Cara O'Sullivan

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Cara O’Sullivan by ArtsyNada.jpg

Cara O'Sullivan
'Humble Actor'
Queen of Pop
Siren of Songs
Baroness of the Beat
Singer of Terandria
Singer of Afiele
Gravesinger of Afiele
Sid (Nickname)[1]








Seraphel du Marquin
The Singer's Band
Huntsong (Formerly)


Conscripted Hunter (Formerly)



First Appearance

Interlude - 3
Chapter 7.21 KQ (Officially)
Gravesong 1.00

Cara O'Sullivan (Real name: Sidheag) is an Earther [Popstar] from Ireland who was transported to the kingdom of Noelictus in Terandria, eventually becoming the world-famous Singer of Terandria.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Cara is a young Caucasian woman with fair skin and brown hair. When on-stage, Cara dresses like a star, wearing makeup to hide blemishes on her skin and using illusions to change physical traits, such as hair color.[2]

Personality[edit | edit source]

To her audience, Cara is a cheerful, upbeat person, but in real life, she is very prickly and isn't afraid to insult people who are acting stupid. Cara often hides behind facades in order to protect herself and her identity, and tells people what they want to hear from her as long as that is convenient for herself. She is hardworking and professional, evident by how she was able to become the most successful and famous Earther in the world. Cara is appreciative of her fans, and works hard to ensure they are getting their money's worth.[2] Additionally, she is conscientious of copyright infringement, keeping a plagiarism log to record all the songs she sings which she claims to "keep [her] honest."

Cara despises royalty and hierarchies and any social order that keeps common people oppressed, often ranting about their injustices. Despite that, she is on good terms with Seraphel du Marquin, the 4th Princess of Calanfer, having survived an undead siege together.[3] She bears an enmity against Ailendamus, having a history with them involving Noelictus.[4]

Background[edit | edit source]

Cara worked as a stagehand or a manager for smaller theatres living in Galway, Ireland[5] in between her auditions and jobs on the stage. If she could, she also took up part-time work. She had chosen not to attend university, so she was accustomed to that lifestyle.[6]

While the world and even the Earthers around her know her by the name Cara O'Sullivan, Cara has implied it is not her real name,[2] which is confirmed by Aaron who found that scrying spells don't work on her (which is dependent on the target's real name.[7]

Cara came to Innworld in the year of 2018, from Galway of Ireland, while coming out of a theatre and crossing the street. She ended up being teleported to Terandria, in Noectilus. She was there throughout the fall and into winter.[8] More TBA From Chapter 8.68

There she met Seraphel du Marquin and Ser Dalimont, and was involved in several incidents where she helped defeat a [Necromancer] and Belavierr the Stitch Witch.[9] In a conversation with Blackmage, Elena reveals that she was rescued by Cara in Terandria, and marched together on a "village out of hell" ruled by Belavierr.[10]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Gravesong[edit | edit source]

While on the phone with her friend Sam after walking out on an audition, Cara was teleported deep within the Tomb of Afiele, located in Noelictus. Shocked and confused, she is forced to accept that she is not being pranked when she opens a casket and finds an actual dead body.[11] After walking for hours, she almost gives into despair but is inspired by the words of an epitaph on a [Paladin's] grave. Refusing to die in darkness and silence, Cara sings Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol before collapsing, upon which she obtains the [Singer] class, much to her confusion.[11] Using her newfound Skills to obtain water and light, she continues on, but runs into a ghost of a [Knight] named Sir Dalius.[12] After pretending to faint, Cara attempts to run away, but is quickly caught by Dalius who prepares to kill her for trespassing in the Tomb of Afiele. Cara claims to be a [Princess] based on Hamlet, but invokes God, unwittingly revealing her story to be a falsehood as all the gods are dead. However, she is able persuade Dalius to stay his hand before fainting for real, and obtaining the [Actor] class.[13]

Cara convinces Dalius to break the magically-sealed door of the Tomb. She believes the ghost [Knight] to be destroyed by the backlash of the shattered magic, though he had secretly survived and chosen to stay and guard the Tomb. While wandering in Noelictus, she meets Violetta and Idelt, a girl and her father. They invite her into their home in the village of Landsmecht, located in Afiele. Trying to start her career as a [Singer] in the strange new world, Cara is invited to sing at a banquet at House Afiele, who is hosting Seraphel du Marquin. Unbeknowst to her, a [Necromancer] named Feremont had stumbled into the now-breached Tomb of Afiele. Magically imprisoning Dalius, he raised an army of undead, slaughtering entire villages before sieging the keep of Afiele.

