|species = [[Goblins|Hobgoblin]]
|status = <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show Spoiler" data-collapsetext="Hide Spoiler">
Semi-Deceased - Spirit around Numbtongue</div>
|affiliation = *[[Garen Redfang]] (''Formerly'')
*[[Redfang Elite Warriors]]
*[[Flooded Waters Tribe]]
|residence = [[The Wandering Inn]]
|first appearance = [https://wanderinginn.com/2017/07/15/2-37/ Chapter 2.44]
|caption1 = By [[Fanworks/Dmaxcustom|Dmaxcustom]]
'''Shorthilt''' was a [[Goblins|Hobgoblin]] [Weapon Expert] and one of the [[Redfang Elite Warriors]].
He had green skin and crimson eyes. Once he became a Hobgoblin, his height was taller than an average human. He had pointy ears and a rather lengthy, pointed nose. His teeth were pointy and sharp, and had two rows, like a shark.
He had red-colored tattoos that marked his personal identity as a Redfang.
He likes sharpening swords. He is always maintaining his sword, and he refuses to allow the other Goblins to touch it. He was like a snob-Goblin. He was a helpful guy. Silent type. But he mean't <em>too</em> well sometimes, and once sharpened Erin's knives to the point that she nearly cut through her cutting board.<ref>[https://wanderinginn.com/2018/07/28/5-07/ Chapter 5.07]</ref>
* [Weapon Expert] Lv. 24 (derived from [Warrior])<ref name=":5.41">[https://wanderinginn.com/2018/11/27/5-41/ Chapter 5.41]</ref>
** Alternatively [Weapon Master]<ref>[https://wanderinginn.com/2019/02/09/5-58/ Chapter 5.58], [https://wanderinginn.com/2019/02/26/5-62/ Chapter 5.62]</ref>
(For Leveling History see [[Shorthilt/Leveling History|Here]])
* Steel Sword<ref name=":5.41" />
* A parrying dagger<ref name=":5.41" />
* His Name was revealed in [[Chapter 3.20 T|Ch 3.20 T]].
[[File:Goblin War by Pino44io.jpg|center|thumb|600x400px|TWI Art Commission, Drawn by [https://www.deviantart.com/pino44io/art/Battle-Scene-Wandering-Inn-Commission-802083926?loggedin=1 Victor Koroedov] ]]
<gallery widths="230" position="center" orientation="none" captionalign="center" hideaddbutton="true">
Gobo study shorthilt by mg.jpg|Shorthilt by [[Fanworks/mg|mg]]
Shorthilt Animation by PanzerSoul.gif|Shorthilt possessing Numbtonge by [[Fanworks/PanzerSoul|Panzer Soul]]<br />(7.48 K)
GobboGossip by Artsy Nada.jpg|Gobbo Gossip by [[Fanworks/Artsy Nada|Artsy Nada]]
Redfang band.jpg|TWI Art Commission, Drawn by [[Fanworks/Dmaxcustom|Dmaxcustom]]. From Left to Right: [[Headscratcher]], [[Shorthilt]], [[Rabbiteater]], [[Numbtongue]] and [[Badarrow]]
Redfangs by DemonicCriminal.jpeg|Redfangs by [[Fanworks/Demonic Criminal|LeChatDemon]]. From Left to Right: [[Headscratcher]], [[Badarrow]], [[Numbtongue]], [[Shorthilt]] and [[Rabbiteater]]
Redfangs meet Goblin Slayer by DemonicCriminal.jpg|Redfangs meet Goblin Slayer (Crossover) by [[Fanworks/Demonic Criminal|LeChatDemon]]
* ([https://wanderinginn.com/2018/12/25/5-49/ To] [[Erin Solstice|Erin]]) “Helmets. Coif. Vambraces. Oil. Whetstone. Spear. Glaive. Zweihander. Scimitar. Bardiche. Buckler. Pauldrons…”
* ([https://wanderinginn.com/2019/01/15/5-53/ To] [[Greydath]]) “Erin is…good. She is a friend. A <em>friend</em> to Goblins. No one hurts her.”
* ([https://wanderinginn.com/2019/02/09/5-58/ To] [[Garen Redfang|Garen]]) “Every night, I sleep and feel safe. I smile. [[Erin Solstice|She]] gave me this.”
* ([https://wanderinginn.com/2020/09/02/7-43-g/ To] [[Numbtongue]]) “Nice sword. Can I see it?”
[[Category:Bronze-rank Adventurers]]
[[Category:Weapon Experts]]
[[Category:The Wandering Inn Staff]]
[[Category:Redfang Tribe]]
[[Category:Flooded Waters Tribe]]