
From The Wandering Inn Wiki
  • Vizir Hecrelunn
  • Little Brother-King
  • Exalted King
  • Reclaimer of Chandrar






Regent of New Khelt



First Appearance

Chapter 8.32

Hecrelunn is an Undead Revenant [Vizir] as well as a powerful [Geomancer] who had served Queen Heris of Khelt before going into a slumber to be awakened for Khelt’s darkest hour.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

As an undead, his corpse is preserved, and the flames that should have burned in his sockets were instead two pinpoints of light, eerily like eyes, which shone bright red. He wears robes of a rich purple, a royal color, with black, red and orange.[1] He carries a scepter with the top mounted with a dark diamond cut into a head, larger than a fist.[2]

Personality[edit | edit source]

He speaks in third person and is arrogant to believe he alone is enough to take care of any foe without needing any assistance, and refuses to follow the orders of anyone beneath him, even if they are the current ruler of Khelt. He will also go into rage when he is disrespected or awakened for anything but Khelt’s darkest hour. Only Queen Heris and Khelta herself could command him as they have his respect and loyalty. However, he thinks poorly of Fetohep.[2]

Background[edit | edit source]

TBA From Chapter 8.32 + Chapter 8.38 H

Chronology[edit | edit source]


Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [The Vizir of Treacherous Majesty] Lv. ?
  • [Geomancer] Lv. ?

Skills:[edit | edit source]

Spells:[edit | edit source]

  • Tier 4:
    • [Haste]
    • [Void Air]
  • Tier 6
    • [Disintegrate]
  • Unknown Tier:
    • [Blood Lightning]
    • [Flaming Lightning]
    • [Glass Needle Spray]
    • [Gravity Well: Reversed]
    • [Long-Range Teleport]
    • [Meteor Shower]
    • [Meteor Strike]
    • [Summon Allies: Extreme Range]
    • [Teleport]
    • [Tongue of the Sphinx: Clarity]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Crelers had not existed when he was still alive.[3]
  • He knew Queen Nerrhavia and refused to accede to her will.[4]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • To Fetohep:
    • “My class is ambition and power. I am greater than you, little ruler. Fetohep of Khelt? Did you think to test your worth against me as that last fool did? If so, I will steal this kingdom away and rule it properly.”
    • “So half-Giants are called forth. When did Khelt become ruled by their kind? You, little king, you think the Vizir needs assistance? If you call him forth for a foe, the Vizir alone is needed.
    • “How should the Vizir believe you? The Vizir will make his own decisions. Be grateful only that the Vizir lets you live, Fetohep. And if it should turn out you lie—”
    • “Then Khelta herself watches us. Give us your orders, King Fetohep of Khelt. It is time for the world to once again hear the Vizir’s name.”
  • (To enemy forces) “Pitiful mortals. You have gained the wrath of the Vizir Hecrelunn. In the name of Khelta, you shall perish. Unless you agree to serve Khelt, in which case you shall be spared as [Slaves]. It is an offer made once. The Vizir knows no mercy.
  • (To Joreldyn) “I am told you know water, little [Mage]. Catch. [Meteor Shower].”
  • (To Crelers) “[Gravity Well: Reversed]! [Flaming Lightning]! [Glass Needle Spray]! Die, verminous filth! The Vizir suffers no pests upon the land! Die, die, die!
  • (To Flos) “Are the [Kings] so petty in this day and age they can be called Kings of Destruction so lightly? When this Vizir heard that one man had united Chandrar, he was intrigued. Yet all he found were stories of greatness. A pitiful remnant and a burned husk of a man.”
  • (To himself) “—At least he has a monarch’s pride and will. That is more than the petty rulers thus far. Few could free a Djinni with their bare hands in any era.”
  • (To everyone) “‘Therefore…I am the crazy Vizir.Who wrote this?”
  • (To Quarass) “Ah, Quarass. Finally, some intelligent company with age to it. Once again, you have the honor of meeting the Vizir Hecrelunn. He is sure you have not forgotten him.”
  • (To Belavierr) “Foul little hat-woman. This [Vizir] Hecrelunn mocks your false arrogance. Khelt shall humble you.

References[edit | edit source]