After the keep is destroyed, and Lord Lantal and Lady Risel are killed, Cara flees to the Tomb and meets Dalius again. Filled with regret and despair, she tells him her real name, Sidhaeg, and tries freeing him. Though she almost fails, her [Singer] Skills awaken some of the remaining undead, who breaks Dailus's bindings. Dalius and the newly leveled [Grave Singer] lead a force of undead under Cara's control against Feremont's army. During the battle, Dalius and the young Lord Culin Afiele summon nearly a hundred ghosts, who turns the tide against the [Necromancer's] undead. Feremont tries to flee, but Cara uses her Skills to command the undead to tear him apart, while burning him to death.

While she is invited to stay in Afiele, Cara decides to leave, still ashamed of her part of allowing the [Necromancer] access into the Tomb.

Huntsong[edit | edit source]

Hitching a ride with a caravan of Gnolls, Cara travels to the capital of Noelictus, Meronome, and joins the Synphasia Theatre as a [Singer]. She quickly rises to become one of the Theatre's top acts. During this time, she reunites with Seraphel, and meets another Earther, Elena Othonos, who is seemingly under a form of mind control by Belavierr Donamia. However, during a performance at the palace, she defends Seraphel from being insulted by Queen Cathiel Nicterise, by throwing wine at the Queen. Cara is arrested, and sentenced to become a Conscripted Hunter for a month, under the supervision of Haeight.

Volume 2[edit | edit source]

Cara was present for the second group chat organized by Blackmage, under the username [Humble Actor].[14]

Volume 4[edit | edit source]

Cara is growing in popularity in Terandria, adopting several nicknames including "Baroness of the Beats," "The Queen of Pop," "The Siren of Songs," and "The [Singer] of Terandria". Archmage Nailihuaile and Blackmage develop magic crystals that can record her songs.[15]

Volume 7[edit | edit source]

By now, Cara has become a famous [Pop Star] journeying through Terandria on the search for more Earthers and for a safe place to stay. Her public entourage includes her [Manager] Abebi, Nicolas and another guy from Argentina, the [Drummer] Thien, the [Guitarist] Greg, the [Bassist] Rae and a [Violinist]. Aside from them, more Earthers are covertly following her, among them Desmond. These people are shielded by her so they aren't detected by Wistram. At some point, Cara sent Elena to Wistram to check it out, and thus found out that the [Mages] from the Academy are not trustworthy and the island is not the safe haven she wants.[2]

In one of Pheislant's port cities, Phel's Light, Cara has a concert at the same time as several knighthood orders, including the Order of Seasons, are awaiting the arrival of a funeral barge carrying the bodies of Ser Raim and several [Hunters] back from their campaign in Izril against Belavierr. During the middle of the performance, Cara leads her audience to the harbor to honor the fallen [Knights].[2]

Cara is watching Wistram's broadcast on Yellow Fevers, disgusted by the misinformation announced by Sir Relz and Noass. However, she becomes interested and highly amused when Drassi forces her way into the broadcast and begins interrogating the two [Commentators].[16]

Cara appears on a segment of Wistram television, performing several live music videos that contains hidden warnings to Earthers watching the broadcast and is interviewed by Drassi. After the performance, she is highly startled to see Jasi's rendition of Take on Me, as well as the Players of Celum's performance of Hamlet.[17]

During Ryoka, Saliss, and Maviola's run to save Hethon and Sammial Veltras from the Circle of Thorns, Cara is one of many individuals across the world who uses their Skills to boost the three and impede the Assassin's Guild.[18] A few days later during the Summer Solstice, she receives Aaron's text message about the Gods.[19]

Volume 8[edit | edit source]

Cara watches Magnolia Reinhart's arrival to Oteslia on the scrying orb, admiring the opera singer's voice.[20]

When nations and major organizations began broadcasting their football expertise and exercise routines on television, Cara is surprised when they began playing her music as background music (at the behest of Elena).[21] Later, she is one of many who watches Grand Magus Eldavin's story about Archmages Zelkyr Amerwing and Peril Chandler.[22] Cara is mentioned in Seraphel du Marquin's speech honoring Noelictus at a ball in Nadel, while also revealing that both were involved in some attack in Ovela.[23]

