
From The Wandering Inn Wiki








First Landing

First Appearance

Chapter 8.33 R

Leireit is a Human [Sorcerer] from First Landing.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

He has lime green eyes that can glow orange with violet inner light.[1]

He dresses like a [Mage] out of stories, with robes and a big, floppy hat that was sort of like a wizard’s hat, but had a weaker brim than expected. The hat sparkled with magic, but it was rather like a [Fisherman]’s cap, which is appropriately so, since Leireit was a huge [Fisher] by hobby.[1]

Personality[edit | edit source]

TBA From Chapter 8.33 R

Background[edit | edit source]

TBA From Chapter 8.33 R

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Sorcerer] Lv. 40+[1]
  • [Fisher] Lv. ?

Skills:[edit | edit source]

Spells:[edit | edit source]

  • [Detect Minute Life]
  • [Dispel Magic]
  • [Dispel Magic: Mana Clash]
  • [Enhanced Casting: Tier 4]
  • [Enchanced Focus]
  • [Replenish Mana]

Possessions[edit | edit source]

  • Stave with a glowing ruby jewel atop Mithril.[1]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • (To Ryoka) “It’s very simple. I’m just going to try and dispel the magic, but with my style and Skills. Ready?”
  • (Spell casting) “Dispeeeeell Maaaaagiiiic—”
  • To everyone:
    • That’s a Level 40 [Sorcerer] for you! Hah! I’m levelling tonight! Fetch the wine! Fetch the pretty ladies! Er, those that think I’m quite impressive, not the ladies of bought company.”
    • “This has been a fascinating little adventure, I don’t mind saying. Grand Magi, mysterious spells, and Couriers! And a [Witch]!”
  • (To Charlay) “Is that a kiss from Jasi on it? I will pay you—no, I’ll trade you a wand for—what are you doing waving that around? You should have a stasis spell on it! Do you know how hard those are to get?
  • (To Alevica) “This is proving to be the most entertaining job I’ve had in a while.”

References[edit | edit source]