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Anand the [Strategist]










First Appearance

Chapter 1.63 (As Individual)

Anand is an Individual Worker Antinium, a member of Liscor's Hive and a member of Erin's Chess Club.

Appearance [edit | edit source]

He stands out among other Workers by the way he holds himself: with confidence and pride.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Anand is somewhat aggressive in both his tactics and his speech. He is the most decisive and bold of the Individual Antinium and has a bit of a rivalry with Belgrade, but they do support each other in the defense of the Liscor Hive. He greatly admires Klbkch and wants his approval to consider him a father figure.

Background[edit | edit source]

He was one of the original Antinium Chess Club and helped protect Erin when Skinner appeared.

He and Belgrade began leveling in the [Tactician] Class and began to lead Soldiers in the defense of the Free Antinium Hive.

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Strike Strategist] Lv. 27+ (below 35)
    • Derived from [Tactician]
  • [Reader] Lv. 4

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Apply Healing Gel]
  • [Armored Advance]
  • [Battlefield Sense]
  • [Combined Arms]
  • [Decisive Blows]
  • [Evasive Tactics]
  • [Long Range Shot]
  • [Quick Evaluation]
  • [Steady Ground]
  • [Steady the Ship]
  • [Unit: Acid Jar Blades]
  • [Unit: Antinium Nature]
  • Skills suitable for rapid movement and assaults.

(For Leveling History see Here)

Equipment[edit | edit source]

  • Enchanted Spyglass

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Anand is one of the four survivors of the battle against Skinner and the undead.[1]
  • While Anand attends Pawn's sermons and prays, Pawn is uncertain if he truly believes.
  • Anand was chosen to stay in Esthelm to help them rebuild ahead of Belgrade.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • (To Erin) “We were investigating the disturbance. When you entered the Hive all flows of traffic halted, which immediately warranted our attention. I have never seen the Hive simply—stop like that before.”
  • (To Belgrade) “Because it is her. Erin. Belgrade, it is not over yet.”
  • (To Bishop) “Say yes, if you bear Pawn no ill will, Bishop. It is your decision. Your power. No one may force you to say yes.”
  • (To Klbkch) “Can I call you ‘Father’? Or ‘Dad’?”
  • (To Armored Queen) “Because it is something I wish to do. Because it will make the world a better place and it is not hard. Because I believe it is something Erin would do, if she knew to think it. And because I respected him.”
  • (To Olesm) He may have been the enemy of the Antinium. However, he was also a hero of my home. Liscor. I would like to honor his memory, Olesm. That is why I built this. It is a small thing. But I believe it matters.”
  • (To Grand Queen) “It is not for you to tell me when to stop mourning, my Queen.”
  • (To himself) “Life is worthless. Erin is dead. I—I am drunk! I will now eject the contents of my stomach!”
  • To Wrymvr:
    • “…May I call you Uncle?”
    • “You are bad at encouragement. Erin is better. She would give me a hug and kisses and food.”
  • (To ant) “You are lucky. You—ancestor of mine. For you know nothing of pain except…pain. Which doesn’t hurt as much as feelings.”

References[edit | edit source]