There are several special pages on the Wiki you can use to find things to do to help out with the Wiki in general.
Administrators also have access to other tools. Ping them by leaving a message in the Staff or Community pages if you need them to use these.
Templates[edit | edit source]
Templates are small bits of code that you can add to a page to automatically add some preformatted elements. See this list for a bunch of useful one used all throughout the wiki. All links will lead you to their respective documentation pages.
- Template:HeadingA : A simple header for important pages.
- Template:Stub Rewrite: Mark a page as part of the volume 1 rewrite.
- Template:TBA : Mark a page as missing information and needing some more edits.
- Template:Chl : Easily add a link to a specific chapter, all formatted for your editing and viewing pleasure.
- Template:Cite : Adds a "Citation needed" note to some text, to let other editors know you need help with finding where in the story this specific information was written.
- Template:CollapsedLeft : Collapse some text under an "Expand" button.
- Template:Disambig : Mark a page as disambiguous. This is useful when two pages share the same name and need to be differenciated.
- Template:NoteBox : Adds a "Note" box you can fill with information, courtesy of Mrsha. Because Mrsha emotes make everything better.
- Template:Outdated : Mark a page as being outdated and needing some serious updates!
- Template:Quote : Allows you to add a quote by a character in a stylized box.
- Template:Ref : Reference a chapter by adding a link to it next to some text. Useful to replace those "Citation needed" notes.
Polls[edit | edit source]
We use the AJAXPoll extension on this wiki. To see how to create a poll, see the extension documentation here (check the usage section)
- Note 1: One poll and its results can be embedded on different pages by making the poll's name/question and options identical.
- Note 2: AJAXPoll doesn't yet support poll closing. To close a poll from future voting, you can remove the poll and upload a screenshot of the results as of closing time.
<div class="pollstyle"> <poll> Poll Name/Question Here. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 </poll> </div>
Delete a page[edit | edit source]
Only administrators can delete pages. But you can mark a page for deletion by adding {{delete}}
anywhere in the page.
Replace text in all pages (and other boring tasks)[edit | edit source]
Only adminstrators can do that action. If you feel like some text needs to be replaced on a lot of pages, don't bother to do it by hand! Ask an admin if they can do it for you by providing the original bit of text and what it should be replaced with.
More generally if you see a task that needs a lot of repetitive actions and boring work, ask admins if they can find a way to automate things. If not, ask here or on Discord if people can help you out. A boring job always turns into a fun one when multiple people participate!
Special pages[edit | edit source]
Special Pages on a wiki are pages here to help editors find work to do by pointing out pages that could need some extra information or links.
If you are unsure wether a page should be listed in one of those special pages or not (some are there for a good reason), don't hesitate to leave a message in the Community Page!
Categories[edit | edit source]
- Wanted Categories : Some pages have these categories but they don't have any text in them. Edit the categories to explain what they are for and add information.
- Unused Categories : These categories exist but don't have any pages in them. Link some pages to these categories if you think they are relevant, or mark them for deletion (see above).
- Pages without any category : Some pages don't belong to any category sometimes and that's okay. But sometimes categories can help people find those pages more easily. Refer to the category list to find a suitable one, or create a new one if you feel it's important enough.
Files[edit | edit source]
- Wanted Files : These files (images) exist on pages but no file could be found on the server for them. This is probably due to some weird error during our migration. Feel free to reupload the missing images if you have them, or find an alternative to upload.
- Unused Files : These files are on the Wiki but aren't used in any page. Either add them to a page they're related to, or mark them for deletion.
Content[edit | edit source]
For our [Lore Masters] who know The Wandering Inn by heart!
- Short Pages : Pages that are definitely too short. This is the case with disambiguous pages and that's okay, but some other pages could clearly need more information.
- Pages with fewest revisions : These pages have been created but haven't been touched much since. Maybe they have outdated information that needs to be checked.
- Ancient Pages : Pages which haven't been updated in a while. They probably contain some outdated information. Maybe you can help update them?
- Most wanted Pages : These pages have links pointing to them but they don't exist (yet!). If you think you can contribute with information, please create them. See our Article Guide on how to write proper pages depending on what they refer to (characters, locations, etc.)
- Missed Pages : Pages that people clicked on but didn't exist yet. Read the extension's documentation on how to use it.
- Broken Redirects : Redirects help people find pages that might be known under a different name. Some redirections might be broken and the pages they redirect to don't exist yet or anymore. Maybe you can help create them?
Links[edit | edit source]
Interlinking pages is very important for a wiki. If you like creating links, this is for you.
- Dead end Pages : These pages don't have any links that could lead a user somewhere else. Add some missing links or categories to those pages! Dead ends aren't a good thing on wikis as it forces users to go back to a previous page, or if they come from an external link, try to find the main menu.
- Orphaned Pages : Pages that have no links pointing to them. Find out where a link to them would be relevant! Without being linked from anywhere, they can only be found by users through searches.