Skills Effect/Y

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

Skills Effect starting with the Letter: Y

Y[edit | edit source]

Name Effect Reference Chapter(s)
[Yawning Bite]
[You Are Humanity's Finest]
[You Are My Worthy Foe]
[You Cannot Escape My Steps] Allows the User to match their opponent's speed. Isles of Goblin and Minos
[You Go Low, I’ll Go High] Combination Skill.
Effect Unknown
8.52 MN
[You Have the Wrong Man] Literally. Possibly charm effect. If the user is supposed to be arrested, makes whoever is arresting the user grab the wrong person. 8.27
[Your Dishonorable Blow, I Deny It] The effects of an attack the user has suffered that they deem dishonorable, such as a dismissive attack, are undone. Isles of Goblin and Minos
[Your Legs, Heavy as Lead] Slows down or outright stops the opponents by making their legs to heavy to lift. 9.34
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