
From The Wandering Inn Wiki
(Redirected from City of Stars)

Mershi, also known as the City of Stars was a Walled City that fell in antiquity.

Overview[edit | edit source]

A city of [Astronomers], Mershi was one of the most powerful Walled Cities at the time. It had Dragons who helped govern and fight for it.[1]

Mershi is home to great relics, including the Armory of Stars and the Forge of the Star Dragon. They used constellation magic.[2]

Layout[edit | edit source]

Mershi had floating buildings and a tall central spire that could be seen afar.[1]

History[edit | edit source]

Thousands of years ago, before Humans colonized Izril's north, Mershi disappeared overnight, and the surrounding region was lost for another century. [Historians] attribute the City of Stars' fall to a great incident caused by Drake arrogance and hubris.[1]

Belavierr, the Witch of Webs, predicted Mershi's downfall before it happened.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Wistram contains rooms known as the Mershi-lounges[3]
  • They had a local delicacy called Starpuffs, which were cool filled pastries.[4]

References[edit | edit source]