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Spring Court Ryoka Griffin



First Appearance

Chapter 9.31

Shaestrel is a Spring Fae of the Spring Court.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Shaestrel's true appearance is that of an imposing lady of the Spring Court, with auburn hair, green pupils - like "constellations" - and black sclera. She wears a white flower of mourning in her hair, and her sandals are laced with grass and flowers from the lands of the fae.

In her "Spring Sprite" form, Shaestrel's form embodies the concept of spring, seeming something like a plant and a wild thing, changing moment to moment. At various times she has worn a boar's head,[1] or appeared in the form of a marten.[2] To most of the inhabitants of Innworld, she looks like a floating green light.

Personality[edit | edit source]

As one of the older Fae, Shaestrel is often the one to rein in the flightier members of the Fae. However like the other Winter Fae, she has a mischievous streak, seen when she caused Ryoka's pants to fall off in public,[1] or cementing her crushing victory in chess against Erin by creating a bird outline with the pieces.[3] She has a sardonic sense of humor, once expressing a desire to be killed if caught in "the future where everyone sings what they're doing instead of talking."[4]

Shaestral has a grim determination to defeat her enemies, having returned to Innworld to fight the Dead Gods, despite swearing to never come back. Despite being overpowered and outmatched when facing off against Kasigna on the board of gods, she is still willing to keep going, even being prepared for contingencies after defeating Kasigna.

Background[edit | edit source]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Shaestrel can read people's fates, similar to clairvoyance. She can twist it to a certain extent it, or use it to inform her actions, and guide others. However she often has trouble determining which timeline she is in,

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • (To Ryoka) “Ryoka Griffin. I cannot fight your battle or live it for you. Listen to me. Not every moment need be spent racing towards the goal you and I know. You cannot do it yourself. But listen to me when I tell you it is serious. So…I do not know you. We were not fated friends. But show me why He trusts you. Why Ivolethe does.”
  • (To Ryoka) “…That’s spooky. You laugh like an evil villainess about to send a poor girl into the woods alone or push someone into a burning oven. That sounds like the laughter of a devil spitting in the eye of god.”
  • (To Erin) “Psh. Memories. As if it would be owned by the likes of you. It was a nice trick. But you claimed it. Ghostspeaker. Fae thief. What a marvelous [Innkeeper], to fear not and bow to naught. A witch indeed.

References[edit | edit source]