Xitegen Terland

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Xitegen Terland







Terland Family


Ulva Terland (Aunt)




First Landing

First Appearance

Chapter 9.41 (Pt. 1)

Xitegen Terland is a high-ranking [Lord] of House Terland, one of their Lords of Hearts.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

He is large, has thick muscular thighs, and wears an archer's bracer.

Personality[edit | edit source]

He is not a person that stands in the spotlight. He is pompous and disdains Goblins and Antinium. He is also considered by Korizan Reeles to be as haughty and self-righteous as Erin Solstice[1], being willing to travel a hundred miles to attack the Bloodfeast Raiders when few others were willing to. He regularly exercises and enjoys running.[2] He takes pleasure in outrunning people half his weight, who underestimate his fitness because of his size.[3]

Background[edit | edit source]

Xitegen survived the Second Antinium War, enduring the siege of the Terland's Keep by the Goblin forces, which nearly starved him. He met Elia Arcsinger when she broke the siege.[4] Since then, he's been known to stay at the Terland’s coastal retreats[1] and send golems to the yearly Bloodfields battle.[3]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Xitegen entered the Wandering Inn from the Adventurer's Haven, leaving the latter before it was out of range from the [Portal Door]. However, he refused to be served by Goblins and Antinium, and made to leave after learning the food was prepared by a Goblin. He nearly attacked Pebblesnatch when she entered the inn, earning Erin's ire. But he resisted her aura and threatened that there would be consequences for her association with Goblins, and that the North would not suffer the existence of another great goblin tribe.[5]

Later at the Djinni's Spoon in Invrisil, he hired Elia Arcsinger with combined funds from other nobles to kill Goblins in the Unseen Empire's Goblinlands, as a statement. He and the associated nobles would be backing her mission in two days, and preventing reprisals from Erin or Magnolia.[4]

He came to the aid of Salefenwool when it was attacked by the Bloodfeast Raiders, driving them off with his Retainer Golems.

Later, he enacted his plan against the Goblins, daring Erin and her associates to wage war against him and challenging Laken's claim to the lands of Izril. The Order of Solstice stopped the hired adventurers, ruining his plan by saving most of of Goblins and destroying Elia's reputation.[1]

He had a meeting in Invrisil with Tyrion and Ryoka. When told that there may be an attack in Liscor on the upcoming Winter Solstice, he was completely unwilling to make peace with Goblins or Drakes in order to battle it together. He also made his intension to claim and reinforce Celum, as part of the nobility's push south. He reconsidered the thought of allying with the North's enemies when Ryoka broke down and told them the threat ate their ancestors in the land of the dead.[6]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Golem-Lord of Enduring Dignity] Lv. 49[7]

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Again, and Again, and Ever Again]
  • [Awaken the Constructs]
  • [Covering Fire (Piercing Arrows)]
    • Advanced from [Covering Fire]
  • [Defiance After Death]
  • [Out of My Way, Peasant]
  • [Revive Golem (Autonomous)
  • [Shuttle Run: Fast As You Can]

Possessions[edit | edit source]

  • Ring of Protection[8]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • (To Bloodfeast Raiders) “Izril is the home of the Five Families. I will see your heads on pikes, you worthless, opportunistic maggots. To arms! Save those villagers and that [Knight]!
  • (To Bloodfeast Raiders) “[COVERING FIRE].”
  • (To Riverfarm, Relc, and Erin Solstice) “Very well! Liscor and the Walled Cities too! Where is Adventurer Saliss? Bring Chaldion and the Titan! Do you think the Five Families can endure being taunted when they make a stand? Come and test us! No side, including mine, will cross this line in the sand. Beyond there—is only Elia Arcsinger and adventurers. Come forth, Erin Solstice, and this will no longer be a war by proxy.
  • (To Ryoka) “For a fat man, you mean. I refuse to slim, and I refuse to stop running. My one joy in life aside from Golems is running down skinny men who think they can outrun someone just because they’re half my weight.”
  • (To Tyrion) “Dead gods. Stone can laugh! If I thought this was just some kind of amazing trick…anything funny, Lord Tyrion?”

References[edit | edit source]