
From The Wandering Inn Wiki

Sikeri the Wyrm









First Appearance

Solstice (Pt. 2)

Sikeri’val-Toreshio-Maresssui is a Wyrm that resides in Avalon.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

She has a vast draconic serpentine body of at least 200 feet long,[1] with slitted eyes, a forked tongue, and has scales of a mix of onyx (black) and byzantium (purple).[2]

Personality[edit | edit source]

TBA From Solstice (Pt. 2) + Chapter 8.35 + Chapter 8.41

Background[edit | edit source]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

TBA From Solstice (Pt. 2)


TBA From Solstice (Pt. 3), (Pt. 5) and (Pt. 9)


TBA From Chapter 8.33 R (Flashback) + Chapter 8.35 (Mentioned)


TBA From Chapter 8.41


TBA From Chapter 8.56


Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • To Ryoka:
    • “This party is why I converse in polite words and deed. Were it not for that, I would say nothing else. For knowledge or favors, I require a worthy gift.
    • “The sky is clear. The light fading. I have known far greater dishes, but these amuse me. Worthless answers for worthless questions. Does it amuse you, mortal girl?
    • “Give me six, and I will answer one small question. Should you ask two, or what is worth more than your paltry gift, I will take what is owed.”
    • I am a Wyrm, girl. Sikeri’val-Toreshio-Maresssui, or so it is in the plain, worthless tongue. I came for my half-kin who still walk this world. For this day of days, in this company. And for free food.”
    • “I had thought to meet him. But he is not here. A pity. Still. This company came only for the trivial pleasures of it. So too, I. You have your answers. I cannot help you with what you desire.”
    • “You can. And you would not suffer for it, believe me. All I want is a promise. A teensy promise for the future. It may never come to pass.”

References[edit | edit source]