Jelaqua Ivirith

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Jelaqua Ivirith

Ivirith the Tempest










Maughin (Husband)


Adventurer (Retired)


The Wandering Inn

First Appearance

Chapter 2.26

Jelaqua Ivirith, also known as Ivirith the Tempest, is a Selphid, and the leader of the Halfseekers, a Gold-Rank Adventurer team.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Human Body: (Formerly)[edit | edit source]

A dead female Human body, with deathly white skin and perfectly black eyes, that wore a black chainmail.[2]

After having the top of her head severed by Regrika,[3] it was sewn together, and while the stitches were hard to see at a distance, up close they were noticeable.[4] Over time the black stitches around her forehead started looking slightly loose, and the severed bit appeared pallid and rotting. It also started to smell slightly, in which she had to cover the scent with a strong lavender smell.[5]

Drake Body: (Formerly)[edit | edit source]

After losing her old body during the Moth's Attack on Liscor, she got a female junior Drake body, with grey-green scales. The body is fit and has a scar along the side of the mouth.[6]

Jelaqua using a Raskghar body

Raskghar Body: (Currently)[edit | edit source]

Jelaqua changed her body more often afterwards: thanks to Erin's [Field of Preservation] skill, she could arrange with the [Innkeeper] to have a stack of Raskghar bodies stored in the Inn's basement. She often uses these bodies in battle, or sometimes when she's with Maughin; but it puts off Liscor's citizens especially so she has to keep changing them.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Jelaqua is cheerful and spirited, even when deep in the depths of a dungeon. She tends to act like the "big sister" among the adventurers of The Wandering Inn. She considers her team to be her family and is highly protective of them. For instance, she once severely injured another Selphid for attacking Moore and Seborn,[7] despite it being traditional for Selphids not to fight each other in battle, even when hired.[8] This level of care also extends to her friends and comrades, with her being willing to go against the Minds to protect them. While used to dealing with prejudice for being a Selphid, she became somewhat self-conscious of herself when she entered a relationship with Maughin.

She has a fascination for muscular bodies, and was seen blushing when admiring Grimalkin.[9]

Background[edit | edit source]

Jelaqua had adventured for 33 years, making her the most senior adventurer in Liscor prior to the arrival of the Pallass adventuring teams.[10]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Steelforged Whirlwind] Lv. 34[11]
    • Derived from [Flailmaster] → [Iron Tempest][12] → [Steel Tempest][13]
  • [Lover] Lv. 7[14]

Class Consolidation: Removed[edit | edit source]

  • [Mercenary]
  • [Bounty Hunter]

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Impactful Blows]
  • [Lover’s Embrace: Armaments]
  • [Weapon: Extended Range (5 Feet)]
  • [Weapon: Moment of the Half Giant]
  • [Whirlwind of Blows]

Conditional Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Lover’s Lucky Charm]

Equipment[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • When Typhenous was still young, he had heard of Jelaqua, who was a Silver-rank adventurer at that time, coming from Baleros to Izril.[18]
  • She is 51 years old and has been adventuring for about 33 years.[10]
  • Jelaqua's new Demas Metal flail might be the same bladed flail that no Gnoll wanted in Chapter 8.66, as the Demas Metal Tribe had only created bladed weapons to take better advantage of the alloy's properties.[15] This was confirmed in Chapter 9.13.

Chapter Appearances[edit | edit source]

See Here.

References[edit | edit source]