|name = Valeterisa Imarris
|aliases = *Archmage Valeterisa
|species = [[Humans|Human]]
|age = 65<ref name=":3" />
|status = {{Status|Alive}}
|residence =*[[Feru’s Paradise]]
|first appearance = [https://wanderinginn.com/2020/08/08/interlude-carriages-and-conversations/ Interlude – Carriages and Conversations]
|family = [[Ieka Imarris]] (''Niece'')
|affiliation=[[Terras]]<ref>[https://wanderinginn.com/2021/02/10/8-06-rt/ Chapter 8.06 RT]</ref><br />
[[Montressa du Valeross]] (''Apprentice'')<br />
[[The Adventurer's Haven]]
|image=Vally by mg.jpg|caption1=By [[Fanworks/mg|mg]]}}
'''Valeterisa Imarris''', also known as the '''Archmage of Izril''', is a titled ‘Archmage’ of [[Wistram Academy|Wistram]] from [[Izril]]. She spent over a decade on her private island, with her thought-processes fragmented, in order to crack a grand theory. She didn't realize all the time she had lost until she was finally awakened by [[Ryoka Griffin|Ryoka]].
She is an older woman, <span style="cursor:help" title="9.38 TV (Pt. 1) quote: This is no longer true. You are 65 years old">65 years old</span> <ref name=":3">[https://wanderinginn.com/2023/03/01/9-38-tv-pt-1/ Chapter 9.38 TV (Pt. 1).]</ref><ref name=":8.04 T">[https://wanderinginn.com/2021/01/27/8-04-t/ Chapter 8.04 T]</ref>, who looks surprisingly normal, except for the faintest tinge of magic that hangs about her.<ref>[https://wanderinginn.com/2020/08/13/7-41/ Chapter 7.41]</ref> She has grey hair with blue roots, and blue and grey eyes, which look like distant clouds, as deep as could be.<ref name=":1">[[Chapter 9.14 VM]]</ref> She is thin due to living on tea and vegetables for the last ten plus years, as well as occasionally forgetting to eat.<ref name=":0">[https://wanderinginn.com/2020/09/06/7-44/ Chapter 7.44]</ref>
She wears deep green robes laced with grey across the midsection at a diagonal angle, with the crests of the [[Five Families]] embroidered on the top and the six [[Walled Cities]] on the bottom. They are so heavily enchanted as to be considered the highest grade of Artifact below Relic.<ref name=":1" />
She loves a good statistical anomaly.
TBA from [https://wanderinginn.com/2020/08/13/7-41/ Chapter 7.41] and [https://wanderinginn.com/2020/09/06/7-44/ Chapter 7.44]
Valeterisa is a member of the Imarris noble family of northern Izril, though she is too far removed to be a full member of the nobility, and was born as a Second-Class Citizen of [[Fissival]]. She learned magic from the city's Second-Class crafters of Heneith Street, helped [[Milaw]] make clocks to afford lessons, and worked as a helper in the Grand Librarium organising books and killing silverfish, where she socialized with [[Heorth]] the Djinni. House Imarris sponsored her magical education at Fissival, entering the Draconae Scholarium at elven years old. She was bullied and derided, but was at the top of every class and graduated four years later at fifteen years and Level 23. She didn't stay, but went to study at Wistram. During her time there her parents passed away. She was Level 35 when she graduated from Wistram.<ref name=":1" />
She is famous for her failed business ventures, which she undertakes to fund her research and to buy spellbooks. She had a part in creating the [[Kaalblades]] sold by the [[El Family]].<ref name=":1" />
Nine years ago, she was approached by an [Assassin] for recruitment into the [[Circle of Thorns]], which she turned down. She has been asked privately by numerous individuals to kill the [[Flos Reimarch|King of Destruction]], murder [[Feor]], and attack the [[Antinium]]. But Valeterisa checks that she does not get involved in dangerous plans.<ref name=":1" />
Eight years ago, she reached level 50 and advanced her class, gaining [Parallel Thoughts].<ref name=":2" /> She became trapped in her own mind pursuing her studies, and stayed secluded on her island. Those that came to wake her were captured by her defenses, and starved to death when her mansion's food stores ran out.
