Nerrhavia (Queen)

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Nerrhavia by ArtsyNada.png
  • Tyrant of Cloth
  • Tyrant of the Woven Citadel
  • Ruler of the Woven Citadel
  • Tyrant of Sands
  • Tyrant of Chandrar
  • Immortal Tyrant
  • Immortal Queen
  • Suzerain of Cloth
  • Ruler of Clothkind
  • Twisted Chamberlain of the Lacreous Courts
  • Empress Nerrhavia
*String Person (Post-Resurrection)




Alive (Resurrected)



First Appearance

Chapter 8.32

Nerrhavia, infamously known as the Immortal Tyrant, was a [Queen] who ruled for one thousand years before being overthrown, at which point her nation was renamed Nerrhavia’s Fallen.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Nerrhavia appears to be Human, with parts of String-folk. Her skin is alabaster, with tattoos of magic. She is described as "perfect" by Cawe.[1] She bore a wound from an axe buried halfway in her neck moments before her death.[2]

In life, she wore a death's mask in her likeness, stained with blood, and flowing robes cut from a cloth like blood, woven with heartstring and malice.[3] At the time of her death, she wore a sheer white dress that revealed her shoulders and upper arms, and her lips and nails were painted red. Her hair was braided in the shape of a stinger.[2]

Her revived body has bronze skin with a faint pattern of black stitches.[4]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Haughty and imperious, Nerrhavia was said to have commited acts of tyranny and evil so terrible, she is still reviled in the present day, thousands of years after her death. As the Immortal Tyrant, she conquered countless nations and crushed her enemies. However, her empire was a "nation ruled by laws," and instituted a number of reforms, such as seatbelts on all flying carpets.[5] Furthermore, she ensured that anyone could rise to a position of power based on worth and merit, rather than the basis of birth or the cloth of their skin. At the height of its power, her empire was pronounced to be "safe and rich beyond belief."[6]

Nerrhavia is adept at getting into people's heads, and can get what she wants from them while knowing just how far she can push them. She stayed in power because she knew how to manage her courts, manipulating her enemies against each other and spotting treason.[2] She is accomplished at rhetoric, being able to verbally outwit Az’kerash even while powerless as a ghost and technically at his mercy.[2]

Background[edit | edit source]

Nerrhavia was born as a Human commoner in the corrupt and failing Empire of Ateverha. She was a scribe before ascending into ruling her own empire, dominating Chandrar for nearly a thousand years as an infamous tyrant.[7] She had replaced her flesh with cloth.[8] Belavierr was a friend and ally of hers in those days.[2]

Once she created her ideal empire, it endured for six hundred years. She was responsible for empowering the Merchant's Guild, resulting in its modern reputation as a contract broker and money-lender,[9] and popularizing the use of contract Skills.[10]

Eventually, she became bored with the state of affairs and pushed for world domination, which failed and resulted in a rebellion to depose her. When her enemies came for her, she fled the final siege and chose to spite them rather than be brought to justice through trial and execution. She chose to kill herself in a final blaze that also destroyed the palace and her attackers.[2] She had lived for exactly one thousand years. As a fitting end, her tomb had thusly been buried beneath the capital’s sewers and other infrastructure.[11]

The remnants of her empire was renamed to Nerrhavia’s Fallen, and the capital to Tyrant’s Rest.[12]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Volume 8[edit | edit source]

Mrsha Shock by Bobo Plushie.png
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TBA From Chapter 8.32

TBA From Chapter 8.43

TBA From Interlude – Perspective and Past

TBA From Chapter 8.61

TBA From Chapter 8.78 F

TBA From Chapter 8.79

TBA From Chapter 8.80

TBA From Chapter 8.85

Volume 9[edit | edit source]

Mrsha Shock by Bobo Plushie.png
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Volume 10[edit | edit source]

Mrsha Shock by Bobo Plushie.png
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Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

As a ghost, Nerrhavia is capable of casting Tier 4 or 5 spells. She taught herself magic that doesn't require levels or Skills.[5] She specializes in contracts and diplomacy, being able to compel others to sign terms and conditions favoring her.

