
From The Wandering Inn Wiki

Conditions are a function of the System that governs Innworld. They are status effects that a person can gain through many different methods. It is possible to lose conditions through a loss of the class/horror rank that gave them or by curing the disease that the condition represents.

Background[edit | edit source]

Red Conditions are negative effects that certain individuals receive after going through deep emotional distress[1] / Horror Rank or gaining a red class like [Slave].[2]

Normal conditions can be gained through levelling up in specific classes and typically confer a certain benefit to the user ( like Rabbiteater's [Body: Solar Storage], obtained by levelling up his [Knight] class into [Dawn Knight] ).

Invisible conditions are conditions that hide from the users awareness. The system will typically only notify the user of their existence, by providing a blue notification, after they have been removed. ( Like Yvlon's [Plaguesteel (Minor)] ).

List of Conditions[edit | edit source]

B[edit | edit source]

Name Effect Reference Chapter(s)
[Bearer of My Vengeance] Gives a buff-effect that empower the Bearer.

This Condition is given to the Bearer by someone who wants them to take vengeance for them.

9.27 RC
[Body – Icy Flesh]
[Body: Slashing Resistance]
[Body: Solar Storage] 9.17 R

C[edit | edit source]

Name Effect Reference Chapter(s)
[Champion of the Blighted Lands] Makes the Bearer, among other effects, heal faster. 9.27 RC
[Constitution of the Champion] Perpetually applies the effects of [Lesser Toughness], [Lesser Strength], [Lesser Endurence], [Lesser Dexterity], [Lesser Charisma], and [Lesser Speed] to the Bearer. 10.22 R
[Corruption’s Accomplice]

D[edit | edit source]

Name Effect Reference Chapter(s)
[Drunken Oblivion]

F[edit | edit source]

Name Effect Reference Chapter(s)
[Famous Name] Like the Skill counterpart of the same name, but instead of the Bearer's name gaining fame and attention of different individuals from both good and ill, they only gain the the attention of individuals from the dark side of society, like; [Slavers]. Interlude – Pisces
[Feet – Nature’s Passage (Snow)]

H[edit | edit source]

Name Effect Reference Chapter(s)
[Haze of Delirium]
[Horrific Laughter] Distort in a scary way the Bearer's laughter.

L[edit | edit source]

Name Effect Reference Chapter(s)
[Lesser Insanity] Inflict minor madness on the Bearer.
It can take the form of a second twisted personality that mentally hunts the Bearer.

M[edit | edit source]

Name Effect Reference Chapter(s)
[Manalaced Fur]
[Manaweave Muscles]
[Miracle] 9.61 G

O[edit | edit source]

Name Effect Reference Chapter(s)
[Outcast Humanity] Alter the body of a Human Bearer in a way that it rejects their own Humanity to become something less than Human.

P[edit | edit source]

Name Effect Reference Chapter(s)
[Plaguesteel (Minor)]
  • The Bearer becomes a carrier of the Plaguesteel metal plague, which weakens to the breaking point the structural integrity of lesser metal sources like iron, steel, copper, silver, etc, that were in direct contact with the Bearer, by rapidly spawning in less than 40 minutes, magical metal beetles that ate and reproduce from them.
  • Can also infect/infest enchanted metal, even those with Anti-Skill Enchantment.
  • The Bearer can pass a weaker version to a non-metal person which in turn may infect/infest other lesser metal sources, but the magical metal beetles will spawn at a slower rate, and they will be smaller and weaker than that which the Bearer touches.
  • The magical metal beetles reproduce as fast as insects did.
  • The magical metal beetles do not go at the Bearer because they recognize them as the one who can keep spawning them.
  • As this Condition is a Minor one, the Bearer can be cleansed to remove it.
8.59 H
8.22 HE
8.48 H

R[edit | edit source]

Name Effect Reference Chapter(s)
[Rulebreaker's Thoughts] Allows the Bearer to know information normally censured by the Grand Design.

T[edit | edit source]

Name Effect Reference Chapter(s)
[Terrible Hunger] Inflict an extreme, never ending hunger on the Bearer.
[The Empty Mind]

W[edit | edit source]

Name Effect Reference Chapter(s)
[Wordless Thing] Render the Bearer unable to talk.

References[edit | edit source]