Rags (Student)

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

Student Rags








Flooded Waters Tribe
Titan’s School (Own World)
The Wandering Inn (Own World)


Student Strategist


Elvallian (Own World)

First Appearance

10.27 GMG

An alternate Rags from a simulated world in the Palace of Fates, granted existance from a Faerie Flower root.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Compared to the prime Rags, She is stylishly dressed and has a stylish haircut where half her hair is shaved to a buzzcut and the other half is grown out with dyed red tips. She wears retractable rollerblades.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Compared to the prime Rags, she is much more sociable, jovial and good-humored. She acts cocky, performative, makes jokes, and tries to be liked by others.[1] Internally she thinks herself a coward for leaving the tribe and her role as chieftain, and feels like an inferior Strategist compared to the prime Rags.[2]

Background[edit | edit source]

After the battle of Liscor against the Goblin Lord's Army, where Tyrion Veltras did not charge the combined Goblin factions after the fighting was concluded, Rags gave up her position of Chieftain to Headscratcher. She travelled to Baleros and enrolled in the Titan’s School.

While there, she met Geneva Scala, and the native Goblin tribes. She scores a 96% average in her classes.[1] She also had a tv segment that ran six episodes. She was unprepared back then, and she was mocked as she blundered, but it inspired her to do comedy. However she also suffered remote magical attacks, leading Erin to commition Pelt and Hedault to create an umbrella to protect her.[2]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Volume 10[edit | edit source]

As Rags returned to Liscor for vacation, she starts investigating rumour of a second Mrsha, and follows a trail with magic to find a root floating in mid air. She passes through the door into the Palace of Fates, destroying the root in the process. She initially thinks she's in the future until Dyeda corrects her. She learns about the prime Rags' impending perril against the Mortemdefieir Titan and races to the Kingdom of Deep and Song to save her. She activates a Skill to get fire support from the Forgotten Wing Company, driving away the Titan and killing its leg.[1]

She visits Goblinhome and compares it with the one from her world. While its less populated and the Goblins aren't as strong, she seriously impressed by their organization, fortifications, weapons, and intelligence, which makes her feel inadequate and unsure of what she could provide. She figures out that she could do a tv interview. She uses it to help with the image of Goblins as well as warn others about the Titan and out Pallass' 2nd army's position and make them reconsider their attack. She and the other rags understand each other better, and they deal with the remote spells launched at them together.[2]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels[edit | edit source]

  • [Student of Grandmasters] Lv. 47
    • Changed from [Chieftain]
    • Consolidated [Tactician] or [Strategist]
  • [Mage] Lv. ? (at least 13)
  • [Warrior] Lv. ? (at least 11)

Classes Consolidated to [Chieftain]:[edit | edit source]

  • [Leader] Lv. 15 (changed to [Chieftain] Lv. 15)
  • [Scavenger] Lv. 9
  • [Tinkerer] Lv. 1

Skills[edit | edit source]

She lost almost all of her direct combat Skills when she changed class. (*) = possibly lost

  • [Aura of Command]
  • [Burst of Ideas]
  • [Call for Aid: Send Me the Stuff of Stories]
  • [Fast Thinking] / [Quick Thinking]
  • [Flashfire Spellcraft]*
  • [Group: Erratic Maneuvering]
  • [Increased Carry Weight]
  • [Lesser Tinkering]
  • [Mentor’s Skill: (Skill)]
  • [Rapid Retreat]
  • [Risk Calculation]
  • [Unit: Champions of the Brass Dragon]
  • [Unit: Teleportation Advance]

Tribal Skills[edit | edit source]

  • [Fleet Foot]*
  • [Rapid Reload]*
  • [Scavenger Armor]*

Original Skills[edit | edit source]

  • [Jetfire Jump]
  • [Rocket Kick]

Spells[edit | edit source]

  • [Apista’s Jetflame] / [Apista's Jetfire]
  • [Burning Blades]
  • [Detect Magic]
  • [Light Arrow]
  • [Nose of the Dog]

Equipment[edit | edit source]

  • Rollerblades: the wheels are retractable and made of mithril.
  • Enchanted Umbrella: made by Pelt and Hedault. Defends against magical attacks.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]