Terland Family

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

The Terland Family are one of the Five Families of Izril.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The Terlands settled their lands very successfully and kept to highly-developed mage-towns and spell-castles. Their latest generations are apparently less ambitious and are resting on the laurels of their ancestors.[1] They're well known for using Golems, entrusting any work they can to them,[2] and providing those that clean First Landing. Most of the books their family reads have to do with golems. The budget for golem-making has been limited to those that can at least craft a basic golem.[3] They assign names and personalities to their golems, and family members are allotted personal golems, referred to as Retainer Golems, which are treated similar to heirlooms.[4] The oldest and most powerful golems of the family, considered stronger than Named-ranks, are called the Originals.[5]

The Family owns the "Banner of Terland", likely a powerful artifact.[6]

Like how some magical bloodlines or even nations had their unique hair-color, House Terland had inherited a pigmentation of their own. Not to their skin, but to their fingernails and teeth, which have just the faintest green tinge to both, like a natural dye, or painted fingernails.[7]

The Terland family is the richest of the five families. Recently, it has replaced its gold with a new currency: the Terland Tithel.[5]

Hierarchy[edit | edit source]

The Terland family members have an internal ranking:[5]

  • Lord/Lady of Creation
  • Lord/Lady of Hearts
    • Higher ranked members. Able to command the oldest golems of the House and claim some for their personal use, including those of Sentient-class.
    • Ex: Xitegen Terland
  • Lord/Lady of Function
  • Lord/Lady of Stones

Military Strength[edit | edit source]

Terland forces are based around their war golems. Their non-golem forces are primarily viewed as support for those golems. Automata Controller is an officer rank equivalant to [Major] that leads their mixed forces.[8] Controllers fight via riding inside of a war golem.[9]

History[edit | edit source]

The Terland family are one of the Five Families that came from Terandria—fleeing from Terandria, to be exact[6] and together with them are the first Humans to ever settle on Izril. They transported their entire mansion to Izril when they did so.[5]

The Terland twins, Petria and Ulva, were defeated by the Goblin King Velan.[10] Petria was personally killed by Velan, and Ulva was broken by the experience.[1]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Ther Terland family sent military support to Tyrion Veltras when he asked for some to fight the Goblin Lord Reiss: Six thousand [Riders] with at least 1500 of them [Knights].[11]

The Terland family were recently featured on Wistram's scrying orb with the scandalous affair of [Lord] Bein trying to marry [Lady] Delia Zolde out of love after he had proposed to the wealthy [Dowager]/[Lady] Hetessana Wellfar for a long time.[12][1]

Known Family Members[edit | edit source]

Known Golems[edit | edit source]

  • Garneis[3]
  • Harbinec[22]
  • Primera
  • Secunda
  • Sicladiun - Original[5]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • There's an alcoholic drink called a Terland Tint.[23]
  • Under Terland law, it is legal to marry a Golem.[5]
  • The Terland family was famous for their vampire-slaying.[24]
  • Dealing with riots "Terland-style" means sending out War Golems to crush the rioters.[25]

References[edit | edit source]