Huntsong Chapter 2.03

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Chapter 2.03
February 13, 2024
Chapter Guide



Chapter 2.02

Chapter 2.04

Chapter List


Chapter 2.03 is the 3rd chapter of Huntsong.

Synopsis[edit | edit source]

As a [Hunter], Haeight goes on solo hunts, taking down groups of undead. During this time, she is sometimes observed by Dorikhem, who mostly criticizes her and takes naps. Two years into her training, she receives a letter from Greina, saying that she is quitting as a [Hunter] and becoming an adventurer, claiming that the Hunter's Guild is corrupt.

Later, Dorikhem reveals that she told Greina to quit, enraging Haeight enough to attack him with her axe; however he easily parries her blows. Dorikhem tells her that the Hunter's Guild is not for dreamers, but Haeight insists on finding out the truth.

Characters[edit | edit source]

( * = First Appearance)

  • Haeight
  • Dorikhem
  • Greina (Mentioned)

Locations[edit | edit source]

Creatures[edit | edit source]

Items[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]