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Queen] / [Tyrant] Lv. ? [13]

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Give It To Me]
  • [I Am the Origin of Contracts: By Right of Mendacity, I Annul Any Oath, I Shatter Every Pact]
  • [Kingdom: Witness Their Demise]
  • [Mass Execution: You All Look the Same to Me]
  • [No One Leaves My Presence]
  • [Summons of the Dread Tyrant: The Horror of Caexith]
  • [Tell Me What You Truly Believe]
  • [Words Only For You and Me]
  • ??? - Reapplies poison in the user's nails.[14]
  • ??? - Slap someone with great force, and simultaneously sends a piercing slap across their entire living family line.[15]
  • ??? - Becomes intangible like a ghost.
  • ??? - Returns the Skill taken by [Give It To Me] and empowers it threefold.[4]

Quests:[edit | edit source]

  • [Post: Mythical Quest]

Quests Posted:[edit | edit source]

  • <Mythical Quest – The Fate of Pomle>[16]

Contracts:[edit | edit source]

  • <Contract of Munificent Terms to the Unworthy>

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Her courts were called the Ageless Courts.[6]
  • String People of Nerrhavia’s Fallen have an expletive based on her: “Nerrhavia’s bones guide me…”[17]
  • Nerrhavia is referenced several times by the Grand Design, with spells such as [Summon the Swarms of Nerrhavia’s Gardens] and classes such as [Servant of Nerrhavia].
  • Her current minimum possible level is 69, extrapolated by her previously being higher level than Az'kerash (78) and losing 10 levels at most from her resurrection.
  • She has hyperphantasia.
    • "If she imagined eating a bowl of soup, she could tell you how it tasted. Other people simply had a pale image of what that might taste or feel like. Nerrhavia had always been able to pluck the string of an instrument and hear it sound in her head."[6]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • (To Merindue) “So there is the young woman I sought to unveil. There is hatred enough to cow lesser men and women. There is the woman who hides among the girl’s petty pretenses.”
  • To ghosts allies:
    • “The worst thing that could happen has come to pass. We are damned. This is a disaster in our war; I would even venture to say this may be the end of us.”
    • “You see, that you come, and I call you—I do not call you friends, for we never broke bread or shared water. I only call you allies, and the enemy oblivion. Even now, I tell you that we must, the whole of us, put aside ambitions to live. Cawe, you must speak to Erin Solstice and we to our factions. This must not splinter.
  • (To Grand Emir) “I expected better of you, Grand Emir. Only a girl? Look. She sits there, in the company of the great ghosts. She had the sword. She had the light. Something turns on her. I would count her as a great ally or enemy had I lived. I will bet on one person to be a vessel for my will. And it will be her, not a scroll.”
  • (To Erin) “What separates us from filth is not how we fall, but how we descend to meet our end. Raise your chin. Laugh in their faces and spit into damnation’s eyes.”
  • (To Merindue) “Ah, practical. I knew there was a reason I found your company tolerable.”
  • (To herself) “What a wretched body, without even the joys of taste. A disgrace for such a one as I.”
  • (To Femar) “Come, little Drake. For your slight, I believe I will collect a bit of vengeance, even now. The end of the world is a fine time to revenge even the slightest grudge.”
  • (Thoughts) One last spite upon Drakes, then. In honor of all that fell, let them remember us.
  • (To Asale) “Levelless. Classless. One of the Rulebreakers. I didn’t think Drakes were smart enough to keep your kind around.
  • (To Az’kerash) “A vessel. Only a being as powerful as Khelta or the Witch of Webs could—take a soul. Trap it. We may face your mercies, but I will take any last harbor. Don’t you have…a soulprison?
  • (To Erin) “No, silly [Innkeeper]. No—because I think that if you had fallen into my kingdom when I first began to take it, or even later, when they screamed my name a thousand times, I would have made something of you. Something fierce and deadly, such that they would have called you the [General] who crushed any army. Or a [Queen] of your own, or perhaps just a [Witch] or the [Innkeeper] you are.”

References[edit | edit source]