*[Grand Magus of Mind and Studies] Lv. 54<ref name=":2">[https://wanderinginn.com/2022/09/10/9-15-vm/ Chapter 9.15 VM]</ref>
**Class consolidations [Student] → [Scholar] → [Mage]
*[Arcane Discovery] (Weekly)
*[Barrier: Arcane Spellguard]
*[Barrier: Crystalline Defense]
*[My Mana Runs Thick as Blood]
*[Parallel Thoughts] / [Parallel Thinking]
*[Spell Alteration: Selective Targeting]
**[Valeterisa’s Complex Seeker Projectiles]
**[Five-fold Arcane Barrier]
**[Accelerate Spell: (''Spell'')]
***[Levitation] / [Levitate]
**[Aura Binding: (''Spell'')]
***[Five-fold Arcane Barrier]
**[Burst Arrows of Light]
**[Conjure Midnight Familiar]
**[Delayed Spell: (''Spell'')]
**[Directed Spell: (''Spell'')]
**[Display Memories: Factoid]
**[Dual Cast: (''Spell'')]
**[Empowered Spell: (''Spell'')]
**[Enhanced Spell: (''Spell'')]
**[Field of Suppression] Tier 5 or 6
**[Floods of Garrh Marsh]
**[Fourfold Arcane Barrier]
**[Greater Fire Resistance]
** [Howl of the Blizzard]
** [Hundredfold Arrows of Light]
**[Hurricane of Darkness]
**[Levitation] / [Levitate]
**[Lightform Platform, Dais]
**[Long Range Teleportation]
**[Meldat’s Burning Rings]
** [Multiplied Stone Fists]
** [Myflta’s Magical Sensor Net]
**[One Thousand Arrows of Fire]
**[Recall Memory] / [Recall Memories]
**[Reduce Spell: (''Spell'')]
**[Summon Shadow Familiar]
**[Thresk’s Steel Warspears]
** [Tier Ascendant: (''Spell'')]
**[Transmutation: Flat Mudscape]
**[Transmutation: Water to Acid]
**[Valeterisa’s Imperfect Comet]
**[Windshear Barrier of Air]
**[Windward Barrier: Self]
*Enchanted Robes = Considered of the highest-grade Artifact below Relic.
*Reinforced Door (''Broken'')
*Mirror of Similarity = Relic-class Artifact that creates a Doppelganger of the reflected person with the same Skills, Magical Abilities, Spells, Exact Strength and Fighting Style. It does not create the reflected person's Gear, Potions and other Items. (x4)
*[Furry Spiders] summoning Artifact
*Manticore summoning Artifact
*Conjured Insects Swarm Artifact
*She refers to Izril by its original name, ''Issrysil.''
*Her age of 65 was revealed in [[Chapter 9.38 TV|Chapter 9.38 TV (Pt. 1)]].
*She once asked [[Fissival]] for the price of the libararian djinni [[Heorth]], as she plans to buy him from them when she has enough money.<ref name=":4">{{VERef|Chapter 10.04 V}}</ref>
*Her favorite archmage in history is [[Valmira]].<ref name=":4" />
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Self yeet by mg.jpg|Self yeet by [[Fanworks/mg|mg]]
Valley by Brack.jpg|Valeterisa by [[Fanworks/Brack|Brack]]
Vally by mg.jpg|Valeterisa by [[Fanworks/mg|mg]]
ValMon.jpg|Valeterisa and [[Montressa]] by [[Fanworks/Brack|Brack]]
*([https://wanderinginn.com/2020/08/13/7-41/ To herself]) “What—what is <em>happening?</em>”
* ([https://wanderinginn.com/2020/08/13/7-41/ To herself] and [[Ryoka Griffin|Ryoka]], [[Salamani]] and [[Serafierre val Lischelle-Drakle|Fierre]]) “Recalling memories…intruders…no audio logs kept…who are you? Answer before I kill you. You have set fire to my isle…how many [Messages]? Count: 4,388…ah. Damage to property estimated…answer me. Who are you?”
*([https://wanderinginn.com/2020/08/13/7-41/ To] [[Ryoka Griffin|Ryoka]], [[Salamani]] and [[Serafierre val Lischelle-Drakle|Fierre]]) “You. Are <em>Runners?</em> You have a delivery for me?”
