Sheta (Palace of Fates)

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
  • Empress Sheta of Iltanus
  • First-Wingdaughter of Iltanus
  • Empress of Harpies
  • Harpy Queen
  • Queen With a Thousand Ears








High Passes

First Appearance

The Roots (Pt. 5)

Empress Sheta (Palace of Fates) is a copy of the original Sheta, who existed within the mirrors of the [Palace of Fates].

Appearance[edit | edit source]

She is a thirty-foot tall Harpy woman[1] with dark blue wings[2] and vast eyes.[3] Her demeanor resembles that of a large bird of prey.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Same as the original Sheta.

Mrsha Shock by Bobo Plushie.png
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Background[edit | edit source]

The original Sheta "gave" the [Palace of Fates] a copy of herself to act as a guide to future users.[4] The copy existed within the reflections of the palace.

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Volume 10[edit | edit source]

While Mrsha is in the [Palace of Fates], she walks past a window where Sheta is resting. The Harpy recognizes that Mrsha does not belong, and wonders how she managed to enter the palace. Later that night, she is shocked to see Mrsha enter the normally impenetrable doors to the stimulated timelines, using a Faerie Flower root.[1]

Sheta watches Mrsha using the roots to enter multiple doors. At one point, she warns the Gnoll [Druid] of the emotional consequences, but Mrsha is insistent on continuing.[5] She appears in front of Dyeda, advising her to close the censored door to Velan's awakening as a Goblin King, asking the [Tattooist] to let out of the mirrors with a root. However, when Mrsha is ready to let Sheta out in exchange for the [Empress]'s assistance, with the Mortemdefieir Titan, the Harpy turns her down, uncertain of the potential consequences.[6]

She is outraged when the Order of Solstice enters the [Palace of Fates], initially not deeming them worthy. However, she forgot her objections after seeing their reactions to alternate timelines.[7] After Rags and Mrsha is seemingly erased, Sheta has a conversation with Roots Mrsha. The latter decides to activate an agreed-upon failsafe, embedding a Faerie Flower root in the mirror.[4]

When the Grand Design of Isthekenous is breaking down from the sheer burden of stimulating alternate timelines, inhabitants from other timelines start escaping into the real world. An alternate Belavierr tries to kill Roots Mrsha, but Sheta leaves the mirror-world to intervene, forcing the Stitch-Witch to flee for her life. While flying through the [Palace of Fates], she encounters the original Teriarch and Beach Teriarch fighting. Aghast at their behavior, she gets them to stop fighting and help her deal with the future Rhiran forces and Crelers pouring into the Palace.[8] Sheta and seven versions of Teriarch are flying in pursuit of the Goblin King, who is trying to escape to the outside world. She comes across the real Mrsha and Rags, who are under attack from Rhiran [Soldiers] led by the future version of Othius the Fourth. She literally smashes Othius into a paste, and continues the chase.[9]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Empress] Lv. ? (Speculated 70+ )
  • [Diplomat] Lv ?[10]

Former Classes:[edit | edit source]

  • [First Princess][11]

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Claws of the Obsidian Night]
  • [Open the Vaults]
    • [Open the Vaults: Tincture of the Sage of Healing]

Original Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Garden of Sanctuary][12] (For info see Here)
  • [Pavilion of Secrets][13] (For info, see Here)
  • [The Palace of Fates] (For info, see Here)

Spells:[edit | edit source]

  • [Brightstar Dragonlady Ameti’venia]
  • [Brightstar Dragonlings of Iltanus]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]