Wellfar Family

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

The Wellfar Family are one of the Five Families of Izril. Their crest is blue and gold a ship stylized to look like a hook, trailing blue roses.[1]

Background[edit | edit source]

The Wellfar family are one of the Five Families that came from Terandria—fleeing from Terandria, to be exact[2] and together with them are the first humans to ever settle on Izril.

History[edit | edit source]

The Wellfar owned the fleets that allowed the migration to Izril, and they remained powerful at sea and at times even commanded fleets of over 20'000 ships.

Note that maintaining such a gigantic fleet required the Wellfar to have had controlled a huge amount of resources. Naturally, those fleets would probably have been a mixup of a "few" capital galleons and a gros of smaller supporting vessels, but it certainly needed millions of [Sailors] alone to keep those ships afloat, not mentioning massive harbors, shipyards and supply stores all along Izril's coast: The population directly and indirectly in employ of the Wellfar Navy would be comparable to that of several European nations in medieval times, possibly measuring 20 to 50 million Wellfarians.

Three thousand years ago, Lord Shellac Wellfar stole the design for the sailor's telescope from the Drowned-People, and commissioned is own statue in First Landing.[3]

The House of Wellfar has prominent coastal holdings, while they never expanded into the inland of Northern Izril. They control trade and are still rich. Their current trends of profit come from trading sugar and Eir Gel.

Overview[edit | edit source]

House Wellfar is not lead by a single person like the other Five Families, but have a shared authority instead. A meeting of the House is called a Conclave of Ships.[3]

Members of the family are also part of their ships' crews.

The reclusive Wellfar family is plagued by not having enough heirs to uphold the family, resulting in steadily shrinking numbers. Lady Maviola El described this as "Infertile, the lot of them."[4]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

[Dowager]/[Lady] Hetessana Wellfar had been married to a [Ship Lord] of the house before he died prematurely at sea. She was then courted by [Lord] Bein Terland who eventually decided to woo and marry [Lady] Delia Zolde out of love, which caused a scandal.[5][4]

Known Family Members[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]