
From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Numbtongue by ArtsyNada.png



Barely 6[1]




  • Warrior
  • Security Guard
  • Bard

The Wandering Inn

First Appearance

Chapter 2.44

Numbtongue is a [Goblin Soulbard] and a resident of The Wandering Inn.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

He has green skin and crimson eyes. Once becoming a Hobgoblin his height is taller than an average human. He has pointy ears and a rather lengthy, pointed nose. His teeth are pointy and sharp, and have two rows, like a shark. He has distinctive red tattoos that mark his identity from when he was a Redfang that other Redfang members would be able to recognize.

Numbtongue is very athletic and muscular, with number of characters commenting on his physical attractiveness, including Fierre, Kevin, and others. Following the battle of the Winter Solstice, he has grown a beard which he styles into a goatee.[2]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Despite being the most fluent of the Redfang Elite Warriors, Numbtongue is also the most reticent. Initially, he preferred communicating non-verbally or making others speak for him. Although he has become more comfortable talking to others, he is still a Hobgoblin of few words. Like most of the Redfang Tribe, Numbtongue is a seasoned warrior, always prepared for the next fight and and training at all times. He is also highly competitive, whether it be regular sparring or video games on Kevin's laptop (although he developed something of a gaming addiction). He has an excellent memory, having memorized songs and Erin's plays by heart very quickly after only hearing them once.[3]

Background[edit | edit source]

Numbtongue grew up in the sewers of a Human city. He once stole a dictionary from a bookstore so he could learn the common tongue from it and befriend Humans. They instead tried to kill him and his whole tribe.[4] He would later join the Redfang Tribe.

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Numbtongue was one of thirteen Redfang Elite Warriors tasked to kill Erin Solstice by Garen Redfang. On their way to Liscor, Numbtongue and the other goblins participate in the defense of Esthelm where the surviving members evolve into Hobs. Numbtongue and the other goblins saved Erin from Eater Goats.

The group was eventually hired as security at The Wandering Inn where they worked together until the Goblin Lord's attack on Liscor. (for a more detailed breakdown of the achievements of their entire group, see Redfang Elite Warriors)

Numbtongue was severely injured during the battle but was saved by [Emperor] Laken. After the attack, Numbtongue was the only Redfang Elite Warrior remaining at the Wandering Inn.


Numbtongue started to mine in the caves of the High Passes for gems and magicore.


Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Numbtongue was, besides Badarrow, the best tracker of the Redfang Warrior Group.[5] (Which doesn't account for much, given how they were lost for weeks in the wilderness between Celum and Esthelm[6])

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Sybarite Soulbard] Lv. 43[7]
    • Advanced from [Bard] → [Goblin Soulbard]
  • [Miner] Lv. 6
  • [Gambler] Lv. 4

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [A Minute, Reborn]
    • Initially could only be used for a Minute,[8] but later on it goes from 5[9] to 10 more seconds longer,[10] to closer to 2 minutes,[11] then 3 minutes.[12]
  • [Ballad of Bravery]
  • [Bard’s Charisma]
  • [Counter Melody]
  • [Directional Sound]
  • [Durable Picks]
  • [Echoing Strings]
  • [Electric Chords]
  • [Expert Weapon Proficiency: Sword]
  • [Flash Cut]
  • [Flicker Fingers]
  • [Gift of Amor]
  • [Graceful Parry]
  • [Grinder Teeth]
  • [Lesser Dexterity]
  • [Lightning Melody]
  • [Lover’s Proficiency]
  • [Partner’s Satisfaction Guaranteed]
  • [Reinforced Guitar]
  • [Sense Trickery]
  • [Song of Rejuvenation]
  • [Weak Lucky Draw]

Original Skill:[edit | edit source]

  • [Song: Ballad of the Horns of Hammerad]

Temporary Skills:[edit | edit source]

Skills obtained temporary by the blessing Skill, [Boon of the Princess].

  • [Directional Sound]
  • [Soul’s Armaments: Mundane]

Songs:[edit | edit source]

  • [Ballad of Battle (Redfangs)]
  • [Ballad of the Horns of Hammerad]
    • [Yvlon’s Fury]
    • ???
    • ???
    • ???
  • [Harmony of Mana]
  • [Lightcaller Harmony]
  • [Peaceful Melody]
  • [The Brave Fall First]

Memories:[edit | edit source]

  • [Pyrite, Flooded Waters Tribe]
  • [Shorthilt, Redfang Tribe]
  • Reiss (Memory Incomplete)

Abilities:[edit | edit source]

  • Can fluently speak the Common Language.[13]

(For Leveling History see Here)

Equipment[edit | edit source]

  • Dragonblood Crystal Sword[14]
  • Electric Enchanted Guitar[15]

Trivial[edit | edit source]

  • His identity was revealed in Ch 3.18 T.
  • He hates talking in Common Language.[13]
  • Numbtongue first started playing the guitar in Ch 4.42 L.

References[edit | edit source]