
From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Fraerlings by Artsy Nada

Fraerlings, also known as the Small Folk or Fraer-folk, are one of the Races of Innworld. They mainly reside in Baleros

Physiology[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Averaging six inches in height, Fraerlings resemble tiny Humans.

Physical Qualities[edit | edit source]

Strength[edit | edit source]

Similar to ants and other insects, adult Fraerlings can lift objects several times their weight. Still, their strength isn’t much use when everything else is bigger than them. As stated by Niers Astoragon, while a Level 60 Fraerling [Warrior] can slay a Griffin, they can still be killed by a Tallfolk stomping on them several times.[1]

Size[edit | edit source]

Due to their small mass, Fraerlings can survive falling from higher heights without suffering any injuries. They are also the masters at hiding. Additionally, they are able to stretch resources much farther than Tallfolk; a single Fraerling can survive for days on one potato[2], while a Salamander is enough material for a week for all the [Alchemists] in a Fraerling settlement.[3]

Diet[edit | edit source]

Fraerlings can hold more than their body weight in drink and food; their bodies can stretch to support the extra mass, but excess alcohol can still kill them.[4]

They also possess an efficient metabolism, which allows them to sober up faster when they are drunk.[1]

Magical Qualities[edit | edit source]

Fraerlings can use arcane magic. However, the power and strength of their spells are proportional to their size, making it harder for them to weave larger spells.[1] However, due to them requiring less magical power, their enchantments tend to be better, enabling Fraerlings to wear more artifacts than the average Gold-rank adventurer before magical interference hits their limit.

Weaknesses[edit | edit source]

Due to their small size, cats, insects, and other small animals are deadly threats to Fraerlings. Even with higher levels, their strength and magic is of little use outside their communities; as such, they are forced to hide because they are in constant danger simply being out in the open.

Behavior and Culture[edit | edit source]

Most Fraerlings live a reclusive life on Baleros and seldom take part in continental or worldly events. They generally prefer to stay within their small communities and travel to villages, towns, and cities to sell goods or request aid from adventurers. In truth, most Fraerlings do not leave the confines of their settlements and are not used to outside life; a common term for them are Inners. There are a few exceptions, such as Niers Astoragon, the most famous Fraerling in the world.[5] For the most part, their seclusion means that Fraerlings in the villages are completely unused to violence and death, with most of them never having picked up a sword.

While Fraerling settlements are referred to as "villages," their settlements are large enough to be considered cities with populations averaging around a few hundred thousand inhabitants. Some settlements make a living through farming and being in touch with nature. All Fraerling settlements are hidden by necessity, protected by magical defenses and traps to deter intruders and predators. Their military exists in the form of the Tallguard, who do not bear allegiance to any of the Fraerling Villages, but swear to defend them against monsters and intruders, while also taking care of the odd criminal. The leader of a Tallguard outpost is called a Skywatcher.[3]

Fraerlings are more technologically and magically advanced than the rest of the world, possessing similar Earth innovations such as elevators, skyscrapers, and artificial lighting. The average citizen can use enchantments considered advanced by Innwrorld standards in their everyday lives. However, Fraerling settlements have to be heedful about their magical output, which can attract predators. As such, settlements have rules of allotment that limits the amount of magical power they spend. Each citizen receives a set measure of magic, or a 'vurel,' which they can spend on projects they want, such as a fountain that magically purifies water or a citywide [Speed] spell that people can use for a minute each day.[2]

History[edit | edit source]

Thousands of years ago, the Gnomes, a dying race, bestowed Fraerlings a set of blueprints that could make them equals with the other races. The blueprints, also known as the Great Promise or Great Project, gave Fraerlings a technological and magical edge. Due to staying in hiding over the millennia, Fraerling settlements mostly retained magical knowledge that the Tallfolk kept on forgetting and remembering.

In the era of the Selphid Empire, Fraelings were among the few species that weren't conquered, and helped end their reign.[6]

There was an era where mages shrunk themselves to visit Fraerling settlements, and wrote books about their magic. Later, the Fraerlings destroyed all but one of those books, the last of which didn't contain any concrete details.[7]

Relations[edit | edit source]

Gnomes[edit | edit source]

Fraerlings revere the extinct Gnomes, who helped them when their race was still young. The Gnomes told the Fraerlings that they would replace them and promised them that someday they would walk among the Tallfolk as equals, leaving them sets of blueprints refered to as the Great Promise and the Great Project. Fraerlings consider one of their goals, as a people, is to complete the Great Project and open the Last Boxes.

Tallfolk (All Other Races)[edit | edit source]

TBA From Interlude – Luan the Giant

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Armor for Fraerlings is more expensive than any [Lord]’s, given that [Blacksmith]'s have a terrible time forging anything so small.[8]
  • Books that are made for Fraerlings are almost twice as expensive as a normal book, since the costs of production were minute, but because a Fraerling [Bookbinder] and [Scribe] have to labor hard to copy texts in minutiae.[9]
  • Their term for diabetes is 'Callisic', and their term for cancer is 'Overgrowth Syndrome'.[10]
  • They do not have many [Witches].[6]

References[edit | edit source]