Zevara Sunderscale

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Zevara Sunderscale
Zevara portrait by Demonic Criminal.png

Captain Z


Oldblood Drake








Watch Captain



First Appearance

Chapter 1.07

Zevara Sunderscale, is an Oldblood Drake and the Watch Captain of Liscor's City Watch, charged with the protection of the City.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

She is tall,[1] has a scar on the left side of her face, has light blue scales, and either yellow[2] or light purple eyes.[3]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Zevara is strict, and takes her job seriously.

Background[edit | edit source]

Originally a Senior Guardswomen, Zevara reported the Watch Captain Eresc to the Council after he ignored someone killing Antinium Workers due to his own hatred for Antinium.[4] She replaced Eresc as Watch Captain, serving for six years before the start of the story.[5]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Erin met her the first time after the death of Klbkch, which was reason for Zevara to retract any protection from the Wandering Inn.[6]

Zevara was then seen again in Skinner's Attack on Liscor, when she led the scrambled defense after the Undead had already invaded the city. Her duty to protect the city let her stop Relc going after Skinner and fight Undead in the city even after Skinner had left for the Wandering Inn.[7] Zevara then met Erin again in a debrief at the Old Wandering Inn after the attack.[8]

Just the next day, Zevara faced Erin and Ryoka after they had exited from the Ruins of Liscor with a rescued Ceria and Olesm. Her intention was to use their knowledge to loot and secure the ruins. She is at first still opposed to helping the surviving adventurers, but reluctantly offers help when she discovers that Olesm had joined their expedition and survived. However, the appearance of Gazi changed the entire encounter. Gazi starts a fight with everyone present by stabbing Zevara and was only defeated after being distracted with the news of the King of Destruction's awakening.[9]

Three days later, when Erin was loudly yelling for Toren as she had lost her skeleton during the explosion and rebuilding of her inn just outside Zevara's jurisdiction, Zevara stepped in and told the noisy human to shut up.[10]

Two days later, Zevara's authority was challenged again by the iPhone festival happening at the Wandering Inn, where she couldn't prevent the singing and dancing.[11]

After Krshia captured Lyonette, it was decided that the human thief would be exiled instead of being executed. While Zevara was clearly involved in this decision, it was not shown directly and the political nature of the event meant that it also involved the enraged Gnoll community and the City Council.[12]

Not many days later, Zevara had to break up a fight between Erin and her patrons, the Gnolls and two gold-rank adventuring teams at the Wandering Inn.[13]

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Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

She is able to breathe fire, due to her Oldblood Drake ancestry. However, she is unable to breathe while using it, due to lack of oxygen, and can only manage up to ten seconds of firebreath before it feels like she is passing out.[7][13]

Zevara doesn't have a [Loud Voice] skill, and regrets not having that Skill.[13] She can make do with spells or items if she has time to prepare.[10]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Watch Captain] Lv. ?[14]
    • Derived from [Trainee Guard][15] → [Guardswoman][16]

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Dangersense][13]
  • [Freeze, Criminal]
  • [Lawbreaker’s Enemy]
  • Unknown Aura Skill

Abilities:[edit | edit source]

  • Fire Breath

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Her surname was revealed in Chapter 5.13.
  • Her age was made clear in Chapter 9.34.
    • Selys, who is in her early 20s,[17] estimated Zevara to be at most 7-8 years older than her.[18]
    • She was 8 years old during the First Antinium War, which was 20 years ago.[15]
    • She started serving as Liscor's City Watch Captain six years ago,[5] which makes her 22 years old at the time.
  • She had romantic feelings for Olesm, like Ceria Springwalker whom she disliked as a romantic rival. Olesm felt awkward to the advances of either.[19]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References [edit | edit source]