Palace of Fates

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

The [Palace of Fates] is an Inheritance Skill. It is the final evolution of three Inheritance Skills created by Empress Sheta.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The Palace of Fates has a Level 70 prerequisite and requires the individual to have gained the [Garden of Sanctuary] and [Pavilion of Secrets]. The individual must have been deemed worthy by the Pavilion's sentience to be allowed inside. The Palace's dimension is situated underneath the Garden of Sanctuary's and the Pavilion of Secrets' dimension can appear where it connects to the door, whose entity can interact with people in the palace.[1]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

It is a palace that can have any style or features that can change at will, reflecting whoever is navigating within's idea of a palace,[2] though the user can override the personal hallways of others with their own.[3] From its courtyard, it can expand into endless hallways or staircases that can crisscross with no logical layout. The doors to its simulations are always different. There is a door to the Palace of Fates within, with the same design as the one in the Garden of Sanctuary's hallway of doors in the void.[1] There is also a statue of Sheta in her final years.[4]

Skill Effects[edit | edit source]

The Palace has three components: the Hallways of Destiny, a dungeon-esque area with two rooms full of mirrors, and a hedge maze. The hedge maze's function is unknown, but the mirrors enable someone to speak to the souls of the dead in Hellste and Diotria. The chamber of Hellste is made of obsidian and lit by ominous red light, with six mirrors on each side of a hexagon-shaped room. The chamber of Diotria has only one mirror with a delicately carved, wooden frame; it is lit by pale white light tinged with blue. No mirror to Kasignel is known to exist.[5]

In what is called the Hallways of Destiny, there are doors that can show the owner past events,[6] possible futures, and alternate timelines. The observer will be able to know the thoughts and backgrounds of the people in the simulations.[7] The owner may request specific scenarios and the Palace will bring forth several doors which meet the desired criteria, and they can control its timeline to see different moments. When looking at futures, more doors will appear on islands above, but the events shown will be increasingly unlikely with each higher island. Furthermore, the [Palace of Fates] will never show a future where how the events unfold are a certainty. It will not show simulations of events it considers impossible, even if they've already happened in the real world.[6] The Fae's fate manipulation may affect the Palace as well, as there is no simulation in which Mrsha was not rescued by Ryoka or killed by Reiss' army.[8]

There are limits to the simulations. Major secrets such as the creation of Goblin Kings past and future,[9] or information relating to the fallen Walled Cities, are censored by having the simulations obscured. The same for any event prior to the Creler Wars and some during, unless the viewer is themself older than the Creler Wars.[5] Rags speculates that more is shown if the one who controls the Skill is higher leveled or knows more about the world,[8] and the former is confirmed.[3] Furthermore, the worlds they are shown aren't perfect. Of the flaws in those simulations:

  • The Fae do not exist and are considered stories. Faerie Flowers are replaced with marigolds. The effect they have on the world is replaced by something else or are removed.[1]
    • Faerie Flowers have begun spreading to the simulations and growing there.[3]
  • As Ryoka's information was removed from the Grand Design by Ivolethe, details about her are wrong, such as her name being "Ryoko."[1] Nor is she ever depicted as any sort of mother, which may again be a result of fate manipulation.[8] This has been corrected with the intrusion of Faerie Flowers into the false realities.
  • There are no Dead Gods.[6] New Gods can be simulated, however.[10]
  • Sometimes simulated people will have the same classes or Skills as their real counterparts in spite of the divergences for no explained reasons. This might be due to the Grand Design taking shortcuts, as simulating entire realities uses a lot of resources, and taking into account entire millenia-spanning histories means operating the Skill has become costlier than it originaly was.[11]

Ordinarily, the simulations cannot be interacted with, only observed. But the reality-piercing powers of Faerie Flower roots can enable one to enter the simulations and remove objects and plants from them,[6] and let people from the simulations leave at the cost of destroying the root to let them pass through.[12] Censured simulations cannot be entered even with a root, unless the one entering is a classless Rulebreaker.[13] Exiting from a censured reality will leave it uncensored, though it's unknown if it's because the censure screen was broken through coming in, or because the secret being hidden was revealed to those people.[14] However, if one is holding on to the root and only partially through, other simulated people can freely exit into the Palace without destroying the root.[15] When a root has been entered into a door, it's literally rooted into that reality and cannot be removed, and thus cannot be reused to enter a different reality.[5] The simulated people can be consumed by Dead Gods similarly to souls of the deceased.[14]

Within the Palace, a memory of Sheta as she was the last time she walked its grounds inhabits the mirrors.[6]

The Owner can navigate the [Palace of Fates] by simply thinking of where they want to be, and they will be transported to that location.[7] The Palace can provide amenities such as bathrooms[4] and water, but not food.[7]

Notable Timelines[edit | edit source]

Many timelines have been viewed by the Palace of Fates. Some notable ones that have been interacted with are listed below.

