
From The Wandering Inn Wiki



Early 40s[1]








First Appearance

Chapter 7.56

Crimshaw was a criminal and a member of the Brotherhood of Serendipitous Meetings.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

He had the appearance of a grizzled old man.[2]

Personality[edit | edit source]

TBA from Chapter 7.56, Chapter 8.17 H and Chapter 8.28

Background[edit | edit source]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

TBA from Chapter 7.56


TBA from Chapter 7.58


TBA from Chapter 7.60


TBA from Chapter 8.00


TBA from Chapter 8.03


TBA from Chapter 8.17 H


TBA From Chapter 8.23


TBA From Chapter 8.24


TBA From Chapter 8.27


TBA From Chapter 8.28


TBA From Chapter 8.29


Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • ??? - The User can momently move at speed greater that the eye can follow,[3] and even move their hands so fast that they blurred as they, for example; yanked a bolt from a crossbow mid trigger.[4]
  • ??? - Conjure a double of the User to take their place when they are arrested. The fake would vanish as soon as the User was a certain distance from the fake.[1]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • He has difficulty to make out cursive writing as reading is not one of his strength.[1]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • To Teor:
    • Blow my hat clean off—Teor, the bag!
    • “Teor. The next time you should see a lady in distress like that, don’t wait for the order.”
  • (To Erin) “We are criminals, Miss Solstice. We do have our entertainments. But a fellow on the wrong side of the law…”
  • To Merxel:
    • “Pardon me, sir. But it seems to me that if the young miss doesn’t want to go with you, it would be ungentlemanly to insist. Insofar as my thinking goes, a fellow asking a child to go eat snacks in his home was already ungentlemanly, and the rest was ‘icing on the cake’, to use a new expression, as it were.”
    • Do you see a hat on my head, Merxel? We are done making mistakes. The first man who so much as sneezes at that girl ends up in pieces in the sewers—along with his entire crew. Understand?”
  • (To Normen) “Don’t forget, Normen. They’re our best—but someday, a call will go out for two more Gentlemen. They’re by way of being good representatives of a long line of fellows, but some day they’ll end up lying in a gutter. You’re upset at how we died fighting [Assassins]? Their statues are in that garden. That’s immortality, and a finer end than any of us can hope for. There’s no peaceful death for men like us.”
  • (To Mrsha) “Then, Miss Mrsha. I believe you. Now, what shall we do about it?”

References[edit | edit source]