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Halfseekers as of Volume 5, drawn by mg

The Halfseekers also known as the Half Freaks, are a Gold-rank adventuring team. Their members are individuals who are outcast and don’t quite fit in with other groups.

Background[edit | edit source]

The Halfseekers are an older team that have had several iterations.[1] When the Halfseekers still had 8 members, they were considered one of the best Gold-rank teams on the continent.[2] However, one of their members betrayed the party to steal a key that is one part of unlocking a great treasure and ended up killing many of the other members in the process.[3] They continued to adventure as a Gold-ranked team though their combat power and utility was greatly diminished.

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Strength[edit | edit source]

In the past, all eight members together could have taken down a nest of adult Crelers (which not even Gold-rank teams usually dare to try) and fight their way through a trio of Wyverns.

While none of them were at the level of Named Adventurers, all 8 members together could have become a Named Adventurers team.[2]

Members[edit | edit source]

Name Race Position Status
Jelaqua Ivirith Selphid Leader & Warrior
Moore Half-Giant Mage
Seborn Sailwinds Drowned Man Rogue
Ulinde Selphid Mage
Garen Redfang Hobgoblin Warrior
Halassia Evergleam Scorchling Mage
Thornst Half-Elf Unknown
Keilam Half-Gnoll Mage
Ukrina Drake Unknown

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The Halfseekers offered to recruit Ceria Springwalker before she re-formed the Horns of Hammerad.[4]

References[edit | edit source]