After hearing from Blackmage that Ryoka Griffin was in Ailendamus, Cara accepts an invitation to perform there, despite her hatred of the nation, determined to secure Ryoka's safety and to end the war in Terandria. [24][25] She later curses him out while watching the newly inducted Archmage Eldavin unveil new magical armor based on Blackmage's designs.[26]

After one of her performances, Cara approaches Ryoka Griffin disguised as Greg and manages to secure a private meeting with her. However, frustrated by the Wind Runner's reluctance to share information, she initially storms away, but Ryoka convinces her to stay after showing her the Faeblade. They have a conversation about the circumstances of their arrival to Innworld, their adventures, and Erin Solstice. Ryoka confirms the existence of the Dead Gods, while Cara admits that she met three of them: the three-in-one, the young warrior, and the dancing man. After exiting the room, they run into Rhisveri, who smugly informs them of the Dawn Concordat being attacked by one of Ailendamus's army.[27] Later, Cara is introduced to Mernorkel and Gilaw, and is impressed by the former's singing ability. In her first major concert in Ailendamus, she dresses Ryoka in a Phoenix costume, amusing the nobles of Ailendamus and embarrassing the Wind Runner to no end. She participates in the Court of Mask, though refusing to wear a mask, and debates Ailendamus's warmongering. Afterwards, Cara tries to find Ryoka, only to discover that she departed for Kaliv.[28]

During the battle between the Dawn Concordat and Ailendamus, Cara uses her Skills to raise a small army of undead to accompany Seraphel's charge.[29] A few days after the battle, Cara is preparing to leave, having cancelled her contract with Ailendamus, while rejecting Ryoka's request to take Sammial Veltras with her. That night, during her performance honoring the fallen General Dioname, Cara is confronted by Baron Regalius du Ecte, who accuses her of being an enemy of Ailendamus, revealing to the audience of her involvement in a certain incident in Afiele the previous year, during which Regalius's brother was killed, and the battle against the Dawn Concordat. Cara freely admits to Regalius's accusations, and incapacitates the entire room with [Banshee's Voice] before fleeing, with some help from Menorkel who fights the [Knights]. While running away from Ailendamus's palace, her Skills and magic were suppressed by Rhisveri Zessoprical, but are switched back on thanks to Ryoka's intervention. The Wind Runner then catches up with Cara at the same time as Baron Regalius and his men. Cara escapes by imitating Ryoka's flight with her Skills and catches up with her caravan, which had discreetly left a day earlier. She then orders Thien to use a scrying orb to signal Noelictus, who launches an attack at Ailendamus's borders.[30]

Volume 9[edit | edit source]

Cara is contacted by the People's Knight during a four-way confrontation against Teriarch, the Winter's Watcher, and a [Thief] with a crystal leg.[31] She is later amongst the Earthers watching Erin Solstice during the international chess tournament.[32] Before the start of Zeladona's Trial of a Thousand Blades, she admires Symphony's performance, which is reminiscent of electro swing from Earth.[33] After listening to Erin's speech about Christmas during her interview on the scrying network, Cara decides to back the [Innkeeper] up, and performs a litany of holiday songs she had marked "Christmas shit."[34]

Using the World's Eye Theatre, Erin contacts Cara along with dozens of Earthers, to warn them about the dead gods and the upcoming Winter Solstice.[35][36]

During Christmas, Erin calls Cara to hire her to sing for her party. The [Singer] meets most of the inn's guests and family, while also reuniting with Ser Dalimont. Cara reveals that her Skills allows her to access newly released songs from Earth, up to the current year. However, when singing one of the new songs, Erin has a funny feeling. Believing that Cara is using a Skill on her, the [Innkeeper] makes an excuse and ends the call.[37] Before the party, Cara contacts Erin with a scrying orb during a conversation with Rabbiteater, Altestiel, and Belchaus Meron on the Terandrian ships heading to the New Lands, while also reuniting with Princess Seraphel du Marquin. She unveils her new cover of Taylor Swift's Anti-Hero, much to everyone's delight. However Erin accuses Cara of trying to use a Skill to make her spontaneously dance, though the [Singer] refutes it. Much to Erin's embarassment, her dancing was naturally from after months of dance-exercising with Ulvama instead of a Skill or mental magic. She was present when Erin uses one of the Gardens of Sanctuary to show a stimulation of her home of Grand Rapids, Michigan.[38]

Volume 10[edit | edit source]

