
From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Toren Ijvani by Anito.png
Ijvani (with Toren skull) by Anito

Ikriss Southwing


Undead - Skeleton


Less ~10[1]





Castle west of the Blood Fields

First Appearance

Chapter 3.22 L

Ijvani is an Undead Black [Skeleton Mage], and Az’kerash's 4th Chosen.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

As a black iron skeleton, she has two burning golden flames in the eye sockets, and bones that shine black, with glowing runes carved into the metal.[2]

Personality[edit | edit source]

She believes wholeheartedly in the inferiority of living beings. Anything that is or was living to her is inherently worse than undead.

Background[edit | edit source]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Volume 3[edit | edit source]

Ijvani was tasked by Az'kerash to accompany Venitra to find Ryoka Griffin.

Volume 4[edit | edit source]

Venitra and Ijvani are lost and as they travel they meet with the apprentice of their master, the Goblin Lord, who points them to Liscor.  They become lost once more and end up in Esthelm but eventually arrive in Liscor in disguise.  They eventually corner Ryoka but are unable to kill her outright after a chance encounter with Relc forces them to join in a celebration for the Gnoll Brunkr at Erin's inn.  

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

She has a nigh-indestructible body, and the ability to match any Gold-rank [Mage] in magical combat.[3] Az’kerash had filled her head with countless Spells for her to use, but after she was given the ability to Level, he removed them so that she can earn them back while becoming a proper [Mage].[4]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Skeleton Mage] Lv. 12

Skills:[edit | edit source]

Spells:[edit | edit source]

  • Tier 4:
    • [Chain Lightning]
  • Unknown Tier:
    • [Chains of Steel]
    • [Lava Orb]

Former Spells:[edit | edit source]

  • Tier 4:
    • [Chain Lightning]
    • [Invisibility]
  • Tier 5:
    • [Blackfire Fireball]
  • Unknown Tier:
    • [Aerial Burst]
    • [Bound Spell – (Spell)]
      • [Blackfire Fireball]
    • [Forcewall]
    • [Grand Fireball]
    • [Lesser Teleport]
    • [Muffle]
    • [Scrying]
    • [Searing Flash]
    • [Suppressed Aura]
    • [Wall of Stone]
    • ??? - Creates several Illusions of herself
    • ??? - Shoots Red Lightning
    • ??? - Levitates several bolders and throw them

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Her magic was on par with any Gold-rank adventurer.[2]
  • While she was capable of casting [Invisibility], [Greater Invisibility] was still beyond her.[3]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • (To Venitra) “Venitra. Are we lost?”
  • (To Venitra) “I told you we were going the wrong way.
  • (To Venitra) “You can try. I am the greatest skeleton to ever walk the earth. So my master designed me.
  • (To Herself) “Temper. Why is she the master’s favorite?
  • (To Zel) “Warriors are such simple creatures. They shoot arrows, swing a sword—what can you do against illusions? Without magic, nothing. You are nothing, Zel Shivertail.”
  • (To Az'kerash) “I’m going to die. Me. Oh no. Master, help, help…!
  • (To herself) “I am superior. Master loves me. I am unique. Master will call for me. He remembers me. I am…
  • (To herself) “My master wants me! He loves me! He needs me! So he said! I am wanted!”
  • (To Az'kerash) “Master, why did you remove all the spells from my head? I cannot cast magic.”
  • (To Toren) “Stop…stop that. You are not allowed to mock us. We will kill you. Fear us.
  • (To Az'kerash) “Master? Help—”

References[edit | edit source]
