Category for characters of The Wandering Inn. A list of all of them is at the end of this page.
Special Groups[edit | edit source]
Inn-Family[edit | edit source]
Erin Solstice, Innkeeper
Lyonette du Marquin, Manager and Mother
Mrsha du Marquin, Gardener and Sister
Numbtongue, Bouncer, Bard and Big Brother
Bird, Guard and Little Brother
Apista, Mascot
Ryoka Griffin, Absent Aunt
Ulvama, Lazy Aunt
Yelroan, Financial Advisor
Ishkr Silverfang, Head Waiter
- Rosencrantz.missing
Rosencrantz, Waiter
Peggy, Waiter
Inkpaper, Waiter
Drassi Tewing, Waitress (former)
Calescent, Cook
Tessa, Bodyguard
Rabbiteater, Bouncer (absent)
Badarrow, Bouncer (absent)
Headscratcher, Bouncer (deceased)
Shorthilt, Bouncer (deceased)
Octavia Cotton, local Alchemist
Liska Silverfang, Door Gnoll
Silveran, Cleaner (fired, later contracted)
- Alcaz.missing
Alcaz, Bouncer (deceased)
Earthers[edit | edit source]

Chosen[edit | edit source]
While Toren is a levelling undead, he is not part of Az’kerash's Chosen.
Adventurers[edit | edit source]
Named Adventurers[edit | edit source]
Named Teams[edit | edit source]
Gold-Rank[edit | edit source]
Silver-Rank[edit | edit source]
Bronze-Rank[edit | edit source]
Redfang Five[edit | edit source]
Numbtongue, Bard
Rabbiteater, Champion
Badarrow, Sniper
Headscratcher, Berserker (deceased)
Shorthilt, Weapon Expert (deceased)
By Sovereignty[edit | edit source]
Chandrar[edit | edit source]
Reim[edit | edit source]
Seven[edit | edit source]
Gazi Pathseeker, The Omniscient
Takhatres, Lord of the Skies
Mars, The Illusionist
Amerys, Calm Flower of the Battlefield
- Drevish.missing
Drevish, The Architect (deceased and removed from existence)
- Queravia.missing
Queravia, Gambler of Fates (deceased)
- Tottenval.missing
Tottenval, Blooming Plague (deceased)
This category has the following 15 subcategories, out of 15 total.
- Aliases (2 P)
- Animal Companions (13 P)
- Appearances (998 P)
- LGBT Characters (34 P)
- Minors (27 P)
- Quotes (101 P)
- Relationships (34 P)
- Unnamed Characters (11 P)
Pages in category "Characters"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,307 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Aaron Vanwell
- Abebi
- Abel
- Abelesque
- Ad
- Adalton Serristail
- Adelynn
- Adetr Steelfur
- Afnild
- Agenote du Marquin
- Agnes
- Agratha
- Aielef du Marquin
- Aiko Nonomura
- Akhta
- Akral
- Akrisa Silverfang
- Alais
- Alber
- Alcaz
- Aldenon
- Aldonss
- Aldrail
- Aleieta Reinhart
- Alevica
- Alime
- Alked Fellbow
- Allaif Tannousin
- Alman Sanito
- Alonna Swiftwing
- Alrric Kerrfa
- Altestiel
- Aluminum Armor
- Ama
- Amared
- Amerys
- Anabelle
- Anand
- Anazurhe
- Andel (Players of Celum)
- Andel (UN)
- Anders
- Andra Meitolo
- Andres
- Angelica
- Anith
- Anlam
- Antal Fekete
- Antherr Twotwentyonethree Herodotus
- Apista
- Araxia
- Archer B12
- Arden
- Areis
- Aria Fellstrider
- Armored Queen
- Artur
- Arveil
- Asale
- Ascoden
- Asgra
- Asimi
- Astival
- Atlanna Veltras
- Azam’du
- Azemith
- Az’kerash
- Badarrow
- Baiss
- Balanceboard
- Balimar Wulten
- Balkizat
- Bamer
- Baosar Yeothrix
- Barelle
- Barnethei
- Barsoijou
- Basal
- Bastam
- Cargo Character Test
- Bastiom
- Bazeth
- Bea
- Beacle
- Bealt
- Bearclaw
- Bearig
- Beatica
- Beatrice Stogrehn
- Beclaire
- Beilmark
- Bein Terland
- Bekia
- Bekr
- Belavierr Donamia
- Belchaus Meron
- Belgrade
- Belsc
- Beniar
- Bepol
- Berr
- Berythe
- Beshard
- Bessachidia
- Beth Scastein
- Bethal Walchaís
- Beton
- Betta Quellae
- Bevia Veniford
- Bevussa Slenderscale
- Beycalt Newman
- Bezale
- Bezhavil Tannousin
- Bird
- Bitefly
- Blacktide
- Blaik
- Blake
- Bograms
- Bowom Womob
- Briganda Rishaw
- Brilm
- Brunkr
- Bugear
- Buler
- Buscrei Veltras
- Bviora Stormless
- Cade Rishaw
- Calabrian
- Calac Crusland
- Calectus
- Calecum
- Caleis Berkesson
- Calescent
- Calidus Reinhart
- Califor Weishart
- Calirn
- Calistoca Occum
- Callidaz
- Calliope
- Calruz
- Calthusveri
- Calvaron
- Cameral
- Caoraz
- Capoinelia Arcsinger
- Cara O'Sullivan
- Caren Glover
- Caroline
- Carrec
- Cauwine
- Cawe
- Cecille Reinhart
- Ceria Springwalker
- Cers Silverfang
- Cervial
- Cessic
- Cetris Duiland
- Cetrule
- Chaita
- Chaldion Oliwing
- Chaoisa
- Charlay
- Charles de Trevalier
- Chesacre
- Chime
- Chimmy
- Chise
- Chole
- Chorisa
- Ci
- Cimeca Tellis
- Cirediel Anvi’dualln Olicuemerdn
- Cirille Bitterclaw
- Cirsa
- Clara
- Cloudst
- Coblat
- Cognita
- Colfa val Lischelle-Drakle
- Collos
- Colovt
- Colthei Lacment
- Comois
- Continuum
- Contradiction
- Corbbin
- Corek
- Coretine
- Cormelex
- Corregrione
- Correy
- Cortese Withred
- Cosmenaut
- Cotm
- Coutei-Dinai
- Crimshaw
- Crusader 51
- Crusader 53
- Crusader 57