Laedonius Deviy

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I am the consequences!

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Laedonius Deviy

God of Dance
God of the Dance
God of Meetings
God of Love
God of Dance and Love
God of Love and Meetings
The Gracious Dancer
The Lover
The Friend of the Divine
Patron of Art and Song
Smiling Man
Dancing Man





Falling to his End

Dead Gods


Land of the Dead

First Appearance

Interlude - 4

Laedonius Deviy, also known as the Dancing Man, is a Dead God. He is the God of Dance and Love.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

TBA From Interlude - 4

Personality[edit | edit source]

TBA From Solstice (Pt. 2)

Background[edit | edit source]

He was a part of multiple pantheons before coming to Innworld. His previous homes fell to Seamwalkers.[1]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

TBA From Interlude - 4


TBA From Solstice (Pt. 1)


TBA From Solstice (Pt. 2)


TBA From Solstice (Pt. 3) + Solstice (Pt. 5) + Solstice (Pt. 8) + Solstice (Pt. 9)


TBA From Chapter 8.11 E


TBA From Chapter 8.32


TBA From Chapter 8.41


TBA From Interlude – Songs and Stories


TBA From Chapter 8.61


Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

TBA From Solstice (Pt. 2)

Possessions[edit | edit source]

  • A blowing horn made from an ancient, pure white bone. Once used its call will rise above the loudest horns of the battlefield, and travel in any part of the world, to call the caller's allies and those they loved from wherever the caller stood.[2]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • To Erin:
    • “It has been a long time since we ate anything. Whatever you offer, we will gladly partake.”
    • “Well then. You have fed us and given us the hospitality of your home. For that, we are thankful. And so we have three things to offer you, Erin Solstice. Three gifts.”
    • “We insist. Three gifts, but you may only accept one from us. And in return, on this day, the solstice for which you are named…we would ask only one thing in return.”
    • “I hold a horn made of ancient bone. A thing to protect both hearth and home.”
  • To Luan:
    • “I thought you would like me more than she. I tried to find you last time, you know. But we three went to the first instead and had nothing to offer her. You though—you are surely mine, aren’t you?”
    • “Why not? I know love. I know family. The love of a sister, a wife, a child—this is my domain. This is what I am. Love, friendship, passion. The arts are half mine, half his. I believe in art. You—won’t you even consider it?”
    • “Oh yes. She is for those who have lost love. As opposed to that which tends only to what is lost. Both are a poor match for you. After all—you haven’t lost anything. And yet you have.”
    • “Such harshness. You do not even know what I am. But we—all six of us would like you most of all.”
    • “You stand in another world, Luan. One with such great powers. Do you not want…an advantage? Strength beyond what anyone else could claim? A head start? More?”
    • You make one mistake, Luan. You think there were rules to how we met. Rules for us. There are none.
    • You should have taken my hand.
  • (To those of his domain) “Speak our names, friends. We beg your hospitality. If not yours, then the host of this great event.”
  • (To Tamaroth) “We are denied. Denied.”
  • (To Erin) “You should have taken my gift. But you are not any one of ours. We didn’t know what to make of you.”
  • To Norechl:
    • “Norechl. What are you planning? Come back! This is madness. Even for us. Do you not know what lies there?
    • “Do not. You will ruin all. We will overcome them. There is no point to victory—and this would be no victory if nothing remains. Not even us!

References[edit | edit source]