Skills Effect starting with the Letter: T
T[edit | edit source]
Name | Effect | Reference Chapter(s) |
[Tactic: Slay the Giant] | ||
[Tag Team: (Skill)] | 9.40 GG | |
[Take Cover] | Makes a Target ally leap to cover. | 10.08 (Pt. 1) |
[Take Cover, Idiots] | The Spitoon | |
[Take His Perspective] | 8.08 J | |
[Take the Blow: Unstoppable Counterslash] | Requires that the User block a blow first. Unleashes a counterattack that cannot be stopped by Skills or magic. | 10.28 N |
[Talent Finder] | Helps the User find the people best suited for a task, whether they know it or not. | 4.20 E |
[Talent Seeker] | ||
[Tame Monster] | ||
[Tangible Concepts] | ||
[Tantalizing Bait] | ||
[Target Shield] | ||
[Target Weak Point] | ||
[Tavern Brawling] | Innate sense for fighting in an inn or tavern. | |
[Taunt] | ||
[Taunt the Foe] | ||
[Taunting Warcry] | Isles of Goblin and Minos | |
[Tea Omens] | 7.55 E | |
[Teacher of Magic] (Universal) |
[Team Attack] | ||
[Team Benefits] | ||
[Teammate: Side Skip] | ||
[Telekinesis: Bubble] | Make bubbles or sphere with psychic force. | 9.40 GG |
[Teleport Shot] | The User teleports next to where their projectile hits. | 10.35 - Pt. 1 |
[Tell Me Everything] | 9.32 | |
[Tempest Impaler] | A single stab attack that has all the fury of a storm behind it, which is capable of going through armor and flesh and bone. | 8.67 |
[Temporary Armory: Every Weapon I Ever Held] | Replicates every weapon ever held by a person. | 8.80 |
[Ten League Mark] | ||
[Ten Second Routine] | Gives the User ten seconds to think about executing the next move in their acrobatic act. | 9.09 P |
[Ten Second Rush] | The actions of the User becomes faster, for 10 seconds. | 7.24 |
[Ten-foot Reach] | Hectval (Pt. 1) | |
[Ten-foot Strike] | ||
[Terror of My Name] | ||
[The Actor’s Shadow] | 7.50 | |
[The Avid Collector] | ||
[The Binding of House Reinhart] | The User summons shimmering ribbons to snare a target, and they can withstand the strength of a giant. The ribbons can also bind the thoughts and actions of multiple people, and the Skill can be kept active indefinetly. | 9.67 (Pt. 2) |
[The Blood Festers, and Rots] | Causes injuries in range of the Skill to be infected and start rotting. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[The Breaking Wave] | Tribe Skill. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[The Bridge Of Lands, Teylas Donethi] | Inheritance Skill. Can be applied to a building. The Owner is granted the titular bridge which has the following atributes:
10.10 E (Pt. 1) |
[The Changing Citizenry] | Citizens of the nation will gain physical traits influenced by their governing nobility. | 10.20 E |
[The Choice of the Conquered] | A powerful Skill where the User gives the people they conquered the choice of obeying them or not. If there is even a glimmer of chance that they would acknowledge the User as their ruler, they wouldn't be affected. Only those who will never bow, never suffer them, will flee. Only someone exceptionally high-level or strong of will could resist this Skill. |
6.12 K |
[The City that Walked] | ||
[The Courier’s Last Road] | Hereditary skills given only to the best of Couriers. Opens a gateway to another plane in which there is no oxygen only a dim sky and perfect roads, where one can even traverse oceans unimpeded. |
7.44 |
[The Defeated Lie Still] | Prevents a downed opponent that was outclassed from moving. | 9.07 |
[The Eternal Hunt] | Once the User marks a target with this Skill, they can locate the target where ever they are, even if they were a Dragon. This Skill also hinders the target's escape speed. Only the User's death can stop this Skill, as not even magic can protect them from its effect. | 6.44 E |
[The Eternal Partner] | Summons an ethereal person who used to be partnered with the User, with both the Skills and personality that they had in life. | |
