
From The Wandering Inn Wiki

Chandrar, also referred to as the Windswept Lands,[1] is the largest continent and is mostly composed of desert. It is populated by Humans, String People, Garuda and even Beastkin.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The people who live here are generally considered strong of spirit and resilient, moreso than those of other continents. It is also the continent with more visible evil than any other continent.[2] Slavery is common and wars are frequent on this desert continent.

History[edit | edit source]

Chandrar has a long history with many kingdoms rising and falling over the centuries. Much of that history has been lost to time.

Back when Germina and the other Shield Kingdoms were still young, Zeikhal was flowering grasslands, and not the vast desert it is in modern times.[3] it was still green when it was ruled by the Great Wyrms. The Wyrms would eventually be ousted from Chandrar by a coalition led by the remaining Dragonlords of the time.[4]

Over ten thousand years ago, Vampires had taken Chandrar like they did the rest of the world. One of their own, the Quarass of the time, was convinced that their influence must be removed. She went to one of their greatest lairs and poisoned their bloodwells. She was killed, but her next incarnation led the army of Germina to finish off the survivors. The nine Shield Kingdoms and other nations of the era rose up, and Chandrar was the first continent to drive off the Vampires.[5]

The longest magical typhoon on record, which had ended the Faertrade Era, landed on Chandrar and changed the landscape and climate for six months.[6]

Around ten years ago, Flos Reimarch nearly conquered all of Chandrar, before entering his slumber.

Geography[edit | edit source]

It is located south of Izril.

Most of Chandrar's lands are inhospitable and have dry arid ground, but it also has valley and places where nature blooms.[7]

Locations[edit | edit source]

Map of Chandrar (Artist's rendition). Most places so far mentioned in the story are located in the Northeastern corner.
Detail Map of most Chandrarian locations mentioned so far. (Artist's rendition)
Flos' Map of Reim's neighbors in Chapter 6.14 K
geographic overlay on that map, Chapter 6.14 K
  • Keymos (some place with unknown distinction)[8]
  • Armil[9]

Nations:[edit | edit source]

Empires:[edit | edit source]

Kingdoms:[edit | edit source]

Shield Kingdoms:[edit | edit source]

There were originally 17 shield kingdoms all of which stood up to the might of Dragons. Throughout the ages, 13 of them fell and only the four below remain.

Cities:[edit | edit source]

  • Aeresuth - Within Nerrhavia’s Fallen[24] (Destroyed)[25]
  • Averach
  • Azan-avar - Coastal city in East Chandrar[26]
  • Belevadim
  • Blalevault - Capital City of Hellios
  • Caardefelt - One of the larger cities within Nerrhavia’s Fallen[27]
  • Chalm
  • Chacesoi - Annexed by the Empire of Sands[12]
  • Delicrel - Within Illivere[28]
  • Demarsel - Within Illivere[29]
  • Dovive[1]
  • Edojaf - Capital City of Khelt
  • Elbe - Within Illivere[29]
  • Fawasmed - Bazaar-City, next to the Glass Straits[30]
  • Ger - Capital City of Germina
  • Homgrasse - Capital Port-city of Medain[31]
  • Inamress - Capital City of Jecrass[32]
  • Ixen - Within the Lantern Lands[14]
  • Kalcuraz[33]
  • Koirezune - Khelt Capital City[33]
  • Lailight Scintillion - Port-Capital of Roshal
  • Levrhine - Capital City of Belchan
  • Meneretorre, formerly Menere - Within the Lantern Lands[34]
  • Oliphant - Capital City of Tiqr
  • Pirnthol - Within Nerrhavia's Fallen[35]
  • Rast
  • Reim - Capital City of Reim
  • Runsblud - Savere' Port-capital
  • Sadomere = Drevish’ Madness (Renamed)[36]
  • Seilk - Coastal city in East Chandrar[26]
  • Thoive[30]
  • Thorica[33]
  • Trevlt - Border City within Medain[28]
  • Tyrant’s Rest - Capital City of Nerrhavia Fallen[37]
  • Unst - Within Illivere[29]
  • Vishront[38]
  • Yerrebod - Within Nerrhavia's Fallen[35]
  • Ziozem - Within Illivere[29]

Villages:[edit | edit source]

  • Manimar - Within Reim
  • Merral-Devith - Located to the North of Nerhs (Destroyed by Crelers)[39]
  • Nerhs[27] - Located Southern part of Chandrar.[24] (To be Burned after Crelers attack)[40]
  • Perricstead - Within Western Medain[31]
  • Sandkempt - Located Northeast of Nerhs[24] (Destroyed by Crelers)[39]
  • Yibre - Within Tiqr[35]

Monasteries:[edit | edit source]

  • Monastery of Galam (in Nerrhavia's Fallen)[41]
  • Monastery of Sottheim (near Scaied)

Bazaars:[edit | edit source]

  • Jerios Bazaar

Deserts:[edit | edit source]

Dungeons:[edit | edit source]

  • Dungeon of Rameid - Within Medain[31]
    • Crystal Caverns - lowest depths

Oasis:[edit | edit source]

  • Be’neld Oasis - Within Tiqr
  • Yov Oasis - Within Tiqr

Areas / Landmarks:[edit | edit source]

  • Blademaster’s Cut[33]
  • Cadistell
  • Colinfe Sandflats[21]
  • Forest of Nemask - Within Khelt[42]
  • Glass Straits[43]
  • Heda’s Valley - Within Tiqr
  • Hellia’s Pass
  • Killale Steppes - Within Killale
  • Lantern Lands - In the southwestern coast.[30]
  • Lion’s Valley - Border between Jecrass and Medain[44]
  • Merrina Pass - Border between Jecrass and Medain[45]
  • Reen Plains - Within Tiqr
  • Simel Gulf[46]
  • Viadem’s Pass - Within Belchan
  • Yoter Peninsula[47]

Death Zones:[edit | edit source]

Rivers:[edit | edit source]

  • Aleyss[29]
  • Channel of Borendivual - One of the largest rivers in Nerrhavia[42]
  • Reic
  • River Celed - Within Jecrass[48]
  • Sothsoil[25]
  • Thamas[49]
  • Yerides[25]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The continent of Chandrar looks like a rather lumpy rectangle.[50]
  • Yellats are considered a poor man's food in Chandrar because they are the only home-grown vegetable in many places[51]
  • Chandrarian people take perceived insults seriously, and the Desert Clans are especially touchy.[52]
  • There are no bears on Chandrar due to the hot climate.[53]
  • There used to be a nation in Chandrar that built everything out of glass. It was destroyed when the kingdom inadvertently melted itself.[4]

References[edit | edit source]