*([https://wanderinginn.com/2020/08/14/7-42-m/ To herself]) “I forgot to task myself with monitoring them. Oh no. What an error. And they…starved to death? They would have—without food—oh no. Did I forget? What do I do? Were some of them important? I—I—”
*([https://wanderinginn.com/2020/08/14/7-42-m/ Missive to] [[Ieka Imarris|Ieka]]) <em>I am not pleased. But I will speak with you at earliest convenience. Your Runners burned my isle down. Was that intentional? We will meet shortly.</em>
*[https://wanderinginn.com/2020/09/06/7-44/ To herself]:
**“So this is now normal? Mass-broadcast via scrying orb? How strange. How strange. A useful concept, but…why did the academy come up with it? I must ask.”
**“That’s disgusting. Did I eat this the entire time? Wait…wait…[Recall Memories]. Oh. Oh my. That’s a lot of raw vegetables…and I hate potatoes!”
*([https://wanderinginn.com/2020/09/06/7-44/ To] [[Salamani]] & [[Ryoka Griffin|Ryoka]]) “<em>I didn’t mean to.</em> I just—I was trying to protect my work! The last time they hired a [Rogue] and stole my research. It was—oh, Ancestors. Those poor people!”
*([https://wanderinginn.com/2020/09/06/7-44/ To] [[Serafierre val Lischelle-Drakle|Fierre]] & [[Ryoka Griffin|Ryoka]]) “And you two are strange. So strange. [[Serafierre val Lischelle-Drakle|You]]—are you Human? And are <em>[[Ryoka Griffin|you]] </em>Human?”
*([https://wanderinginn.com/2020/09/06/7-44/ To] [[Ryoka Griffin|Ryoka]]) “Secondly, may I have some of your hair? All of it? I feel like something about you is…interesting.”
*([https://wanderinginn.com/2020/09/06/7-44/ To] [[Ieka Imarris|Ieka]]) “Ieka? Hello. It’s me. Valeterisa. Have you forgotten me? It seems I was away for a while…don’t shout, Ieka…”
*([https://wanderinginn.com/2021/04/04/interlude-paradigm-shift-pt-1/ To] [[Eldavin]] (and herself)) “As I have repeatedly stated, I will fully compensate any magical knowledge you can share to the best of my abilities, Eldavin. Note to self: sexual appeal effective? Yes/no? Further testing required.”
*([https://wanderinginn.com/2021/06/22/8-29/ Thoughts]) ''Would you not die for magic? Would you not dive into the heart of it, even if it meant your end? To see the truth?''
*([https://wanderinginn.com/2021/10/03/8-46-g/ To] [[Hekusha]]) “Oh, the Healer of Tenbault. Hello…that is what I would say if I was Valeterisa. Which I’m not, because the Archmage would not socialize with Goblins. You have me mistaken.”
*([https://wanderinginn.com/2021/10/03/8-46-g/ Note to self]) -Visit your niece (Ieka). Very important! Do not forget! Present ten years of birthday presents. Do it now. Don’t forget this time. Hurry up.
*[https://wanderinginn.com/2021/10/03/8-46-g/ To] [[Rags]]:
**“Hello, Chieftain Rags. I am Archmage Valeterisa. Would you like to trade for that key you are holding? May I inspect it? I am a friendly Human…”
**“You know—and I am being social here, hello Chieftain Rags, I hope we can do good business together, please accept this friendliness as a discount for favors owed for magical notes—this entire business with healing someone reminds me of an issue I must look into. Perhaps [Restoration] would help? I am looking into a frozen young woman in…Liscor, The Wandering Inn. How strange. Coincidence. Ahahahaha.”
*([https://wanderinginn.com/2021/11/03/interlude-conversations/ To] [[Garry]]) “You are Antinium. I would like to speak to the Centenium known as Xrn, the Small Queen. I am Archmage Valeterisa of Wistram. I come in peace. Unless we are at war.”
*([https://wanderinginn.com/2021/11/03/interlude-conversations/ To] [[Montressa du Valeross|Montressa]]) “That is what makes us [Mages]. Do not look at losing the rest as despair. Be grateful. Throw yourself deeper into the heart of magic, student. Never look back.”
[[Category:Imarris Family]]
[[Category:Titled Archmages]]
[[Category:Wistram Graduates]]