
From The Wandering Inn Wiki

The Empire of Scaied is a nation in Chandrar.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The Empire of Scaied is known for its mercenary army. It's economy is supported by war and raiding. Scaied has a historical enmity with the Empire of Tiqr.

It's population is primarily comprised of Humans and Stitch-Folk.[1] The inhabitants collect and sell scorpions on the streets.[2]

Geography[edit | edit source]

Scaied is located northwest of Tiqr.

It is a natural habitat for scorpions.

Military[edit | edit source]

As a mercenary army, the forces Scaied commits depends on how much they're payed, and will pull back if the fighting becomes too costly.

They are known for employing and riding giant scorpion-monsters called Oisk Stingers.[1] They also have access to Mage Throwers.[2]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Scaied's army was keeping the [Monks] of Sottheim contained so they wouldn't rejoin Flos.[3] The remnants of Tiqr planned on breaking the siege to ally with them and take back their conquered home. Scaied coordinated with the army of Illivere to try to defeat them and recapture Nsiia, but they were defeated.[1] Their army besieging the [Monks] was then destroyed by Hecrelunn.

People[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]