Krsysl Wordsmith

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Krsysl Wordsmith









First Appearance

S02 – The Antinium Wars (Pt.1) (Mentioned)

Krsysl Wordsmith is a [Writer], who has written a history book detailing the accounts of the Antinium Wars.

Personality[edit | edit source]

According to Rafaema, he's impressed by authority.[1]

Background[edit | edit source]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Writer] Lv. ?

Written Books[edit | edit source]

List of Books written by him:

  • The Antinium: A Brief History
    • Has the history of the Antinium, all the information known about their culture, and a history of both the first and second Antinium Wars. Lady Magnolia had funded his research and the book.[2]
  • The First Antinium Wars (or) The Antinium Wars (Pt. 1)
    • Tells the historical account of the First Antinium War. Was commissioned by Lady Magnolia to highlight the dangers of the Antinium.
  • The Antinium Wars (Pt. 2)
    • Tells the historical account of the Second Antinium War. Is heavily biased as it lacked the impartiality of the first and glorified the Drake side of the war while diminishing the efforts of every other species.[3] In contrast to The Antinium Wars (Pt. 1), this book had not been commissioned by Lady Magnolia. It was self-funded.[4]
  • The Rise and Continued Success of the Walled Cities
    • In which he touted how the Walled Cities had been all over Izril. Does not say anything of where were they now.[5]
  • A Treatise on the Foremost [Lords] in the World, Of Present Writing
    • Named the current 5 most important [Lords] in the world in any ranked list. Like always the ranking is actually biased on his personal opinion, as he rated Hayvon as an ‘average’ Lord.[6]
    • Knowing this would be the case, Bastion-General Quiteil and Lord Hayvon secretly funded the writing of the book so that he would downplay Lord Hayvon so that the Demons who read the book would underestimate him.[7]
  • Adventurers and You: what to do if you find an adventurer on your doorstep
    • Guidebook of what to do when meeting an Adventurers. Has at least 9 sections of different scenarios.[8]
  • Guide to the Walled Cities[8]
    • Guidebook about the Walled Cities.
  • Adventuring for Beginners: a thousand tricks and tips, including how to speak to quest-givers and royalty[8]
    • Guidebook for how Adventurers should interact with others in different scenarios.
  • Wordsmith Dictionaries[9]
    • Guidebook for modern era wording terms.[9]
  • People to Watch[9]
    • An ongoing book series that listed high-level people around the world. Has at least 22 issues.[9]
      • Issue #22 - Tells a few facts about the mysterious Gnoll [Thief] known as the Thief of Clouds.[9]
  • The Lightning Thief and the Fraerling’s Treasure[10]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • He wrote The Antinium Wars (Pt. 2), nearly a decade after the second Antinium War.[11]
  • Despite being anything but humble in his writing, he still loves to call himself a ‘humble writer’.[9]

References[edit | edit source]