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Interlude – Senior Guardsman Relc is the 28th chapter of Volume 8.
tl;dr[edit | edit source]
- Relc speaks out against the mistreatment of Gnolls by Cellidel's Drake [Guards].
Synopsis[edit | edit source]
Relc receives a letter from Embria detailing the recent events in Liscor, though markedly absent is any mention of The Wandering Inn.
Relc stews on this as well as his past while clinging to the routine of a guardsman. He increasingly becomes aware of the differing response to Gnoll and Drake criminals, from petty street crime, to a Gnoll robber being beaten nearly to death after being restrained.
Things finally came to a head after Relc placed another Guard under arrest for violence against civilians, His temporary partner Possel planned to ambush Relc with the other senior guards in his home, when Relc turns the tables on Possel.
Characters[edit | edit source]
( * = First Appearance)
- Embria Grasstongue (Only as a Missive)
- Relc Grasstongue
- Cellidel's City Watch *
- Possel *
- Vokkhar / Vok *
- Tesy / Sellme (Name/Alias? Revealed)
- Zevara Sunderscale
- Jeiss Sielmark
Locations[edit | edit source]
Creatures[edit | edit source]
- Cericel (First Introduction)
- Cericel Stalkers (First Introduction)
Items[edit | edit source]
- Relc's Anti-Magic Spear