doubled Efficacy] | Dobles the effects of alchemical brew. | 7.59 |
[Doubled Healing: Potions] | ||
[Doubled Impact] | 7.47 K | |
[Doubled Mental Presence] | ||
[Doubled Range] | Doubles firing range. | 5.41 |
[Doubled Velocity] | Doubles the speed of a projectile fired, shoot, or thrown. | 7.62 8.67 |
[Doubled Volley] | ||
[Download Basic Familiarity] | Imparts knowledge for handling a vehicle onto the Target. | 10.34 MGF |
[Dragonscale Patch] | Hardens a portion of the Users scales to be as hard as Dragonscales. | 9.30 |
[Drain Color] | Takes the colors out of something and forms it into a blob of color for the User's use. De-colorified objects are left in a white and black monochrome coloring, and have their structural make up weakened which makes something originally heavy and tough becoming light and fragile. Does not work on most living things, and is resisted by plants. |
[Drain Death Mana] | ||
[Drain Fury] | Drain away in a moment someone's fury. | 9.37 HO |
[Drawn to life] | ||
[Dream Walk] | ||
[Drunken Strength] | Increases the User's strength | 9.49 |
[Dual Blow] | 9.59 O | |
[Dual Shot] | 7.12 G | |
[Dulav-ra: Tetrad of the Solar Aura] | A martial art Skill that enables four simultaneous Aura-infused punches that are hot enough to melt steel. | 8.37 H |
[Durable Picks] | Pickaxes are more endurable. | 6.02 |
[Dust Bomb] | Creates dust explosion. | |
[Dust Kick] | The User dug their foot into the ground and then kicks up a wall of dust over at the target. | 8.31 |
[Duststorm Kick] | Causes a large storm of dust to form when the User kicks. | 6.41 E |
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E[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Each Death, Another Breath] | ||
[Each Door a Destiny] | Let's the User choose from the fates they steal from others. | 9.70 (Pt. 3) |
[Eagle Eyes] | Enhanced the User vision, allowing them to see from farther distance. | 2.11 |
[Earmarked Funds – Recompensation] | A Monetary Skill were the User can produce money from anywhere, even from empty air, by generating them from the profits of the company itself. As these funds are project-depending, they are unable to be spent unless it’s used in certain ways, like for recompensation of the employees. |
7.33 I |
[Earpiercing Whistle (Hostiles)] | ||
[Ears: The Words Unspoken] | The User hears the words that someone may have said but didn’t say, or withholding from saying. | 9.31 |
[Earthquake Fist] | A punch that shakes the struck Target. | 10.24 E |
[Earthshaker's Blow] | 8.80 | |
[Ease Your Burdens] | The User relieves some of someone else burdens, like exhaustion, footsore, aching joints and tiredness, by taking them into themselves. | Pisces |
[Easy Mark] | ||
[Echo Voice] | ||
[Echoing Strings] | ||
[Edict of Bloom] | A Kingdom-wide Edict Skill that revitalizes a war-torn kingdom. It allows crops to grow quicker, wounds to mend, children to be born and conceived more fruitfully and quickly among animals and people, like a Human mother will bear a child in 6 months fully formed, rather than 9. Its disadvantage are that monsters will take advantage of the rapid growth as well. Too, the rapid growth of takes nutrients from the soil and mothers will require more sustenance, as do animals. It is also intensive on the people, for they may reap harvests and grow, but it takes work. If the User has a High Level, the Edict Skill can also summon rain out of season, for days. |
6.14 K |
[Edict of Silversky] | A Kingdom-wide Edict Skill with purifying effects. Under its effects, lies are difficult to tell, the weather balances, and hostile presences find themselves unwelcome in the land it is called upon. Most importantly, it frees the dreams and feelings of the subjects from negative influences both internal and external, for example, by calming those who find themselves plagued by sadness or fury without reason. Its disadvantage is that it is too pure. Because it makes things too calm, such as having no harsh weather or storms, no great excitement, and the people being unable to tell a lie, it can become unbearable for the subject population. |
6.14 K |
[Edict of the Blooded] | A Kingdom-wide Edict Skill that boosts preparation for war. All those with an inclination to fight level up much quicker and those with the talent for battle discover it. Its disadvantage is that while it makes the people train to war, it makes them more violent, such as encourages them towards battle, sometimes with tragic results. It can also increase the like hood of rebellions by young men if they are not loyal, and increase higher rates of injury among soldiers. |
6.14 K |
[Efficacious Medicine] | ||
[Efficient Metabolism] | Decreases the amount of food the User must consume in order to remain healthy. | Two Rats |
[Efficient Run] | Conserved the User stamina and allows the User to run far further before needing a stamina potion. | 7.00 |
[Effortless Parry] | The User easily parries an attack. | Redblade and Lilbrasi |
[Ego is Weight] | Weighs people down depending on how much the User think of themselves, regardless if they are right to think that way. | 6.27 M |
[Eidetic Memory] | A Skill that let the User visualize what they had seen moments after seeing them. | 6.63 P |
[Eidetic Spell Memory] | 7.09 K | |
[Eighteen Minutes of the Secretary] | A Temporal Skill that grants the User 18 minutes of free time to organize and plan while everything else is motionless, even on a battlefield. This Skill is an inferior version of the [Hour of the Secretary] Skill. |
7.36 C 8.37 H |
[Eighty-pound Draw] | ||
[Elbow Counter] | ||
[Electric Chords] | While playing musical string instruments the User can conjure Lightning from the strings. The conjured Lightning is harmless to the User. | 5.41 |
[Elegant Save] | The User can throw this Skill to their servants, preventing an accident. | 9.17 R |
[Elemental Quick-Draw] | ||
[Elephant’s Strength] | A Strengthen Skill that temporary makes the User as Strong as an Elephant. The effect is only temporary, and last only for a few minutes (like 8 minutes). The Strength given by this Skill is far stronger that even the [Enhanced Strength] Skill which falls behind it. |
Experiments in Golems 8.37 H |
[Elephantslayer’s Thrust] | ||
[Elevated Authority] | ||
[Eleventh Hour Wheels] | 7.46 K | |
[Elk’s Run] | ||
[Elusive Footwork] | ||
[Emergency Block] | ||
[Emergency Dodge] | ||
[Emergency Evacuation] | ||
[Emergency Healing] | ||
[Emergency Regeneration] | The User can briefly heal serious wounds. | Vengeance and Talking |
[Emergency Smokescreen] | ||
[Employees: Species Perks] | The User's employees gain traits of other species in the User's employ. The traits obtained are seemingly random. | 9.62 |
[Empower Officer: (Person)] | ||
[Empowered Casting] | ||
[Empowered Puppets] | ||
[Enchantment: Acid Coating] | Covers the User's armor and armaments in acid. | 10.20 E |
[Encore Skill] | The User repeats a Skill that has already been used. | Adventurers (Pt. 3) |
[Endowment of the Thief] | ||
[Energizing Special Meal] | ||
[Energizing Touch] | Of Vampires and Fraerlings | |
[Enforce Contract] | Prevents others from taking actions that would violate a contract they signed. | 10.03 Y |
[Enforce Pact: The Chessmaster’s Wrath] | When the other party violates a pact, summons a giant animated chesspiece to crush and attack the offenders. | The Grove |
[Enforce Rule: World of Song and Verse] | Forces those in range of the Skill except the User to speak in song and rhythm. | Interlude – Songs and Wands |
[Engaging Discourse] | ||
[Enhanced Agility] | ||
[Enhanced Concoctions] | ||
[Enhanced Durability – Oars] | Increases the durability of the Oars the User is using. | 6.07 D |
[Enhanced Edge] | ||
[Enhanced Hide] | 7.18 M | |
[Enhanced Impact] | The Innkeeper’s Knight | |
[Enhanced Intelligence] | Increases the intelligence of the User or the User's pet. | 6.08 |
[Enhanced Movement] | Increases the movement speed and control of the User. | 1.17 |
[Enhanced Natural Healing] | Increases the User natural healing abilities. | 9.35 O |
[Enhanced Potions] | ||
[Enhanced Reactions: Stolen Seconds of Theft] | Stories 9.50 | |
[Enhanced Seasoning] | ||
[Enhanced Shields] | 7.36 C | |
[Enhanced Speed] | ||
[Enhanced Spell: (Spell)] | ||
[Enhanced Strength] | Increases the User strength permanently. [Greater Strength] is its upgraded version. |
1.10 R |
[Enhanced Strength: Doors] | Increases the User strength when they are opening or closing a door. | 9.53 |
[Enhanced Strength: Throwing] | Increases the User throwing strength. | 8.67 |
[Enhanced Telekinesis] | ||
[Enhanced Telepathy] | ||
[Enhanced Thread] | Makes thread handled by the User have the strength to stich up damaged organs. | 1.01 D |
[Enhanced Toughness] | ||
[Enigmatic Clue: Spellcraft] | ||
[Enraging Taunt] | ||
[Enriched Recipes] | Cooking Skill in which if the User has the right ingredients, they can make a ‘meal’ better than just the component parts. | 8.09 |
[Enthralling Glance] | ||
[Epochal Earthworks Rise] | ||
[Erratic Maneuvering] [Group: Erratic Maneuvering] |
[Establish Bond] | Helps endear the User to potential pets. Not always effective. | 7.12 G |
[Estate: Collect Taxes] (Crops) |
[Estate: Forager’s Bounty] | ||
[Evaluation of Wealth] | Allows the User to evaluate how much wealthy someone is, and even somewhat when they had became wealthy. | 6.17 S |
[Evasive Dodge] | 7.61 | |
[Evasive Flip] | 6.67 | |
[Evasive Leap] | A dodging Skill to avoid damage by jumping in different directions. Can be used on horseback to transfer the skill to both User and horse. | 7.13 K |
[Evasive Maneuver] | 8.15 | |
[Evasive Roll] [Evasive Rolls] |
[Evasive Scamper] | Allow the User to avoid obstacles while running. | 8.66 |
[Evasive Tactics] | Forewarns targeted allies of damage in the near future. | 4.41 L |
[Evasive Turn] | A Skill that helps the User turn ships or other vehicles quickly. | 7.47 K |
[Even Footing] | Helps the User traverse through treacherous terrain, like slick patches of ice or divots in the ground, as if they were walking on a smooth, hard surface. | 2.24 T |
[Ever-Prepared, Ever-Vigilant. Ever Armed] | Summons the weapons and armor of the user onto them. They can be summoned even in Kasignel. | 8.80 |
[Everyday Prop] | 7.50 | |
[Everything Has a Price] | Forces someone to give the price of their possessions. | 6.17 S |
[Evil Cackle] | ||
[Evil Eye] | A glare that may not be a real Skill. | 6.08 |
[Exceed Yourself, Suffer Later] | ||
[Excellent Diction] | ||
[Excuse My Failings] | Allow the User to excuse themselves from minor slips without consequence. The effect can be applied Twiceover to double its effect. |
8.51 D |
[Executive Authority: Contracts] | ||
[Exhaustive Memory] | ||
[Exit Negotiations] | 8.05 I | |
[Expanded Boundaries] | The User can use Skills and effects related to a building farther away from it. | 9.66 |
[Expanded Cargo Hold] | Increases the interior storage of a ship's cargo hold to be larger than the dimensions of the ship should allow. | Strategists at Sea (Pt. 2) |
[Expanded Lungs] | 7.29 B | |
[Expanded Range] | ||
[Expedited Errand] | ||
[Expeditious Retreat] | A Movement Skill that allows the User and their company to retreat at speed. | Of Vampires and Fraerlings |
[Expeditious Traveller] | 8.47 H | |
[Expel Poisons] | Expels poisonous substance from the body. | 9.35 O |
[Expert Alchemy] | 9.54 C | |
[Expert Bartering] | Greatly assists the User in bartering down the prices on goods and services. | Krshia |
[Expert Cooking] | A very high level skill that greatly assists the User in cooking better dishes at a higher rate. | 2.41 |
[Expert Dueling] | ||
[Expert Weapon Proficiency: Sword] | ||
[Expert’s Shot] | 8.19 H | |
[Explosive Arrow] | Levels | |
[Explosive Flesh] | ||
[Exquisite Flavoring] | ||
[Exquisite Insight] | ||
[Extended Aura: Gravity Well] | 7.59 | |
[Extended Reach] | ||
[Extended Reach: Three Feet] | The Innkeeper’s Knight | |
[Extended Blade] | 7.39 A | |
[Extended Strike] | 7.36 C | |
[Extended Sweep] | 8.34 R | |
[Extra Action Point] | Used with alongside a Skill that makes battles turn-based. Grants the User one more action point for the battle. | 10.35 - Pt. 1 |
[Extra Spice] | Always the User to somehow find an extra something to add to their cooking repertoire, like finding a bit of pepper in a pouch lumped at the bottom of the cooking sack, or tripping over a bit of nutmeg on their way. They can also literally, adding heat to make a spicy hot dish. | Pebblesnatch and Garry 7.12 G |
[Extreme Reaction: Dodge] | A Passive Skill were the user instantly dodges an upcoming danger. | 7.33 I |
[Extremespeed Reaction] | ||
[Eye of Need] | The User can tell what they’re low on and what issues are most critical and require attention. | 4.20 E |
[Eye of the Client] | The User is able to see/know what their client is specifically seeking. | The First and Last of Us |
[Eyes In The Back] | The User has a vague sense of what was behind them. The User can’t see details, but could easily spot anyone running in a hurry. |
7.28 Senior Guardsman Relc |
[Eyes of Appraisal] | Allows the User to appraise someone and see their Classes, Levels and Skills. | 7.07 |
[Eyes of Many] | The User can see through the eyes of the animals under them like a flock of birds, and act in concert. | 6.40 E |
[Eyes of Personality] | ||
[Eyes of Talent] | ||
[Eyes of the Bandit Lord] | A [Bandit Lord] Skill which gives a direct view of the enemies, even in battle. | 8.64 K |
[Eyes of the Twin Sun] | Conjures two searing fireballs to launch on a Target. | 10.35 - Pt. 2 |
[Eyes of the Wyrm] | Allow the User to see the same way as a Wyrm, like being able to see and communicate with ghosts. | 8.74 DR 8.75 |
[Eyes of True Self] | Saliss the Architect | |
[Eyes: Guiding Light] |
Skill Effect Navigation |
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F[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Fact Check] | 8.05 I | |
[Faint Presence] | A weaker, passive version of [Conceal Presence]. | 6.05 D |
[Fair Share] | ||
[Faith is My Strength] | Hectval (Pt. 2) | |
[Fake Dismemberment] | Causes a temporary body parts dismemberment for 5 minutes. Effect includes realistic smell and viscera until the 5 minutes have passed. | 6.63 P |
[Fake Smile] | 2.44 | |
[Fall Back] | ||
[False Orders] | Send orders to forces that are not under the User command, by fooling them that the orders came from their commander. The User can effect these forces from a distance and without uttering a word. |
8.14 N |
[Fame Is My Magic] | The User turns all their accumulated fame and attention they had, into magic to fuel their Spells/Skills. | 8.75 |
[Famous Name] | ||
[Far Cast] | The User can throw a fishing line over a hundred feet. | The Last Tide: Book One |
[Far Riders] | Allows a group of horse riders to move across long distances at a speed that outpaces unskilled horses regardless of the type or stamina of the horse. | 5.48 G |
[Farseeker Arrows] | Skill which causes the skillbearer's next shot to seek out a distant target. | 5.62 |
[Farshot Mastery] | A passive Archering Skill which assists in hitting distant targets. | 4.33 |
[Farsight] | ||
[Fast Backstep] | The User retreats fast away with a backward step. | 8.05 I |
[Fast Boiling] | Cooking Skill that speeds up the time of cooking food in boiling heated water. | 8.52 MN |
[Fast Drying] | 8.00 | |
[Fast Feet] | ||
[Fast Growth] | Accelerates the growth of plants. | 6.34 E |
[Fast Hands] | ||
[Fast Leg Sweep] | A variation of the traditional [Leg Sweep] in which the User performed the Skill faster. It could take down even High-level individuals if they weren’t careful, and it is definitely useful in a scuffle. |
8.02 |
[Fast Roll] | The User ducks into a tight roll. | 9.69 (Pt. 1) |
[Fast Scrawl] | Lets the User wrtie faster. | 10.00 L |
[Fast Sprint] | ||
[Fast Stitching] | Makes the skillholder faster at stitching. | 1.21 |
[Fast Thinking] | ||
[Fast Travel] | ||
[Fast Travel Locations (#)] | 9.54 C | |
[Fast Travellers] | Expediates travel to a destination. | The Wedding |
[Faster Mixing] | Foody Discussions | |
[Faster Rolling] | ||
[Faster to Untamed Lands] | ||
[Fate, I Take the Other Path] | 8.74 DR | |
[Favor of the King] | A Skill that gives a powerful aura to the Kingdom's Champion as well as giving helpful temporary skills among other effects. | Meetings and Friendships |
[Fear Me, Your Mortality] | A Fear Skill that gives fear to anyone caught in the radius of the User aura, by making them realized their fragile existence and flee in terror, rather than confront the User. This Skill only effects beings that haven’t master their emotions, like most monsters, or people who had just been demoralized, and therefore doesn’t effect beings who did. |
8.14 N |
[Fearless Charge] | 7.47 K | |
[Fearless Lance Charge] | ||
[Feather Hop] | ||
[Feather Jump] | ||
[Feathercatch Roll] | ||
[Feel the Rhythm] | 8.16 | |
[Feet of Stone] | 8.57 H | |
[Feint Dodge] | ||
[Feint Slash] | ||
[Fencer’s Lunge] | A large lunge forward spanning multiple feet followed by a lightning fast thrust. | 7.13 K |
[Fencer’s Riposte] | 7.47 K | |
[Ferocious Command] | Commanding Skill that sends the User's forces into a berserk fury, with their tendons and muscles bulging, as they move forwards to follow the command given to them. | 8.18 H |
[Field of Harvests] | Instantly grows crop seeds with adequate fertilizer within the User territory. | 10.19 E |
[Field of Preservation] | Area Skill which makes an area act as though under the effects of preservation runes. Soufflés are immune to this effect. | 3.33 5.07 |
[Fields of Bounty] | Increases the output of farms within the User territory. | 6.47 E |
[Fiery Arc] | ||
[Fight Like You Mean It] | ||
[Fight or Die] | ||
[Fight Until the Last] | Can be used to increase a Target's chance of survival. | 10.35 - Pt. 1 |
[Fill Missing Data] | ||
[Fill the Sails] | ||
[Filtered Entry] | Allow only those who have fulfilled a condition by the User to pass, while prevent those who did not. | 9.41 (Pt. 1) |
[Find My Friend] | The User senses where the Target companion is. | 10.35 - Pt. 1 |
[Find Roads Less Travelled] | ||
[Finer Thread] | The Tribes of Izril | |
[Fire From the Walls] | ||
[Fire Magnet] | Attracts incoming fire projectiles to the User. | Isles of Goblin and Minos |
[Fire Support] | ||
[Fire’s Fuel (Mundane)] | ||
[First Forwards, First Out] | 9.08 | |
[First Reasonable Offer] | 7.32 D | |
[First Strikes] | 5.44 | |
[First to Battle] | A speed boosting Skill used by [Knights]. | Talia |
[Fist of the Broken Land: Earthtwister] | A punch that launches a spiraling shockwave. | 10.24 E |
[Fists of Iron] | The User punches as hard as a heavyweight while maintaining the speed of a significantly lower weight class. | 7.24 |
[Fit to Form] | The User can adjust a wearable item to be perfectly fittable for themselves or others. Has a limited amount of usage before going on cooldown. |
8.42 |
[Fixed Spell] | ||
[Flag: Inspiring Sight] | Hectval (Pt. 2) | |
[Flame Slash] | ||
[Flameguard] | 9.51 Z | |
[Flaming Armaments] | ||
[Flammable Target] | Anything the User touches with fire will burn. | 10.21 E |
[Flash Baking] | Foody Discussions | |
[Flash Blade] | 7.62 | |
[Flash Blow] | ||
[Flash Cut] | A swordsman's skill that produces a lightning fast slash. This skill can be adjusted mid-swing at high levels and is generally considered a higher level attack. | 5.02 |
[Flash Hands] | Causes the hands of the User to blur with high speed allowing for very quick and precise actions. | 1.05 D |
[Flash Kick] | 7.11 | |
[Flash Lunge] | ||
[Flash Memorization: Literature] | 8.36 H | |
[Flash Parry] | ||
[Flash Punch] | The Innkeeper’s Knight | |
[Flash Sparks] | The User can conjure sparks to ignite fire. | 7.03 |
[Flash Strike] | ||
[Flash Unsheathe] | Have the User sheathed sword, unsheathe itself and spring into their hand. | 8.67 |
[Flash Wings] | ||
[Flashfire Spellcraft] | The User can manipulate fire, by make it form shapes and use it without needing a specific Spell. The User can also do tricks like fire a [Fire Arrow] three times as large as a regular one. | 5.37 G |
[Flask: Directional Force] | Redirect in the direction of the User choice all the force of an explosive alchemic flask. | Adventurers (Pt. 3) |
[Flawless Attempt] | Allows the User to do a single task to the best of their physical/magical ability. There is presumably a limit for the maximum length of the tasks, which so far have lasted less than 10 minutes, though none has been mentioned. Can be activated once every 6 hours. |
5.26 L |
[Flawless Cut] | Allows the User to make incisions far more easily. | 1.01 D |
[Flawless Defence] | Pushes the User beyond their limits to make a perfect block or deflection against a strike, regardless of the power behind it. | 5.27 |
[Flawless Dodge] | Allows the User to perfectly dodge any strike or attack if they are aware of it and it is within their physical abilities. | 1.02 C |
[Flawless Magical Analysis] | ||
[Flawless Parry] | Performs a parry to the best of the User's ability. | 7.47 K |
[Flawless Stride] | A Running Skill that fixes any inaccuracies in the User's gait. | 2.35 |
[Flawless Strike] | Pushes the User beyond their limits to make a perfect strike against an opponent. | 5.27 |
[Flawless Vocalization] | The User's voice never breaks, even when multitasking or being tired. | Gravesong Book One |
[Fleet Foot] | A tribe Skill that lets chieftains make their entire tribe move faster for extended periods of time. | 3.31 G |
