Fortress Beavers are a species of beavers that grows to monstrous size. Aside from their size, nothing un-beaver-like has been reported in the story, and no special powers or abilities.
Habitat[edit | edit source]
They are roaming the Floodplains near Liscor, where they are also hunted by Drakes for their meat[1] and their pelts.[2] They also fall prey to Shield Spiders and other carnivorous species in the Floodplains.[3]
Behaviour[edit | edit source]
They are not a solitary species, but live in groups or families. While they are not shy, and attracted to anything large and made out of wood,[4] they are not an aggressive species, unless something damages their dams. These fortified dams are however known to be a problem when they are diverting rivers. This can become a serious problem in Liscor in the rainy season.[2]
They communicate with chittery sounds, but can also howl under extreme duress. Mrsha found them being intelligent and helpful towards her.[5]
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Mrsha on her big adventure encountered a colony of Fortress Beavers that suffered a Creler attack. When Mrsha led Shield Spiders to the spot, the animals fought together against the existential threat. When the adults learned of Mrsha's adventure, they were not amused[6] - and Moore, very fond of furry animals, forbid them to hunt the beavers.[2]