[The Eternal Wave] | Conjures a wave that can carry a ship inland, the skill may persists for several minutes. | 7.47 K |
[The Fire Glows] (Honor) |
Levels | |
[The First Tide Covered Land] | 8.84 | |
[The Hammer of Manus] | ||
[The Innkeeper’s Daily Bounty] (Inn) |
A Cornucopia Skill that randomly creates whatever an [Innkeeper] of a specific Inn might serve, like a bounty of food. The User must have close ties with the [Innkeeper] in question to receive their bounty. |
9.20 |
[The Innkeeper’s Daily Supply] | ||
[The King’s Architect] |
7.21 KQ |
[The Knight Charged With Wings of Steel] | 9.41 (Pt. 3) | |
[The Kraken Dives] | The User leaps and tears a furrow through the ground, sending everything in front of them and their target into the air. | Vengeance and Talking |
[The Labyrinth of Fithel] [Labyrinth of Fithel] |
[The Law Upheld] | 8.34 R | |
[The Line Holds] | ||
[The Messenger’s Shortcut] | ||
[The Ocean at Our Backs] | 8.84 | |
[The Palace of Fates] | ||
[The Perfect Thief: A Successful Theft, An Hour of Repose] | 9.50 | |
[The Perfect Thief: Unscryable, Unfindable, Come Catch Me] | 9.50 | |
[The Play Must Go On] | ||
[The Pride of the Fallen] | Calls up the spirits of fallen, giving them time to return home. | 7.36 C |
[The Scythe Cut Low Across the Grass] | 8.32 | |
[The Sprouting Shields of the Forest] | A Combination Skill that is powered by the Users auras as well as magical force, to conjure hovering, glowing, shroom-shaped shield around them, to block and explode projectiles fired at them, even if said projectiles can be used for siege weapons and are enchanted to pierce through magical barriers. | 8.24 |
[The Sniper's Second] | Makes time stop for the User for one second. | 10.08 (Pt. 1) |
[The Thinking Room] + [Host: The Thinking Room] |
Separates the User's mind from their body, placing them in a spot where they can think and devote their entire brain to simply thinking. In the User's Mind, the spot takes the form of a "room", but without a floor, walls, light, shadows and air. Inside the "room", some of the things the User Mind is capable of doing are:
7.22 D |
[The Titan's Swing] | ||
[The Traveller’s Eternal Home] | ||
[The Treasury of House Marquin] | ||
[The Twice-Born Warlord] | User gains the strength of one of their subordinates. | |
[The Veteran’s Second Chance] | Allows the User to survive and walk away from anything but a direct, mortal wound. At Higher Level the User could have lost a leg and maybe survived ten or twenty whole minutes, even without a tourniquet. Does not work if killed directly. |
Hectval (Pt. 2) |
[The Walls of My Prison Broke] | Shatters what is imprisoning the User, including sealing spells. | 10.31 – Pt. 2 |
[The Winds of Izril Blew Ever Under My Wings] | ||
[The World is My Canvas] | ||
[The Worthless Pawn Rises] | ||
[These Wheels Don’t Stop] | The User's vehicle maintains a steady momentum without slowing. | 10.21 E |
[They Marched as Friends, Until the Hammer Fell] | A Movement Skill that covers the User and those traveling with them in an illusory self so that they appear friendly to everyone who may have any hostility toward them. If the User Level is High enough, no one will be able to see past the cover. Still if the covered ones are scrutinizes too close the Skill may fail, and it is possible to circumference the Skill if someone is already aware of the covered ones true identity or are able to sense something specific from them that the Skill does not cover. When the covered ones attack or they are attacked, the Skill cover effect ends and will not be able to be reapplied for a long time. |
Of Vampires and Fraerlings Songs and Stories |
[They Shall Never Chain Me Again] | ||
[They Waited, For My Hour of Need] | 8.74 DR | |
[Thick Skin] | Enhances the toughness of ones skin. | |
[Think About It] | 8.05 I | |
[Thirty-foot Slash] | Users slash attack is extended by thirty feet. | 7.42 M |