[Fleet: Ram’s Charge] | The Spitoon | |
[Fleetwind Feet] | Strategists at Sea (Pt. 1) | |
[Fleetwind Run] | ||
[Flesh is Steel] | ||
[Flicker Charge] | Causes the entire army under the User's command to disappear for a millisecond and reappear forwards after a charge. | 7.13 K |
[Flicker Dodge] | The User and their mount disappear for a millisecond to dodge an attack. | 7.18 M |
[Flicker Fingers] | ||
[Flicker Onslaught] | Most similar to other Flicker Skills like [Flicker Dodge] except that this Skill continues to activate for multiple attacks at once. | 6.26 |
[Flicker Step] | 5.37 G | |
[Flicker Theft] | Allows the User to steal something at great speed. | 8.39 9.50 |
[Flight: 110% Max Speed] | Increases the speed of the User's flying mount. | 10.28 N |
[Floor of Impalement] | A ship Skill that causes a section of the Skill User's deck to erupt with six feet tall spikes. | Strategists at Sea (Pt. 1) |
[Flowing Footwork] | ||
[Fluffball Shield] | ||
[Flutter Step] | Let's you hover above the ground by kicking your feet. Like a yoshi. | 9.61 G |
[Flurry Blades] [Flurry of Blades] |
Causes the User to strike rapidly using a bladed weapon. | 5.58 |
[Flurry of Blows] | Causes the User to strike rapidly using either their weapon or fists. Better with blunt objects. | Interlude 5 |
[Flurry of Cuts] | ||
[Flurry of Motion] | ||
[Flurry Scrub] | The User hands moves rapidly while they scrubbing. | 9.25 |
[Flurry Stab] | The User stabs rapidly with their weapon. | Gravesong Book One |
[Flurry Strikes] | Causes the User to strike rapidly using either their weapon or fists. A sort-of combination of [Flurry Blades] and [Flurry of Blows]. | 5.37 G |
[Flyer's Senses] | ||
[Flying Headbutt] | ||
[Flying Hooves] | 7.37 | |
[Flying Jump Kick] | ||
[Flying Kick] | ||
[Focus Fire] [Focused Fire] |
7.58 | |
[Focus of Ire] | 7.37 | |
[Focus, Class] | 9.15 VM | |
[Foe Sensor] / [Battlefield – Foe Sensor] / [Foesense] |
The User can calibrated this Skill to sense specific enemies of their choosing, which then shows how many and were they are in the User's head. This User can sense the targets even through the ground and smoke. At High-Level this Skill can detect an ‘enemy’ within 4 miles of the User position. |
8.14 N |
[Foefinder’s Scan] | The User can looks for nearby enemies and identify their number and approximate size. | 6.62 L |
[Folk’s Vitales Gift] | ||
[Follow My Back] | 8.78 F | |
[Follow my Command, Worm] | ||
[Follow the Story] | 8.47 H | |
[Footwork: Half-circle Reposition] | Of Vampires and Fraerlings | |
[For Every One That Falls, Our Scales Grow Stronger] | Strengthens the scales of scaled-forces, like Lizardfolk and Drakes, under the User command for every casualties suffered, making them progressively tougher. | 8.80 |
[For Every Soul I Entertain, Goodwill Remains] | ||
[For Your Ears Only] | The User can engulf a few individuals in this Skill so that only they can hear the User voice. From the outside, the speaker's mouth looks blurred so their lips can't be read. | 8.69 T, 10.35 - Pt. 1 |
[Force Palm] | 8.02 | |
[Forced Removal] | At the User will an invisible force picks the Person for removal up and throw them out from the User's establishment. | 8.41 |
[Forecast] | Predicts the weather. | Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 2) |
[Foreign Lands Training (Landscape)] | 8.30 | |
[Foresight] (Injury, Mortal Wound, Commodities) |
A Sensing Skill that allow the User to predict something in the next few moments or near future. Can have varies other variations with more focused predictions, which are: Injury Predict that the User is going to receive an Injury in the next few moments. Mortal Wound Commodities |
8.35 9.31 |
[Forged by Deed] | Upgrade Skill. | 10.20 E |
[Form a Line] | Makes a crowd of people form and wait into a line. | Adventurers (Pt. 2) |
[(Name): Form Change] (Ashbringer Scourgebee) |
The affected animal gains the ability to change their form to the one described by the Skill at will. | 10.15 |
[Form Ranks] | ||
[Form Squad: My Companions Are With Me] | ||
[Formation: Accelerate] | Activated [Strategist] skill which causes groups in formation under the skillholder's command to accelerate more rapidly towards the enemy. | 5.62 |
[Formation: Anchors of Lead] | Increasing the defence and weight of all the combatants in a formation under the User command, which makes them difficult for the enemy forces to charge and push trough. | 8.24 |
[Formation: Dodge] | Activated [Strategist] skill which causes groups in formation under the skillholder's command to dodge incoming enemies more easily. | 4.25 N |
[Formation: Reinforced Armor] | 7.47 K | |
[Fortified Block] | Talia | |
[Fortified Shields] | 7.47 K | |
[Fortify the Ground: Fortress Protection] | Creates stone fortifications. | 10.35 - Pt. 2 |
[Fortune Bleeds] | The User gains riches from the homes and vaults of those they kill. | 9.70 (Pt. 2) |
[Forwards, Slaves] | ||
[Four Good Lies] | Allows the User to lie four times in one week that will bypass all checks from truth stones and spells. | 7.07 |
[Fourfold Petting] | 9.01 | |
[Fourfold Strike] | A sword or lance attack that strikes out 4 blows at once. | 8.75 |
[Fourfold Volley] | ||
[Free Ascent] [Free Ascent: 50 Feet] |
9.36 HO | |
[Free Baker’s Dozen] | ||
[Free Cut] | Allow the User to perform an unstoppable cut with a sharp edge weapon without having to touch their opponent with it. | 8.35 |
[Free Elbow] | In the middle of a fight with fist or weapon, the User can throw out an elbow at their opponent's jaw, chest or throat, that really hurt. | 9.41 (Pt. 1) |
[Free Refill: Scented Soap of Taima] | 9.25 | |
[Free Swap: Equipment] | Used alongside a Skill that makes battles turn-based. Let's the User change gear without costing an action point. | 10.35 - Pt. 1 |
[Freeze the World] | Freezes the air in place around the User. | 10.35 - Pt. 1 |
[Freeze, Criminal] | 7.38 | |
[Frenzy Cuts] | A wilder version of [Flurry Blades]. | 5.37 G |
[Friend of Fur] | Makes furry animals friendly to the User. | 8.35 |
[Friend-And-Foe Vision] | Renders an entire unit under the User command to be able to see who is the enemy and who is an ally. | 8.76 B |
[Friends: Primal Awakening] | ||
[From Mind, Accurate Sketch] | Innovation and Invention | |
[From Witchcraft, Sorcery Ariseth] | ||
[Frozen Grip] | Freeze whatever the User grasp. | 9.16 R |
[Frozen Quickshape] | An Ice Mages Skill that allows the Caster to change the shape of their Ice faster. | 6.39 8.36 H |
[Full Armor Onslaught] | ||
[Full Body Throw] [Full-Body Throw] |
8.64 K 9.58 O | |
[Full House Throw] | ||
[Full of Ink] [Tribe: Full of Ink] |
Makes ink supplies last longer without needing to replenish their ink often. Can be obtained as a Tribe-Skill to apply its effect to the Tribe’s ink supplies. |
8.66 |
[Full Power Blow] | An attack that uses the maximum possible power that the User can physically handle. | 7.47 K |
[Full Power Throw] | A throw that uses the maximum possible power that the User can handle. | 7.42 M |
[Full-Speed Fallback] | ||
[Full-Weight Counter] | 8.13 F | |
[Fungoid Harvester] | Meetings and Friendships | |
[Furious Charge] | 7.47 K | |
[Furious Hunt: Hyenas] | 8.37 H | |
[Furious Rage] | 6.67 | |
[Fury Strength] | Greatly increases the User's strength in exchange for them giving in to anger. | 5.34 |
[Future Negotiation] | The User Forcefully delays a negotiation for a later date. Doesn't work on High-Level Individuals. |
8.05 I |
Skill Effect Navigation |
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G[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Gale Wings] | Limited to winged races, this skill creates a large gust of wind when the skillholder flaps their wings. | 6.48 T |
[Gallows Swing] | ||
[Gaping Bite] | Horror Skill which modifies the User's mouth structure to give them a larger bite. | 3.17 T |
[Garden of Sanctuary] | Gives the User access to a secure and magical garden. For details see Here |
7.07 |
[Gas-Sight] | ||
[Gazelle’s Leap] | Allow the User to be able to Leap like a Gazelle. | 7.18 M |
[Get in Formation] | A commanding Skill that that assists the forces under the User command to get into proper formation. | 8.63 K |
[Get Off My Ship] | Forcibly removes someone by sending them flying off from the User's ship. | 8.64 K |
[Get Up and Run] | 9.34 | |
[Ghost’s Hand] | The User's hand, and anything they can comfortably hold in it, turns intangible. The hand feels ice-cold when touching someone. | 9.16 R |
[Ghostrider] | The User can phase through others. | 9.67 (Pt. 2) |
[Giant’s Arrow] | ||
[Giant’s Hammer] | Make an empowered hammer strike. | 6.22 D |
[Giant’s Kick] | ||
[Giant’s Parry] | A Defensive Skill that allows the User to parry massive attacks. | 8.74 DR |
[Giant’s Stab] | ||
[Giant’s Strength] | ||
[Giant’s Sword] | Super sizes the User's blade, the result depends on level, can result in a blade worthy of Giants. | 7.35 C 8.19 H |
[Giants on the March] | Of Vampires and Fraerlings | |
[Gift of Amor] | Gives a small buff every time the User sleeps with someone, especially if it's a new person. | 10.28 N |
[Gift of Friendship: Keener Hearing] | The Tribes of Izril | |
[Gift of Friendship: Sharper Scents] | The User has a sense of smell as good as that of a Gnoll. | 9.10 W |
[Gift of the Progenitor] | Grants a Skill to the User's child. | Gravesong Book One |
[Give It To Me] | The User takes a Skill from the target. | 9.67 (Pt. 1) |
[Glacial Wall of Ice] | Raises a wall of ice. | 9.16 R |
[Glaciersheet Ice] | An Ice Mage Skill that make the caster's Ice tougher. | 6.67 8.36 H |
[Gliding Steps] | Allows the User to move smoothly across rough terrain, namely non-ballroom floors. | 6.27 M |
[Glittering Cut] | ||
[Glorious Charge] | Makes the User's subordinates lighter, faster, and stronger as they charge the enemy. | 2.29 |
[Glossary of Salii] | Any specific information that the User is looking for from their own memory, will appear neatly organized for them in their own writing and thoughts. As the Skill is named after Salii it is unknown if this Skill is reserved for her only or if someone can have it as well or if they get their own Glossary Skill named after them? |
9.35 O |
[Glove Grip] | Gives the User's hands similar tensile strength to toughened leather. | Pebblesnatch and Garry |
[Goat's Kick] | ||
[Goblin Cookbook] | Grants Goblins cooking recipes to the User. | 9.34 |
[God's Fist] | Divinity related Skill. Never assigned. | 9.68 |
[Golden Investment] | ||
[Golden Rays of Rhir] | Shoots multiple large rays from the skies that turn the Target's skin into gold, to severely hurting them. Sacrifices the User's gold to activate. | 7.36 C |
[Golden Remuneration] | 9.63 | |
[Golden Yield] | ||
[Good as Today] | Erases stains from the targeted object. | 10.15 |
[Good Luck Charm] | ||
[Gore Splash] | Causes a struck body to explode, throwing gore everywhere. | 5.42 |
[Gorecut Step] | ||
[Grace of the Bastille] | A Defensive Skill that can affect an entire army to defend with unnatural skill for 1 minute. | 7.13 K |
[Graceful Dodge] | ||
[Graceful Engagement] | The combatants under the User's command fight with skill and elegance. | The Roots (Pt. 4) |
[Graceful Parry] | ||
[Graceful Step] | Allows the User to move gracefully. | 3.14 |
[Gracious Invitation] | Forcibly invite someone in a courteous way to come and stay at the User's demands. It also force that person to politely answer back. | 7.24 |
[Grand Punch] | A powerful punch. | 10.18 E |
[Grand Slash] | Extends a strike attack a great distance beyond the blade with the force of a greatsword. Can also be used on a smaller weapon, like a dagger, to give it the same wide arc and force. |
5.49 |
[Grand Theatre] | A Dimensional Skill that transforms/extends a room after a certain point, to that of a spacious theatre room, roughly 3 times the size of an inn common room, using some form of spatial warping that repeats tself, minus the windows. How it would apply in other scenarios is unknown. | 5.04 |
[Granite Formation] | ||
[Granite's Armor] | 9.08 | |
[Grasshopper’s Run] | Allow the User to run as if they were falling, pushing off the ground in bigger leaps and bounds as they leapt, and perform amazing flips. The User can also jump really high. The Skill also partly makes the User much more fearless of the terrain they are running on so that they don't slow down from minor obstacles. The User need to at least know how to do a tight front-flip in order to be able to learn this Skill. |
8.31 |
[Gratitude of the Championed] | ||
[Gravitas of the Monuments] | 9.17 R | |
[Gravity Paw] | The User can attract objects to their paw. | 10.13 |
[Great Cleave] | ||
[Great Enemy: Goblin] | 7.43 G | |
[Great Shield] | ||
[Great Slash] | Unleashes a powerful slashing attack that can severs the air and tears the ground. | 5.51 G |
[Great Swing] | 7.47 K | |
[Greater Agility] | ||
[Greater Blessing of Armor] | 7.59 | |
[Greater Dodge] | Saliss the Adventurer | |
[Greater Endurance] | 6.07 D | |
[Greater Endurance: Mount] | ||
[Greater Far Cast] | 7.59 | |
[Greater Frost Resistance] | ||
[Greater Illusion] (Door) |
[Greater Inebriated Strength] | ||
[Greater Pain Tolerance] | The highest known pain tolerance enhancement skill, the power of its effects is unknown. Separate from [Ignore Pain] | 1.01 C |
[Greater Resistance: Acid] | Saliss the Adventurer | |
[Greater Resistance: Chronos] | Grants the User greater resistance to Temporal/Time based alterations. | |
[Greater Resistance: Electricity] | Saliss the Adventurer | |
[Greater Resistance: Fire] [Greater Fire Resistance] |
A Greater Fire Resistance Skill where it grants the User immunity from high temperatures and flames. | Saliss the Adventurer |
[Greater Resistance: Mental] | ||
[Greater Resistance: Poison] | ||
[Greater Speed] | ||
[Greater Strength] | The highest known strength enhancement skill, the power of its effects is unknown. | 1.10 R |
[Greater Toughness] | 7.33 I | |
[Greenbane Arrow] | 7.43 G | |
[Grinder Teeth] | ||
[Grip of Paralysis] | ||
[Ground Dance: Taurus of the Desert] | The User advances in a savage series of attacks that are less like a combo of punches and more like a series of fast flowing moves, with each punch, kick, and blow designed to hammer the opponent in the face, chest, stomach and legs. | 8.65 |
[Ground Electricity] | 9.51 Z | |
[Grounded Advance] | Make the forces under the User's command immune to Lightning Spells. | 8.35 |
[Group: Speed Raiders] | The User makes a group of raiders under their command faster, to the point that to them it feels as if everything else moves a bit slower. | 8.38 H |
[Group Action] | Applies the effects of another single-target Skill to a Target group of people. | 10.20 E |
[Grudgescent Terrier] | The User can sense if someone is guilty of any of the User's justified grudge of a particular case towards them or their associates. | Numbtongue (Pt.2) |
[Guaranteed Shot] | ||
[Guise of Neutrality] | Those under the Skill's effect will appear as a non-hostile faction or species to others until they attack. Initial hostile actions will only remove the Skill for one or two individuals rather than the entire group unless they continue attacking. | The Wedding |
Skill Effect Navigation |
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H[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Hacking Chop] | ||
[Hail of Arrows] | ||
[Hail of Bolts] | A skill which causes a crossbows bolts to fly faster and with additional force | 6.44 E |
[Hail of Projectiles] | Throws upwards of 30 projectiles in one throw. The amount may vary based on the level of the User. | 7.42 M |
[Half-Circle Reposition] | 8.65 | |
[Half-Giant’s Launch Kick] | ||
[Half-Giant’s Stride] | ||
[Hammer Blow] | Increases the power of a hammer strike | 1.01 H |
[Hammer Kick] | Greatly increases the power of a single kick | 6.22 D |
[Hammer of the Heavens] | ||
[Hammer of the Ogre] | Adventurers (Pt. 2) | |
[Hammer Strike] | ||
[Hammering Blows] | ||
[Hamstring Cut] | ||
[Hands of the Uncreator] | The User can destroy anything created by the Grand Design, such as Skill-made objects and forces. | 10.35 - Pt. 1 |
[Harassing Fire: Arrows of Slow] | Hectval (Pt. 1) | |
[Harmony of Restfulness] | Gravesong Book One | |
[Harpoon Bolt] | Morph a fired regular-sized crossbow bolt into a harpoon for greater damage. | 9.27 RC |
[Harpoon Shot] | ||
[Harried Gallop] | ||
[Harvest Witchcraft (Local)] | ||
[Haste Formation] | ||
[Hat Trick: (Spell)] (Minor Arcana) |
Allow the User to do magic with their hat. Minor Arcana: Cast Tier 1-2 Spell every 15 minutes, or less if it’s a low-power Spell. |
9.29 |
[Hawk Eyes] [Hawk’s Eyes] |
Grants eyesight similar to a hawk's vision. | 8.33 R |
[He Felt No Shame] | Makes the User ignore their own shameful self. | The Competition |
[He Fought With All His Pride] | The User leaves a slicing, golden manifestation of sharp pride, trailing after them. | Brewing Sariants |
[He Left Pride in His Wake] | ||
[He Scratched Only Thread] | Grants protection from lethal slash attacks, with only the user's clothes taking damage. | 8.45 O |
[He Walked and Shadows Split] | The User splits shadowswhich come in contact with them, which emit thousands of blades of shadows to deliver shallow strikes at enemies. | The Wedding, |
[Headhunter] | Determine a person's value for a specialized recruitment service. | 6.23 D |
[Headman’s Last Cut] | 6.46 E | |
[Healer’s Intuition] (Basic) |
‘Sense’ what is wrong with someone's health. Basic: Works like a basic visual scan. |
9.40 GG |
[Healthy Growth] | The User grows more quickly. | Gravesong Book One |
[Healthy Rearing] | 3.23 L | |
[Hear Me] | Compels others to hear the user speaking above everyone else, even when out of earshot. | 8.52 MN |
[Heartbreaker Kiss] | Causes an actual heartbreak as a projectile attack. Does not kill the target. | 6.27 M |
[Hearts of Courage] | ||
[Heavy Blow] | ||
[Heavy Push] | Shove heavy objects with ease. | 9.25 |
[Heavyweight Punch] | ||
[Hefty Push] | Push with great force. | 9.49 |
[Heightened Reflexes] | Enhances reflexes and nimbleness | 7.34 C |
[Hemostatic Pause] | Stops bleeding from the area for a short span. | 1.05 D |
[Here, And Everywhere I Rule] |
9.04 |
[Heroic Tolerance: Alcohol] | ||
[Heron's Wing Slash] | ||
[Hidden Door] | ||
[High Jump] | User jumps significantly higher than normal. | 7.44 |
[Highlight Forageables] | ||
[Highlight Target] | The User mark someone that they can see as a Target to be attacked. The Skill-marked Target glows while under this Skill effect. | 8.14 N |
[Hill Cleaver] | ||
[Hill Ogre’s Smash] | Strength of a hit is that of a Hill Ogre. | 8.24 |
[Hints of Affection] | ||
[His Hat Held Wrath] | ||
[Hob’s Strength] | Confers the strength of a Hobgoblin. | |
[Hold Door] | Halt a door from swinging to open or close. | 9.53 |
[Hold Ember] | The User can hold a hot ember with their bare hands without getting burned. | 9.41 (Pt. 2) |
[Hold the Line] | 4.49 | |
[Hold until the last] | ||
[Holdless Throw] | Grab something that is not normally able to be seized, like thousands of pounds of water, and throw it. | 9.35 O |
[Holy Radiance] | The User body shines in a brilliant glowing light for their allies, and a blinding light for their enemies, that is so bright that it destroyed their vision. Golems, such as Armored Suits, and Undead are not blinded, although the Undead are weaken by it. |
6.62 L |
[Holy Rebuke] | A counterattack with holy power. | 10.32 – Pt. 2 |
[Homing Arc] | Causes an arced throw to arc towards the target as if homing in. | 7.46 K |
[Homing Arrow] [Homing Arrows] |
7.62 | |
[Homing Kick] | A Kicking Skill that makes something the User had kicked homing to were the User intended. | 8.15 |
[Homing Quick Stab] | ||
[Homing Shot] [Homing Shots] |
Causes arrow, bolt or bullets to curve towards the target as if homing in. | 4.33 |
[Homing Spell] | 7.59 | |
[Homing Throw] | ||
[Honest Gift Exchange] | The User and the Target each recieve a gift of what the other would give them. Works across continents, and able to be used once a month. | 10.07 |
[Honor’s Shield] [Honor’s Shield – Single Use] |
Protects the User from any dishonourably attacks once. | 9.00 |
[Honorguard] | ||
[Hook Punch] | ||
[Horrendous Weather] | Calls hazardous weather of heavy rain and thunderstorms. | 8.14 N |
[Hot Enough For You] | Allow the User to cook spicy food that is comfortably hot enough for each consumers. | 8.35 |
[Hound's Nose] | Adventurers (Pt. 2) | |
[Hound's Scent] (Edibles) |
[Hour of the Secretary] | A Temporal Skill that grants the User an Hour of free time to organize and plan while everything else is motionless, even on a battlefield. Normally it is a Level 50 capstone Skill but it can also be obtained at Level 40, and has numerous applications, like instead of obtaining a full Hour of free time, you obtain less like 18 minutes, which in turn turns it into [Eighteen Minutes of the Secretary] Skill instead. |
8.37 H |
[Howl of the Plains] | Trade and Travel + 9.49 | |
[Huge Chomp] | ||
[Humble Actor] | Seemingly both a Class and a Skill that make the actor appear meeker and more humble. | 7.50 |
[Humble Presence] | Makes the User seem less threatening. | 3.21 L |
[Hundred-Foot Lunge] | 6.39 | |
[Hundredfold Arms Repair] | Repair a hundred of the damaged mundane weapons each night. | Hectval (Pt. 2) |
[Hundredfold Stab] | Lets the User stab someone or something a hundred times in a few moments. | 7.58 |
[Hunter’s Quarry] | 6.43 E | |
[Hunter’s Resolve: No Hesitation, Nor Remorse] | Removes feelings of guilt and doubt from targeted allies. | 10.21 E |