  1. Starvation Timeline
    1. A reality where Mrsha fell on her back she entered the Palace of Fates and began exploring it. This Mrsha was unable to escape, and starved for days or weeks within the Palace, watching as her mother went to challenge the Gladelords of Tauslech in the Congress of Root and Steel without returning. She was freed into reality by the "true" Mrsha.
  2. "Better Days"
    1. A reality where the Siege of Liscor played out differently and Erin never died to raiders from Hectval; in this reality, Erin is a level 47 [Goblinfriend Innkeeper of Wonders], who created [The Inn That Walked] and brought it to the Meeting of Tribes to save her friends. She still has access to multiple Gardens. Headscratcher became the Goblin Lord of Sorrows during the battle at the Meeting of Tribes, taking the mantle of Flooded Waters Chieftain from Rags. Rags went on to become a [Student] of the Titan of Baleros, as well as learning from the [Chieftain] of the Wild Wastes Tribe. A Goblin named Laughlots started a trend of stand-up comedy before being brutally murdered on live television by anonymous international powers. Teriarch regained regained his memories and control of his simulacrum, and leads Wistram as Eldavin. Valceif Godfrey is also still alive, suggesting there are points of divergence earlier than the Siege of Liscor. Brunkr, however, is known to be dead.
    2. The Rags from this timeline entered reality using a root. She was a level 45 [Student of Grandmasters] upon entering. She lost most of her direct combat Skills when she lost her [Chieftain] class. She is now Level 47 by virtue of battle against the Mortemdefieir Titan.
  3. "Ten Years Later"
    1. A reality where Erin never woke up from her frozen coma, 10 years into the future of Innworld. In this reality:
      1. Mrsha is a newly registered Silver-Rank adventurer and a level 31 [Lucky Survivor of the Promise], having consolidated all of her classes and taken lessons from Typhenous, Seborn, Pisces, Ceria, Moore, and Grimalkin. She has found her own way into reality after encountering Rianchi, and now seeks to resurrect her world's version of Erin Solstice.
      2. Lyonette refused to return to Calanfer and kept living in the inn; she stopped advancing her [Princess] class and became a [Councilmember] of Liscor, remaining in a relationship with Pawn.
      3. Pawn became the [Prophet] of the Painted Antinium, a figure of immense power over level 60 feared even by the greatest nations in the world. He has sacrificed many of the Antinium in his crusades to revive Erin, who is now an object of worship to the Antinium. His faction dominates Antinium politics. He has entered the Palace with several of his forces due to The One Saved holding onto the root. He has agreed to limit his entourage to his ten strongest Antinium. He is planning a crusade to Baleros to reunite with Erin, where they will destroy her enemies in Roshal and the Blighted Kingdom before entering into the multiverse of the Palace. He is now level 68+, a [First Apostle of the Faith of Wondrous Skies].
      4. Ceria has become the [Archmage] of Frost, permanently using her cursed circlet of [Freedom From Morality] and another relic from Chandrar that stores her emotions. The Horns of Hammerad have disbanded after Ksmvr's death. Pisces leads a new incarnation of the team, as its sole Named rank adventurer. He's a thrice-divrocee, with Selys as his first ex-wife and Revi as his second. Yvlon spends all of her time at Ksmvr's grave. Ksmvr's soul went to Kasignel instead of the Antinium Heaven.
      5. Moore was named a [Lord] of Liscor after slaying the Mother of Graves during a dungeon incursion, and has become a powerful [Green Mage]. Halrac, Typhenous, and Jelaqua died in the dungeon during the same incident, and Zevara and many citizens of Liscor were killed by the Mother's children.
      6. Ishkr was poached by the Adventurer's Haven and has become famous as "Ishkr the Server of Fables"; however, he has not advanced his class much past level 40.
      7. Relc is now Watch Captain of Liscor and works alongside his daughter, Embria. Embria lost her legs during the war against Demons on Rhir.
      8. Grimalkin died on Rhir, in battle against the Death of Magic. His school of physical magic has become far more popular; a spell called [Grimalkin's Physique] was created based off of his magic, and a "Grimalkin Greeting" is a term among [Mages] for an opening punch imbued with a [Siege Fireball].
      9. Liscor has been completely rebuilt and become known as the "City of Charms", selling numerous magical talismans. It is connected to hundreds of other cities through Portal Networks, even extending to other continents.