[Thirty-Foot Thrust] | Users thrust attack is extended by thirty feet. | 8.69 T |
[This Line Won't Break] | ||
[This Palm Shall Move Mountains] | Able to push back a giant-sized target that even a Giant can't move. | 8.81 |
[Thorn Formation] | ||
[Thou Art Cut] | 8.19 H | |
[Thought Blank] | ||
[Thought-Provoking Statement] | Conversations | |
[Thoughtful Conclusion] | ||
[Thousand Foot Sprint] | ||
[Thousand Mile Conversation] | The User can talk to someone else a thousand miles away as if they were standing right next to them. | 6.42 E |
[Thousand-Step Sprint] | ||
[Threat Analysis] | Perceived the combat threat-count of an armed group. Can be tricked to give a higher combat threat-count if used on every armed individual, even if they are non-combatants. |
8.65 |
[Threefold Elemental Body] | Saliss the Adventurer | |
[Threefold Shot] | 7.58 | |
[Throw of the Wyvern Hunter] | ||
[Throw Voice] | 7.61 | |
[Thunder Arrow] | ||
[Thunder Blow] | ||
[Thunder Hammer’s Blow] | 9.30 | |
[Thunderclap Headbutt] | ||
[Thunderclap Palms] | Allows the User to clap as loud as a clap of thunder. | Experiments in Golems |
[Thunderstrike Impact] | ||
[Tidal Jab] | ||
[Time of the Archer] | Affects the users perception of time, letting them better aim their shots. | 7.47 K |
[Time to Chat] | ||
[Time Slows For All But Me] | 8.74 DR | |
[Titan’s Cut] | ||
[Total Immersion: Literature] | 8.36 H | |
[Touch of Gentleness] | ||
[Tough Carapace] | ||
[Tough Leaves] | ||
[Tough Mouth] | Hectval (Pt. 2) | |
[Tough Skin] | ||
[Tough’s Duel] | ||
[Tower Guard’s Bulwark] | ||
[Tracer Shot] | 8.67 | |
[Trade War] | ||
[Tranquil Skies] | ||
[Transcribe Knowledge] | Conjure written information, like a huge pamphlet, on a particular subject that the User is knowledgeable about. Transcribing small amount of info will take only a moment, while larger ones can take up to a day. |
8.50 |
[Transfer Momentum] | 7.44 | |
[Transfer Momentum: Ship] | The Spitoon | |
[Transformation: Goblinkind] | ||
[Trap: Masterful Concealment] | ||
[Trap Sense] | Sense traps, and how dangerous they may be. | 9.34 |
[Traveller’s Advancing Techniques] | ||
[Traveller’s Gift From Home] | The User gifts to others a good from their home. | 9.10 W |
[Traveller’s Welcome] | ||
[Treefell Chop] | ||
[Treesplitter Cleave] | ||
[Tremor Blow] | ||
[Tremor Fist] | ||
[Tremorsense] | 8.18 H | |
[Tribute to the Bandit Queen] | Takes whatever treasure the User send straight to some designated spot to be claim as a tribute by someone who has the [Bandit Queen] Class. | 8.54 H |
[Tribute: Hometown Gift] | Gain a gift from the home of the person the User serviced. | 9.16 R |
[Trick Glass] (Alchemy) |
[Trick Space] | ||
[Trifling Incentive] | ||
[Trinket Trade: Something Better, Something Worse] | ||
[Triple Shot] | ||
[Triple Slash] | ||
[Triple Thrust] | A rare Skill that enables the User to simultaneously strikes 3 times. | 6.62 L |
[Troops: Commoner’s Offensive] | ||
[True Damage] | Allows damage to be transfered through the Target's proxies. | 10.32 – Pt. 2 |
[True Gaze of the Gorgon] | ||
[Trusted Voice] | ||
[Truth is Never Certain] | ||
[Twenty-foot Strike] | ||
[Twicelasting Fires] | ||
[Twin Lances of Ruin] | ||
[Twin Strikes] | 8.48 H | |
[Twin Swallows, Fly] | ||
[Twister Spear] | A javelin or spear shot will spiral with such force and speed that it will tear into unenchanted armor and skin, and the rotation will splinter bone and flesh. | Talia |
[Two Hour Warmth] | ||
[Two Hundred Pound Stroke] | Hit/Strike with the force of 200 pound. | 8.51 D |
[Two Mile Shot] | ||
[Twofold Rest] | Anyone effected with this Skill will not only just sleep as twice as quick, but they will also be getting twice as much sleep for the same time spent. It can also keep people under its effect up long past normal people’s endurance. |
The Hangover After 7.25 |
[Twofold Yield] |