[Hunting Hook] | The User's hook targets the biggest fish in the area. | The Last Tide: Book One |
[Hurricane Arrows] | 6.23 D | |
[Hurricane Stabs] | Unleashes a flurry of thrusts. | Hectval (Pt. 1) 8.85 |
[Hurricane Throw] | 7.36 C | |
[Hydra’s Strikes] | 7.36 C | |
[Hygienic Hands] | 1.00 D |
Skill Effect Navigation |
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I[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[I Am the Origin of Contracts: By Right of Mendacity, I Annul Any Oath, I Shatter Every Pact] | The User can destroy a contract. It works better if the contract had already been violated, in spirit or letter. | 10.17 |
[I Am Unmovable] | Makes the User unmovable by vastly increase their defence to the point that they can brace a heavy assault charge, and not be uprooted from the spot. | 8.19 H |
[I Bear My Mistress’ Stains] | The User takes upon themselves the stains, included minor cuts and bruises, that their Mistress suffers. | Foody Discussions |
[I Burned Brighter Ere I Fell] | 8.73 R | |
[I Called A Storm In the Name of the Harpy Queen] | ||
[I Can Do Anything I Claim] | ||
[I Can (Probably) Fly That)] | ||
[I Can Shoot That] | Nock and shoot with a bow, 'arrows' that would normally fail to be used as normal arrows like a javelin, or a sword. The User has still to account for the form and weight of these 'arrows' as if they are to heavy they drop if they don't adjust their aiming. |
8.63 K 8.64 K |
[I Carry My Mistress' Burdens] | 8.82 (Pt. 1) | |
[I Challenge You] | Provokes the opponent(s) to come and attack the User. | 9.41 (Pt. 2) |
[I Claim Your Fate] | The User stabs the Target and obtains their power. | 9.70 (Pt. 1) |
[I Command Your Hummanity: (Order)] | The User forces human subbordinates to carry out the following order, suppressing any hesitation. The affected individuals will forgo tactics when fighting. | 9.70 (Pt. 3) |
[I Cut the World Unseen] | ||
[I Dipped My Blade in Destiny] | 9.70 (Pt. 1) | |
[I Double Dare You] | Challenge Skill in which the User dares a Person to fulfil a dare. Once the dare requirements are met, that Person is empowered in someway for a limited amount of time, like about 30 minutes. | 9.27 RC |
[I Fear No Flame] | A Superior Fire Resistance Skill were it grants the User complete immunity from extreme temperature Fire and Heat, and even from Dragon’s Fire. | 8.09 |
[I Forged in the Greatest Fire I Have Known] | A Unique [Smith]’s Skill that Grants the User the power to produce extreme temperature Fire and Heat, high enough to melt Adamantium, in a range of a thousand feet around them. | 8.09 |
[I Fought Against Five Alone] | For a moment 4 other perfect copies of the User appear to fight beside the User. | 8.26 FK |
[I Go First] | ||
[I Grew Luck Itself] | ||
[I Grew With Every Bite] | ||
[I Have Seen It Die] | ||
[I Left My Name Behind] | Erases the User's identity, as well as the memory of them and their deeds. | 9.70 (Pt. 2) |
[I Left the Carrion None of Their Due] | A Skill that doesn’t let the User and those under their command not permanently wound or killing their opponents by undoing ever inflicted wound or kill like; Having those who suffered wounds like, a severed limb still being there intact, but becoming limp and unresponsive until this skill effect ends. And those who have been killed like, being cut into bloody chunks, remaining whole and uncut, but going into an unconscious immobile unresponsive state. The 'dead' would wake in exactly 24 hours from the moment the blow had happened. Only the opponents possessions, like armor and weapons, are not affected by this Skill, thus remaining damaged or destroyed. Also the 'dead' opponents could still really die under other factors like, lack of oxygen. |
8.52 MN |
[I Made a Copy] | 8.77 B | |
[I Match Your Strength for Strength] | Isles of Goblin and Minos | |
[I Moved Like Thunder] | The User moves briefly at great speed like thunder. | 8.64 K |
[I Pierced the Walls in Hate] | ||
[I Sense Treachery] | The User is forewarned of subterfuge and hostility aimed against their charge or charge's allies. | 9.70 (Pt. 3) |
[I Stabbed Everything I Saw] | 8.77 B | |
[I Stepped Through the Mundane World] | Allows the User to phase through the world, so that they can pass through a door without opening it, or walls. The passing transferring is fast, not slow. |
8.77 B 8.76 B |
[I Stirred That] | Cooking Skill that stir the food while being cooked. | 9.25 |
[I Stole a Better Tomorrow] | Stories | |
[I Stole Fate] | ||
[I Stole Lightning] | 9.20 | |
[I Struck Him Deaf] | Renders a struck opponent by the Target momentary deaf. | 8.45 O |
[I Took Eight Steps Like Thunder] | The User takes 8 steps, each as fast as thunder. | Adventurers (Pt. 3) |
[I Walked the Crossroads of Izril] | 9.50 | |
[I Will Never Let You Go] | Allow the User hand to keep gripping and tightening its hold on, no matter what, even if the hand has been severed from the User, and the digits been severed as well, the fingers keep tightening. | 8.74 DR |
[I Worked Like Three Men] | Makes 2 clones of the User to work as three-to-one. | 9.25 |
[I’m As Good As You Are] | ||
[Ice Magic Affinity] | 6.39 | |
[Icon of Faith] | ||
[Ignite Creation] | A target object created by the User bursts in vivid red flame. The target counts even if it's a collaborative creation, or the User contributed indirectly to it. | 10.02 Y |
[Ignore Bump] | Innovation and Invention | |
[Ignore Pain] | A passive Skill that makes the User ignore any pain they may be in. | 4.27 H |
[Illustrated Point] | 9.15 VM | |
[Illustrator’s Vision] | 6.11 | |
[Imbue Skill] | Allows the User to use a non-weapon Skill through a weapon or vice versa. | 9.35 O |
[Imitation of Might] | Used as [Imitation of Might: (Person)], changes the user's body and weapons to imitate another powerful individual and use their strength and techniques. Requires the User to copy the exact motions and fighting style, and the effect ends if they stop doing so. | 10.12 H (Pt. 2) |
[Immobile Ranks] | 7.47 K | |
[Immobilizing Touch] | The User can Immobilize someone after touching them for a few seconds depending on their level. High-level individuals will barely stop. |
8.02 |
[Immovable Stance: Manticore] | 9.35 O | |
[Immunity: Alcohol] | A toggleable Skill that can disable the drunken effects of alcohol. | 1.45 |
[Immunity: Crossbow Bolts] | ||
[Immunity: Fate] | ||
[Immunity: Fear] | ||
[Immunity: Vampirism] | ||
[Impact Charge] | 4.08 T | |
[Impact Headbutt] | 8.67 | |
[Impact Arrow] | 9.41 (Pt. 3) | |
[Impact Kick] | A kick that can launch the Target in the air. | 10.24 E |
[Impact Punch] | ||
[Impact Reflection] | A [Driver] Skill that reverses the force of an impact towards the other party. | 7.59 |
[Impact Rush] | A charging Skill that knocks back opponents. | 7.47 K |
[Impact Spear] | Increases the force of the User's spear thrusts. | 8.85 |
[Impactful Blows] | ||
[Impaler's Formation] | Military command Skill. | 9.66 |
[Impartial Observer] | 8.47 H | |
[Imperial Appraiser] | Gives the User the ability to see flaws and hidden traits in most mundane items almost instantly. | Krshia |
[Imperial Aura] | 6.08 | |
[Imperial Levy] | A Skill that requests fighting forces from other towns or cities. | 4.35 E |
[Implacable Demeanor] | ||
[Implacable Order] | Gives an order that can not be argued with only accepted or refused. | 5.16 S |
[Impossible Dodge] | 8.83 9.50 | |
[Improved Balance] | ||
[Improved Block] | ||
[Improved Bracing] | ||
[Improved Evasion: Projectiles] | Dodge any type of projectiles. | 9.53 |
[Improved Mana Circulation] | ||
[Improved Parry] | ||
[In My Arms] | Pulls the Target child into the User's arms. | Interlude – Songs and Wands |
[Incendiary Fist] | 8.65 | |
[Incisive Comment] | 6.57 | |
[Increased Carry Weight] | ||
[Increased Income] | 5.17 S | |
[Increased Income: Job] | The User earns more pay from the income of their job. | Innovation and Invention |
[Increased Warmth: Ember] | 9.41 (Pt. 2) | |
[Incredible Adhesive] | Make a glue twice as strong as regular. | Innovation and Invention |
[Incredible Leap] | ||
[Incredible Solvent] | ||
[Indefinite Flotation] | The Rower and the Bartender | |
[Indefinite Lift] (Mental) |
[Indefinite Marching] | ||
[Indestructible Clipboard] | Makes the User's personal clipboard as hard if not harder than Adamantium. | 9.35 O |
[Indirect Bombardment] | A Skill that relies on the User's intelligence to perform physics calculations with ballistic weapons. | Experiments in Goblins |
[Indirect Hex] | 7.59 | |
[Indomitable Will] | 1.41 | |
[Inebriated Toughness] | ||
[Inert Stirring Rod] | 9.54 C | |
[Influential Words] | Nudges the Target into following the User's suggestions. | 10.28 N |
[Information Dump: (Target)] | Provides information about the Target. | 10.17 |
[Infuse Color] | Infuses colors taken from other objects with [Drain Color], granting the properties of that object to the Target. Infusing more of the color or concentrating them will increase the properties. | 10.09 E, 10.10 E (Pt. 1) |
[Infuse Witchcraft: Objects] | ||
[Infused Dough] (Scaethen Dough) |
Recipe Skill ...TBA | |
[Ingredients Sense (Minor)] | Allowed the User to instantly know what edible things are around them. Although it has a range of about 5 feet, it still pickes up everything edible in the area. |
7.05 P |
[Ingredients Stabilization] | 9.03 | |
[Ingredients: Cultural Shift!] | Brewing Sariants | |
[Inheritance of the Bandit Lord] | A [Bandit Lord] Skill in which at the moment of their dead they can send something by teleport it across vast distances to a specific person of their choosing. For a second the dying [Bandit Lord] will also see that person face as they receive the object. |
8.64 K |
[Injury Sense] | 1.01 D | |
[Inkless Fur] | ||
[Inn’s Aura] | An Aura Skill that allows the User to control the area around their inn in ways that can help allies and impede enemies. | 2.23 |
[Innate Spell: Detect Magic] | ||
[Innovation Never Ceases] | Innovation and Invention | |
[Inopportune Trip] | ||
[Insider Information] | ||
[Inspect Ward's Condition] | The User is informed of the Target's health and feelings. The connection grows fainter with distance. | The Roots (Pt. 2-2) |
[Inspection: Gold Collected] | ||
[Inspiration: My Hero's Strength] | ||
[Inspiring Chorus] | ||
[Inspiring Moment] | ||
[Inspiring Words] | 5.62 | |
[Instant Arrow] | 9.41 (Pt. 3) | |
[Instant Disguise] | ||
[Instant Drying] | ||
[Instant Duck] | The User ducks an incomming attack. | 10.27 GMG |
[Instant Retribution: Threat] | Inflict immediate punishment to someone who made a threatening statement/action. | 8.50 |
[Instant Clothing Change] | 9.21 | |
[Instantaneous Barrage (Phantom Arrows)] | Commonly shortened to [Instantaneous Barrage], this Skill shoots a second wave of phantom arrows directly after the first real volley shot by allied forces. | 7.23 LM |
[Instantaneous Order] | Immediately produces a meal/beverage order. | 10.33 MNK |
[Instantaneous Redirection] | Instantly changes the direction of the User regardless of momentum and angle. | 7.03 |
[Instantaneous Reload] | Reloads bows or crossbows of allied forces immediately using real arrows or bolts. | Strategists at Sea (Pt. 1) |
[Insult to Injury] | 7.31 | |
[Intensify Spell] | ||
[Intercept Communications] | ||
[Intercept Missive] | Intercept and steals someone's ongoing missive, even if its send by magic, for the User. | 9.35 O |
[Intercept Mortal Blow] | ||
[Interception Fire] | The User fires a projectile in order to intercept the firing projectile of the opponent. | 7.47 K 8.67 |
[Intimidating Bellow] | The User let's out a loud shout which attracts attention. | 9.70 (Pt. 2) |
[Intimidating Glare] | 3.11 E | |
[Intimidating Shout] | 9.20 | |
[Intimidating Stare] | 2.37 | |
[Introspective Moment] | ||
[Intuition] | 2.09 | |
[Inventory: Trickle of Replenishment] | Used on gathered magical items belonging to the User, the magic inside is slightly replenished. | 10.03 Y |
[Invisible Bolt] | Turns a fired crossbow or ballista bolt invisible. | 7.47 K |
[Invisible Cast] | Render a projectile thrown invisible. | 8.67 |
[Invisible Guard] | ||
[Invisible to Decency] | ||
[Iron Scales] [Ironscales] |
A Defensive Skill for Users that have a scaled body, like Drakes or Lizardfolk, which renders their scales much stronger and more resistant to harm. This Skill is a higher level version of [Thick Scales]. |
[Ironmarrow Bones] | Fundamentally change the User bones to be far more stronger and durable, but with the down side of being to much heavy. | 9.35 O |
[Ironshell] | A Defensive Skill for Users that have a shelled body, like Antinium, which renders their shell much stronger and more resistant to harm. | 9.00 |
[Iron Skin] [Ironhide] |
A Defensive Skill for Users that have a skinned body, like Humans, which renders their skin much stronger and more resistant to harm. This Skill is a higher level version of [Thick Skin]. |
1.14 |
[Iron Will] | Renders User immune to most if not all fear effects. | |
[Is It A Deal] | ||
[It Hurts Less] | ||
[It’s a Joke, Not a Crime] | ||
[Item: Replenish Charges] | Recharge to their full capacity an object that runs by some kind of power. | 9.41 (Pt. 1) |
[Item: Skillblocking Flash] (Spectacles) |
The User's glasses produce a blinding flash that interupts Skills. | 10.35 (Pt. 1) |
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J[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Jab Barrage] | Attack Skill in which the User launches a flurry of stabbing attacks. If the attacks are successful, it can knock several opponents down or backwards. |
8.18 H |
[Journalism Under Fire: Emergency Protection] | 10.28 N | |
[Journalistic Shield] | Summons a glowing protective wall. | 9.55 (Pt. 1) |
[Judge of Nobility] | 9.67 (Pt. 2) |
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K[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Keen Blades] | Strategists at Sea (Pt. 2) | |
[Keen Eyes] | 5.41 | |
[Keener Edge] | A cutting Skill that makes an iron blade cut perfectly for the first few blows. | 5.15 |
[Keep Up With Me] | The User can have someone keep up their movement speed with them, even if they are slower than the User. | 8.67 |
[Kill Confirmed] | Informs the User that their target has perished, even if they did not see it happen. | 10.08 (Pt. 1) |
[King’s Bounty] | 3.01 E | |
[Kingslayer Shells] | Shotgun ammunition made to injure the Goblin King. | 10.35 - Pt. 3 |
[Kingdom: Witness their Demise] | The Target body disappears and reappears before their nation's ruler. Their final moment displayed in the sky of their nation. | 10.17 |
[Kiss of the Viper] | ||
[Kitchen Delivery] | Teleports plates, glasses, and utensils into the kitchen. | 9.25 |
[Kith and Kin of Goblins] | ||
[Kneader’s Grip] | ||
[Knight’s Challenge] | 5.08 | |
[Knight’s Riposte] | ||
[Knightly Vow] | Gravesong Book One | |
[Know Thy Audience] | The User obtianes some informations from his audience, such as their true Identity and their Class. | 7.56 |
[Knuckles of Iron] |
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L[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Lance Formation] | ||
[Lance Thrust] | The User thrust attack, which an be either with a lance or even a sword, has all the force of a charging [Knight] on horseback put into a fast blow. | The Innkeeper’s Knight |
[Lance: Touch of Age] | ||
[Lancing Hydrastrike] | A sword or lance attack that strikes out 8 superlative blows at once. | 8.74 DR |
[Lancing Thrust] | A piercing thrust attack. | 6.19 H |
[Lantern: Bright Illumination] | ||
[Larger Livestock] | A Skill for [Farmer] like Classes that makes the livestock under their care bigger. | Hectval (Pt. 2) |
[Lasting Ember] | 9.41 (Pt. 2) | |
[Launch Kick] | A kicking skill that sends an enemy flying in the direction of the kick. | Strategists at Sea (Pt. 1) |
[Launch Palm] | 8.48 H | |
[Launch Step] | ||
[Launching Strike] | 6.56 | |
[Law of the Inn] | Force anyone to follow the Law in the User's Inn, like preventing a high level Mage from casting an offensive spell. It can only enforce one rule at a time, but the user can change which rule is enforced. | The Hangover After |
[Lawbreaker’s Enemy] | Gives the User an advantage in all ways against criminals. Does not take into account the criminal's status, just whether they broke a law. |
Two Rats |
[Layered Ward] | Wistram Days (Pt. 6) | |
[Leap of Death] | ||
[Leap of Twin Swallows] | ||
[Leaping Attack] | Performs a leap to an enemy and attacks. In a turn-based battle, includes -4 to attacks. | 10.35 - Pt. 1 |
[Leaping Fish Combo] | Throws out a series of punches that mix an upwards jab into the attack. | 8.65 |
[Leaping Strike] | 7.42 M | |
[Learn by Example] | 9.15 VM | |
[Leash the Slave] | Collars a targeted slave. | 9.70 (Pt. 2) |
[Leg Sweep] | ||
[Legendary Reputation] | ||
[Legions of Steel] | Turns the actual skin and scales of the User's army into steel. Any steel armor also becomes thicker. | 6.22 D |
[Lesser Authority: Buildings] | The User can sense local buildings in detail. | 10.18 E |
[Lesser Bludgeoning Resistance] | ||
[Lesser Bond: (Name)] | Gives the User a bond to a creature that lets the User vaguely sense the creature's needs ie: hunger, pain etc. | 3.11 E 6.08 |
[Lesser Charisma] | ||
[Lesser Dexterity] | The User's body becomes a little bit dexterous, allowing them to do backflips with ease and walk on the edge of rooftops with more grace. | 7.58 8.13 F |
[Lesser Dragonbreath Arrow] (Lightning) |
The User blows on an arrow to imbue it with a dragonbreath element. | 10.15 |
[Lesser Endurance] | A passive Skill that helps the User's body sustain itself for longer periods of strenuous activity. | 2.07 |
[Lesser Explosive Resistance] | Grants the User immunity from the force of small explosions. | |
[Lesser Forcewall] [Lesser Wall of Force] |
Makes a wall of force. | 9.42 E 9.53 |
[Lesser Frost Resistance] | ||
[Lesser Immunity: Fate] | Provides a thin membrane of existance to move and prevent dissolving if the User finds themself outside of reality. | 10.34 MGF |
[Lesser Intuition] | 3.22 L | |
[Lesser Magic Resistance] | ||
[Lesser Mindward] | 9.40 GG | |
[Lesser Missile Defense] | Slightly protects against arrows by having them swerve slightly off path. The Skill can't block a direct shot, but it can turn a lot of hits into grazes or misses. |
Hectval (Pt. 2) |
[Lesser Pain Tolerance] | A passive Skill that helps wounded warriors keep fighting while wounded. | 4.27 H |
[Lesser Resistance: Blades] | ||
[Lesser Resistance: Death] | ||
[Lesser Resistance: Disease] | 1.00 D | |
[Lesser Resistance: Elements] | 9.25 | |
[Lesser Resistance: Infection] | 1.00 D | |
[Lesser Speed] | A passive Skill that makes the user a bit faster than they already are. | 9.02 |
[Lesser Stamina] | A passive Skill that helps with sustaining a single activity for long periods of time. | 1.01 D |
[Lesser Strength] | A Skill that gives the User a bit of enhanced strength. | 1.10 R |
[Lesser Toughness] | 3.27 M | |
[Lesser Wisdom] | A passive Skill that helps the User comprehend and innovate better. | Meetings and Friendships |
[Let’s Make a Deal] | 8.05 I | |
[Life-Saving Intervention] | ||
[Lifeburning Flames] | The User generates the pure essence of flames that burns everything, by sight alone. This fire is so hot and pure that the Fae stirred at it, and even hundreds of miles away, it can wake a Dragon, and all [Pyromancers] and the likes in the distance can feel its heat. |
6.43 E |
[Light Arc] | The User slashes the sword in an arc of light. | 9.41 (Pt. 2) |
[Lighter Armor] | ||
[Lightning Gallop] | Gives the User a burst of speed on horseback or as a centaur. | 6.41 E |
[Lightning Hooves] | Similar Skill to [Lightning Gallop] that effects multiple people/horses. | 5.51 G |
[Lightning Iai] | A blade-draw Skill that attacks while unsheathing the sword as fast and strong as a bolt of lightning. | 9.30 |
[Lightning Jab] | ||
[Lightning Melody] | Calls down lightning through the use of music. Can be bolstered by other storm and lightning based spells. | 5.53 |
[Lightning Run] | The User's speed increases, with lightning flashing from their feet. | Vengeance and Talking |
[Lightning Slash] | An attack that sends actual lightning coursing through the enemy's body along with the slash. | 4.49 |
[Lightning Sprint] | Gives the user an immense burst of speed. | 4.30 8.26 FK |
[Lightning’s Hammer] | When the User strikes with their weapon, a bolt of lightning will hit the ground. | Gravesong 1.07 |
[Lightsoaked Armaments] | User's weapon shines with light. | 9.16 R |
[Lightspeed Reaction] | ||
[Lightweight Craft] | A boat specific Skill that makes the vehicle lighter. | 6.07 D |
[Lightweight Wheels] | ||
[Like a Lion, He Leapt] | Allows the User to leap high overhead into the air in a single jump until they reach the zenith of the arc and then fall like a meteor towards their designated spot. | 8.54 H |
[Like Fire, Memory] | Gives the User the ability to recollect memories and emotions in the form of a flame with different colors and effects. Each flame has a different purpose and the Skill will find different flames for each User of the Skill. | 7.01 |
[Limb: Imbue Skill] | 9.36 HO | |
[Limited Regeneration] | Meetings and Friendships | |
[Limited Telepathy] | The User and their Target are able to tell a bit of what each other are thinking. This enables them to communicate a little bit without actualy talking. | 8.23 |
[Line-Ender Shot] | 9.41 (Pt. 3) | |
