Chapter 9.34
January 29, 2023
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Chapter 9.34 is the 48th chapter of Volume 9.
tl;dr[edit | edit source]
Perorn's mercenaries start doing work targeting Drake cities.
Erin explores her skills. She works on [Boon of the guest] with Niers' students and explores more of her gardens with various people at the inn.
Erin gives Magnolia [Boon of the Guest: Sserys] and we recap her and Teriarch's victories against the antinium around Liscor 20 years earlier.
Synopsis[edit | edit source]
Characters[edit | edit source]
( * = First Appearance)
- Niers Astoragon
- Perorn Sadiluc / Fleethoof
- Erin Solstice
- Gossard *
- Ixeth *
- Fleethoof’s Gales - Perorn's Centaur battalion (x2,000)
- Basal *
- Tarath *
- ? - Centaur [Sergeant] *
- Palt Fenrisol
- Imani
- Rascale *
- Seenith’s Councilmembers (x?) *
- ? - Council’s leader
- Levirns *
- ? - Seenith’s Watch Captain *
- Chaldion Oliwing
- Yulv *
- Eldavin (Commercial Recording)
- Jewel
- Toimt Ironvell
- Hilten Coroes
- Picky *
- Ulvama
- Mrsha (+ Pseudo Soul Copy)
- Nanette Weishart
- Ishkr Silverfang
- Lyonette du Marquin
- Venaz
- Peki
- Wil Kallinad
- Merrik Hostone
- Ceria Springwalker
- Pisces Jealnet
- Yvlon Byres
- Ksmvr
- Menolit
- Relc Grasstongue
- Nerry
- Klbkch (+ Memory)
- Shaestrel
- Kevin Hall
- Pebblesnatch (Mentioned + Pseudo Soul Copy)
- Ushar
- Calescent
- Numbtongue
- Octavia Cotton
- Gireulashia Ekhtouch / Gire
- Inreza (Voice Only)
- Normen Callesn
- Ekirra Silverfang
- Tessa (Mentioned)
- Seborn Sailwinds
- Aleieta Reinhart (Mentioned)
- Cormelex (Mentioned)
- Garia Strongheart
- Serafierre val Lischelle-Drakle / Fierre
- Collos (First Time Mentioned + Missive From)
- Ryoka Griffin (+ Memory)
- Teriarch / Demsleth (+ Memory)
- Rafaema
- Magnolia Reinhart (+ Memory)
- Visma
- Ressa (+ Memory)
- Pryde Ulta (+ Memory)
- Grimalkin Duveig
- Alcaz
- Bird
- Tyrion Veltras
- Hethon Veltras
- Liska Silverfang
- Sanitos family
- Jericha Synthel
- Ullim
- Zevara Sunderscale (+ Memory)
- Sserys (Pseudo Soul Copy)
- Devrkr / Devrkr the Glowing (Memory + Mentioned) *
Characters in Memory Visions[edit | edit source]
( * = First Appearance)
- Reiss’s forces
- Stone Spears Tribe
- Ryoka Griffin
- Raskghar
- Xherw
- Daemon of Luck
- Tekshia Shivertail
- Hawk
- Klbkch / Slayer
- Magnolia Reinhart
- Ressa
- Nalthaliarstrelous
- Linter Veltras *
- Petria Terland *
- Ulva Terland
- Fulviolo El
- Maviola El
- Sithorn
- Pryde Ulta
- Bethal Walchaís
- Zanthia
- Devrkr / Devrkr the Glowing
- Xrn
Locations[edit | edit source]
- Baleros
- Izril
- Great Plains
- Seenith
- Floodplains (+ Memory)
- High Passes (Memory)
- Teriarch’s cave (Memory)
Golems[edit | edit source]
- Terland's Golems (Memory)
- War Golems
- Golem Steeds
- Four-legged spider-Golem
Creatures[edit | edit source]
- ??? - Twenty feet long serpent that is virtually invulnerable to ranged fire, but can be harmed in close-quarters fighting. (First Time Mentioned)
Items[edit | edit source]
- The Windblade of Serpisel / Greatsword of Serept
- Sea map
- Tales of Adventure and Woe, #30,967. - Book
- Collos' journal
- Martial artists footwork and punching diagrams scrolls
- Quellae Cider
- Sword of Veltras (Memory)
- Vortex Bolt (Memory)
- Mithril wires (Memory)
Statistics[edit | edit source]
Lyonette du Marquin[edit | edit source]
- [Boon of the Guest: Pebblesnatch]
- Temporary Skill = [Cooking: No Bad Poos] + [Goblin Cookbook]
Venaz[edit | edit source]
- [Boon of the Guest: Mrsha]
- Temporary Skill = [Survivor’s Call: Tell My People I Was Here]
Magnolia Reinhart[edit | edit source]
- [Boon of the Guest: General Sserys of Liscor]
- Temporary Skill = [Recall My Greatest Hour]