
From The Wandering Inn Wiki
  • Empress Sheta of Iltanus
  • First-Wingdaughter of Iltanus
  • Empress of Harpies
  • Harpy Queen
  • Queen With a Thousand Ears








High Passes

First Appearance

Chapter 7.25 (Flashback) Chapter 8.85 (Official)

Sheta was a Harpy and the First-Wingdaughter Empress of Iltanus.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

She grew to be larger than eleven feet tall. Her plumage was brown, with dark blue wings[1] darkening to black near the tips. She had green eyes that could turn blue.[2] In her older years, her bird-like features became more pronounced and her eyes were huge and avian.[3]

Personality[edit | edit source]

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Background[edit | edit source]

Sheta was the third ruler of Iltanus, inheriting the throne from her father. She inherited the throne due to the deaths of the other heirs.[4] Teriarch was her champion and advisor. She lived for centuries.[5]

She survived an assassination attempt from a Drake [Princeling] as a child, thanks to her owl-like neck structure. She once fought the Goblin King.[6]

Sheta spent her life allowing her great empire to fall apart, trying to minimize the potential harm it could create. She created the [Garden of Sanctuary] when she was still a Princess at seventeen[4] and needed a place of solace. She used it as a place of confidence to bring together friends and even foes. Later, she created the [Pavilion of Secrets] as a weapon against her enemies, taking their secrets and turning them against each other. Ashamed of it, she hid its existence from Teriarch.[2]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Volume 7[edit | edit source]

When Ryoka visited his cave, Teriarch remembered Sheta in her palace, among other young women he met like the Quarass and Magnolia. When he had asked Sheta why he should help her, she said he should do it out of honour and duty. He asked what will happen when her conviction fades, and she replied that he, an immortal, will remember them when they're gone. Teriarch thought that was a good answer and swore an oath of loyalty to her, as he had her predecessors. [7]

As Teriarch enters into the Garden of Sanctuary, he tell Erin that the garden was first created by Empress Sheta. Than as he walks around, he remembers the time when a full-grown Sheta lead him about it for the first time, telling him where she would plant flowers. And though they were different, they still bloomed aeons later.[8]

As Teriarch is left alone sitting with Ryoka on the hill of the Garden of Sanctuary, he remembers sitting there, on the very hill, as Sheta looked up and confessed all her worries as her grand empire struggled.[9]

During the riots in Invrisil, Teriarch remembers the time when Sheta flew fearlessly down to address tens of thousands of her subjects.[10]

Volume 8[edit | edit source]

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Volume 10[edit | edit source]

The copy of Sheta in the [Palace of Fates] leaves her mirror to stop Belavierre

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Empress of Issrysil, Queen of the Empire of Iltanus, Almighty Monarch of Wings] Lv. 82

Former Classes:[edit | edit source]

  • [First Princess][4]

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Brightstar Dragonlady Ameti’venia]
  • [Brightstar Dragonlings of Iltanus]
  • [By My Decree: Extend Skill]
  • [By Royal Decree]
    • [By Royal Decree: See]
  • [Champions, Arise to Battle in Armor and Health]
  • [Chronomancer's Conference of the August]
  • [Claws of the Obsidian Night]
  • [Empower the Ch—] (Name unfinished)
  • [Every Skill Within Empire]
    • [Every Skill Within Empire: Immortal Moment]
  • [Fall Like Rain, Seeking Arrows of Iltanus]
  • [Fit For My Talons]
  • [I Am Imperium. Summon My Armies]
  • [Royal Blessing]
  • [Royal Command: Heal]
  • [Royal Diplomacy: Feather of Peace]
  • [Royal Retribution: Summon the Shrouded W—] (Name unfinished)
  • [Open the Vaults]
    • [Open the Vaults: Bow of the Emperor of Lightning]
    • [Open the Vaults: Lifetender Gole- ] (Lifetender Golem?)
    • [Open the Vaults: Tincture of the Sage of Healing]
  • [Skysplitting Screech]
  • [Talons of Radiance]
  • [The Emperor's Voice: Tongue of the Natural World]
  • [Wings of the Wind Dragon]

Original Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Garden of Sanctuary][8] (For info see Here)
  • [Pavilion of Secrets][11] (For info, see Here)
  • [The Palace of Fates] (For info, see Here)

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • At least two copies of Sheta exists within the [Pavilion of Secrets] and [The Palace of Fates], respectively.[12][13]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • To Teriarch:
    • “I know it may be fruitless, sire. But if it is—why did we ever stop making nests on cliffs? Why do we strive, if not for this temporary today?”
    • “Shouldn’t we do all that we can to make the Empire as plentiful as we can? That is why I was born. To rule. I must do it well.”
    • “I do not know. But I hope you will judge me and all those. I trust you, Lord Teriarch. I know I am not as intelligent as my father. Or as brave. Perhaps I am flawed. Perhaps, as you say, none of this matters. But you still fly with us. So, I must believe this.”
    • “If I do not matter, if Iltanus does not—if we are but dust in ages to come, he who is immortal and eternal will remember us. And if he remembers us well, we will surely not die.”
  • (To everyone) “We were delivering the oldest ghosts to their foe. Come! The last flight of the world is upon us! The Dragonlord of Flame wakes as he always does!”

References[edit | edit source]