[Line-Ending Inferno] | 9.41 (Pt. 3) | |
[Lineholder Formation] | 6.23 D | |
[Lingering Presence] | 5.17 S | |
[Link Documents] | Pulls in every documents related to the Target document. | 10.14 |
[Linked Skill: (Skill)] | 8.84 | |
[Linked Skill: [Combat Vanish] | ||
[Linked Skill: [Massed Strikes] | ||
[Lionform Transformation] | ||
[Listen to Me] | ||
[Locate Number] [Locate Number: (Number)] |
Satar | |
[Locate Patient] | ||
[Locate Item: Scroll of Featherfall] | Innovation and Invention | |
[Locate Ward (Person)] | Allows the User to find the individuals under their protection. | 9.36 HO |
[Lock Document] | Covers a document in inky chains, preventing others from modifying or destroying it. | 10.14 |
[Lock Door] | Locks doors without using their keys. | 9.34 |
[Lock Helm] | Stops a ship's steering wheel and rudder from moving. | The Spitoon |
[Locked in Glorious Combat] | Prevents the User and their opponent from seperating. | 10.32 – Pt. 2 |
[Long Backstep] | ||
[Long Ear] | Gives the User long range hearing. | 5.11 E |
[Long Hallways] | The hallways in the User's building can stretch to the combined length of all of the hallways. The hallways can also split and branch, including between floors. | 10.13 |
[Long Uppercut] | Hectval (Pt. 2) | |
[Long-Distance Tackle] | ||
[Long-Range Command] | Gives the User the ability to be heard for great distances similar to using a megaphone. | 7.03 |
[Long-Range Shot] [Long Range Shot] |
Lets the User fire a bow or crossbow at much longer distances. | 4.33 |
[Long-Range Volley] | ||
[Long-ranged Fire] | The User can fire an arrow miles away. | 9.66 |
[Long-Ranged Mark Target] | ||
[Longclaw Grip] | The User reaches out further than they should be able to and is able to move with precision. | 7.57 |
[Longrange Shot] | 7.59 | |
[Longstep]/[Long Step] | ||
[Longstrider’s Gallop] | ||
[Loop Shot] | The User fires an arrow which loops around the target. | Adventurers (Pt. 2) |
[Loot Weighs Nothing] | Anything the User has picked up as loot, be it objects or people, they can curry without being effecting by their weigh. | 8.39 |
[Lots of Effort] | The Target animal gives extra effort in its action despite the difficulty. | The Pilot and the Knight |
[Loud Voice] | The User can temporarily speak much louder than normal. | 1.00 C |
[Lover’s Lucky Charm] | Conditional Skill... | |
[Lover's Embrace: Armaments] | ||
[Lover's Proficiency] | Increases the User's sexual prowess. | 10.28 N |
[Low-born Militias] | 4.21 E | |
[Low-Grade Synthesis] | 6.39 | |
[Low-Light Vision] | ||
[Lucid Dreaming] | The User is aware of what they are dreaming while asleep. | |
[Luck of the Foolhardy] | 9.25 | |
[Lucky Dodge] | Gives the target or User an unnatural ability to dodge for a short time. | Strategists at Sea (Pt. 1) |
[Lucky Harvester] | Passive Skill that gives the User better catches. | The Last Tide: Book One |
[Lucky Moment] | ||
[Lucky Rains, Fall] | ||
[Lucky Round] | ||
[Lucky Strike] | The User's attack lands in an unexpected way. | 10.29 M |
[Lunging Strike] | ||
[Lure Song] | The User's singing or music acts as bait for the listener to lure them closer. | 6.61 L |
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M[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Mace Art: Big Hammer] | A normal mace attack, but its effects are as though the mace is a lot bigger. | Hectval (Pt. 3) |
[Mach Punch] | The Innkeeper’s Knight | |
[Mach Wings] | Accelerates an airborne User. | 7.03 |
[Madman’s Sprint] | ||
[Mageward Shield] | The User Enchant a shield to be able to block Attack Spells, even if it's a [Siege Fireball]. | 8.26 FK |
[Magic Guard] | ||
[Magic of Will] | ||
[Magic Piercing Throw] | ||
[Magic Thought] | 7.09 K | |
[Magic: (Spell)] | ||
[Magic, Freeze] | ||
[Magic-Piercing Round] | 8.77 B | |
[Magic-Water Solvent] | 6.39 | |
[Magical Bookmark] | ||
[Magical Cooking] | 2.23 3.15 | |
[Magical Grounds] | Makes the ground in the User's territory and the buildings on top of it and its surrounding able to contain more magic, as if it were on a magical leyline. | 3.33 |
[Magical Specialization: Sand] | The User becomes specialized in Sand type Spells. | 7.09 K |
[Magical Tutelage] (Grand Magus) |
[Magicguard Block] | ||
[Magicslayer’s Shot] | 6.43 E | |
[Magnetic Pull] | 8.00 | |
[Magnificent Dealings] | ||
[Magnified Training] | Increases how fast the User learns while training. | 7.16 L |
[Maintain the Pace] | ||
[Makeup: Permanent Fixture] | Makes makeup last longer. | Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 2) |
[Malady’s Cessation] | Halts the advance of a Disease, allowing the immune system to fight it off. The Skill Effect only last for an Hour. |
7.22 D |
[Malleable Metal] | 6.13 K | |
[Mana Conversion – Sustenance] | ||
[Mana Pool] | 8.12 T | |
[Mana Reserve] | Provides the User with more reservoirs of mana to draw upon. | 7.09 K |
[Mana Siphon] (Object) |
[Mana Well] | Provides the User with a deeper reservoir of mana to draw upon. | 6.67 |
[Mana Well (Earthen)] | Provides the User with a deeper reservoir of mana to draw upon, as well as charging their mana through ambient Earth Magic. | |
[Manor Eimland of Veltras] | ||
[Manufacture Stellar Ivory] | Creates Stellar Ivory from undead that performed well and demonstrated their potential at night. | 10.12 (pt. 2) |
[Map Profit Motive] | ||
[Marathon Run] | ||
[March of Annihilation] | ||
[March of the Invincible] | Empowers soldiers to a high degree. | 7.47 K |
[Marionette’s Imitation] | The User can act as someone's marionette, which allows that person to speak with the User voice, while the User moved their mouth in time to that person talking. The User can also feel how they should move their body-language and gesticulating to the way that person would like. | Of Vampires and Fraerlings |
[Mark of Danger] [Danger Mark] |
[Mark of Worth] | Helps the User find worthy companions, retainers, and allies. | Talia |
[Mark Target] [Marked Target] |
Mark someone by having them visible lit up so that others can see them and know that they are marked for a reason. | 7.03 7.47 K 8.65 |
[Mark Target: Reduced Mobility] | Makes the marked Target momentum falter. | 9.12 |
[Mark’s Eye] | 8.09 | |
[Martial Art: Sandflea Run] | 9.35 O | |
[Martial Arts Proficiency: Style of the Roving Wall] | The User gains knowledge, proficiency and reflexes, within limits, in using a hard flat object as a defensive weapon to parrie upcoming attacks. | 9.35 O |
[Mass Execution: You All Look the Same to Me] | Requires the User to have dealt a wound to a target. Upon activation, all similar enemies will have the same wound inflicted upon them. | 9.67 (Pt. 1) |
[Mass Prayer] | 4.15 L | |
[Mass Revision] | ||
[Massed Strikes] | ||
[Master of Faces] | The User can impersonate others by physically changing their appearance. | 6.34 E |
[Master, Allow Me] | The User takes over from their instructor current project, while taking the required knowledge and expertise from their instructor to complete it. | 9.28 |
[Master-Apprentice Spell] [Master Spell: (Spell)] |
The User can ‘copy’ a Spell from their [Mage] instructor, but only if they've been given approval. | 9.38 TV (Pt. 2) |
[Master’s Sympathy] | ||
[Masterful Holder Rune (#)] | ||
[Meaningful Look] | The User can communicate with others non-verbally when making eye contact. | 10.06 |
[Measure of Valor] | Talia | |
[Medicine: Remove Flaw] (Single) |
[Meet the Deadline: Rush Work] | Affected workers speed up. | 10.02 Y |
[Melody of Droplets] | ||
[Melody of Sparks] | ||
[Melody of Speed] | Selected targets that hear this song will speed up. | 7.59 |
[Memo] | Sends out a message like a [Message] Spell but with a more limited range. | Sand and Notes |
[Memorize Elementary Homework] | ||
[Memorize Performance] | ||
[Memorize Routine (Number)] | Lets the User recall and perform a dance routine. | |
[Memorize Speech] | 8.77 B | |
[Memorize That] | 9.59 O | |
[Memory of a Hundred Lifetimes] | ||
[Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes] | ||
[Memory of the Earth] | A Meeting of Druids | |
[Memory of the Quarass] | A Quarass specific Skill that lets the User remember the memories of the Quarass' past lives. | 6.12 K |
[Memory-Fixed Words] | The User can embed the Words they said as long-term memory to those who listen to them so they can remember the Words said. | Experiments in Golems |
[Mend Creation] | Repair damaged constructs. | 10.19 E |
[Mend Documentation] | Repair damaged or ripped documentation papers like receipts or missives. | 9.29 |
[Mending Recovery] | Innovation and Invention | |
[Mental Canvas] | Allows the User to make connections in their mind. | 10.20 E |
[Mentor's Skill: (Skill)] | The User uses a Skill owned by their mentor. | 10.27 GMG |
[Menu: Instantaneous Order] | Allow the User to instantly order, by having the prepared order teleported to them, anything that is listed in the menu. Has a cooldown of 20 minutes. |
9.01 |
[Metamagic: Elemental Variation] (Cryomancy) |
The User can apply attributes to elemental spells. | Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 2), Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 3) |
[Method Acting] | An [Actor] Skill that allows the User to become a little like the person they are playing. The User only becomes as good as someone with around ten levels, so while they can copy a [Butcher] and do a decent job even without training, it still takes a lot of work to get any better. If the User keeps copying someone for a while, they can get even better. |
5.46 |
[Might of Four] | 7.42 M | |
[Might of the Homeland] | ||
[Mighty Blow] | ||
[Mighty Swing] | ||
[Mind Guard: The Fortress of Equations] | ||
[Mind of the Strategist] | The User has a separate ‘layer’ of consciousness of inner thoughts that could function even as the User at large was suffering from some outside effect. | 8.14 N |
[Mind Shield: Eldritch Inscriptions] | ||
[Miner’s Claws] | 6.38 | |
[Mineral Distillation] | 6.39 | |
[Minor Blessing of Luck] | ||
[Minor Accident Prevention] | Pauses a small accident before it is finished. This has been shown as stopping a falling pan in mid-air. | 7.53 |
[Minor Telepathy (Ants)] | Grants the User telepathy over ants. Also works with Antinium. |
Hectval (Pt. 2) |
[Minotaur Punch] | A more advanced version of [Power Strike] in which the User can punch with the force of a Minotaur. Can be used twice in a row, but may increas the number at the higher level. | 2.26 |
[Minute of Iron] | 5.62 | |
[Mirage Cut] | Causes the User's sword attack to blur on the way to its target. | 2.24 T |
[Miracle: Witness It, Twice] | Recast the Target faith-Skill. | 10.32 – Pt. 2 |
[Mischief Bank] | Interlude – Adventurers (Pt. 1) | |
[Misdirect Thoughts] | Innovation and Invention | |
[Mistreach Cut] | ||
[Mithril Axe Kick] | The User perform an axe kick as hard as Mithril. | Adventurers (Pt. 3) |
[Mithril Caltrops] | ||
[Moment of Might: Monkey’s Strength] | The User gains the strength of a monkey. This Skill is more significant if the User is the size of a Fraerling. | 10.24 E |
[Moment of Strength] | The User gains a burst of strength, enough to throw another person. | 10.08 (Pt. 1) |
[Momentary Eloquence] | Helps someone to getter their thoughts and speak in fluent or persuasive way for a short time. | 9.41 (Pt. 1) |
[Momentous Journey: Show Me the Sight of a Lifetime] | The User can summon an event that only naturally occurs once a century. Can summon one that occurs once a millenia at higher levels. | 10.17 |
[Monitor Attribute] (Health) |
[Monitor Vitals] | The User senses the vitals of the Target. | 10.08 (Pt. 1) |
[Moodreader] | Lets the User see other people's general state of mind. | 6.06 D |
[Mortal Enemy: Slavers] | ||
[Morticious Insult] | ||
[Motivational Speech] | ||
[Mother’s Flight] | ||
[Mount and Rider: Shared Skills] | Any Skills that would have only been given to the User or a single target are now shared with their mount. | 7.18 M |
[Mount: In Time, Your Truest Potential] | ||
[Move Reality Like Chess] | ||
[Mud Throw] | User throws a ball of mud. | Adventurers (Pt. 2) |
[Mudgrip Boots] | ||
[Muffled Armor] | ||
[Muffled Movement] | Makes the User Armor silent while moving. | 8.24 |
[Munizor’s Magnificent Mansion] | ||
[Mutual Bet] | Puts both the User and the Target under the effect of a bet. | Adventurers (Pt. 3) |
[My Arrow Shall Not Stop] | 8.82 (Pt.3) | |
[My Blade is Faster] | Allows the User to strike faster than their opponent in a sword fight. | Interlude – Redscar |
[My Blade Pierced All But Dragonhide] | Allow the User blade to pierce/cut through everything except for Dragons or anything as tough as Dragonhide, like a number of materials. | 8.77 B |
[My Cause is Just] | ||
[My Creation Never Dies — Full Recreation] | ||
[My Dream Never Ran Out of Fuel] | ||
[My Dream of Flight: 30% Discount] | When the User goes to any shop or [Merchant] in the world to by something related for their dream of flying, they only have to pay 70% of the price. The remaining bit would magically appear, or they find the coins in their pocket after paying. | Innovation and Invention |
[My Eyes Described the World I Beheld] | The User gets a detailed description of what another person sees through a myriad of different sensations. | 10.19 E |
[My Flame Won't Die] | ||
[My Hands Were a Second Blade] | The User hands cut as if they were a real blade. | 8.74 DR |
[My Knife Cuts All] | Can cut any type of leather and hides with a simple steel blade, even if they have artifact-quality toughness. | 9.49 |
[My Life, My King] | Gives the User's life in service of their [King]. The User will persist after death for a short while until their King is safe. |
7.47 K |
[My Lord, Ever Armed] | The User arm their own [Lord] by having the weapon they want appear in their hands. | 8.74 DR |
[My Mana Runs Thick as Blood] | The User mana pool becomes more denser and thus more effective. Also allows the user to store a bit of magical power each day. | 9.38 TV (Pt. 1), 10.04 V |
[My Oath Binds You Like My Conviction] | ||
[My Other Self] | Summons a clone of the User, one that looks, sounds and has the same personality as the original, making them indistinguishable. | 7.35 C 7.36 C |
[My Pain Is My Strength] | ||
[My Pantry Overflowed With My Deeds] | 9.45 GT | |
[My People, Take Wing] | Grants others the ability to fly. | 9.66 |
[My Quarry Bleeds Out] | 8.77 B | |
[My Strength, Regained] | 9.51 Z | |
[My Stunning Performance] | 9.09 P | |
[My Sword Sings Twice] | ||
[My Thoughts Run Like Lightning] | 9.20 | |
[My Tools Were Unbroken] | A Unique [Smith]’s Skill that protects their smithing tools from breaking, from like extreme temperature Fire and Heat. | 8.09 |
[My Will is Yours] | The User can issue orders to humans and they will be followed. | 9.70 (Pt. 3) |
[My Wings Fly In Sky, and Under Sea] | 9.46 S |
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N[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Name of Dragons: (Name)] | ||
[Name Your Price] | Force someone to name the price of something in their possessions and then sell it if the User can pay for it. | 8.49 M |
[Narrative: Spot Inconsistencies] | Satar | |
[Natural Allies: Fortress Beavers] | Gives the User an affinity and inherent trust with Fortress Beavers. | 7.28 |
[Natural Allies: Goblins] | Gives the User an affinity and inherent trust with Goblins. | 5.44 |
[Natural Allies: Ogres] | Gives the User an affinity and inherent trust with Ogres. | 7.43 G |
[Natural Allies: Sariant Lamb] [Natural Ally: Sariant Lambs] |
Gives the User an affinity and inherent trust with Sariant Lambs. | The Pets of Innworld |
[Natural Concealment] | Makes the User harder to detect and notice in all situations where the Skill is active. Its Weakness is that the User does not remain unnoticed if someone focuses on them. |
3.27 M 8.03 |
[Natural Enemy: Vampires] | ||
[Natural Foe: Translate Language (Low Goblin)] | Translates the Low Goblin language for the User. | Interlude – Arcsinger's Memories |
[Natural Gift: Fur of the Fortress] | Gives the User the Fortress Beavers' shaggy and presumably protective fur. | 7.28 |
[Natural Oils] | The User can distill a much larger amount of oils from natural sources like animals than they would normally. | 7.05 P |
[Natural Reversion] | Reverts a plant-based product back into its pre-processed form, back into a seed of the plant. | 10.24 E |
[Natural Seasonings] | ||
[Natural Yeast] | 7.06 | |
[Needle Rush] | 9.41 (Pt. 3) | |
[Negate Spell] | ||
[Nerve Strike: Paralysis] | 1.10 R | |
[Nerves of Steel] | Remain calm in dangerous or difficult situations. | |
[Neutralize Element] | ||
[Never again, Nevermore] | Capable of cancelling a tragedy from happening, like a Tier 6 Spell from being cast on someone's expense. | 8.28 |
[Never Known, Never Remembered: A Crew of Masks] | 7.25 9.41 (Pt. 3) | |
[Never Late To Work] | The User teleports themselves to their job workstation. | 9.25 |
[Newsworthy Event] | Detects where a significant event is taking place. | 10.35 - Pt. 1 |
[Ninety Degree Instep] | ||
[No One Leaves My Presence] | Prevents the Target from fleeing the User. | 8.85 |
[No Overlaps] | Makes all the projectiles fired, shoot, and thrown, by the allies under the User command, not overlap with each other. | 8.67 |
[No Pulling Out] | 8.05 I | |
[No Retreat, No Quarter] | The User can prevent their opponent from retreating from them, by having a barrier around the area of the User blocking the opponent from running away, and pushing them to engage them. A third party can help the opponent break this Skill by forcibly slamming them through the barrier at great force. However this method has the side effect of harming the opponent. |
8.67 |
[No Retreat! No Surrender! Hold Your Ground!] | 8.24 | |
[No Sanctuary, No Respite. From Dawn Till Dusk, You Were Hunted] | Prevents the Target from entering sanctuary areas, such as the [Garden of Sanctuary]. | 9.29 |
[No Wind Escapes My Sails] | The Spitoon | |
[Noble Diction] | Modulate the User speech tone in a noble eloquent way. | 9.27 RC |
[Noble Strength] | ||
[Non-Allergen Cooking] | Allows the User to make any food they served or ate tolerable regardless of allergies. | Mating Rituals Pt.2 |
[Nose for Something Interesting] | The User will smell interesting scents which encourages them to to go in a certain direction or investigate a spot. | 10.03 Y |
[Notes of Deflection] | 9.29 | |
[Notice Attraction] | ||
[Nourishing Meal] | The User can cook a meal that is more satiating without being as fattening. | 10.14 |
[Numbing Touch] | Depending on the strength of the User this could have an effect anywhere from slightly numbing pain of a target to a full paralysis effect. | 1.01 D 6.58 |
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O[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Oath of Flames] | The User makes a promise and sets their weapon and shield on fire. The flames are extinguished if the User breaks their promise. | 10.19 E |
[Oathbreaker’s Repudiation: “For survival, I object”] | ||
[Obey Me: Forward March] | A commanding Skill that forces the forces under the User command to obey their orders to march forward. | 8.63 K |
[Offense Mode] | ||
[Offensive Roll] | 8.65 | |
[Officer Headhunter Mode] | If the User's opponents are officers, then they will see a vision of other dead officers killed by the User | 8.34 R |
[Officer Under Arms] | Hectval (Pt. 3) | |
[Officer’s Second Chance] | 8.48 H | |
[Ogre's Charge] | ||
[Ogre's Punch] | ||
[Oil Spray] | ||
[Omnidirectional Blow] | Allow the User to hit their opponent from any direction. | 8.37 H |
[Omnidirectional Slash] | Allow the User to slash their opponent from any direction. | |
[On The Job Training For Services Rendered] | A Skill that award the User with Free Skills from the successful work they do at their current job. The Free Skills that are earn are related to the job. |
8.37 H |
[On the March: Vigilance and Speed] | Make a marching group under the User command faster, and their awareness for any potential threats higher. | 8.29 |
[Omen of Destruction] | Shows a vision of a future great disaster. It does not trigger for lesser threats. | 10.33 MNK |
[One Day Bloom] | A rare Farming Skill that makes a crop harvestable in one day. | 6.34 E |
[One Dies Before The Other] | Sacrifices the life of the User for a dying companion. | 7.58 |
[One Good Lie] | ||
[One Lucky Save] | 8.67 | |
[One of the Lads] | Makes the User be undisguisable from the allies under their command. | 8.26 FK |
[One Stands Before All] | ||
[One True Detail] | 8.73 R | |
[One True Falsehood] | ||
[Only my Challengers Shall Advance] | ||
[Only Truth Between Us] | 8.77 B | |
[Onslaught Defense] | ||
[Open Hellste's Gate] (Single) |
[Open Says Me] | Opens the Target door or gate. | 10.20 E |
[Order in the Ranks] | ||
[Order of the Samaritan] | A [Healer] Skill that forces a someone to obey if the User has good intentions. | 6.33 E |
[Order: Throw Them Back] | Empowers a group of fights so that their blows will launch enemy's backwards. | 8.19 H |
[Orders from Above] | ||
[Ore Detection] | ||
[Origin Racdelbear Fur] | ||
[Other Me's SKills] | Lets the User user multiple Skills of their counterparts from the [Palace of Fates]' realities. | 10.34 MGF |
[Our Blades Sang Through All Things] | Makes the User and their allies weapons capable to cut and piercing metal with ease. | 8.26 FK |
[Our Suffering We Returned Twofold] | Hectval (Pt. 3) | |
[Out of My Way, Peasant] | 9.41 (Pt. 3) | |
[Out of Time, Kept] | 8.74 DR | |
