Goblin Lords

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

A Goblin Lord is an especially powerful Goblin or Hobgoblin.

Overview[edit | edit source]

They appear to be a naturally occurring phenomenon, a rare individual born out of the Goblin population that has immeasurable talent... [...] Such is their [(Goblin Kings)] threat that Goblin Lords are actively hunted down to prevent them from becoming Goblin Kings.
The History of the Second Antinium War by Krsysl Wordsmith

Within the Goblin social hierarchy, Goblin Lords rank higher than Chieftains and Shamans and lower than Goblin Kings. The very presence of a Goblin Lord can attract entire tribes and Chieftains under their command,[1] though ultimately it is the individuals' choice whether they want to fall under the Goblin Lord's command.

All Goblins have the potential to become Goblin Lords. The exact criteria for becoming a Goblin Lord is unknown, but it involves obtaining the [Goblin Lord] class, which overrides the normal class progression. The announcement is also shown to be a shade of green, different from the one used for announcements of original classes and Skills ([Conditions Overridden: Goblin Lord class obtained.])

It will also assign a subclass, seemingly using a secondary class possessed by the new Goblin Lord. The class also includes an affiliation between curly braquets and a moniker of the Goblin Lord. For example:

  • [Goblin Lord {Unaffiliated} – “Rabbiteater of Champions”]

There is an ideological split between the older and younger Goblin Lords pertaining Goblin Kings. While the desire for a Goblin King is inherent in every Goblin, most of the older Goblin Lords have refused to follow the Goblin Kings whenever one rises, viewing them as mad and trapped by the past. Greydath is the exception, having served Curulac and Velan, and still continues to seach for a Goblin King to the present day.[2]

Known Goblin Lords[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Greydath is the oldest of the Goblin Lords currently alive.
  • Ulvama claims there are five "important" Goblin Lords, one for each continent, and the Isle of Goblins, with Rhir being the exception.
  • King Velan had nine Goblin Lords in his entourage.[3]
  • Rabbiteater theorized that the [Goblin Lord] class is automatically assigned when a Goblin achieves Level 40.[6]

References[edit | edit source]