
From The Wandering Inn Wiki

The Empire of Iltanus was - thousands of years ago - a nation that controlled most of Izril and Terandria. Its center lay in the High Passes.

Background[edit | edit source]

The Empire of Iltanus was populated by Harpies. From the High Citadel of Iltanus in the High Passes, miles above the plains, they ruled over the vast lands of Izril, except for the Walled Cities which did not bow to them.

When the third generation of rulers reigned over Iltanus, some crisis was imminent, which caused the young Empress Sheta - still only 14 years old - to consult Teriarch in the meetingplace of her palace, the Dawn Gazebo, so that the Dragon might help her. He had sworn to leave Iltanus after the death of her father, but could be swayed by her words, and remained the sentinel of the realm.

Eventually, the realm was ruined, Sheta its last [Empress][1], and Iltanus remained a name shrouded in obscurity, forgotten even by most Dragons, with the exception of Teriarch himself who still has pangs of nostalgia sometimes: He had defended the Empire until the last city fell.[2]

Known Dignitaries[edit | edit source]

  • Empress Sheta, First-Wingdaughter
  • High Eminence Teriarch, Starfire Dragon of Iltanus and Ward-Regent of Voltail (Guardian Entity, sworn to loyalty and upholding the nation)

References[edit | edit source]