Gerial Doerisel

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Gerial Doerisel
Hunt Gerial by DemonicCriminal.jpg
Gerial (right) and Hunt (left), By Demonic Criminal







First Appearance

Chapter 1.02 R

Gerial Doerisel was a Silver-rank adventurer and a former member as well as the vice-captain of the Horns of Hammerad.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

He was tall and had a mustache.[1]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Gerial was an adventurer in the core of his personality, who would never quit adventuring.[2] He often wore a bemused, worried expression around Cerial and Calruz.[3]

Background[edit | edit source]

Gerial was born in Invrisil,[4] and had been an adventurer for 8 years.[5]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

TBA From Volume 1

TBA From Volume 8

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Warrior] Lv. 17[6]

Skills:[edit | edit source]

Equipment:[edit | edit source]

  • Shiny chainmail[1]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • (To Ryoka) “That was the most amazing sight I’ve ever—you just ran right past that Lich! Are you insane? Or crazy?”
  • To Erin:
    • “We only met a moment. I was glad to learn that the others survived. And you remembered me. You…”
    • “Hello, Erin. Goodbye.”
    • “If they go through, you should run. I’m already dead. Calruz and Ceria would beat me black and blue if I let you get hurt before me.”
  • (Counting) “Nine thousand nine hundred and three, nine thousand nine hundred and four…
  • (To Cawe) “Now that’s adventurer’s luck. I like that.”
  • (To Erin) “Tell that bull-headed idiot. Tell him…tell him I said…”

References[edit | edit source]