
From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Ulvama by pkay.jpg
By pkay









First Appearance

Chapter 3.28 G

Ulvama was the [Chief Shaman] of the Mountain City Tribe and its strongest [Shaman]. After Tremborag's death, she joined the Flooded Waters Tribe.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Ulvama is a very attractive Goblin, even by non-Goblin standards. She rarely wears clothing, covering her body with paint.

After the Night of Bloodtear, she was shrunken down to six inches by the Death of Magic.[1]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Bossy and rude, Ulvama is excellent at pushing people around, as part of her role as chief [Shaman] of the Mountain City Tribe. She is well-versed in politics and has the ruthless mentality of her tribe, which she described to be akin to "two people holding knives at each other’s throats while stabbing a third person together."[2]

As a female Goblin, she knows full well of the dangers that can befall on her, and rarely shows vulnerability. However, she has a softer side towards children like Pebblesnatch and Mrsha, and is fiercely protective towards those she cares about. However, she does not believe in coddling, and is willing to annoy or provoke someone to shake them out of their depression. Ulvama is comfortable with her body, which she uses as a weapon or a distraction, and is willing to seduce people to get them on her side or for an advantage.[3] Although she is fluent in the common language, she speaks via pidgin to get people to underestimate her.

She is unashamedly lazy and gluttonous. While living in The Wandering Inn, she took full advantage of its amenities, lazing around and eating her fill of food many times over.

Background[edit | edit source]

Ulvama's mother was a warrior that was captured while on a raid for food. She was raped by a Human, but escaped and gave birth to Ulvama. Her original tribe was the Molten Stone tribe before moving to the Mountain City tribe.[4]

Ulvama sexually assaulted three times in her life. The first time was when she was captured as a raiding [Shaman]. Farmers assualted her and traded her around until she was rescued two weeks later. The second time was when she was captured by adventurers who invaded her tribe's cave, until the Mountain City tribe killed them four days later. The third time was at the hands of another Goblin. She killed him in his sleep, becoming the tribe's strongest [Shaman].[5]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Ulvama is one of the six [Shamans] in Tremborag's tribe and their strongest one which is shown by her being the chief shaman of the tribe.

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Shaman of the Old Ways] Lv. 38[6]
    • Advanced from [Magic Paint Shaman]

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes]
    • Changed from [Memory of a Hundred Lifetimes]
  • [Shaman’s Orders]
  • [Shamanic Memory: Other Peoples]
  • [Soothing Balm]
  • [Boss Around Wildlife]
  • [Masterful Holder Rune (1)]

Spells:[edit | edit source]

  • Tier 0:
    • [Light] (Can turn it red, white, green, black, and make them blur together in a light show)
  • Tier 3:
    • [Earthen Spire]
  • Tier 4:
    • [Flame Strike]
    • [Lion’s Strength]
  • Unknown Tier:
    • [Aqua Lung]
    • [Berserk Wave]
    • [Blazing Hand]
    • [Bloodfury]
    • [Bolt of Spite]
    • [Camouflage]
    • [Chameleon Skin]
    • [Command Animal]
    • [Control Insects]
    • [Curving Blades, Blood Torrent]
    • [Deafen Ears]
    • [Eagle’s Eyes]
    • [Earthshape]
    • [Flame Strike]
    • [Flash of Insight]
    • [Frantic Marching]
    • [Frost Ray]
    • [Gnawing Hunger]
    • [Lava Orb]
    • [Mana Holder]
    • [Natural Camouflage]
    • [Path of Vines]
    • [Renew Plants]
    • [See Heat]
    • [See Invisibility]
    • [Silenced Agony]
    • [Sky’s Blessing]
    • [Slumber]
    • [Speed]
    • [Sproutwood Curse]
    • [Stone Shell]
    • [The Tangling Vine]
    • [Unlock Door]
    • [Viper’s Summoning]
    • [Volt Orb]
    • [Wild Growth]
    • ? - Cast Lightning
    • ? - Scorch the Earth
    • ? - Create Shields
    • ? - Heal
      • Closing flesh, restore blood, but can not fix missing limbs.
    • ? - Shots Webs (Dissipates after 10 minutes)[7]

Abilities:[edit | edit source]

  • Fluent in the Common Language.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Healing is an extremely advanced form of magic, which proves her capabilities.
  • She was the best chess player in the Mountain City Tribe.[8]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • To Rags:
    • “I am Ulvama. Another five [Shamans] are in the tribe, but I am strongest by far. They can throw fire. I can scorch the earth.”
    • “You are smart. And brave. I saw you challenging the Hob. But Tremborag does not think you are important.”
    • “You are young so you do not know. But it will work, especially since you have a name. That makes you special.”
    • “Only Shamans can give names. Not Humans.”
    • “Sleep with others. Garen Redfang if you can. He will help you for that—all do. Do not be—”
  • To Rags:
    • “Don’t need Goblin Lords! Why do stupid Goblin Lords and males fight all the time? Garen, Reiss, Greydath—stupid! Should just live in tribe.”
    • “You don’t know. You don’t know me. We were happy there. Sex, food—we had what we wanted. Tremborag was great Chieftain. Humans deserve pain. We do bad things to them? I am Human and Goblin.”
  • (To Pebblesnatch) “Eat now. Be happy. Then die.”
  • For/To Numbtongue:
    • “Velan, Curulac, Ierlv. You have failed them all. The Goblins Kings die! Shame! Shame upon you, Goblin! You have forgotten your oath.”
    • I am a [Shaman]! You stupid Goblin! Drink, eat food even if stinking Humans make it! Eat, to be strong! Protect! Cannot protect if you eat nothing!
    • “Human only frozen! Not dead! Eat stew and live, or protect nothing! Do not fail again!”
  • To Mrsha:
    • “Stupid white sad Gnoll? Where are you?”
    • “Good sweet thing makes Gnoll girl happy. Stop pretending not to eat. I see. I am not stupid. If little Gnolls dies, everyone is sad. Including not-dead Human, isn’t that so?”
  • (To Rags) “Go away, stupid Chieftain. Always leaving good Goblins behind. Petty Rags, not bringing me along. Stupid name, too. Not real Goblin name.”
  • (To Fierre) “Badarrow will see. Otherwise…we go. You don’t need to come. Bloodbiters too much work. Scream under sun, scream when cooking with garlic, scream when someone sneezes in silver dust…”
  • (To Bird & Fierre) “There is magic in many things. Magic in tradition. Magic in ideas. If you take a boring rock, and put it in a special place for a long time, it is powerful. Not to [Mages] unless the special place is mana zone, because [Mages] only see one thing. But [Shamans] see the value. [Shamans] take it. So our magic does not do what [Mages] do because it is not the same magic. Understand?”
  • (To Prixall and Rags) “You? Molten Stone? What about me? I have all the culture! I have more culture in half my butt than she does!

References[edit | edit source]