      10. Nanette Weishart has become an infamous murderer and criminal, wielding water magic and known as the Witch of Sorrows. She was adopted by Belavierr with the promise to someday kill the Witch of Webs. She killed Witch Eloise when she tried to stop her and has battled against Mrsha. After trying to kill Mrsha, she entered the Palace, and informed Belavierr of the door to reality after escaping.
      11. Ac'telios Salash woke up and rampaged across Chandrar, destroying most kingdoms on the continent including Roshal; the King of Destruction and the Empress of Sands both remain alive and at each other's throats. The remnants of Roshal's government moved to the Blighted Empire, implying they still operate a slave trade.
      12. Jungle Tails reclaimed the Eyes of Baleros and successfully birthed their new leader, allegedly a God. With this power, they swept across the continent, killing Foliana and toppling Maelstrom's Howling and the Forgotten Wing. They are now a major world power, competing with the Blighted Empire.
      13. The Blighted Kingdom and its army of [Heroes] eventually slew the Demon King and the Deathless, at great cost, before proclaiming the Era of Triumphs. The Blighted Empire now seeks to spread across the world, pressuring various other continents. All Earthers are now summoned exclusively by them and trained as [Heroes], becoming an immensely powerful force equipped with high-grade relics. Some are considered Exalted Heroes, all of whom are over level 60, such as Jospiere. Nereshal and all the first-wave and most of the second-wave [Heroes] are dead.
      14. The Walled Cities started the Third Antinium War, destroying all but three of the Hives in the Hivelands. However, they were greatly weakened, leading to the Archmage's War against Fissival, when Valeterisa attempted to purchase her childhood mentor Heorth Dorribaum. She eventually rallied others to her cause before the clockmaker Milaw was killed to silence her; Fissival was left diminished in status. The weakening of the Walled Cities also led to Salaszar's collapse to internal dissent, being rechristened as the Democratic Walled City of Salaszar.
      15. Antinium still live in Liscor, though they have no ties to the Hives. Magic-using Antinium have become more common. It is not known whether the Free Hive remains in any capacity, though 3 Hives do still exist in the Hivelands.
      16. Faith classes are now commonly known about. Various powers try to militarize them, but the most successful in that regard are the Painted Antinium and the Goblins. Christianity has spread, and some Christian [Priests] are employed by the Reinhart Family.
      17. The imperialism of the Ailendamus-Taimaguros alliance, and Erribathe under King Iradoren, swept across Northern Izril and greatly reduced the power of the Five Families. House Reinhart is now led by Lord Calidus, operating as a mercenary force deploying from an unknown location.
      18. Calanfer was annexed by Ailendamus. The royal line was subsumed as lesser royalty. Seraphel died in an accident, Vernoue in a magical accident, and Aielef in a war. Ailendamus and Taimaguros used the Veltras-Wellfar intervention in the war with the Dawn Concordat as a casus belli to invade Izril, joined by Erribathe under King Iradoren.
      19. The Plain's Eye Tribe is dominant in Gnollish politics, and Xherw's orders mean that "Doombringers" are hunted brutally across the continent. Entire tribes can be executed for harboring them.
      20. Goblins are hunted greatly across the world; notable leaders such as Izikere, Greydath, Anazurhe, and Kanadith are all dead. Rags has evolved into a Duxcepin and become the Goblin Lord of the Tribe of Dreams, which lives underground and uses other Goblin tribes for expendable labor. She has a handful of children by various fathers, and has achieved a powerful Faith-based class. Her notable subordinates include her daughter Redchild, Leapwolf, and Gothica, now a [Lady of Shadows] with her own following of [Goths].
      21. Erin's living ghost has formed a power bloc in Kasignel with the Putrid One, using Tolveilouka to pass on messages and influence the world, primarily to protect her friends and family. She had begun to hear the prayers of the Painted Antinium.
      22. Cara was murdered by Belavierr, and her head was made into an artifact. The rest of the world does not know the cause of her disappearance.
      23. Teriarch spent most of his time sleeping, mourning Magnolia's death.
      24. Pebblesnatch became a [Witch].
  4. Future Goblin King Timeline
    1. A censured reality 22 years in the future, 16 years after the emergence of a new Goblin King. In this reality:
      1. Technology has greatly advanced. There are smartphones and an internet, and modern weapons are common, including tanks and planes. Magic has also improved such as with the rediscovery of Seith.
