Druids are individuals who are connected with nature and channel its powers various in ways.
The class may be obtained in various ways, including but not limited to combining a spellcasting class such as [Mage] with a nature-aligned class such as [Beast Tamer] or [Gardener]. <ref>{{VERef|5.06 M}}</ref>
A [Druid] may lose their class if they take part in activities that are purely detrimental to the natural world or engage in animal cruelty. Note that activities such as the culling of animals to maintain the stability of an ecosystem don't lead to the loss of their class.<ref>{{VERef|Two Rats – Interlude}}</ref><ref name=":0">{{VERef|A Meeting of [Druids] – Interlude}}</ref>
Although their mage spell casting ability is weaker than a [Mage] of an equivalent level, they have access to their own school of magic that has strong ties to the natural world. They tend to have a talent for plant and earth magic but may also gain the abilities to summon plagues of insects or even heal wounds.<ref>{{VERef|10.29 M}}</ref>
It is common for a high-level druid to possess the ability to communicate to some extent with the living beings involved in whatever they choose to specialise in, be it animals, plants, or insects.
They have the ability to connect mentally with each other, allowing them to tell if an individual is a druid and communicate telepathically.<ref name=":0" />
Due to the stringent rules that they must follow to maintain their class - when compared to other classes - druids have the ability to enter nature-aliened domain/dimension skills, as long as they follow the rules of the area, without needing the skill owner's permission. An example of an applicable skill would be the [[Garden of Sanctuary|[Garden of Sanctuary]]].<ref name=":0" />
* [Boneweaver Druid] - a [Druid] that heals the broken bones of animals
* [Druid of the Lucky World, Child of Omens; Ember of the Eternal Solstice]
* [Druid of the Old Ways]
* [Druidess] - class for a female [Druid]
* [Fatebreaker Child] (through consolidation, derived from [Emberbearer] along with [Scribblequill Student] and [Last Survivor]).
* [Lucky Survivor of the Promise] (through consolidation, derived from [Last Survivor] along with [Rogue], [Mage], [Warrior], and [Emberbearer])
This is a list of spells associated with [Druids]. Note that most of these spells fall under earth or green magic, which druids find easy to learn rather than the subsection of magic referred to as "Druid magic".
** [Thorn Hand] or [Thorn Paw]
** [Hand of the Colossus of Diamonds, Auxmet's Fist] *
** [Thorn of the World Tree: Bneiisrye] *
* [Body: Ocean of Mana (Nature)]
* [Challenge of the Wilds]
* [Manor Eimland of House Veltras]
* [Natural Allies: Fortress Beavers]
* [Natural Gift: Fur of the Fortress]
* [Origin Racdelbear Fur]
* [Supreme Authority of the Wild Circles]
* [Wild Call: Howl of the Continent]
* Godreiad<ref>{{VERef|Goblin Days (Pt. 7) – No Answers and Answers}}</ref>
According to [[Taletevirion]], eleven [Druid] circles of note remain in the world. This list likely includes:
* The [Druids] of [[Gaarh Marsh Tribe|Gaarh Marsh]]
* The [[Chandrar|Chandrarian]] [Druids] formerly of Tiqr
* [Druids] of [[Ailendamus]] who guard the forest of Fitern
* 5 other unknown circles
* Since [Druids] exist among the Gnolls in the modern age, it is presumed that [Shamans] can also take up the class.