Regalius du Ecte

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Regalius du Ecte
  • Baron Regalius
  • Baron of Rules
  • Half-Mask








First Appearance

Chapter 8.36 H

Regalius du Ecte, also known as the Baron of Rules, is a Baron in Ailendamus with the duty of performing the knighting ceremonies for the Order of the Hydra members.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Personality[edit | edit source]

TBA From Chapter 8.41

Background[edit | edit source]

Regalius was once engaged to princess Seraphel du Marquin in an arranged marriage, but ran away to be with a [Shepherd]'s daughter instead. This disgraced his family for over a decade, ruining their aspirations of being elevated to an earldom and driving his brother to make up for it. The girl he ran away with eventually died in an accident, and he remarried to his current wife Yietha.[1]

Regalius performs knighting ceremonies exclussively for the Order of the Hydra, and does it the most out of the nobility. He performs those ceremonies every week, sometimes even every day.[2]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Volume 8[edit | edit source]


Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Baron of Ceremonies] Lv. ?
    • Advanced from [Lord of Ceremonies]

Skills:[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Regalius owns a number of magical cats. His are hairless and stick to walls.[1]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • (To new Hydra Knights) “Go forth, Knights of Ailendamus! Go forth, brave sons and daughters! Rise now—[Knights] of the Order of the Hydra!”
  • (To Ryoka & Thirsting Veil Knights) “That was a most impressive display, Miss! Dame Knights, Miss Runner, the splendid lance-arrows of Ailendamus be with you. I greet you on this splendid day, as Baron Regalius du Ecte, [Regent] of the Barony Veilau! Might I detain you for the slightest word?”
  • To Ryoka:
    • “Wind magic. Blowing children up and down like that. Does it work with adults? What am I saying? You are the Wind Runner. I heard a new Courier from Izril could fly…”
    • “More than one decision in the Court of Masks has been put forward by the crown, Miss Griffin. You may find yourself speaking with the [King]. Who knows, perhaps I have, and never known it.”
    • “It takes even seasoned [Diplomats] and experts a few minutes to get used to this. You are remarkable—we often call each other by masks—Sunburst.”
  • (To Cara) “Cara O’Sullivan, Singer of Terandria. Upon my name as Baron Regalius du Ecte, I must ask you cease singing. Upon my reputation and the honor of House Ecte—I accuse you of taking arms against the Kingdom of Glass and Glory.”
  • (To Ryoka) “A song can kill. It has killed. My brother’s death is part of her.”

References[edit | edit source]