      2. Rabbiteater became the new Goblin King, dubbed Rabbiteater the Traitor, the Goblin King of Betrayal. Upon becoming the Goblin King, he killed Erin and destroyed Liscor. He is usually kept contained by the Goblins when not sent against their foes. Unlike the rest of the reality, the Goblin King's soul is real and is being projected into the simulation.
      3. Rags swore fealty to him and was renamed Ragathsi, in order to use him as a weapon for the benefit of Goblins. She was the second Goblin Lord to join Rabbiteater and is now the greatest of the Goblin Lords, effectively leading the species. Her arm, leg, and part of her chest including her heart are now mechanical.
      4. Goblins have taken over northern Izril and established Domed Cities over the former settlements. Having proven that a Goblin King is not the end of Goblin civilization and the possibility of diplomacy, there are non-Goblins living in the Domed Cities and vice-versa. Goblins are so safe that all mature Goblins are Hobgoblins, the standard of adulthood has risen to over eight years old, have population in the millions even in smaller cities, and there is a social media app specifically made for Goblins. There are six Goblin Lords, though none of them besides Rags are from the days the Wandering Inn still existed. The old Goblin Lords joined the Goblin King's war this time but are since deceased.
      5. Gothica is once again still alive, and is a General in the Goblin army.
      6. Xitegen is Lord Supreme Commander of the Izrilian Alliance, made up of Humans, Drakes, Gnolls, and Golemfolk. They are the only faction left waging a losing war against the Goblins.
      7. Persua is a Courier with the moniker "the Lightning Courier".
      8. Kevin is the Alliance's highest-levelled engineer, and creates their tanks. His survival places a possible point of divergence at least as far back as the Winter Solstice.
      9. Vernoue du Marquin is the Archmage of Dawn. Her sisters are deceased and she lost her kingdom, before she studied magic in Ailendamus. She is part of the Alliance.
      10. The Five Families have been displaced and fled south, save for House Wellfar which fled to sea.
      11. The Drakes have lost at least Pallass and Manus as Walled Cities. Pallass is now a Drake enclave a quarter of the its former size. Salazsar still provides adamantium to the Alliance.
      12. The Antinium have been eradicated from Izril.
      13. On Chandrar, Flos is dead while the Empire of Sands remains as a major power. The Empire supports the Alliance.
      14. On Baleros, the Dullahans have taken over the continent.
      15. The Demons have defeated the Blighted Kingdom with the help of the Goblins. They now control Rhir, and Terandria launches crusades in an attempt to retake it.
      16. The Bloodfields were destroyed.
      17. The microscopic Flesh Worm parasites were unknown, so the Mother of Grave's attack may not have happened like it did in the "Ten Years Later" reality.
      18. The world stopped using the "After Flos" standard for dates and have returned to counting from the end of the Creler Wars. The date is now 5243 After the Creler Wars.
  5. Brunkr Lives Timeline
    1. A reality where Brunkr wasn't murdered by Venitra. He is dating Lyonette. He was supposed to then die during the Raskghar raid on the Inn, but the Order of Solstice entered the timeline and intervened.
  6. Trial of Blades Timeline
    1. A reality with the Trial of Blades, modified to lift the restrictions on armor and enchanted weapons. Redscar used this reality to train and reach level 50.
  7. Zel Shivertail Timeline
    1. A reality used by Mrsha to speak to Zel Shivertail on the eve of his demise in battle with the Goblin Lord, Reiss.
  8. Erin Raft Timeline
    1. A reality used by Mrsha to speak to Erin Solstice as she drifted away from the battle at sea, dying of Internalized Apotheotic Magical Dissonance (IAMD), also known as meltblood overload. This Erin has had extensive conversations with Mrsha and is not Fraerling-sized like her real-world self.
  9. Califor Lives Timeline
    1. A reality where Califor survives the fire of Riverfarm due to the additional presence of Oliyaya and Thallisa. Nanette entered this reality to reunite with her mother.
  10. Albez Heist Timeline
    1. A reality from the time of the Horns of Hammerad's delve into Albez. Taletevirion entered and killed the Fire Elemental before the Horns arrived, and took some of the treasures it was guarding including the Dryad wand, but adding a Gravesword in.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • There is something about or inside the Palace that Faerie Flowers use as nourishment, which enables them to blossom into their adult form. Mrsha hypothesized it to be fate or momentousness.[7]

References[edit | edit source]