[Overcut Arc] | 7.47 K | |
[Overpowering Blow] | 5.34 | |
[Overpowering Chop] | Overly increases the strength of a cutting blow. | 8.57 H |
[Overpowering Shot] | ||
[Owl’s Vision] | ||
[Ox’s Charge] |
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P[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Pact: The Hard-Working Lamb] (Sariant) |
The Pets of Innworld | |
[Palm Deflection] | ||
[Panic Dodge] | ||
[Parallel Thoughts] [Parallel Thinking] |
The User splits their brain power to focus on multiple lines of thinking simultaneously. | 6.51 A 7.41 9.38 TV (Pt. 2) |
[Paralysis Cut] | ||
[Paralysis Stab] | ||
[Paralytic Blade] | ||
[Paralyzing Cuts] | ||
[Pardon the Joke] | ||
[Parry Blade] | Defensive Skill that knock down an incoming blow once. | 8.05 I |
[Parry Blade — Sevenfold Reserve] | Just like the [Parry Blade] Defensive Skill but in layman terms it could knock down an incoming blow seven times perfectly, then it ran out. This Skill has a cooldown that ‘recharge’ in time. |
8.05 I |
[Parry the Foe] | ||
[Partial Reconstruction] | Repairs physical damage to one's property. Minor damage can be repaired easily while major damage may only be moderately corrected. Can also be used to actually construct (or help in constructing) new parts; however the Skill can only be used for minor/partial addendums, ie: a few roof tiles and not a completely new roof. |
6.32 |
[Partner’s Satisfaction Guaranteed] | ||
[Path of Flames] | Creates a trail of spreading flames behind each of the User's steps. | 7.59 |
[Path to Victory] | Allows the User to see a vision/s of the future that leads to their desired victory. The vision can only show what may happen, not what will happen. The Skill is not foolproof as the future is constantly changing, which causes the seen vision to fail and deviate to a different vision. |
6.38 |
[Pathfinder] | A long arrow that is visible only to the User shows up in front of them to indicate by illuminating, and even curving to the right direction, the correct path for their destination. | 9.28 |
[Pavilion of Secrets] | Inheritence Skill. See Pavilion of Secrets. | 9.08 |
[Pay No Attention to That] | ||
[Peace of the Wild] | Communicates intent of peace towards wild creatures. This Skill can come as an upgrade of [Wild Affinity]. |
5.06 M |
[Peaceful Gesture] | ||
[Peaceful Rest] | Gives the User a more restful sleep in harsh conditions. | Two Rats |
[Peacekeeper’s Pass] | Negotiator Skill, as long as the user does not harm the opposing party then they can not be attacked. | 8.05 I |
[Peilspear Formation] | A Formation Skill that helps spear and lancer users to aim by improving their focus. | 7.24 |
[Pepper Corn] | 8.09 | |
[Pepper Touch] | The User can add any pepper they know with a touch to what they are cooking. The User must know how a pepper tastes before they can use it with this Skill. | Gravesong Book One |
[Perfect Action: Stealth Roll] | ||
[Perfect Arrowstorm Guard] | ||
[Perfect Attempt: Remove Trap] | 8.77 B | |
[Perfect Block] | Lets the User be able to block an attack to the best of their ability. | |
[Perfect Counterattack] | ||
[Perfect Cut] | ||
[Perfect Dodge] | Lets the User dodge an upcoming danger to the best of their ability. | 6.48 T |
[Perfect Draw] | ||
[Perfect Guard] | Lets the User perform defensive stands to block attacks to the best of their ability. | |
[Perfect Headshot] | ||
[Perfect Imitation] | Lets the User imitate someone to the best of their ability. | 6.63 P |
[Perfect Measurement] [Perfect Measurement: Length] |
Satar | |
[Perfect Memory: Imagination] | ||
[Perfect Parry] | Lets the User parrying something to the best of their ability. | Saliss the Adventurer |
[Perfect Posture] | 9.09 P | |
[Perfect Recall] | The User has the ability to remember things perfectly when they pertain to the arts such as song lyrics, plays etc. | 2.17 |
[Perfect Recall (Dreams)] | The User is able to perfectly remember whatever they dreamed about. | |
[Perfect Recall (Medicine)] | 9.40 GG | |
[Perfect Recall – Signatories of the Crown] | Gravesong Book One | |
[Perfect Reduction] | 6.39 | |
[Perfect Riposte] | ||
[Perfect Shot] | 8.80 | |
[Perfect Slash] | ||
[Perfect Slice] | ||
[Perfect Stab] | ||
[Perfect Strike] | ||
[Perfect Temperature Control] | Gives the User great control over temperature, like [Blacksmiths] to avoid overheating metal. | 7.40 ER |
[Perfect Throw] | Lets the User execute a throw to the best of their ability. | 7.46 K |
[Perfection is Overrated] | Negates another person's perfection Skill. | 10.00 L |
[Performance Supplies: 5 Gold] | The User gets access to approximately five gold worth of supplies before an actor's performance. Commonly shortened to just [Performance Supplies]. | 6.63 P 7.15 R |
[Performer’s Grace] | 8.71 | |
[Permafrost Resistance] [Fields: Permafrost Resistance] |
[Perpendicular Shot] | The User shoots an arrow wide of their Target, that when it flash past the Target, it suddenly turn at a ninety-degree angle and shot straight at the Target. | 8.43 |
[Personal Undead] | Adventurers (Pt. 1) | |
[Pestless Crops] | ||
[Pet: Best Quality, Refined] | Hectval (Pt. 2) Halgadaz 1 | |
[Phantom Assault] | 9.34 | |
[Phantom Blade: Ritardando Combo] | 9.29 | |
[Phantom Bracer] | 7.47 K | |
[Phantom Cut] | 9.30 | |
[Phantom Spearwall] | Brings a wall of spectral spears in front of the User. | 7.47 K |
[Phantom Sword Slash] | ||
[Phantom Tool] | Allow the User to adjust something from the inside rather than having to take it apart. | Innovation and Invention |
[Phantom Volley] | A spectral copy of a previously fired volley of arrows appear as if shot with the same effects and momentum. | 7.03 |
[Phoenixflame Draw] | ||
[Physical Enhancement: Flexibility] | Renders the User body more flexible then a gymnast. | 7.22 D |
[Physical Overdrive] | The User moves twice as fast as before pushing the limits of their body. | 7.18 M |
[Pierce Thrust] | A piercing spear Skill that punches through enemies. | The Gecko of Illusions |
[Piercing Arms] | 5.62 | |
[Piercing Arrow] [Piercing Arrows] [Volley: Piercing Arrows] |
7.13 K | |
[Piercing Blow] | 6.48 T | |
[Piercing Combo] | 9.41 (Pt. 2) | |
[Piercing Leap] | The User leaps up and stabs. It can be used while prone to quickly stand back up. | 9.12 |
[Piercing Shot] | A piercing arrow attack similar to [Piercing Arrow], may be an upgraded skill of some sort. | 4.30 |
[Piercing Stab] | 7.62 | |
[Piercing Strikes] | Enchant the User attacks, be it from sword or arrows/bolts, with the strength to pierce/penetrate the Target. | 8.22 HE |
[Piercing Swing] | 7.33 I | |
[Piercing Thrust] | 9.30 | |
[Pinning Shot] | ||
[Pinpoint Discord] | Helps the User identify strife or arguments and their origins. | 7.50 |
[Pinpoint Distance Shot] | An Archery Skill that combined range and accuracy. | 8.15 |
[Pinpoint Shot] | ||
[Pinpoint Spell] | ||
[Pinpoint Strike] | Can place any arrow or blade wherever the User wanted once. The Skill is considered similar to [Unerring Throw] or Skills like that, but superior in accuracy, if limited in uses. |
8.02 |
[Pinpoint Volley] | The User increases their allied volley projectiles precision. | 8.24 |
[Pikewall Formation] | 7.18 M | |
[Pit of Many Deaths] | ||
[Plan: Emergency Dodge] | 9.17 R | |
[Point-Blank Shot] | 1.01 H | |
[Poison Detection] | ||
[Poison Immunity] | Makes the User invulnerable to poison whether the source is from attacks or alchemical errors or anywhere else. | 6.39 |
[Polite Deflection] | The User can abruptly cause to change the direction of someone coming at them in a politely way. | 4.48 |
[Polite Demeanor] | 1.03 D | |
[Porcupine’s Onslaught] | 8.33 R | |
[Postern Door] | Creates an opening in a wall. | 9.66 |
[Potions: #% Efficiency] | 9.40 GG | |
[Power Kick] | The User executes a strong kick. | 7.27 |
[Power Shot] | The User shoots a single strong arrow. | 6.26 |
[Power Strike] | A weaponless attack that is stronger than normal. | 1.41 |
[Power Strokes] | A Rowing Skill that gives the User more power when rowing. | 6.22 D |
[Power Throw] | ||
[Powerful Persuasion: Enchanters] | TBA | Innovation and Invention |
[Pragmatist’s Extrapolation] | ||
[Prayer] | 2.31 | |
[Prayer: A Leaf in the Storm] | 7.60 | |
[Precise Orders] | ||
[Precision Overwatch] | ||
[Predetermined Destination] | 9.38 TV (Pt. 2) | |
[Predict Cultural Trend] | Informs the User of possible future trends. Does not inform them of why they will be trendy. | Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 2) |
[Prediction of Success] | Gives the chances of success for a certain action such as the chances that a potion will cure a poison. | 7.55 E |
[Predictive Analysis] | ||
[Preferred Enemy: Rogues] | ||
[Preferred Foe: Criminal] | ||
[Prepared Battleground: One Hour] | Give the User 1 Hour to prepare and fortify the battle zone into whatever they deem fit, like having a ditch with traps in it, carefully-positioned pikes, makeshift barriers, and anything else that is possible in 1 Hour, suddenly appear. The preparation depend on the quality of the User supplies, and the Skills of the forces under their command. |
Hectval (Pt. 2) |
[Prepared Signal] | Bind someone with this Skill so that the User can send them an little audio signal of their choose. The User can send multiple audio signals at once, but can only bind this Skill to exactly one person. It also has very limited use, and there wis limit to range as well, but the signals are practically undetectable, at least from a magical angle. |
8.63 K |
[Prepared Strategy (Number): (Order)] | The User's forces execute a move. | 10.25 MG |
[Preserve Morale] (Casualties) |
[Prey Sense] | Allows the User to sense any creatures it considers prey in their vicinity. | 6.61 L |
[Pride of the Waves] | Makes the User's allies fight twice as hard while at sea. | Strategists at Sea (Pt. 2) |
[Pride is Unbreakable] | An Aura Skill based on the amount of Pride the User has in themselves. It makes the User become very sturdy. | Talia |
[Pride is Weight] | An aura Skill based on the amount of Pride the User has in themselves. The User seems as if they weigh much more than they should. | Talia |
[Private Conversation] | ||
[Produce of the Land] | 9.43 L | |
[Productivity Spike] | A Corporate Skill, meanly for economic-focused [Lords/ies], that relied on organization. It take the best day the User's company had ever had and ensured another day of the same level of quality. On a poor company, it was a poor effect, but on a competent company, it was a great effect. This Skill effect has a duration of 4 hours. |
7.33 I |
[Proficiency: Aerodynamics] | ||
[Proficiency: Martial Arts] | ||
[Projectile Shield] | 9.44 P | |
[Projection of Honesty] | ||
[Projection: Shield Ram] | The User project a giant, glowing, spectral copy of their own shield, and rams it at great force at the opponent. | 8.35 |
[Prolonged Negotiations] | Extends the potential business partner's stay by making them want to continue negotiating. | 6.17 S |
[Promote the Pawn: Class Ascension] | Of Vampires and Fraerlings | |
[Proof of Crime] | Shows others a misdeed if evidence of it has been discovered. | 10.07 |
[Protect the Innocent] | ||
[Protect the Patient] | ||
[Protector’s Order] | 7.03 | |
[Provoke Scandalous Admission] | ||
[Provoke Target] | ||
[Provoked Opponent] | ||
[Pub of Best Moments] | A Room Skill. | 9.25 |
[Public Decoy] | Creates a mobile, more attention-grabbing image of the User. | 10.13 |
[Pull to Safety] | Pulls the Target out of imminent danger. | 10.27 GMG |
[Pure Acceleration] | 7.42 M | |
[Pursue the Quarry: Vampires] | The User sees a trail to track down fleeing Vampires. | 10.21 E |
[Purified Flesh] | Cleanse the User's body from poisons. | 7.36 C |
[Purifying Blood] | ||
[Purity Check] | 8.13 F | |
[Push the Ranks] | Heave with such force that it could disrupt an enemy formation, or throw an opponent a good dozen feet away. | 9.30 |
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Q[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Quake Blade] | The User brings their sword down in a strike that shakes the ground. | Interlude – Redscar |
[Quake Blow] | 6.44 E | |
[Quake Palm] | ||
[Quality Scent] | A Skill that helps detect the quality of items through smell. | Krshia |
[Quest: Impossible Deed, Impossible Reward] | When the User posts a Quest, adds an optional impossible condition for greater rewards. | 10.10 (Pt. 1) |
[Quick Appraisal] | An Intuition Skill that gives the User a quick appraise of the value of various objects. Doesn't work or gives nothing much if the objects are warded from appraisal. |
8.57 H |
[Quick Arrows] | 5.02 | |
[Quick Assembly] | 6.04 D | |
[Quick Assessement] | ||
[Quick Boiling] / [Quick Boil] | Makes liquids boil much quicker than normal. | Pebblesnatch and Garry |
[Quick Doorslam] | Prevents someone from passing trough a door way by quickly slamming the door. | 9.34 |
[Quick Draw] | 9.35 O | |
[Quick Draw: Borer Acid Vial] | ||
[Quick Evaluation] | Close to an [Appraisal] Skill that will let the User examine groups in detail which helps make conclusions about their makeup and equipment. | 7.39 A |
[Quick Gallop] | Speeds up a force of riders as if pushed from behind. | 5.32 G |
[Quick Growth] | 3.17 T | |
[Quick Heel Turn] | Makes the User quickly face another direction. Normally used for dance, but has multiple applications. | Gravesong Book One |
[Quick Hooves] | ||
[Quick Kick] | A fast kick that can be used on reflex. | 6.38 |
[Quick Movement] | A Skill that can be used in short or long bursts for extra speed though they still tire out the User. | 2.18 |
[Quick Recollection] | A passive Skill that lets the User remember things much quicker. | 7.33 I |
[Quick Recovery] | 1.45 | |
[Quick Sketch] | Drawn sketches rapidly. | The First and Last of Us |
[Quick Slash] [Quickslash] |
A quicker than normal attack with a bladed weapon. | 5.39 |
[Quick Slumber] | Allows the User to fall asleep in 2 seconds whenever they wish. | 8.16 |
[Quick Sprint] | 1.05 D | |
[Quick Stab] | ||
[Quick Step] | A Skill that functions similarly to the spell [Flash Step] it is slightly less powerful, but it does not use mana. Both options allow the User to move quickly in blurring motions. | 7.13 K |
[Quick Strike] | A basic attacking Skill that allows the User to attack faster than normal. | 4.22 E |
[Quick Thinking] | ||
[Quick Uproot] | 9.59 O | |
[Quick Training: Fighters] | The User can quickly train beginner fighters, and get them into decent fighting shape in only a few days. | 8.38 H |
[Quickened Breeding (Animals)] | ||
[Quickened Mixture] | ||
[Quickened Scribing] | Double the User writing pace speed while using a quill. | Satar |
[Quicksilver Cut] | 1.55 R | |
[Quicksilver Paws] | ||
[Quicksilver Stitching] | ||
[Quicktime Reactions] | ||
[Quiet Hooves] | ||
[Quill of the Severed Contract] |
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R[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Racdelbear's Claws] | The User gains massive claws while attacking. | Vengeance and Talking |
[Racer's Wheels] | 9.02 | |
[Radiance of the Dawn] | 8.74 DR | |
[Radiant Courage] | ||
[Raiding Opportunities] | A Sensing Skill that allows the User to know when raiding opportunities are close by. | 8.38 H |
[Rain of Arrows] | 8.28 | |
[Rain, Fall Like My Tears] | ||
[Raise Corpse] | ||
[Raise the Banner: Hold, with Sword and Spell] | 8.19 H | |
[Raise the Standard] | Hectval (Pt. 3) | |
[Raise the Wall] | ||
[Rally To Me] | ||
[Rallying Banner] | ||
[Rallying Position] | ||
[Rallying Presence] | ||
[Ram’s Charge] [Ramming Charge] |
[Ram’s Spearhead Formation] | ||
[Ramming Speed] | The vehicle the User rides gains a burst of speed to collide with a target. | Isles of Goblin and Minos |
[Rampage Run] | ||
[Ranged Dodge] | ||
[Rapid Acceleration] | ||
[Rapid Advance] | ||
[Rapid Casting] | Cast Spells rapidly. | Age and Tales |
[Rapid Counter] | ||
[Rapid Fire Punches: Incendiary Fist] | 8.65 | |
[Rapid Growth] | ||
[Rapid Maneuvering] | ||
[Rapid March] | ||
[Rapid Pulses – Water Jet] | ||
[Rapid Reaction] | ||
[Rapid Reload] | ||
[Rapid Retreat] | ||
[Rapid Shot] | ||
[Rapid Turn] | ||
[Razor Slash] | ||
[Razorblade Oars] | ||
[Re-read the Passage] | The User can remember a writing passage that they had read as if they are re-reading it again. | 8.59 H |
[Reaching Slash] | 8.05 I | |
[Reactions of Calamity] | ||
[Read Between the Lines] | ||
[Read Your Lips] | Without hearing the speaker's voice the User can read their lip movements to understand what they saying, just like lip-reading. At high-evel the User can also read and understand what the speaker wanted to say without them vocalising it. |
8.55 L |
[Reader’s Temporary Copy] (Mundane) |
[Ready Attack] | ||
[Realm of the Eternal Tempest] | Makes the air around the User much thicker and denser. | 10.35 - Pt. 1 |
[Rearward Cut] | The User appears at their opponents back, akin to a short range instantaneous teleport. | 5.58 |
[Reassuring Presence] | ||
[Reassuring Statement] | ||
[Recall Blade] | 9.49 | |
[Recall Guilt] | ||
[Recall My Greatest Hour] | 9.34 | |
[Recall Text] | The User recalls a text that they have read with perfect clarity. | 8.06 RT |
[Recall Weapon] | Calls back the Users weapon. | 8.19 H |
[Recall Weapon: Spear] | Calls back Users spear. | |
[Recapture the Runaway] | Recapture with ease escaped captives like prisoners or slaves. | 8.57 H |
[Recaptured Sublimity] | 7.39 A 9.50 9.52 | |
[Recharge Minor Wand] | Recharge a Minor Wand in a single night. | Hectval (Pt. 2) |
[Recital: Litany of Possession] | 9.36 HO | |
[Reckless Advance] | ||
[Reckless Charge] | ||
[Reconfigure Aura] (Haste) |
The User changes their aura to another aura. | Adventurers (Pt. 2), Adventurers (Pt. 3) |
[Record Spell] | ||
[Recovering Bedrest] | 9.40 GG | |
[Recreate Image] | 8.34 R | |
[Recruitment: The Honorable Shall Seek Me] | ||
[Redirect Arrows] | ||
[Redirect Balance] | 9.09 P | |
[Redirect Missile] | 7.54 | |
[Redirect Momentum] | 9.50 | |
[Redirect Spell] | ||
[Reduce Mana Flow] | ||
[Reel Her In] | 9.64 BH | |
[Refinement by Accolade] | 7.50 | |
[Reflect Spell] | Sends a spell back to the Caster, faster than it was launched. | 10.32 – Pt. 2 |
[Reflection Stave] | The Tribes of Izril | |
[Reform Ranks] | ||
[Regeneration] | Saliss the Adventurer | |
[Reinforce Spell] | ||
[Reinforce Will] | ||
[Reinforced Armor] (Steel) |
[Reinforced Arrows] | ||
[Reinforced Block] | ||
[Reinforced Frame] | ||
[Reinforced Guard] | ||
[Reinforced Guitar] | ||
[Reinforced Hulls] | ||
[Reinforced Shield] | ||
[Reinforced Structure] | ||
[Reinforced Wards] | ||
[Rejoin Thread] | 8.48 H | |
[Rejuvenating Touch] | ||
[Rekindle Flame] | ||
[Relentless Reloading] | ||
[Remember My Name] | ||
[Remember: My Defining Moment] | The User channels the feelings and conviction they had during their defining moment. | 10.00 L |
[Remembered Hunger] | Makes people in the User's establishment hungrier, based on their past experiences. | 10.14 |
[Remembered Skill] | ||
[Remote Countdown] | The user can make an alchemical flask detonate in a specific amount of time. | 9.67 (Pt. 1) |
[Remote Detonation] | Can cause the users alchemical flasks to explode from a distance. | Saliss the Adventurer |
[Remote Explosion] | ||
[Remotely Write Ledger] | 9.37 HO | |
[Remove Basic Curse] | ||
[Remove Effect] | ||
[Remove Food Poisoning] | 7.55 E | |
[Remove Impurities] | 9.54 C | |
[Remove Inkstains] | Works as an ink stain remover. | Satar |
[Remove Mess] | 8.00 | |
[Remove Stitches] | Have pointed stitches automatically be removed. Has no effect on Stitch-folk. |
9.49 |
[Remove Stubborn Stain] | Vanish a stain hard to clean. | 9.25 |
[Renew Skill] | 7.55 E | |
[Repair Fabric] (Minor) |
Repair scratches and other small damage on fabric just by willing it. | Hectval (Pt. 2) |
[Repel Point] | ||
[Replay Memories] | Foody Discussions | |
[Replenish Morale] | 9.66 | |
[Reporter’s Privilege] | ||
[Repositioning Leap] (# Feet/Distance) |
[Request Denied] | 8.05 I | |
[Resistance: Acid] | Saliss the Adventurer | |
[Resistance: Disease] | ||
[Resistance: Magic] | Gives moderate resistance to magic. | |
[Resistance: Poison] | Gives moderate resistance to poisons. | 9.35 O |
[Resistance: Sleep] | ||
[Resistance to Fire] | A Fire Resistance Skill were it grants the User immunity from normal temperature Fire and Heat. | 8.09 |
[Resource Locator: (Target)] | ||
[Rested, Fed, Appreciated and Paid, My Workers Surpassed Mundanity] | ||
[Restore Addictions] | Reapplies a previous substance addiction on the target. | 9.68 |
[Restore Appearance] | Foody Discussions | |
[Restore Courage] | Restore the User's allies courage and will to fight. | 8.24 |
[Restore Morale] | 8.19 H | |
[Retain Heat] | Have something remaining hot for an entire hour before it began to cool. | Innovation and Invention |
[Retreat of the Skirmisher] | ||
[Retribution of the Shield] | Stores strikes into shield which can then be used to launch and enemy. | 7.42 M |
[Retribution to the Harmers] | An invisible force strikes a Target that is percieved to be a child abuser by the User. | Interlude – Songs and Wands |
[Return to Former Condition] | Repairs a target object, bringing it back to before it broke. | 10.17 |
[Returned Against the Foe] | The User targets an oncoming attack and sends it back to the attacker. | 9.70 (Pt. 3) |
[Returning Throw] | ||
[Revelation of Sin] | ||
[Reverse Decision] | ||
[Revitalizing Touch] | ||
[Revive Golem (Autonomous)] | Revive Golem (Autonomous) — User's Golems reform around the Golem Heart if destroyed **!
