Palt Fenrisol/Relationships

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Erin Solstice[edit | edit source]

Initially, Palt was scared of Erin after he found out that she’d stabbed Beza and nearly killed Isceil with a pot of sauce, because of what they had done to Pisces, and feared that she was going to harm him when she approached him.[1] After he apologized to her by offering her some gifts, and they talked a few times, Erin while she still mistrusted him, would allow him into her Inn.[2]

After he was able to make a deal with her for the Ullsinoi faction, it was shown that he was debating on how to inviting her for a date, showing that he had some interest in her.[3] It would later be confirmed that he was indeed head-over-hooves over her, as he praises her for being able to creates special moments, brave enough to brawl with Beza, that she’s smart, and can hides behind a mask better than some of the Elusive Lot. More over than that he find her very cute.[4]

References[edit | edit source]