Garuda are one of the Races of Innworld.
Physiology[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]
Garuda have a bird-people like form, with mixed colored feathers and a bird’s face with a long curved beak. Their ‘arms’ are two long wings with long feathers and nimble talons at each end.[1]
Physical Qualities[edit | edit source]
Garuda are one of the few sapient species that can fly, and their bodies are relatively frail compared to most species as a result, which is the result of their hollow bones.[2]
Reproduction[edit | edit source]
Garuda are egg-laying people and don't give live births. They are not averse to polygamy.[1]
Diet[edit | edit source]
They're highly receptive to sugary products.[3]
Magical Qualities[edit | edit source]
Garudas can produce excellent [Mages] and [Shamans], instead of having to favor one or the other. Humans, Gnolls, and Centaurs are some of the other races that share this quality.
Special Abilities[edit | edit source]
Weaknesses[edit | edit source]
Fears[edit | edit source]
Garuda are naturally Claustrophobic.[4]
Subraces[edit | edit source]
Drowned Garuda[edit | edit source]
Like many other humanoids, Garuda can also go through the strange processes involved in becoming one of the Drowned People.[5]
Background[edit | edit source]
Garuda are native to Chandrar, where the largest tribes live. To the west of Tiqr for example, there are many Garuda tribes in the Killale plains.
The Garuda vigilantly patrol the arid deserts and fight bloody wars over the limited water supplies. To an unprepared army, Garuda attacks are hard to repel, as the feathery warriors will simply drop rocks from above, loose arrows and magic out of range, and retreat before they can be counterattacked. Prideful and fierce, Garuda make few friends, but those they do accept are comrades for life.[2]
There are also many Garuda living on other continents. For example, besides Gnolls and Dullahans they form one of the largest minorities in the Drake city of Pallass (and may also do so in other Walled Cities), where they often serve in the flying forces that otherwise mainly consist of winged Oldblood Drakes. They have also become a settled minority in some jungle parts of Baleros.[6]
Culture[edit | edit source]
Garuda regularly have specialized classes based on being airborne. [Flyer] and [Battleflyer] come to mind naturally, but there are also [Aerial Dancers].[7]
Garuda consider white feathers to be special, even royal.[8]
Prominent Garuda[edit | edit source]
- Bevussa Slenderscale, Gold-ranked Adventurer of the Wings of Pallass.
- Chaita, the Sky’s Mirage.[9]
- Peki, aerial commander and student of Niers Astoragon.[10]
- Selentierre, [Pictorial Chef de Entremetier] of the Forgotten Wing Company.[6]
- Takhatres, Lord of the Skies and Vassal of Flos, the King of Destruction.[1]
- Makhita, the Sapki of the Shield Kingdom of Qualvekkaras, the Kingdom of the Winds.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Garuda are divine bird-like beings that originate in Hinduist myths and also feature prominently in Buddhism and Jainism. As such, they are national symbols of Thailand and Indonesia.