*Memories of said Golem will not endure past the breaking of their Golem Heart. **This Skill is only available once per month at level 48. Golems destroyed in the distant past or whose remains are over 51% lost cannot be revived > - description given to Xitegen Terland |
10.31 (Pt. 2) |
[Rhythm Combo] (Beginner) |
[Ricochet Arrow] | Causes an Arrow shot by the User to bounce, as if it was rubber, off the first place it hits, to keep flying off and actually hit another place. | 7.23 LM |
[Ricochet Shots] | 8.77 B | |
[Ricochet Stabs] | Causes stab attacks made by the User to bounce off the first place they hit to attack the Target from a different angle. | Hectval (Pt. 1) |
[Riders on the Storm] | Turns a company of riders into literal bolts of lightning, to travel through the clouds at lightning speed, and fall and strike the enemy. | 7.36 C |
[Right-Angle Turn] | 9.50 | |
[Riptide Cut] | ||
[Rise, and Fight Another Minute With Me] | A Skill to strengthen dead or dying soldiers, allowing them to keep fighting despite mortal wounds. | 8.81 |
[Rising Dough] | ||
[Risk Calculation] | ||
[Ritual – The Fourth Tide Pours In Blood and Storm] | ||
[Rock Polishing] | ||
[Rock Scent] | ||
[Rock the Ship] | Makes a Target ship tilt. | 9.70 (Pt. 1) |
[Rogue Trap] | ||
[Romantic Push] | 8.24 | |
[Room of the Traveller] | ||
[Rope Arrow] | Adventurers (Pt. 2) | |
[Rope Trick] | ||
[Rotnose] | Smell if something is rotting, like food that began spoiling. | 9.64 BH |
[Row With All Your Might] | ||
[Royal Arms] | ||
[Royal Artifact] | ||
[Royal Bodyguard: Two of Life, Two of Death] | ||
[Royal Casting: Reinforcement of Steel] | 8.73 R | |
[Royal Command — Fourfold Volley] | 8.19 H | |
[Royal Contract] | ||
[Royal Griffin Peck] | 9.46 S | |
[Royal Pact of Service: Class Ascensions] | ||
[Royal Promise] | ||
[Royal Rebuke] | 8.68 | |
[Royal Slap] | Slap the Target no matter what. The slap can even pierce through armor to slap the Target. |
8.74 DR |
[Royal Slash] | ||
[Royal Tax] | ||
[Royal Vanguard] | ||
[Royal Will: Annul Contract] | 9.41 (Pt. 3) | |
[Royal Will: The Weight of Treasuries] | Checks if the Target is richer than the User's nation. | 10.14 |
[Royally Resupplied] (Amount, Frequency) |
The User can claim expendable items up to the stated amount per the stated intervals of time, and have them generated for them. It can only be used on widely available items. | 10.28 N |
[Rule of Combat] | Imposes a rule upon the opponent that they must follow. | 10.11 H |
[Run Down Opposition] | 8.10 | |
[Run Free] | Free the User's animal companions from their restrains so that they can run away. | 9.28 |
[Run For Your Lives] | ||
[Rush Construction: No Mistakes] | 9.57 B | |
[Rush Spell] | ||
[Rushing Wallride] | Innovation and Invention |
Skill Effect Navigation |
# • A • B • C • D • E • F • G • H • I • J • K • L • M • N • O • P • Q • R • S • T • U • V • W • X • Y • Z |
S[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Safehouse: Lockdown] | ||
[Safety Dance] | ||
[Safety of the Home] | A Protective Skill that safeguards the people inside or close to the User's House from harm, like forming a barrier for spell attacks. It can also temporally keep back a riding assault for more than a minute, or less if some were high-level. |
8.33 R |
[Safety Zone] | ||
[Sanctuary of the Desert] | 5.02 | |
[Sanctum: Death Magic Leyline] | ||
[Scarstrike] | Presumably strikes the Target with the same attack that had left a scar on the User's body, breifly manifesting the enemy that caused it in the moment. | 10.24 E |
[Scatter Dash] | ||
[Scatter Gallop] | ||
[Scavenger Armor] | ||
[Scavenger's Stomach] | ||
[Scented Thoughts] | Allow the User to be able to perceive the smell from something that they are imagining. The 'smell' may be based on what they think it smells like. | |
[School — Countless Keys: Skill-locking Slash] | Cuts the Skill of an opponent. | 9.17 R |
[School: Witchcraft (Undetermined)] | ||
[Scribe Contract] | Automatically writes a contract. | 10.13 |
[Scribe Number] | ||
[Scythe Cut] | ||
[Scythe of Carnage: Army Cleaver] | The User sends out a cutting attack from their weapon in a very wide range. | 10.30 GGMG |
[Scythe of the Slaughter] | An area-of-attack Skill that eliminate the enemies around the User. | 8.63 K |
[Scythe Rush] | ||
[Scythe’s Arc] | 7.61 | |
[Scything Arms] | ||
[Seafood Cooking] | ||
[Seal of Veracity] |
Satar |
[Seat: My Best Angle, My Finest Side] | At Low-Level it make those who sit on the seat(s) look good, but at Higher-Level it places illusions on them of their past selves that showcase their best angle and every good quality they had. | 9.25 |
[Second Thoughts] | ||
[Second Wind] | ||
[Secured the Room] | ||
[Seduction Dance] | The User dances in a hypnotic dance that seduce their viewers. | Foliana |
[See Allegiances] | 9.35 O | |
[See Conviction] | Hectval (Pt. 2) | |
[See it My Way] | Have someone agree to the User's way of doing or thinking about something. | 8.53 FH |
[Seeker Shot] | Shoots a homing ranged projectile that curves in midair to hit a moving target. | |
[Seeking Arrow] | Shoots a homing arrow that curves in midair to hit a moving target. | 7.58 |
[Seeking Missile] | Shoots a homing arrow that twist in midair to perfectly hit the target. | 8.18 H |
[Seeking Shots] | Shoots multiple homing ranged projectiles that curve in midair to hit a moving target. | 8.09 |
[Seithore Basic Handling] | ||
[Seize the Throne: Class by Blood] | The User gains the class of the person they kill. | 9.70 (Pt. 2) |
[Self: Slippery Waxed Floor] | The User can slip and slide as if on a soapy floor. | 9.25 |
[Sense Affection (Platonic)] | ||
[Sense Attack] | ||
[Sense Heat]/[See Heat] | Allow the User to see body heat. May even also allow seeing all relative temperatures. | 8.20 |
[Sense Integrity] | The Spitoon | |
[Sense Intentions] | ||
[Sense for Spectacle] | A Sensing Skill that tells the User that a noteworthy spectacle is going to take place. | 8.35 |
[Sense Opportunity] | Trade and Travel | |
[Sense Trickery] | ||
[Sensor Network] | 8.75 | |
[Sentience-class Crafting] | The User can craft Golems with the capacity for thought equal to that of an animal or a child. | Experiments in Golems |
[Serendipitous Intervention] (Romance) |
[Sergeant’s Command] | 8.34 R | |
[Serpentine Maneuver] | ||
[Servent’s Order] | Compel's the User's superior to comply with an order. | 10.25 MG |
[Server’s Memory] | ||
[Server’s Prescience] | ||
[Seven-League Bolts] | ||
[Shadow Cut] | ||
[Shadow Doppelganger] | 7.42 M | |
[Shadow Leap] | ||
[Shadow Presence] | ||
[Shadowcloak Stealth] | ||
[Shadowcut Blade] | ||
[Shadowhook Punch] | The User punches as if each punch was an aura attack, making it hard to see—invisible if you couldn’t sense auras at all—and hard to block. The punches can also hurt far more than they should have, and can cut through Defensive Skill, like [Steel Skin], to hit the opponent. | 8.37 H |
[Shadowleap] / [Shadowleapt] | ||
[Shadows of Empire: Every Door and Land Opens to Me] | 9.46 S | |
[Shadows of Empire: Fear the Sound of My Wings] | By having the User's shadow pass over their Target, it gives them a heart-attack. | 9.31 |
[Shadowstep] [Shadowsteps] |
User teleports from within a shadow into another shadow. | 7.58 |
[Shaman’s Orders] | The User exercises their authority as a [Shaman] to make the targets follow their instructions. | 10.10 (Pt. 2) |
[Shamanic Memories: Other People] | The User can access the memories of the Target's ancestors. | 10.10 (Pt. 1) |
[Share Resistance: Wind] | ||
[Shared Skill: (Skill)] | ||
[Shared Vision] | Helps others communicate, including with animals. | Interlude – Arcsinger's Memories |
[Sharper Edge] | ||
[Sharpened Edge] | ||
[Shatter Blows] | ||
[Shatterproof] | ||
[Shattershot] | ||
[She Danced in Moonlight’s Grace] | ||
[Shield: Great Barrier] (Steel) |
A defensive Skill that is used together with any shield the User picks up, to form a thin, weightless translucent field around the shield, and even extend it to the shield’s size, like upgrading a buckler to a huge aspis-shield. The barrier would slowly break down the more it is hit. |
8.67 |
[Shield Art: Shockwave Slam] | 9.41 (Pt. 2) | |
[Shield Bash] | ||
[Shield Breaker] | ||
[Shield Charge] | ||
[Shield Destroyer] | ||
[Shield of Cover] | ||
[Shield of Light] | The User's shield projects a bigger glowing shield to protect. | 10.27 GMG |
[Shield of Mana] | 9.51 Z | |
[Shield of the Fortress] | The User conjures from their own shield, a pale, sage-green shield, that traced a teardrop shape as wide as a street, and is capable of bouncing off spells and heavy hits. | 8.19 H |
[Shield of the King] | ||
[Shield of Valor] | ||
[Shield Ram] | ||
[Shield Wall] [Shieldline Wall] |
[Shieldtaunt] | 7.47 K | |
[Shieldwall Formation] [Shield Wall Formation] |
[Shimmering Ride] | ||
[Ship’s Beacon] | ||
[Ship: An Inn by Any Other Name] | ||
[Ship: Armor-piercing Shot] | ||
[Ship: Burst of Speed] | ||
[Ship: Double Speed, By Wind and Oar] | The Spitoon | |
[Ship: Dragonfire Ward] | ||
[Ship: Homing Missiles] | ||
[Ship: Instantaneous Reload] | The Spitoon | |
[Ship: My Ship Shall Not Sink Before I Do] | ||
[Ship: Slippery Decks] | 7.47 K | |
[Ship Spell: Bound Wind] | ||
[Ship Spell: Depth Explosion] | ||
[Ship Spell: Floor of Impalement] | ||
[Shockwave Hammer] | 7.36 C | |
[Shockwave Palm] | 7.42 M | |
[Shockwave Punch] | 7.42 M | |
[Shopper’s Stop] | Makes the User's shop more popular and often visited. | 6.02 |
[Shoulder Ram’s Charge] | Perform a fast shoulder-charge with great force. | 9.07 |
[Shovels of Archeology] [Tribe: Shovels of Archeology] |
[Show Them the Antinium's Sky] | Upgrade to [Summon the Cohorts of Heaven]. Causes the Cohorts to explode. | 10.32 – Pt. 2 |
[Shuttle Run: Fast As You Can] | ||
[Sickle Cut] | 8.18 H | |
[Sidearm: Three Reckless Shots] | ||
[Sight: Significant Threats] | ||
[Sight’s Bane Formation] | A Commander's Skill that turns an entire army under the User's command invisible for 3 minutes. | 7.35 C |
[Silence, Please] | ||
[Silenced Maneuvers] | Allow a Group under the User's Command to move muffled and quiet, even if they are in heavy armor. | 8.19 H |
[Silent Footfalls] | ||
[Silent Order] | The User can issue a command to a subbordinate without verbalizing it. | The Wedding |
[Silver Illusion: Whirlwind of Blades] | Saliss the Adventurer | |
[Silverstake Spreadshot] | ||
[Silversteel: Structure of Species] | ||
[Silvertouched Wares] | Gives the Skillowner a silver coin's more value when making any purchase. This can come in the form of higher quality or more product. | Krshia |
[Simple Trap Construction] | ||
[Siphon Luck] | ||
[Siphon Time] | ||
[Sister, Catch] | User throws an item for the Target to catch. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[Six-fold Grand Slash] | ||
[Sixblade Slash] | A variant of [Grand Slash] Skill. | Saliss the Adventurer |
[Skateboard: Get Back On Board] | Innovation and Invention | |
[Skillbreaker Palm] | The User can break an opponent Skill Effect with a palm-strike. May require multiple palm-strikes to break some Skills. |
8.48 H |
[Skirmisher’s Onslaught] | ||
[Sky Hook] | A powerful uppercut. | 10.18 E |
[Skysplitting Clap] | The User creates a massive shockwave by clapping their hands. | 10.12 H (Pt. 1) |
[Skysplitting Strike] | ||
[Slam Kick] | Slam someone with a kick. | 8.67 |
[Slash: Delayed Explosion] | The User leaves a delayed explosive attack on things they had cut. | 9.30 |
[Slash the Sky] | ||
[Slashy Storm] | ||
[Slaves Cannot Harm Me] | ||
[Sleekwater Advance] | ||
[Sleep Storage] | The User can store from an hour to up to a month of their sleep time, so that they can go without need of sleep for the same amount of time. | 8.16 |
[Sleep, Now] | Induces sleepiness in the Target child. | Interlude – Songs and Wands |
[Sleight of Hand] (Wand) |
[Slinger’s Whirl] | ||
[Slipless Wheels] | ||
[Slow Metabolism] | Reduces the breathing and energy expenditure of the User. | 10.32 – Pt. 1 |
[Slow Toss] | ||
[Sluggish Advance] | Commanding Skill that makes an advancing enemy forces move in slower-motion. | 8.18 H |
[Smoker’s Lungs] | Allows the User to hold smoke in their lungs and then exhale it without breathing it. | The Gecko of Illusions |
[Smuggling Compartment] | 9.59 O | |
[Snap Dive] | The User's mount quickly dives down. | The Pilot and the Knight |
[Snap Throw] | ||
[Snare Net] | Senior Guardsman Relc | |
[Sneak Attack] | ||
[Snipe Charge] | ||
[Sober Up] | 8.34 R | |
[Social Network] | ||
[Song of Light] | ||
[Song of Death's Call] | Gravesong Book One | |
[Song of Persuasion] | Gravesong Book One | |
[Song of Rejuvenation] | 7.58 8.35 | |
[Song of the Clear Skies] | ||
[Sonic Arrow] | Shoot an Arrow at the speed of sound. | 8.09 |
[Soothe Clientele] | Makes the User's clients literally forget their worries. | 9.41 (Pt. 1) |
[Soothe Ego] | Hectval (Pt. 1) | |
[Soothing Balm] | The User makes a balm that soothes skin rashes. | 10.09 E |
[Soothing Melody] | ||
[Soul’s Armaments: Mundane] | Meetings and Friendships | |
[Sound Sundering Cut] | ||
[Source Information] | ||
[Spark Hammer] | ||
[Spear Art: Fangs of the Dire Wolf] | Hectval (Pt. 1) | |
[Spear Art: Sands Fly Apart] | The User slashes with their pole weapon to cut through the enemies ranks in an explosive shockwave. | 8.26 FK |
[Spear Art: Scythe of the Field] | Hectval (Pt. 1) | |
[Spear Art: Skyjump] | The spear wielding User jumps as if launching themselves into the air, hundreds of feet up. | 8.58 PFH |
[Spear Art: Six Petals of the Cherry Blossom] | The spear wielding User flicks their spear six times, striking their target with six glowing arcs of light. | 10.12 H (Pt. 1) |
[Spear Art: The Falling Sparks] | ||
[Spear Art: The Great Desert Opens] | ||
[Spear Art: The Sword of Damocles Falls] | ||
[Spear Art: The Wyvern Dives] | A plunging attack with a spear, then redirected upwards like a Wyvern rising from its dive. | Interlude – Redscar |
[Spear Dance: Crashing Rapids] | ||
[Spear Dance: The Fish Leap] | ||
[Spear Flurry] | 8.34 R | |
[Spear of Radiance] | Launches a spear of holy light. | 10.32 – Pt. 2 |
[Spear of the Lightning Giant] | ||
[Spearwall Formation] | ||
[Spectator’s Concealment] | 7.03 | |
[Speed Arrow] | ||
[Speed Formation] | ||
[Speed of the Striking Viper] | Increases the User's movement speed to be so fast as to leave afterimages. | 10.12 (Pt. 1) |
[Speed Painting] [Speedpainting] |
Allows the User to paint at great speed. | 8.34 R |
[Speed Raid] | ||
[Speed Reading] | ||
[Speed Slash] | ||
[Speed Spell] | ||
[Speed Stitching] | ||
[Speedwind Charge] | 9.46 S | |
[Spell Alteration: Selective Targeting] | Selects targets for multi-hit a multi-hit spell. | 10.35 - Pt. 1 |
[Spell Attractor] | 9.51 Z | |
[Spell Refraction] | ||
[Spell Reflection Barrier (Lesser)] | ||
[Spell School: Color Magic Proficiency] | ||
[Spell Storage: Book] | The User can store spells in a book, to use later. | 10.06 |
[Spellbreaker Guard] | 7.47 K | |
[Spellbreaker Staff] | Uses a staff to break a Spell, even if it has already been cast and is in mid-air. | 8.67 |
[Spellbreaker's Magic] | ||
[Spellstrike Arms] | Meetings and Friendships | |
[Spellward Shields] | Renders the shield of the User and their Allies, able to Block Spells. | 7.13 K |
[Spew Minion] | ||
[Spider Touch] | Allows the User to stick to walls. | 9.68 |
[Spikes of My Hatred] | Makes water burst into sharp spikes. | 10.32 – Pt. 2 |
[Spindle, Snag My Thread] | The User can attach any material to their spindel. | 10.17 |
[Spinning Way: Spiral Strikes of the Unicorn’s Horn] | 9.59 O | |
[Spirit of the Wild (Enhancement)] | The User is overall boosted based on the further away they are from civilization. | 8.35 |
[Spiritguard Deflection] | A Defensive Skill that allows the User to automatically react to an incoming attack by deflecting it with more power back, or just blocking it. The User can use an object at hand, like a clipboard, to assist in their defence. Can only be used once before going to cooldown, but it recharges pretty fast. |
8.37 H |
[Splinter Arrowheads] | ||
[Splintershot Arrow] | Shoot an Arrow that explode into multiple copies which shot to the Targets. | 8.52 MN |
[Splintershot Volley] | 8.77 B | |
[Split the Earth] | Creates a shockwave. | 9.70 (Pt. 3) |
[Splitshot Arrows] | ||
[Spoils of the Dead: Fit for My Hand] | Steals a weapon from the deceased and resizes it for the User. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[Spot Deception] | ||
[Spot the Culprit] | An Identity Skill that is able to tell who has committed a crime or other misdeed. | 8.51 D |
[Spotter's Eye] | ||
[Spray Cutter] | ||
[Spray Hoof] | ||
[Springtoes] | 9.09 P | |
[Squad: Goblin Teamwork] | ||
[Squad: Hob’s Strength] | Strengthen Skill that gives the User and some of their allies the strength of a Hobgoblin. | |
[Squad: Incorruptible Watchmen] | 8.34 R | |
[Squad: Minor Swarmblades] | Conjure a small swarm of strange spectral insects around the blades of the User and some of their allies, to land on their opponents to bite and sting them. | 8.52 MN |
[Squad: Unity’s Coordination] | 8.34 R | |
[Stabilize Condition] | ||
[Staff: Flurry of Efficiency] | The User's workers work better and more efficiently while the Skill is active. | 10.00 L |
[Staff: Manufacture Dragonscale Equipment (Brass)] | <Staff: Manufacture Dragonscale Equipment (Brass) — Create items fit for servants with any Dragon scales you find lying around! Acceptable gear includes outfits fit for <SERVANT> classes such as [Maid], [Butler], and so on! Depending on the role, items such as swords may not be acceptable, but certain cooking utensils may qualify.
Manufacturing Dragon-based equipment is notoriously difficult, and this Skill economizes both the difficulty involved and the waste of resources to far more acceptable levels. Getting Dragon scales is always difficult, but happily Dragons do shed their scales…assuming they let you keep them.> - Description given to Magnolia Reinhart |
10.31 (Pt. 2) |
[Stainless Fabric] | Makes mud, blood, and even water, slid off from fabric. | Hectval (Pt. 2) |
[Stand to Attention] | ||
[Standing Roll] | ||
[Stay in Your Saddle] | Prevents the Target from falling off of horseback. | 10.08 (Pt. 1) |
[Stasis Metabolism] | So long as the User doesn’t move, they won’t need any air or food. | 9.35 O |
[Static Shield] | Creates a light, azure force field as a shield that stays in the air wherever the User wants. At low-level the shield is about as tough as a thick glass, and it could only block a strike or a few arrows before shattering. Once used this Skill need some time to recharge before it can be used again. |
8.15 |
[Steady Ground] | ||
[Steady Hooves] | ||
[Steady the Ship] | ||
[Steady Rhythm] | ||
[Stealth Roll] | ||
[Stealth Wing] | Make some forces under the User's command more stealthy. | 8.35 |
[Stealthguard] | Can detect ambushes and even magical camouflage. | 8.14 N |
[Steam Boil] | ||
[Steel Curtain Formation] | 7.37 | |
[Steel Fists] | ||
[Steel Skin] | A Defensive Skill that makes the User's skin as hard as steel. | 8.37 H |
[Steelbound Hide] | ||
[Steelbreaker Punch] | ||
[Steelcut Sunder] | ||
[Steelflesh Charge] | For a few seconds, renders as hard as Steel the flesh of both the Men and Horses in a Cavalry that is affiliated with the User. | 7.13 K |
[Steelfriend’s Pact] | 7.49 | |
[Steelguard Block] | The Innkeeper’s Knight | |
[Steelscale Advance] | ||
[Steelshorn Relentless] | ||
[Steelsundering Blades] | ||
[Sterile Field] | ||
[Sterile Equipment] | ||
[Still Blade] | ||
[Stolen Lives] | The User can gain more lives from killing others, allowing them to undo lethal damage and survive. | 9.70 (Pt. 2) |
[Stomach of the Hermit] | 9.36 HO | |
[Stoneskin] | Literally makes the User's skin as hard as a rock. | 9.39 |
[Stoneskin Formation] | ||
[Stonewall Formation] | ||
[Stonewall Shield] | ||
[Store Intellect] | ||
[Stored Retribution] | Conjures a glowing fist to strike the Target. | 10.21 E |
[Storm of a Thousand Bolts] | ||
[Storm of Clouded Darkness] | Gathers pitch black clouds at an impossible speed to stream down from the heavens as mist to engulf everyone in darkness to blind them. Both Allies and Foes are only revealed to each other only when they get close. If others somehow mark themselves or their Foes before this Skill, they be able to see each other and the marked ones in the darkness. |
Hectval (Pt. 1) Hectval (Pt. 2) |
[Storm of Stabs] | 7.35 C | |
[Storm Sense] | Allows the user to predict coming storms and how large they will be. | The Last Tide: Book One |
[Stormline Advance] | ||
[Straight Face] | ||
[Street Invisibility] | ||
[Street Lockdown] | Encircles a Target street with steel bars summoned from above. | 10.30 GGMG |
[Street’s Honor] | ||
[Stretchline Thread] | ||
[Strike my Shield] | ||
[String of Fate] | ||
[Stronger Together] | ||
[Stunning Bash] | 7.47 K | |
[Sturdy Footing] | The Spitoon | |
[Sublime Daydream] | 8.36 H | |
[Suction Grip] | The User can use their hands to cling and scale on walls. | 8.64 K |
[Sudden Ambush] | ||
[Summon: A Weapon Worthy of Me] | 9.59 O | |
[Summon: Company of Khelt] | Summon 300 of Khelt's Skeletal Warriors from the ground. | 8.26 FK |
[Summon: The Phantom of My Legend] | Summon for a few seconds, an ethereal phantom version of the User, of when they were at their greatest. | 8.75 |
[Summon Allies: Wolves of the North] | Summon a huge packs of wolves out of a sudden blizzard of snow, to help the User and their allies. | 8.26 FK |
[Summon Book] | Summons a book that is available to the User about a subject that matches what they are seeking. | 8.50 |
[Summon Dust Storm] | Summon a small sandstorm. | 8.57 H |
[Summon Flame Elemental] | Summons a fiery elemental to fight on ones side. | 7.58 |
[Summon Jump Ramp] | ||
[Summon Reinforcements] | Alerts nearby aid to arrive. | 10.13 |
[Summon Slaves: The Spriggan Consort of Roshal] | Summons Spriggan slaves, chained by cold iron. | 8.80 |
[Summon Subordinate] | The User summons their subordinate by sending them a message. | 8.68 |
[Summon the Cohorts of Heaven] | Summons angel-like beings with multiple human eyes and wings to attack designated enemies around the world, bypassing protection spells. The User can see through the Cohort's eyes. | 10.32 – Pt. 2 |
[Summon the Watch] | Alerts the local guards. | Interlude – Songs and Wands |
[Summoning: Call the Great Ancestors] | ||
[Summoning: Pass Wounds] | ||
[Summons of the Dread Tyrant: The Horror of Caexith] | 8.85 | |
[Sundering Blow] | ||
[Sundering Palm] | Sever the Target with a Palm attack. | Interlude - Sand and Notes |
[Sundering Scythe] | 8.24 | |
[Sundering Slash] | Sever the Target with a Slash attack. | 7.03 |
[Sundering Strikes] | Sever the Target with a Strike attack. | Experiments in Golems |
[Sunwarmed Fields] | 9.59 O | |
[Superior Aerial Awareness] | ||
[Superior Counter Fire] [Superior Counterfire] |
A Counter Skill to projectile attacks that conjures superior projectiles in greater number and power that automatically fire back to the attackers. | 8.14 N 8.65 |
[Superior Counterthrust] | ||
[Superior Parry] | Hectval (Pt. 1) | |
[Superior Physique] | Prevents the User's body from deteriorating. | 10.12 H (Pt. 2) |
[Superiority Made Manifest] | The User surpasses the Skills used by the target, outdoing them at their action or endeavour. It does not work against Skill-less expertise. | 8.30 9.02 |
[Supplies: Flarepepper Powder] | 7.12 G | |
[Support Casting: Intensified Magic] | ||
[Support Skill: (Skill)] | Skill granted to an ally by a [Supporter]. | Adventurers (Pt. 3) |
[Suppress the Truth, Smother the Facts: Protect Reputation] (Roshal) | The User can protect the defined Target's public reputation to a certain extent. | 10.16 N |
[Suppressing Fire] | ||
[Supreme Aspect of the Champion] | Stronger version of [Aspect of the Champion]. The User may greatly increase a cabability. For example: [Supreme Speed]. | 10.22 R |
[Supreme Authority of the Wild Circles] | ||
[Supreme Intelligence] | Greatly increases reasoning ability. | 10.22 R |
[Supreme Speed] | Greatly increases speed. | 10.22 R |
