Pavilion of Secrets

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The [Pavilion of Secrets] is an Inheritance Skill. It is the second of three Skills created by Empress Sheta.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The [Pavilion of Secrets] has a Level 50 prerequisite and requires the authority of the [Garden of Sanctuary] owner to be recognized.[1] When obtaining the [Pavilion of Secrets], the owner is granted the Key of Insight to access it. This feather-shaped key is more angular and glints like the inverse of light.[2]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Unlike the [Garden of Sanctuary], which has a standard appearance that can be modified, the Pavilion's appearance is individually personalized for each owner.

Erin's Pavilion[edit | edit source]

The Pavilion is floating in a void with no real physics. There are no lights but the occupants can see perfectly, and it is airless but the occupants can breathe normally. The building proper is a white rounded octagonal wooden structure with eight sets of stairs to the entrances, big enough to fit about two hundred people, or a dozen comfortably. It is windowless with thin support beams holding up a rounded roof, and grass grows around the beams. There are benches inside, and an empty chess board.

There are other doors at the entrances, one leading to a copy of the current Pavilion where its effects can be used and the others presumably leading to the other Owners' Pavilions.[1]

Sheta's Pavilion[edit | edit source]

The door to her Pavilion has a handle for Harpies to swing open horizontally.[1]

Cormelex's Pavilion[edit | edit source]

The door to his Pavilion is jet black with red hinges, and a symbol similar to one in his Garden.[1]

Aleieta's Pavilion[edit | edit source]

The door to her Pavilion is pink with golden hinges, and her name neatly titled like on the door to her Garden.[1]

Skill Effects and Capabilities[edit | edit source]

The Pavilion of Secrets by Artsy Nada

The Pavilion is a Skill with its own sentience of sorts, and was made to be able to change itself. It thus gains nuance with each owner. The main purpose of the Skill is to collect secrets and information that aren't in its records, and that the Grand Design itself might not know or understand.

Upon entering a door in the Pavilion, the owner will be faced by a copy of themselves, which is the personification of the Pavilion of Secrets. It acts as a voice for the Skill's intelligence, to interact with its owner akin to an interface, but also as a "harsh mirror." In Erin's case, while the Pavilion has her memories and intimately knows her habits and personality, it doesn't necessarily know her feelings or motivations unless she explicitly talked about them while in Innworld.

The owner is able to summon anyone, including the dead.[3] Doing so will create a copy of the individual, who will have awareness of the real person and what they are doing and feeling, immediately know how the Pavilion works, and intuitively know what they will remember. Conversely, the actual individual will be ignorant of the copy's existence until the owner dismisses the copy. The summoned individuals do not have to talk when summoned. They also has some power over the Pavilion in terms of aesthetics, being able to change the appearance of their surroundings or even themselves, as long as it constitutes as truthful or in the context of revealing a secret. While individuals whose names the owner knows can be summoned repeatedly for free, summoning an unknown person requires a payment of a secret to the Pavilion. However, the owner can summon someone who is the best fit for a listed criteria.[4]

Copies of the previous owners also exist within their respective Pavilions, with knowledge of the current owner. Anything true or real that's said or shown within the Garden will be remembered by both parties, trading secrets. There are degrees of truths, as lesser truths and secrets will be remembered as daydreams rather than vividly. There is some wiggle room with the barter system of secrets, with the Pavilion being willing to summon on "credit."

The Pavilion doesn't acknowledge species that have yet to complete the Trials of Levelling. However, its nature as a malleable and adaptive Skill means that it can raise an appeal to the Grand Design on the owner's behalf to designate an exception, as part of a clause towards achieving a Grand Revelation. It also does not work on those the Grand Design cannot interfere with, such as the Fae or Ryoka.[4]

The Skill was damaged when the ghosts in Kasignel were eaten, and cannot summon them anymore. Empress Sheta left a message in the form of a memory for future owners of the Pavilion.

The Pavilion can allow the owner to learn and/or remember information censured by the Grand Design.[5]

The Pavilion is self-repairing, and nothing can be physically taken from it.[1]

Effects with other Skills[edit | edit source]

Invoking the [Pavilion of Secrets] with [Aspect of the Inn] will have a keyhole for the Key of Insight appear on the Owner's chest.[6] Turning it transports the User to the void corridor to the Pavilion, and returns them to where they were afterwards. The User cannot take others with them, and objects they carry will disappear at the destination and reappear upon return.[7] If the User is on a moving platform, then they will reappear on the platform and not where they used to be when they entered the Pavilion.[4]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The full name of the Skill was first revealed in Chapter 9.08.
  • There have only been four holders of the Skill.
  • Aleieta Reinhart was described to have been arguably the best user of the [Pavilion of Secrets].[4]

References[edit | edit source]