While traveling on a ship, she is ecstatic to see Elena Othonos commentating on the scrying orb, calling her a "beautiful bitch."[39]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Pop Star] Lv. 40[2]
    • Derived from [Singer] → [Grave Singer] → [Renowned Ghostsinger][40]
  • [Thespian] Lv. ?
    • Derived from [Actor]

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Alter Ego] / [Alter Ego: (Person)]
  • [Banshee’s Voice]
    • Advanced from [Wailer Frog Scream]
  • [Bound Spell: Lesser Illusion]
  • [Carrying Voice]
  • [Commanding Presence]
  • [Fame Is My Magic]
  • [Flawless Vocalization]
    • Advanced from [Clear Voice]
  • [For Every Soul I Entertain, Goodwill Remains]
  • [Echo Voice]
  • [I Can Do Anything I Claim]
  • [Learn Song: Home]
  • [Melody of Droplets]
  • [Melody of Sparks]
  • [Melody of Speed]
  • [One True Falsehood]
  • [Performer’s Grace]
  • [Remember My Name]
  • [Song of Death’s Call]
  • [Song of Light]
  • [Song of Persuasion]
  • [Song of Rejuvenation]

Gravesong Skills:[edit | edit source]

(The Skills that are shown only so far in Gravesong and Huntsong)

  • [Bound Spell: Lesser Illusion]
  • [Carrying Voice]
  • [Clear Voice][11] → [Flawless Vocalization]
  • [Commanding Presence][13]
  • [Echo Voice][13]
  • [Melody of Droplets][11]
  • [Melody of Sparks][41]
  • [One True Falsehood][13]
  • [Song of Death’s Call]
  • [Song of Light][11]
  • [Song of Persuasion]
  • [Role Change][42]
  • [Uplifting Performance][43]
  • [Firm Presence][44]
  • [Bellowing Shout][45]
  • [Learn Song: Home][46]
  • [Wailer Frog Scream][47]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • She obtained the [Pop Star] Class from a variation of [Singer] and seemed to be a bit embarrassed about it.[48]
  • Seraphel du Marquin knows Cara's nickname,[49] which is revealed to be "Sid".[1]
  • She learned to sword-fight for the stage and once dated a medieval reenactment enthusiast.[50]
  • Cara is the second highest-leveled Earther after Erin Solstice.[51]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • In Chatroom:
    • Si vis pacem, para bellum. (Translation = If you want peace, prepare for war)
    • Count me in. Where do we start?
    • What is this, a support group? We’re not in a game.
  • (To Greg)
    • Stop listenin’ to the plámásing cunts thats yer wan I wouldn’t let in here you stupid fook.
    • “I said—stop listening to those flattering cunts, you stupid fucking idiot. They don’t come in here. No one does!”
    • “I don’t. But those brave lads died far from home, trying to do the right thing as they saw it. So if you can’t respect that, grab a rope, tie it around your neck, and go jump off a chair. ‘Cause if you don’t, I’ll do it for you.”
  • (To her Group) “Who is this Drake? Why do I love her?”
  • (To Aaron) “You want to talk about help, Blackmage? You don’t want to do a ‘who owes who’ with me. You want trust? Put Elena on. No? That’s what I thought.”
  • (To her Group) “Someone get rid of Greg and get me whoever that is.”
  • (To Rae) “There’s nowhere my voice can’t reach. Tell Aaron I need a favor.”
  • (To all listeners) “This one goes out to the Wind Runner of Reizmelt, the [Alchemist] of Pallass, Lady El and whoever believes in doing the right thing!”
  • (To Ryoka) “You remind me of my best friend from Earth. We might get along after all.”
  • (Thoughts) My should-be-dead gods, he’s a great singer!
  • (To Menorkel) “You. Are. Beautiful. Menorkel, that song is genius.”
  • (To Ryoka) “Yes. And you just happen to have met the 6th Princess of Calanfer after she ran away. Who works at an inn in the middle of the continent. Which one is more coincidental?”
  • (To Ryoka) “By killing an Archmage? Or are you going to stab everyone who wants to keep fighting? I grant you, if it works it works. But no. I have to go. Soon.”
  • (To Regalius) “I will not surrender to Ailendamus’ unkind mercies. Nor are you wrong, Baron Regalius du Ecte! I am the Gravesinger of Afiele! And I say to you all: Ovela stands! Ovela and Afiele, and the Kingdom of Shade!
  • (To Ryoka) “You’re not the only one who can fly. See you around, Ryoka.”

References[edit | edit source]