[Supreme Strategy: Supersonic Repositioning] | Deploys and readies an army at supersonic speed. | 10.34 MGF |
[Supreme Wisdom] | Increases wisdom. | 10.22 R |
[Sure Footing] [Surefoot] |
Ensures that the User doesn’t lose footing on some unstable grounds. It's not fool proof as the User can still slip on extremely slippery floors like slick ice. But it does help with a minor amount of slippage. |
9.19 |
[Suresand Step] | Ensures that the User doesn’t lose footing on sandy ground. | |
[Surge of Inspiration] | ||
[Surge of Strength] | ||
[Surpass Limits] | ||
[Suppressing Volley] | ||
[Survey the Competition] | ||
[Survival Veteran] | Lets the User cook at a level a bit below a [Basic Cooking] Skill. | 8.31 |
[Survivalcraft] | ||
[Survivor’s Call: Tell My People I Was Here] | The User roars an ear-splitting bellow, mixed with a howl, which the people that the User belongs to hears and sees a flash of the User, as well as knowing were the User is current location in the world. | 9.34 |
[Survivor’s Intuition] | ||
[Swallow’s Arrow] | ||
[Swarmblades] | Conjure a swarm of strange spectral insects around the User's blades, to land on their opponents to bite and sting them. | 8.52 MN |
[Sway Dodge] | Of Vampires and Fraerlings | |
[Sweeten the Deal] | 8.05 I | |
[Swift Infantry] | ||
[Swift Kick] | ||
[Swift Levelling] | The User can boost the people around them to Levelling quickly. The people must still have earned the Levelling for this Skill to work. | Of Vampires and Fraerlings |
[Swift Mustering] | ||
[Swift Rearmament] | Change in less than half a second, one weapon on hand (like a sword), to another off hand (like a crossbow), without having to feel around to find it by having the weapon’s handle in the User grip immediately after reaching for it. | 8.22 HE |
[Swift Redeployment] | ||
[Swift Reinforcements: Thunderstrike Division] | ||
[Swift Rider] | Increases the User's riding speed. | Gravesong Book One |
[Swift Slash] | ||
[Swift Steps] | ||
[Sword: Keening Edge] | ||
[Sword and Shield Art: The Knight Charged with Wings of Steel] | The user of the skill runs towards their target. Their armaments temporarily elongate and turn to wings. It is unknown if this is a purely cosmetic effect. Within roughly 30 feet of their target, the user of the skill leaps and flies straight at said target. | 9.41 (Pt. 3) |
[Sword Art: Curve of the Moon] or [Arc of the Moon] |
TBA After use it's on cooldown for nearly a half-hour. |
6.67 8.18 H |
[Sword Art: Four Singing Stars] | 7.42 M | |
[Sword Art: Goblin's Smile] | 9.61 G | |
[Sword Art: Hurricane’s Spiral] | 7.13 K | |
[Sword Art: Kraken’s Tendrils Lash] | 7.47 K | |
[Sword Art: Mourning Dove’s Lament] | ||
[Sword Art: My Sword Touches the Sky] | 8.81 | |
[Sword Art: Scattering Petals on the Wind] | 4.05 K | |
[Sword Art: Serpent Dance] | Saliss the Adventurer | |
[Sword Art: The Circling Wolves] | ||
[Sword Art: The Curve of the World] | 9.61 G | |
[Sword Art: The Farmer’s Scythe] | 8.18 H | |
[Sword Art: The Great Desert Howls] | Creates a powerful tornado that blasts in the direction of the User's thrust. | Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 3) |
[Sword Art: The Kraken Bleeds] | Strike creates an explosion of mist and water, like a tidal wave crashing on the target. | 9.17 R |
[Sword Art: The Lightning Split] | Produces a cut that can unravel energy attacks. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[Sword Art: The Salamander’s Tail] | ||
[Sword Art: The Tide Breaks] | 7.13 K | |
[Sword Art: Two Moons Curve Across the Sky] | 8.81 | |
[Sword Fighting – Basic] | ||
[Swordbreaker’s Fist] | ||
[Swordmaster’s Denial] | ||
[Swordswoman’s Dive] | ||
[Sympathetic Ear] | ||
[Sympathetic Healing] | ||
[Synced Aim: Ballista] | ||
[Synchronize Spell] | The Caster synchronize multiple pre-cast Spells to activate at the same time or rate. | 9.15 VM |
[Synergy Skill: Driver - Inert Cargo (Box)] | 9.54 C |
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T[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Tactic: Slay the Giant] | ||
[Tag Team: (Skill)] | 9.40 GG | |
[Take Cover] | Makes a Target ally leap to cover. | 10.08 (Pt. 1) |
[Take Cover, Idiots] | The Spitoon | |
[Take His Perspective] | 8.08 J | |
[Take the Blow: Unstoppable Counterslash] | Requires that the User block a blow first. Unleashes a counterattack that cannot be stopped by Skills or magic. | 10.28 N |
[Talent Finder] | Helps the User find the people best suited for a task, whether they know it or not. | 4.20 E |
[Talent Seeker] | ||
[Tame Monster] | ||
[Tangible Concepts] | ||
[Tantalizing Bait] | ||
[Target Shield] | ||
[Target Weak Point] | ||
[Tavern Brawling] | Innate sense for fighting in an inn or tavern. | |
[Taunt] | ||
[Taunt the Foe] | ||
[Taunting Warcry] | Isles of Goblin and Minos | |
[Tea Omens] | 7.55 E | |
[Teacher of Magic] (Universal) |
[Team Attack] | ||
[Team Benefits] | ||
[Teammate: Side Skip] | ||
[Telekinesis: Bubble] | Make bubbles or sphere with psychic force. | 9.40 GG |
[Teleport Shot] | The User teleports next to where their projectile hits. | 10.35 - Pt. 1 |
[Tell Me Everything] | 9.32 | |
[Tempest Impaler] | A single stab attack that has all the fury of a storm behind it, which is capable of going through armor and flesh and bone. | 8.67 |
[Temporary Armory: Every Weapon I Ever Held] | Replicates every weapon ever held by a person. | 8.80 |
[Ten League Mark] | ||
[Ten Second Routine] | Gives the User ten seconds to think about executing the next move in their acrobatic act. | 9.09 P |
[Ten Second Rush] | The actions of the User becomes faster, for 10 seconds. | 7.24 |
[Ten-foot Reach] | Hectval (Pt. 1) | |
[Ten-foot Strike] | ||
[Terror of My Name] | ||
[The Actor’s Shadow] | 7.50 | |
[The Avid Collector] | ||
[The Binding of House Reinhart] | The User summons shimmering ribbons to snare a target, and they can withstand the strength of a giant. The ribbons can also bind the thoughts and actions of multiple people, and the Skill can be kept active indefinetly. | 9.67 (Pt. 2) |
[The Blood Festers, and Rots] | Causes injuries in range of the Skill to be infected and start rotting. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[The Breaking Wave] | Tribe Skill. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[The Bridge Of Lands, Teylas Donethi] | Inheritance Skill. Can be applied to a building. The Owner is granted the titular bridge which has the following atributes:
10.10 E (Pt. 1) |
[The Changing Citizenry] | Citizens of the nation will gain physical traits influenced by their governing nobility. | 10.20 E |
[The Choice of the Conquered] | A powerful Skill where the User gives the people they conquered the choice of obeying them or not. If there is even a glimmer of chance that they would acknowledge the User as their ruler, they wouldn't be affected. Only those who will never bow, never suffer them, will flee. Only someone exceptionally high-level or strong of will could resist this Skill. |
6.12 K |
[The City that Walked] | ||
[The Courier’s Last Road] | Hereditary skills given only to the best of Couriers. Opens a gateway to another plane in which there is no oxygen only a dim sky and perfect roads, where one can even traverse oceans unimpeded. |
7.44 |
[The Defeated Lie Still] | Prevents a downed opponent that was outclassed from moving. | 9.07 |
[The Eternal Hunt] | Once the User marks a target with this Skill, they can locate the target where ever they are, even if they were a Dragon. This Skill also hinders the target's escape speed. Only the User's death can stop this Skill, as not even magic can protect them from its effect. | 6.44 E |
[The Eternal Partner] | Summons an ethereal person who used to be partnered with the User, with both the Skills and personality that they had in life. | |
[The Eternal Wave] | Conjures a wave that can carry a ship inland, the skill may persists for several minutes. | 7.47 K |
[The Fire Glows] (Honor) |
Levels | |
[The First Tide Covered Land] | 8.84 | |
[The Hammer of Manus] | ||
[The Innkeeper’s Daily Bounty] (Inn) |
A Cornucopia Skill that randomly creates whatever an [Innkeeper] of a specific Inn might serve, like a bounty of food. The User must have close ties with the [Innkeeper] in question to receive their bounty. |
9.20 |
[The Innkeeper’s Daily Supply] | ||
[The King’s Architect] |
7.21 KQ |
[The Knight Charged With Wings of Steel] | 9.41 (Pt. 3) | |
[The Kraken Dives] | The User leaps and tears a furrow through the ground, sending everything in front of them and their target into the air. | Vengeance and Talking |
[The Labyrinth of Fithel] [Labyrinth of Fithel] |
[The Law Upheld] | 8.34 R | |
[The Line Holds] | ||
[The Messenger’s Shortcut] | ||
[The Ocean at Our Backs] | 8.84 | |
[The Palace of Fates] | ||
[The Perfect Thief: A Successful Theft, An Hour of Repose] | 9.50 | |
[The Perfect Thief: Unscryable, Unfindable, Come Catch Me] | 9.50 | |
[The Play Must Go On] | ||
[The Pride of the Fallen] | Calls up the spirits of fallen, giving them time to return home. | 7.36 C |
[The Scythe Cut Low Across the Grass] | 8.32 | |
[The Sprouting Shields of the Forest] | A Combination Skill that is powered by the Users auras as well as magical force, to conjure hovering, glowing, shroom-shaped shield around them, to block and explode projectiles fired at them, even if said projectiles can be used for siege weapons and are enchanted to pierce through magical barriers. | 8.24 |
[The Sniper's Second] | Makes time stop for the User for one second. | 10.08 (Pt. 1) |
[The Thinking Room] + [Host: The Thinking Room] |
Separates the User's mind from their body, placing them in a spot where they can think and devote their entire brain to simply thinking. In the User's Mind, the spot takes the form of a "room", but without a floor, walls, light, shadows and air. Inside the "room", some of the things the User Mind is capable of doing are:
7.22 D |
[The Titan's Swing] | ||
[The Traveller’s Eternal Home] | ||
[The Treasury of House Marquin] | ||
[The Twice-Born Warlord] | User gains the strength of one of their subordinates. | |
[The Veteran’s Second Chance] | Allows the User to survive and walk away from anything but a direct, mortal wound. At Higher Level the User could have lost a leg and maybe survived ten or twenty whole minutes, even without a tourniquet. Does not work if killed directly. |
Hectval (Pt. 2) |
[The Walls of My Prison Broke] | Shatters what is imprisoning the User, including sealing spells. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[The Winds of Izril Blew Ever Under My Wings] | ||
[The World is My Canvas] | ||
[The Worthless Pawn Rises] | ||
[These Wheels Don’t Stop] | The User's vehicle maintains a steady momentum without slowing. | 10.21 E |
[They Marched as Friends, Until the Hammer Fell] | A Movement Skill that covers the User and those traveling with them in an illusory self so that they appear friendly to everyone who may have any hostility toward them. If the User Level is High enough, no one will be able to see past the cover. Still if the covered ones are scrutinizes too close the Skill may fail, and it is possible to circumference the Skill if someone is already aware of the covered ones true identity or are able to sense something specific from them that the Skill does not cover. When the covered ones attack or they are attacked, the Skill cover effect ends and will not be able to be reapplied for a long time. |
Of Vampires and Fraerlings Songs and Stories |
[They Shall Never Chain Me Again] | ||
[They Waited, For My Hour of Need] | 8.74 DR | |
[Thick Skin] | Enhances the toughness of ones skin. | |
[Think About It] | 8.05 I | |
[Thirty-foot Slash] | Users slash attack is extended by thirty feet. | 7.42 M |
[Thirty-Foot Thrust] | Users thrust attack is extended by thirty feet. | 8.69 T |
[This Line Won't Break] | ||
[This Palm Shall Move Mountains] | Able to push back a giant-sized target that even a Giant can't move. | 8.81 |
[Thorn Formation] | ||
[Thou Art Cut] | 8.19 H | |
[Thought Blank] | ||
[Thought-Provoking Statement] | Conversations | |
[Thoughtful Conclusion] | ||
[Thousand Foot Sprint] | ||
[Thousand Mile Conversation] | The User can talk to someone else a thousand miles away as if they were standing right next to them. | 6.42 E |
[Thousand-Step Sprint] | ||
[Threat Analysis] | Perceived the combat threat-count of an armed group. Can be tricked to give a higher combat threat-count if used on every armed individual, even if they are non-combatants. |
8.65 |
[Threefold Elemental Body] | Saliss the Adventurer | |
[Threefold Shot] | 7.58 | |
[Throw of the Wyvern Hunter] | ||
[Throw Voice] | 7.61 | |
[Thunder Arrow] | ||
[Thunder Blow] | ||
[Thunder Hammer’s Blow] | 9.30 | |
[Thunderclap Headbutt] | ||
[Thunderclap Palms] | Allows the User to clap as loud as a clap of thunder. | Experiments in Golems |
[Thunderstrike Impact] | ||
[Tidal Jab] | ||
[Time of the Archer] | Affects the users perception of time, letting them better aim their shots. | 7.47 K |
[Time to Chat] | ||
[Time Slows For All But Me] | 8.74 DR | |
[Titan’s Cut] | ||
[Total Immersion: Literature] | 8.36 H | |
[Touch of Gentleness] | ||
[Tough Carapace] | ||
[Tough Leaves] | ||
[Tough Mouth] | Hectval (Pt. 2) | |
[Tough Skin] | ||
[Tough’s Duel] | ||
[Tower Guard’s Bulwark] | ||
[Tracer Shot] | 8.67 | |
[Trade War] | ||
[Tranquil Skies] | ||
[Transcribe Knowledge] | Conjure written information, like a huge pamphlet, on a particular subject that the User is knowledgeable about. Transcribing small amount of info will take only a moment, while larger ones can take up to a day. |
8.50 |
[Transfer Momentum] | 7.44 | |
[Transfer Momentum: Ship] | The Spitoon | |
[Transformation: Goblinkind] | ||
[Trap: Masterful Concealment] | ||
[Trap Sense] | Sense traps, and how dangerous they may be. | 9.34 |
[Traveller’s Advancing Techniques] | ||
[Traveller’s Gift From Home] | The User gifts to others a good from their home. | 9.10 W |
[Traveller’s Welcome] | ||
[Treefell Chop] | ||
[Treesplitter Cleave] | ||
[Tremor Blow] | ||
[Tremor Fist] | ||
[Tremorsense] | 8.18 H | |
[Tribute to the Bandit Queen] | Takes whatever treasure the User send straight to some designated spot to be claim as a tribute by someone who has the [Bandit Queen] Class. | 8.54 H |
[Tribute: Hometown Gift] | Gain a gift from the home of the person the User serviced. | 9.16 R |
[Trick Glass] (Alchemy) |
[Trick Space] | ||
[Trifling Incentive] | ||
[Trinket Trade: Something Better, Something Worse] | ||
[Triple Shot] | ||
[Triple Slash] | ||
[Triple Thrust] | A rare Skill that enables the User to simultaneously strikes 3 times. | 6.62 L |
[Troops: Commoner’s Offensive] | ||
[True Damage] | Allows damage to be transfered through the Target's proxies. | 10.32 – Pt. 2 |
[True Gaze of the Gorgon] | ||
[Trusted Voice] | ||
[Truth is Never Certain] | ||
[Twenty-foot Strike] | ||
[Twicelasting Fires] | ||
[Twin Lances of Ruin] | ||
[Twin Strikes] | 8.48 H | |
[Twin Swallows, Fly] | ||
[Twister Spear] | A javelin or spear shot will spiral with such force and speed that it will tear into unenchanted armor and skin, and the rotation will splinter bone and flesh. | Talia |
[Two Hour Warmth] | ||
[Two Hundred Pound Stroke] | Hit/Strike with the force of 200 pound. | 8.51 D |
[Two Mile Shot] | ||
[Twofold Rest] | Anyone effected with this Skill will not only just sleep as twice as quick, but they will also be getting twice as much sleep for the same time spent. It can also keep people under its effect up long past normal people’s endurance. |
The Hangover After 7.25 |
[Twofold Yield] |
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U[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Unbreakable Hooks] | Passive Skill that makes the User’s hooks unbreakable. | The Last Tide: Book One |
[Uncontrolled Laughter] | 9.35 O | |
[Undead: Boundless Speed] | Gravesong Book One | |
[Undead: Duelist Instincts] | Makes the undead proficient in weapon wielding as good as the User. | 9.64 BH |
[Unerring Aim] | ||
[Unerring Throw] | ||
[Understood By All] | 9.35 O | |
[Uniform of Steel] | The user's uniform becomes as tough as a steel armor. | 10.21 E |
[Uninterrupted Monologue] | ||
[Unit: Acid Jar Blades] | Affected combatants' weapons gain acidic attacks. | 9.70 (Pt. 2) |
[Unit: Antinium Nature] | Affected combatants gain sturdy unfeeling skin and an aversion to water. | 9.70 (Pt. 2) |
[Unit: Big Belch] | Affected subordinates to greatly exhale and burp. Synergizes with dragonbreath attacks. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[Unit: Bows of Sand] | Allows the [Archers] in the Unit to fire ‘sand arrows’ just as well as [Slingers]. | 8.08 J |
[Unit: Champions of the Brass Dragon] | A gift for warriors who aid a Dragonlord in battle. Provides heavy armor resistant to fire and blades that can sunder mithril. The armor is also proportionally heavier than regular steel. | 10.31 (Pt. 1) |
[Unit: Dig In] | ||
[Unit: Elemental Barrier] | 8.85 | |
[Unit: Enhanced Strength] | ||
[Unit: Extended Spears] | 7.35 C | |
[Unit: Freedom’s Gallop] | ||
[Unit: Incendiary Provocation] | A Rage Skill that incite an ally or enemy into losing all sense of reason in fury, sending them in a rampage. | 8.14 N |
[Unit: Lesser Magic Resistance] | ||
[Unit: Lucky Dodge] | ||
[Unit: Moment of Frenzy] | ||
[Unit: Massed Attack] | Unit: Massed Attack — Attack a single foe from a distance. Designate a target and the entire unit will be allowed to strike and use their Skills as one on the target. The Skill is not unlimited in range, and the [Massed Attack] Skill does not amplify the unit’s abilities, merely allow them to simultaneously hit the enemy - | 10.31 (Pt. 2) |
[Unit: Ram’s Charge] | ||
[Unit: Razor’s Edge] | ||
[Unit: Selphid’s Rampage] | ||
[Unit: Snowcover Riders] | ||
[Unit: Speed Raid] | Speed Skill that increases the speed of all the people under the User command. | 8.52 MN |
[Unit: Speed Wing] | Speed Skill that increases the speed of all winged flyers under the User commond. | 8.14 N |
[Unit: Stone Skin] | ||
[Unit: Teleportation Advance] | ||
[Unit: The Gloomless Troupe] | ||
[Unit: Thunder Punch] | ||
[Unit: Tough Skin] | ||
[Unit: Unstoppable Advance] | ||
[Unit: Yawning Bite] | ||
[Unitasis Network] | Creates a Unitasis Network, allowing the Antinium connected to coordinate in a hive mind. | 8.84 |
[Unitasis Shared Skill: Flawless Shot] | ||
[Unnoticed by One, Invisible to All] | The User's presence is passed over, making them undetected until they are truly spotted by one person. | 9.02 |
[Unnoticed Presence] | ||
[Unpredictable Insight] | ||
[Unscrupulous Instinct] | Let the User guess if someone has a hidden blade or, sometimes, if there was a trap or other nasty surprise. | 9.41 (Pt. 1) |
[Unsnappable Thread] | Enchant stitching from snapping. | 9.28 |
[Unstoppable Advance] | ||
[Unstoppable Charge] | ||
[Unstoppable Command] | 7.36 C | |
[Unstoppable Counterslash] | ||
[Unstoppable Half-Giant's Push] | ||
[Untearable Dough] | Stretch dough to extreme lengths without it breaking. | Foody Discussions |
[Until Death or Dishonor, I Challenge You] | Prevents the User's opponent from escaping the duel without dishonoring themself, barring outside interference. | Isles of Goblin and Minos |
[Untouched by Weather] | ||
[Unveil Potential] (Magical) |
8.15 | |
[Up To Speed] | ||
[Upgrade Material: (Material)] | ||
[Uplifting Cheer] |
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V[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Vague Directive] (Ants) |
Hectval (Pt. 2) | |
[Valor of Champions] | ||
[Value of Sum] | ||
[Vanguard: Cleaving Arcs] | ||
[Vanguard: Haste] | 7.47 K | |
[Vanguard of Steel] | ||
[Vanguard of Terror] | ||
[Vanguard of the King, the Phantom Storm] | 7.10 K | |
[Vanguard’s Advance] | ||
[Vanity: Lighter Than She Looks] | Makes the Target lighter. | Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 3) |
[Veil of Inconspicuousness] | The User can make themselves or someone else temporally inconspicuous so that other will not pay attention to them, even if they are well known. It's effect can last for at least 2 minutes. |
7.56 |
[Verdant Growth of the Fields] | ||
[Vertical Charge] | ||
[Vessel of Alchemy] | Saliss the Adventurer | |
[Vessel of Oneself] | ||
[Vessel: Stormrider’s Blessing] | ||
[Vestments of the Warrior of Green] | The User dons nature-based armor consisting of bark melded with their armor, hide leggings and shoulders, and an antlered helmet. The armor is as tough as orichalcum. | 9.12 |
[Veteran’s Knowledge] | ||
[Veteran’s Stealthguard] | The advanced version of [Stealthguard] Skill. Can detect an ‘enemy’ within 4 miles of the User position. |
8.14 N |
[Vial: Spore Explosion] | Creates a vial with spores that once explodes creates a cloud that captures leaking gasses. | 9.54 C |
[Victor’s Push] | ||
[Vigor of Champions] | ||
[Vine Snare] | 9.40 GG | |
[Viper’s Counterstrike] | 8.83 | |
[Viper Strike] | ||
[Virtuous Shame] | 9.41 (Pt. 2) | |
[Vision of Completion: Projection of Factors] | Allows the User to see the effects of the landscape on their architectural project over a period of time. This includes natural disasters, or animal defecation over time. | 10.13 |
[Vision of a Dream] | For a moment the User can conjure a vision from their memory and dreams, to all those around them. | 8.24 |
[Visions of Defeat] (Legendary) |
[Visualize Data Set] | Satar | |
[Visualize Outcomes] | Satar | |
[Voice in Your Ear] | Commanding Skill that can send the User's voice to reach their own forces, even through panicking, explosions, screams, and confusion. | 8.19 H |
[Volatile Mix] | 9.49 | |
[Volley: Blacksteel Rain] | ||
[Volley: Piercing Arrows] | ||
[Volley: Venom Flight] | ||
[Volley Fire] | ||
[Volley of Arrows] | 8.14 N | |
[Vorpal Sword] | ||
[Vow of Poverty] | A Vow Skill that as long as the User live their life by never carrying or using money, they ....? The User will also receive a Lesser Skill as a benefit, and in time, it will evolve to become a greater Skill. Should the User go against the Vow of this Skill, they lose both this Vow Skill and all its benefits, and the Class that provided this Vow Skill. |
8.59 H |
[Vow of Privation] | A Vow Skill that as long as the User live a deprived life, like never sleeping or resting on luxury, or not eating rich foods, they will need less to live, like eating less portions than the average person but still not ending malnourished. The User will also receive a Lesser Skill as a benefit, and in time, it will evolve to become a greater Skill. Should the User go against the Vow of this Skill, they lose both this Vow Skill and all its benefits, and the Class that provided this Vow Skill. |
8.59 H |
[Vow of Rivals: First Blow] | Vow Skill that requires the designated rivals to strike each other ever time they meet. | 10.24 E |
[Vow of the Bladeless Smith] | Vow Skill that requires the Bearer not to forge any blades. |
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W[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Wager Set] | ||
[Wagon: Damage Shield] | Nullifies damage the User's wagon would've suffered. | 10.21 E |
[Wail of Agony] | 9.29 | |
[Walk Forwards Unto Death, Or Victory] | ||
[Walk of the Blademaster, Path of Legends] | While walking, in a heartbeat the User simultaneously activates multiple mastered blade Skills all at once and independently for each opponent, with each blow played out as fast as they should. | 9.30 |
[Walk of the Swordmaster] | ||
[Walk Out of Trouble] | ||
[Walking in Your Shadow] | A cloaking Skill that allows the User to walk beside or close by someone, without being detected by anyone else. | 8.63 K |
[Walking Shadow] | Turns the User into a shadow. | 10.08 (Pt. 2) |
[Wall Run] | The User can run on vertical surfaces. | Adventurers (Pt. 3) |
[Waltz: The Traveler’s Journey] | 6.27 M | |
[War Cry: Eleleu] | 9.66 | |
[Ward Skill – Item: Potion of Growth] | Item: Potion of Growth — Provided from Saliss' stash. Grow in size until you’re twice your height! Effects last (20) minutes at present, and the vial can be given and imbibed by anyone you wish. Watch out, your enemies can grab this and use it against you!
