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This category sorts the categories of fanart by the respective creators.
This category is designed to sort all images in the Fanwiki by the respective creator. In case that the fanart is an alteration of the image of a previous creator, all creators are tagged. (Cutting the image up, or retouching it a bit doesn't count as an alteration.)
Please also note before uploading that memes or other mashups with copyrighted non-TWI art is a big No-No. For more about that, see [[Help:Fanworks_Policy]]. All creators are supposed to have been asked before their images are uploaded here, again because of copyrights. Best practice is a notification of author consent in each category.
Unlike the the other main fanart-category system that sorts fanart [[:Category:Fanart-by-subject|by the depicted subject]] ("Fanart-of-"), all sub-categories are simply to be named ''Fanart-by-<nowiki><creator></nowiki>''.