Relationships[edit | edit source]
Family[edit | edit source]
Liska Silverfang[edit | edit source]
Liska is Ishkr's more delinquent type sister. She also works in the Wandering Inn alongside him as a Door Gnoll. She is family but he thinks she is too noisy with relationship drama. But he still cares about her, enough to ask Erin for a job for her.
Friends/Allies[edit | edit source]
Erin Solstice[edit | edit source]
Someone he highly admires but we don't usually notice as Ishkr is a very quiet and in the background. He values the experience he gets from working in Erin's inn where big and magical figures regularly appear. And Erin is the one that causes this to happen.
Mrsha[edit | edit source]
She is the ward of the inn so he is always preparing food or keeping an eye on here if she is around while working.
Lyonette du Marquin[edit | edit source]
Essentially, she is his boss in the inn.
Krshia Silverfang[edit | edit source]
Part of his clan and was the one who connected him to Erin. In the beginning when Erin was looking for more staff to man the inn, Krsha introduced him as a reliable and competent worker.
Others[edit | edit source]
Barnethei[edit | edit source]
A high ranked [Vice Innkeeper] from the Adventurer's Haven. He plans to open a new Inn under Larra's brand and wanted very much to recruit Ishkr to work under him. He came to the Wandering Inn to evaluate it and found Ishkr who is a very skilled and qualified worker there. Ishkr was pretty annoyed by his persistent in trying to entice him but in a spectacular scene, revealed his high level, why he loves his current workplace and says that he doubts his inn can provide the same level of wonder for him.