The vial is temporary and lasts five minutes until it vanishes; drink the entire potion for full effect. Tastes like raspberries mixed with dungbeetle innards - description given to General Shirka |
10.31 (Pt. 2) |
[Warding of Safety] | Changes the clothes of the Target. | 10.19 E |
[Wardrobe Change] | Protect from all but the worst dangers and monsters. Can be applied on a Tribe to do the same. |
8.02 |
[Warriors Fall Back] | Have engaging forces withdraw from battle. | 8.65 |
[Water-Retaining Soil] | ||
[Water Bridge] | The Innkeeper’s Knight | |
[Water Pierces All Barriers] | Buffs water spells and Skills to penetrate barrier spells. | 10.32 – Pt. 2 |
[Waterlogged Crops] | Allows the User to grow crops in a flooded environment. | 10.23 LMGY |
[Waterproof Fabric] | ||
[Waves Rock Me Not] | ||
[Wave Sense] | ||
[Wavebreaker’s Advance] | The User can have their ship shoot forwards and smash through a wave to part it, by splitting the waters as the bow hits it, allowing the ship to sail through the gap before the wave, now split in two, begins to collapse. | Chess and Ships |
[Waypoint] | ||
[We Both Win, We Both Lose] | The User and Target equally win something from each other but equally lose something as proportional to their wins. | Adventurers (Pt. 3) |
[We Fell Upon Them Like Mist] | Makes the User and their allies intangible, which causes the enemies blades pass through them without harm. The effect last for a few minutes. |
8.26 FK |
[We March Under Friendly Skies] | ||
[We Marched Amidst the Surf] | 8.84 | |
[We Sailed Under Flags of No Quarter] | ||
[We Travel Together] | Allows a travelling companion to match the User's speed. | 9.10 W |
[We Took No Prisoner] | ||
[We Unleashed Our Truest Potential] | ||
[Weak Frost Resistance] | ||
[Weak Lucky Draw] | ||
[Weakness Feint] | ||
[Weapon Art: Aggregate Volley] [Weapon Art – Aggregate Volley] |
A Projectile Skill that superimposed the User with other copies of themselves to shoot in unison from a slightly different angle with every ranged weapons the User has on them. Each projectiles can also be enchanted with other Skills, like [Piercing Strikes] and [Power Shot]. |
8.22 HE 8.37 H |
[Weapon Art: Stake the Bloodsucker] | ||
[Weapon Art: The Bonfire Rages] | Calls down a raging flame, with the power like a Tier 4 spell, around the User to clear their surrounding with fire. If the User can create special flames from regular fire, than they can choose to have the flames that they call down be of that special flame. |
Levels |
[Weapon Art: Titan's Cleaver] | ||
[Weapon Clash] | ||
[Weapon of Faith] | 8.28 8.84 | |
[Weapon Proficiency: Club] | ||
[Weapon Proficiency: Knives] | ||
[Weapon Proficiency: Shield] | ||
[Weapon Proficiency: Spear] | ||
[Weapon Proficiency: Sword] | ||
[Weapon Switch] | 9.49 | |
[Weapon: Extended Range (5 Feet)] | ||
[Weapon: Moment of the Half Giant] | ||
[Wear My Integrity] | Others perceive an article on the User's person as something that uphold the User's honesty and moral principles. | Senior Guardsman Relc |
[Weather-resistant Structure] | ||
[Weathersense] | ||
[Webwork Riposte] | 9.41 (Pt. 3) | |
[Weight Control] | ||
[Weight of my Sorrows] | The Target is covered in blue flames of sadness, and has its weight increased. | 10.21 E |
[Weighted Nets] | Tales of Innworld #2 | |
[Weightless Throw] | Throw something or someone as if they weigh nothing. | 9.35 O |
[Wheels: Uneven Rolling] | Innovation and Invention | |
[When She Drew Her Blade: Time Fled Her] | ||
[Whirling Guard] | ||
[Whirlwind Cleave] | ||
[Whirlwind Dodge] | ||
[Whirlwind Followup] | 9.41 (Pt. 2) | |
[Whirlwind of Blades] | ||
[Whirlwind of Blows] | ||
[Whirlwind Slash] | ||
[Whirlwind Slice] | 9.29 | |
[Whirlwind Sprint] | ||
[Who Can Smile] | Make others smile in reassurance. | Age and Tales |
[Wide Sweep] | 8.00 | |
[Wider Clean] | Clean about half again as much dirt around where the User is cleaning. | 9.25 |
[Wild Affinity] | ||
[Wild Approach] | Makes the User more agile. | 10.24 E |
[Wild Call: Howl of the Continent] | ||
[Wildcall] | 8.79 | |
[Wild Gallop] | ||
[Wild Gift: Elephant’s Strength] | 8.48 H | |
[Wild Onslaught] | ||
[Wild Riot] | ||
[Wildspeech] | ||
[Wildwind Ride] | ||
[Will of Steel] | ||
[Will of the Beasts] | ||
[Willow’s Counter] | 9.07 | |
[Willowind Charge] | ||
[Wind Cutter] | ||
[Wind Resistance: Projectile] | ||
[Wind Sheathe] | Aura Skill where the User envelops their sword in a shimmering vortex of wind to hasten their swings or strike enemies from afar. | 8.06 RT |
[Wind Slashes] | 9.59 O | |
[Windcaller’s Fist: Howl of the Vortex] | 9.58 O | |
[Windcutter Strikes] | ||
[Wing Slash] | ||
[Wings of Salvation] | The Target animal opens their wings before they hit the ground. | The Pilot and the Knight |
[Wings Upon Ice] | A Mischief Skill that makes the User ice-skate like a professional, while giving off a slightly obnoxious feeling to all those who watch them. Skill effect only lasts for a few minutes. |
9.25 |
[Winning Smile] | ||
[Winter Growth] | 3.17 T | |
[Wire Noose] | 7.42 M | |
[Wondrous Deed: I Believe in Miracles] | 10.22 R | |
[Words of Conviction] | ||
[Words of Reconciliation] | Gravesong Book One | |
[Words Only For You and Me] | Allows the user to speak privately with the target. It can target someone hiding behind proxy. | 8.85 |
[World Traveller: (Skill Name)] | Allows the User to use any Skill from any Class that they had encountered and were able to learn, like the [Grasshopper’s Run] Skill. The User can also share these Skills with other people that are travelling with them, but only if these people are able to use them. |
8.31 |
[Wound Closure] | User recedes a wound they've suffered. | 10.27 GMG |
[Written Decree] | Enforce the rules written in a decree, so that everyone follows them. Only people who have the right Skills or Level can defeat this Skill. |
A Night in the Inn |
[Wyvernhide Flight] | 7.62 |
Skill Effect Navigation |
# • A • B • C • D • E • F • G • H • I • J • K • L • M • N • O • P • Q • R • S • T • U • V • W • X • Y • Z |
Y[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Yawning Bite] | ||
[You Are Humanity's Finest] | ||
[You Are My Worthy Foe] | ||
[You Cannot Escape My Steps] | Allows the User to match their opponent's speed. | Isles of Goblin and Minos |
[You Go Low, I’ll Go High] | Combination Skill. Effect Unknown |
8.52 MN |
[You Have the Wrong Man] | Literally. Possibly charm effect. If the user is supposed to be arrested, makes whoever is arresting the user grab the wrong person. | 8.27 |
[Your Dishonorable Blow, I Deny It] | The effects of an attack the user has suffered that they deem dishonorable, such as a dismissive attack, are undone. | Isles of Goblin and Minos |
[Your Legs, Heavy as Lead] | Slows down or outright stops the opponents by making their legs to heavy to lift. | 9.34 |
Skill Effect Navigation |
# • A • B • C • D • E • F • G • H • I • J • K • L • M • N • O • P • Q • R • S • T • U • V • W • X • Y • Z |
Z[edit | edit source]
List of Colored and Newly Created Skills[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Aspect of the Wandering Inn] | The User gains an ability based on one Inn Skill of the Wandering Inn.
Epilogue (V9) 10.09 E10.10 E (Pt. 1)10.18 E |
[Berserker’s Rage] | 8.19 H | |
[Blinding Insight of the Madman] | 9.54 C | |
[Death Before Dishonor] | 6.67 | |
[Deep Breath] | 9.38 TV (Pt 2) | |
[Defenders of the Inn (Shamblers)] | Pact Skill. Grants a number of Bush Shamblers for the User to command and defend their establishment. | Interlude – The Grove |
[Divine Intuition (Weak)] | 8.19 H | |
[Dodge Roll (Aileron)] | ||
[Extended Battery] | Extend an electric battery's charge inside an electronic device so that it lasts longer. | 7.21 KQ |
[Fame – Remember My Name] | 9.51 Z | |
[Famous Name: (Name)] | 7.58 | |
[Final Run] | (Effect not possible to be known as the Skill was Cancelled before its effect could ever be shown.) | 2.35 |
[For So Long As I Stand Evil Shall Quail] | 8.19 H | |
[I Found My Path to the Promised Land] | Allows the user to enter other dimensions. | 10.32 – Pt. 2 |
[I Walked Under Heaven’s Sky] | Overlaps the area with a clear daytime sky. Causes Spells to fail under it. Also allows the User to traverse where their faith takes them, including other continents. | 8.29 Interlude - Hectval (pt. 3) 10.32 – Pt. 2 |
[Immortal Moment] | Stretch how long a moment lasts. Activates automatically, causes those affected to have a lasting memory of the moment. | 1.31 |
[Induction: Royal Bodyguard] | 8.75 | |
[Inn: The World’s Eye Theatre] | Creates a theater that can project images. For more information, See Here | 9.31 9.32 |
[Intimidation: Spear of a Thousand Graves] | Interlude - Hectval (Pt. 1) | |
[Jetfire Jump] | The User can suddenly accelerate from any position. Unlike other jumping Skills, Jetfire Jump has far more personal momentum and force behind the motion and can even be used to propel other objects in the opposite direction if used right. There is risk of self-injury for inexperienced Users. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[Legacy: Find the Dragon's Grave] | Interlude - Adventurers (Pt. 3) | |
[Legacy Whispers: Heartflame Set] | The User hears words that appear in their heads, which sear themselves into a unforgettable memory, hinting them on how to keep progressing their inheritance Legacy. | 5.18 S |
[Lifeshard Ammunition] | Very powerful firearm ammo. Able to amputate the limbs of an armored Goblin King. | 10.35 - Pt. 3 |
[Local Landmark: (Place)] | The property of the User becomes well known to all the people of the (Place). | 5.49 |
[My Life, be Thou My Fire] | The User conjure all-consuming flames that are even able to burn shadows themselves and immortal beings. The User has to burn their own lifespan to use this Skill, with a ratio of about +1 year of their life for 1 minute of use. |
6.43 E 6.64 E |
[Open the Vaults] | Summon whatever objects stored in the User's vault. | 8.78 F |
[Open the Vaults: The Gemstone Giant’s Halberd of Khelt] | Restricted to the ruler of Khelt. Summons the giant, enchanted, jewelled halberd created by King Serept. Uncertain if it's royal, or if it only appears colored because of Fetohep exerting his aura and authority while calling the Skill. |
8.83 |
[Other Me's Skill] | The User can use one of the Skills of their timeline counterpart. | 10.32 – Pt. 2 |
[Perceive Noble Gases] | The user can see the six noble gases, which are; Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, and Radon, as clouds of color, identified by increasing in spectral signature the higher its atomic number. | 9.54 C |
[Phantom Gears] | Creates another set of gears on the User's bike, allowing them to shift to gears it doesn't normally have. | Vengeance and Talking |
[Pinpoint Distance Kick] | A Kicking Skill that combined range and accuracy to allow the User to kick something over 300 feet to were the User intended. | 8.15 |
[Raythrust of Light] | 9.17 R | |
[Recaptured Sublimity] | For a few minutes the User can return the strength, abilities and power to the time of their prime. This Skill has a 12-hour cooldown. |
7.39 A 9.50 |
[Reputation: Infamy, Now My Fame] | 8.75 | |
[Reputation: My Famous Name] | Conjure a towering astral-projection of the User, which shows them based on their famed reputation. | 8.19 H |
[Revine’s Jet] | ||
[Rocket Kick] | Allows the user to kick an object with all the force and momentum of a rocket. The proportional momentum of the user enhances the Skill. New <ROCKET>-type Skills also produce heat and flame analogous to the user’s technological level and equipment. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[Royal Robbery: Birds] | 9.57 B | |
[Royal Transaction: Instantaneous Delivery, Instantaneous Reward] | The User can instantly deliver the product from a transactional contract to the recipient, even across continents. | 10.15 |
[Share My End] | Kill the person who killed the User in the same way that they used to kill them. | 8.64 K |
[Shared Authority: (Place)] | The User can access most of another person's building-based Skills and abilities. | 10.01 L |
[She Flies on Another World’s Wings (5 Seconds)] | ||
[Ship: Kayak Roll] | 8.77 B | |
[Squad: The Chess Club’s Stand] | Interlude - Hectval (pt. 1) Interlude - Hectval (pt. 2) | |
[Summon Aberration] | Summons Aberrant Antinium through faith. | 7.62 8.01 |
[Supreme General of the Cities: Shut Up And Follow My Orders] | 8.81 | |
[Sword Art: Goblin’s Smile] | ||
[Sword Art: The Curve of the World] | ||
[Sword Art: The Floodplains Vanished] | ||
[Synergy Skill: Innkeeper – Lease Lesser Room] | The User gives a room from their establishment to another person. The door to the room in the building will lead to a blank void, and the loaned room will be in a closed dimensional space. The room's orientation is based on the door to it. If the leased room is placed in something mobile, gravity in the room will change as the door moves and tilts. | 9.54 C 9.62 |
[Tell Me What You Truly Believe] | Forces those around to speak their honest feelings, even if they know they shouldn't and are aware of being affected. | 10.17 |
[The Door to Earth] | Epilogue (V9) | |
[The Inn That Walked] | Created in a simulated timeline. The User can make their inn mobile. | 10.27 GMG |
[The Laughing Folk Bowed to None; Neither Shall I] | Negates any of the Opponent(s) authority effects directed at the User, while the sounds of laugher are heard laughing with mirth at the Opponent(s). | 9.20 |
[The Light Be Blessing Upon Us All] | 8.19 H | |
[The Transient, Ephemeral, Fleeting Vault of the Mortal World. The Evanescent Safe of Passing Moments, the Faded Chest of Then and Them. The Box of Incontinuity] | Comprised of multiple indestructible boxes.
Epilogue (V9) 10.01 L10.23 LMGY |
[The World of You and Me] |
Satar 8.66 9.0010.17 |
[They Feared My Name] | 8.64 K | |
[They Walk With Me] | 8.19 H | |
[Time of the Olympian] | Replicates the User's best athletic performance, including those aided by Skills, and leaves them full of energy when the Skill wears off. It possibly has other effects. | Solstice (Pt. 1) |
[Tongue of Deikat Vunn] | Allows the User to pronounce words of the Deikat Vunn language. | 10.20 E |
[Torreb’s Step] | ||
[Undying Loyalty] | Allows the User to order their loyal citizens not to die, so that they can continue fighting even past the point where they should have died. If they get healing in time, they can even recover. | 4.23 E |
[Way of the Elements: Current of the Sea] | ||
[Way of the Elements: Fury of Skies] | ||
[Way of the Elements: Path of the Land] | ||
[Wings of Escieda] | 9.57 B | |
[Wondrous Fare] | Cooking Skill that enables the User to make Magical Food. For more information go Here. |
2.21 7.28 |
[Your Wounds Shall Close] | 8.19 H |
Fake and Imaginary Skills[edit | edit source]
Name | Description | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Advanced Flirting] | Skill that an aroused Fierre thought Ieka is using on her. | 9.53 |
[Ankle-blasting Kick] | The Skill that Ryoka envisions Nerry wishing to have. | Brewing Sariants |
[Aura of Stress] | Hypothetical Skill imagined by Cara. | 8.68 |
[Aura of the Bird] | Skill that Bird wishes he had gained from Niers. | 8.52 MN |
[Aura Pizza] | Skill Rabbiteater hoped he wouldn't obtain after performing his first aura manifestation. | 8.68 |
[Aura Sword] | Used by Erin when she tried to manifest her Aura. | 7.23 LM |
[Automated Scarecrows] | Lupp briefly believed he had gained this Skill. | 7.60 |
[Awaken Scarecrows] | Lupp briefly believed he had gained this Skill. | 7.60 |
[Bad Fruit Detector] | Skill Erin imagined the Goblins having. | 1.07 |
[Blade of Calanfer] | Fake Skill shouted by Marquin to distract Dioname. | 8.74 DR |
[Can't Be Late for Work] | Skill Luan guessed a Fraerling had. Actually a [Speed] spell provided by Paeth's vurel. | Luan the Giant |
[Cloudburst Theft] | Skill Yisame imagined the Thief of Clouds having in her daydream. | 8.36 H |
[Food Dangersense] | Like [Dangersense] but goes off when faced against clearly horrendous food. | Foody Discussions |
[Greatest Teleport] | 9.57 B | |
[Pride is Heat] | Bethal asked if Pryde had this Skill. | 9.43 L |
[I Breathe in Air] | Redundent Skill that Klbkch compares to an Antinium getting [Unitasis Network]. | 9.13 |
[Inn: Extended Rooms] | Speculated Skill. | 10.10 (Pt. 1) |
[Inn: Stretched Corridors] | Speculated Skill. | 10.10 (Pt. 1) |
[Inn: Unlimited Mana Pool] | Imaginary capstone Skill. | 6.67 |
[Invisible Appearing Rock] | Skill that Idis thought that [Psychic Guardian] Ressk used while sparring. Actually the use of psychic abilities. | 8.51 D |
[Kamehameha Punch] | Imaginary capstone Skill. | 6.67 |
[Kiss of Love] | Used in a fantasy scene. | The Innkeeper's [Knight] |
[Like Fire, Infidelity] | Joke Skill referencing [Like Fire, Memory]. | 10.19 E |
[Like Fire, Love] | Joke Skill referencing [Like Fire, Memory]. | 10.19 E |
[Like Fire, Romance] | Joke Skill referencing [Like Fire, Memory]. | 10.19 E |
[Like Flame, Blowtorch] | Joke name for [Like Fire, Memory]. | 10.09 E |
[Line-Ender Hot] | Invalid Skill registered by the Grand Design when Halrac's special arrow removed the 'S' from Elia's [Line-Ender Shot]. The Grand Design assigned [Line-Ending Inferno] as a replacement. | 9.41 (Pt. 3) |
[Mini-Minotaur Punch] | Joke name for [Minotaur Punch] while Erin was Fraerling-sized. | 10.10 (Pt. 2) |
[Outrun the Law] | Skill that Relc suspects a [Dissident] has to outrun him. | 8.34 R |
[Posterior Damage] | Skill that Lyonette suspected was applied to an uncomfortable chair. | 10.13 |
[Realization of Your Deepest Dream] | An imaginary [Dreamer] capstone Skill that Felkhr wishes to have so that he could fly, even for just 5 minutes a day. | Innovation and Invention |
[Relc Feint] | Shouted by Relc Grasstongue when attacking. | 9.30 |
[Relc Headbutt] | Shouted by Relc Grasstongue when attacking. | |
[Relc Hug] | Relc Grasstongue warming, biggest hug imaginable, which maybe should be a Skill as it is more impressive than his fake skill punches. | 9.33 |
[Relc Kick] | Shouted by Relc Grasstongue when attacking. | |
[Relc Punch] | Shouted by Relc Grasstongue when attacking. | |
[Relc Sense] | Relc Grasstongue intuition of something that he believes is going to happen. | 9.34 |
[Super Jump] | A Skill that Felkhr wished his ‘[Dreamer]’ Class had given him for his flying dream. | Innovation and Invention |
[Super Teleport] | 9.57 B | |
[Tail Attack] | Shouted by Relc while sparring with Klbkch. | 9.02 |
[Tail Stab] | Said by Klbkch in retaliation to Relc's [Tail Attack] | 9.02 |
[Total Immunity: Shame] | A Skill that Mrsha believes Ser Sest has. | 9.00 |
[Wall of Femininity] | Narration joke. | The Innkeeper's [Knight] |
Others[edit | edit source]
List of Skills-like magical abilities.
Aspects:[edit | edit source]
- See Aspects
Conditions:[edit | edit source]
- See Conditions
Inheritances:[edit | edit source]
- See Inheritances
Miracles:[edit | edit source]
- See Miracles
Memories:[edit | edit source]
- See Memories
Songs:[edit | edit source]
- See Songs
Spells:[edit | edit source]
- See Spells
Synergies[edit | edit source]
- See Synergies
Trivia[edit | edit source]
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Chapter 1.41
- ↑ Chapter 9.67 (Pt. 2)
- ↑ Chapter 6.53 K
- ↑ Chapter 3.05 L
- ↑ Chapter 6.18 H
- ↑ Chapter 2.18
- ↑ Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 1)
- ↑ Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 10.10 E (Pt. 1)
- ↑ Chapter 9.61 G
- ↑ Chapter 1.27
- ↑ Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 Chapter 1.41
- ↑ Chapter 2.21
- ↑ Chapter 5.24 L
- ↑ Chapter 5.26 L
- ↑ Chapter 3.17 T
- ↑ Chapter 6.53 K
- ↑ Chapter 2.26
- ↑ Interlude – Numbtongue (Pt.1)
- ↑ Chapter 4.48
- ↑ Chapter 7.58
- ↑ Chapter 7.59
- ↑ Chapter 7.16 L
- ↑ Chapter 7.23 LM
- ↑ Chapter 7.51
- ↑ Interlude - The Titan's Question
- ↑ Chapter 8.78 F
- ↑ Chapter 9.16 R
- ↑ The Roots (Pt. 1)