Palace of Fates

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

The [Palace of Fates] is an Inheritance Skill. It is the final of three Skills created by Empress Sheta.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The Palace of Fates has a level 70 prerequisite and requires the an individual to have gained the Garden of Sanctuary and Pavilion of Secrets. The individual must have been deemed worthy by the Pavilion's entity to be allowed inside. The Palace's dimension is situated underneath the Garden of Sanctuary's and the Pavilion of Secrets' dimension can appear where it connects to the door, whose entity can interact with people in the palace.[1]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

It is a palace that can have any style or features that can change at will, opulent or humble, new or in ruins. From its courtyard, it can expand into endless hallways or staircases that can crisscross with no logical layout. The doors to its simulations are always different. There is a door to the Palace of Fates within, witht he same design as the one in the Garden of Sanctuary's hallway of doors in the void.[1] There is also a statue of Sheta in her final years.[2]

Skill Effects[edit | edit source]

In the Palace there are doors that can show the Owner past events,[3] possible futures, and alternate presents from different events unfolding in the past. The observer will be able to know the thoughts and backgrounds of the people in the simulations.[4] The Owner may request specific scenarios and the Palace will bring forth several doors which meet the desired criteria, and they can control its timeline to see different moments. When looking at futures, more doors will appear on islands above, but the events shown will be increasingly unlikely with each higher island. But the Palace will never show a future where how the events unfold are a certainty. It will not show simulations of events it considers impossible, even if they've already happened int he real world.[3]

The world they show aren't perfect. Of the flaws in those simulations:

  • The Fae do not exist and are considered stories. Faerie Flowers are replaced with marigolds. The effect they have on the world is replaced by something else or are removed.[1]
  • As Ryoka's information was removed from the Grand Design by the fae, details about her are wrong, such as her name.[1]
  • There are no Dead Gods.[3]

Ordinarily, the simulations cannot be interacted with, only observed. But the reality-piercing powers of Faerie Flower roots can enable one to enter the simulations and remove things from them.[3]

Within the Palace, a memory of Sheta inhabits the mirrors.[3]

The Owner can navigate the Palace by simply thinking of where they want to be, and they will be transported to that location.[4] The Palace can provide amenities such as bathrooms[2] and water, but not food.[4]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • There is something in the Palace that the adult Faerie Flowers use as nourishment. Tentatively hypothesised to be fate or momentousness.[4]

References[edit | edit source]